Who are you voting for..?

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Re: Who are you voting for..?
« Reply #20 on: November 03, 2016, 10:39:59 PM »
Trump is nothing more than a two bit con artist. He thinks he's above the law. The guy hasn't released his complete tax returns for the last 20+ years. TrumpU fraud. Total scammer who I don't trust for a second.

But Hillary isn't a con artist? Hillary doesn't think she's above the law? You'd trust Hillary? What planet do you live on?


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Re: Who are you voting for..?
« Reply #21 on: November 03, 2016, 10:40:39 PM »
Hillary.  Trump is the loud guy at the end of the bar.

That's a bit of an understatement. Also he's an uneducated racist unqualified pos.

Hillary is equally unqualified. Felons aren't allowed to vote but they can run for president I guess.

Both candidates are horrendous. Hillary has "experience" but so does Steve Lavin but nobody wants him to be their head coach because he's sucked in that experience, just like Hillary has in hers. She's also a liar and probably one of the most corrupt politicians in the history of this country, which is probably her greatest accomplishment considering how many corrupt politicians there have been. She flip flops on issues depending on who she's talking to as she'll say anything to get elected. I could keep going but you get the point.

Trump thinks he knows everything when he clearly doesn't. He saying he'll make America great again but doesn't offer any real plans for how he will accomplish that. Personally, he's at best just a dope and at worst actually a racist and misogynist. He's running as a Republican and Conservative yet he's donated tons of money to liberal politician's campaigns in the past.

I really don't understand the people that are so pro Hillary or pro Trump. I do understand how people can reluctantly vote for one of them because the other option is so terrible, which really is sad that in a country of 320 million people we have to choose the next President based on which one is less terrible.

I'll be a reluctant Trump voter because even though he's a terrible candidate in his own right I just think Hillary is much worse. Plus I'm a Conservative and would like to see Obamacare repealed and don't want Hillary or any liberals being able to appoint multiple Supreme Court justices.

The worst thing is that whoever wins won't even give their party a chance to nominate a better candidate in 4 years, but after the DNC rigged their primary process for Hillary and Republicans nominated Trump over a few other way better options, neither party deserves it.

I'm still waiting for a good reason not to vote for Hillary. Benghazi? I don't give a shit. Emails? I don't give a shit. She wasn't smiling when Mary J Blige sang to her? Again, I don't give a shit. It's all a load of bullshit that the GOP made into something.

A lot of people don't like Hillary. I don't think this country deserves a President that they like.
« Last Edit: November 03, 2016, 10:41:14 PM by Poison »


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Re: Who are you voting for..?
« Reply #22 on: November 03, 2016, 10:48:27 PM »
Writing in a name.   Both are not valid choices for any sane person.   


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Re: Who are you voting for..?
« Reply #23 on: November 03, 2016, 10:50:30 PM »
Hillary.  Trump is the loud guy at the end of the bar.

That's a bit of an understatement. Also he's an uneducated racist unqualified pos.

Hillary is equally unqualified. Felons aren't allowed to vote but they can run for president I guess.

Both candidates are horrendous. Hillary has "experience" but so does Steve Lavin but nobody wants him to be their head coach because he's sucked in that experience, just like Hillary has in hers. She's also a liar and probably one of the most corrupt politicians in the history of this country, which is probably her greatest accomplishment considering how many corrupt politicians there have been. She flip flops on issues depending on who she's talking to as she'll say anything to get elected. I could keep going but you get the point.

Trump thinks he knows everything when he clearly doesn't. He saying he'll make America great again but doesn't offer any real plans for how he will accomplish that. Personally, he's at best just a dope and at worst actually a racist and misogynist. He's running as a Republican and Conservative yet he's donated tons of money to liberal politician's campaigns in the past.

I really don't understand the people that are so pro Hillary or pro Trump. I do understand how people can reluctantly vote for one of them because the other option is so terrible, which really is sad that in a country of 320 million people we have to choose the next President based on which one is less terrible.

I'll be a reluctant Trump voter because even though he's a terrible candidate in his own right I just think Hillary is much worse. Plus I'm a Conservative and would like to see Obamacare repealed and don't want Hillary or any liberals being able to appoint multiple Supreme Court justices.

The worst thing is that whoever wins won't even give their party a chance to nominate a better candidate in 4 years, but after the DNC rigged their primary process for Hillary and Republicans nominated Trump over a few other way better options, neither party deserves it.

I'm still waiting for a good reason not to vote for Hillary. Benghazi? I don't give a shit. Emails? I don't give a shit. She wasn't smiling when Mary J Blige sang to her? Again, I don't give a shit. It's all a load of bullshit that the GOP made into something.

A lot of people don't like Hillary. I don't think this country deserves a President that they like.

Nice to know that you don't give a shit about 4 Americans dying under her watch when they didn't have to or that she broke the law and put the country's safety at risk. Or that her foundation accepts donations from foreign governments and only actually gives 10% to charity. Or that Isis became a legitimate threat under her and Obama's watch when that could have been stopped. Or that the middle east was completely destabilized under her and Obama's watch. Or that she agreed to give Russia 20% of our Uranium supply and then claims Russia is a huge threat to our safety. Or that she claims she wants open borders (which basically means we don't have a country). Or that she and the DNC rigged the primary process to ensure she won.

I do understand the Trump hate. I really do. But if you really think Hillary is even a little bit qualified to be president you are just ignoring reality


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Re: Who are you voting for..?
« Reply #24 on: November 03, 2016, 10:55:52 PM »
Hillary.  Trump is the loud guy at the end of the bar.

That's a bit of an understatement. Also he's an uneducated racist unqualified pos.

Hillary is equally unqualified. Felons aren't allowed to vote but they can run for president I guess.

