Six weeks until the sh*t hits the fan for America

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Six weeks until the sh*t hits the fan for America
« on: July 08, 2009, 07:57:35 PM »
Millions of Americans will run out of their unemployment benefits (after like a million extensions) all at once in six weeks.  We are already at 9.5% unemployment ant that number is almost certain to creep into double-digits before long. More people coming off unemployment at once since it began. 

It's going to get ugly real soon.  Another extension would only be like putting a bandaid on a bullet wound. 

Re: Six weeks until the sh*t hits the fan for America
« Reply #1 on: July 08, 2009, 09:13:22 PM »
That was me in 2002 after 9/11. The week my unemployement ran out a consultant firm hired me to do some reconcilement work at the Bank of New York. Took me over a year just to land a consultanting gig. The Pres was left with a historic mess and it is going to take years not months for a turnaround. I just thank God I have a job and I will continue to pray for those who r out of work.

Re: Six weeks until the sh*t hits the fan for America
« Reply #2 on: July 15, 2009, 11:24:44 PM »
With CIT being denied further govt aid we are going over 10% very soon

Re: Six weeks until the sh*t hits the fan for America
« Reply #3 on: July 16, 2009, 01:06:34 AM »
Something that is messed up. This lady at work left the job because her kids were home for the summer. So she is collecting unemployment as the owners agreed to say they fired her. So basically she is just collecting a paycheck without working. I was really pissed when I heard this.
Follow Johnny Jungle on Twitter at @Johnny_Jungle


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Re: Six weeks until the sh*t hits the fan for America
« Reply #4 on: July 16, 2009, 08:00:50 AM »
  I love how now everyone says it will take us years to recover ( i happen to agree).  But there was such an urgent , pressing need to pass the Stimulus package that most of Congress was forced to vote yes without reading it.    What was the rush, clearly nothing has been stimulated yet.


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Re: Six weeks until the sh*t hits the fan for America
« Reply #5 on: July 16, 2009, 08:15:31 AM »
Something that is messed up. This lady at work left the job because her kids were home for the summer. So she is collecting unemployment as the owners agreed to say they fired her. So basically she is just collecting a paycheck without working. I was really pissed when I heard this.

   I will say that people work hard for x amount of years and pay into the unemployment system while they are employed through their taxes.  If you have paid into a system, i have no problem with those who make it work for them when they need it to.  Lord knows their are a lot worse abuses of your hard earned dollars elsewhere. 
 Also, if you are fired, you are not elegible for unemployment benefits,  you must be downsized or let go as a result of shrinking business.

Re: Six weeks until the sh*t hits the fan for America
« Reply #6 on: July 16, 2009, 11:54:53 AM »
actually there are ways to collect unemplyment if you are fired. If you got canned for misconduct you definitely cant but some other circumstances you can

Re: Six weeks until the sh*t hits the fan for America
« Reply #7 on: July 16, 2009, 02:07:32 PM »
She didn't get canned though. She left on her own will.

Sure she is a nice lady and all but if she is 1 of a million who do this then it adds up. Why should part of my paycheck go to her sitting on the beach all the day.
Follow Johnny Jungle on Twitter at @Johnny_Jungle

Re: Six weeks until the sh*t hits the fan for America
« Reply #8 on: July 16, 2009, 02:45:08 PM »
She didn't get canned though. She left on her own will.

Sure she is a nice lady and all but if she is 1 of a million who do this then it adds up. Why should part of my paycheck go to her sitting on the beach all the day.

Straight up.
Low level corruption still is corruption.
Parking only for NYCHA permit holders.

Re: Six weeks until the sh*t hits the fan for America
« Reply #9 on: July 16, 2009, 03:29:51 PM »
She didn't get canned though. She left on her own will.

Sure she is a nice lady and all but if she is 1 of a million who do this then it adds up. Why should part of my paycheck go to her sitting on the beach all the day.

Share the wealth Dave.


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Re: Six weeks until the sh*t hits the fan for America
« Reply #10 on: July 16, 2009, 03:55:19 PM »
Something that is messed up. This lady at work left the job because her kids were home for the summer. So she is collecting unemployment as the owners agreed to say they fired her. So basically she is just collecting a paycheck without working. I was really pissed when I heard this.

Your job will be hit with a higher bill for that.  Getting unemployment is something you have to earn.   It's not anything like welfare or food stamps.  You have to fit some strict criteria to be eligible, including length of employment. 

Re: Six weeks until the sh*t hits the fan for America
« Reply #11 on: July 22, 2009, 11:23:45 PM »
It's really depressing how many people use the systems that are put in place. On a different note, I really hope Obamas "Wealth Tax" goes through to fund a health care policy.
« Last Edit: July 22, 2009, 11:24:28 PM by Johnny4Life »