Both candidates are horrendous. Hillary has "experience" but so does Steve Lavin but nobody wants him to be their head coach because he's sucked in that experience, just like Hillary has in hers. She's also a liar and probably one of the most corrupt politicians in the history of this country, which is probably her greatest accomplishment considering how many corrupt politicians there have been. She flip flops on issues depending on who she's talking to as she'll say anything to get elected. I could keep going but you get the point.

Trump thinks he knows everything when he clearly doesn't. He saying he'll make America great again but doesn't offer any real plans for how he will accomplish that. Personally, he's at best just a dope and at worst actually a racist and misogynist. He's running as a Republican and Conservative yet he's donated tons of money to liberal politician's campaigns in the past.

I really don't understand the people that are so pro Hillary or pro Trump. I do understand how people can reluctantly vote for one of them because the other option is so terrible, which really is sad that in a country of 320 million people we have to choose the next President based on which one is less terrible.

I'll be a reluctant Trump voter because even though he's a terrible candidate in his own right I just think Hillary is much worse. Plus I'm a Conservative and would like to see Obamacare repealed and don't want Hillary or any liberals being able to appoint multiple Supreme Court justices.

The worst thing is that whoever wins won't even give their party a chance to nominate a better candidate in 4 years, but after the DNC rigged their primary process for Hillary and Republicans nominated Trump over a few other way better options, neither party deserves it.

I'm still waiting for a good reason not to vote for Hillary. Benghazi? I don't give a shit. Emails? I don't give a shit. She wasn't smiling when Mary J Blige sang to her? Again, I don't give a shit. It's all a load of bullshit that the GOP made into something.

A lot of people don't like Hillary. I don't think this country deserves a President that they like.

And yeah the email thing is just something the GOP overexaggerated despite the reality that Comey (an Obama appointee) is reopening the investigation after a bunch of senior FBI agents threatened to resign and go public because of how badly the investigation was handled in the first place. FBI Directors sure do love ruffling the feathers of the next President before she takes office for just a GOP creation. Pretty sure Hillary and her team wouldn't have destroyed 33,000 of those emails if it wasn't just a GOP creation


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Re: Who are you voting for..?
« Reply #25 on: November 03, 2016, 10:59:04 PM »
Hillary.  Trump is the loud guy at the end of the bar.

That's a bit of an understatement. Also he's an uneducated racist unqualified pos.

Hillary is equally unqualified. Felons aren't allowed to vote but they can run for president I guess.

Both candidates are horrendous. Hillary has "experience" but so does Steve Lavin but nobody wants him to be their head coach because he's sucked in that experience, just like Hillary has in hers. She's also a liar and probably one of the most corrupt politicians in the history of this country, which is probably her greatest accomplishment considering how many corrupt politicians there have been. She flip flops on issues depending on who she's talking to as she'll say anything to get elected. I could keep going but you get the point.

Trump thinks he knows everything when he clearly doesn't. He saying he'll make America great again but doesn't offer any real plans for how he will accomplish that. Personally, he's at best just a dope and at worst actually a racist and misogynist. He's running as a Republican and Conservative yet he's donated tons of money to liberal politician's campaigns in the past.

I really don't understand the people that are so pro Hillary or pro Trump. I do understand how people can reluctantly vote for one of them because the other option is so terrible, which really is sad that in a country of 320 million people we have to choose the next President based on which one is less terrible.

I'll be a reluctant Trump voter because even though he's a terrible candidate in his own right I just think Hillary is much worse. Plus I'm a Conservative and would like to see Obamacare repealed and don't want Hillary or any liberals being able to appoint multiple Supreme Court justices.

The worst thing is that whoever wins won't even give their party a chance to nominate a better candidate in 4 years, but after the DNC rigged their primary process for Hillary and Republicans nominated Trump over a few other way better options, neither party deserves it.

I'm still waiting for a good reason not to vote for Hillary. Benghazi? I don't give a shit. Emails? I don't give a shit. She wasn't smiling when Mary J Blige sang to her? Again, I don't give a shit. It's all a load of bullshit that the GOP made into something.

A lot of people don't like Hillary. I don't think this country deserves a President that they like.

Nice to know that you don't give a shit about 4 Americans dying under her watch when they didn't have to or that she broke the law and put the country's safety at risk. Or that her foundation accepts donations from foreign governments and only actually gives 10% to charity. Or that Isis became a legitimate threat under her and Obama's watch when that could have been stopped. Or that the middle east was completely destabilized under her and Obama's watch. Or that she agreed to give Russia 20% of our Uranium supply and then claims Russia is a huge threat to our safety. Or that she claims she wants open borders (which basically means we don't have a country). Or that she and the DNC rigged the primary process to ensure she won.

I do understand the Trump hate. I really do. But if you really think Hillary is even a little bit qualified to be president you are just ignoring reality

Let me be perfectly clear. I don't give a shit about 4 Americans who were killed in Libya. Don't go to Libya. She didn't send them to Club Med. I've heard the BS about the foundation. That's a load of shit. I'm sorry that you dislike her so because she's going to destroy him on Tuesday.

Re: Who are you voting for..?
« Reply #26 on: November 03, 2016, 11:01:22 PM »
Hillary.  Trump is the loud guy at the end of the bar.

That's a bit of an understatement. Also he's an uneducated racist unqualified pos.

Illegal immigrants are not a race

There are 11 million undocumented illegals living in our country and not paying taxes. They have been living off of our system. Actually, so has Trump. There isn't a single skill that he brings to the table. On his very best day, he's just an uneducated child.

Trump pays his taxes and uses whatever deductions allowed by law. Same as you and I and the rest of tax paying AMERICANS.

So why is Trump a racist?

He's a racist because he thinks he has the right to paint an entire religion with the same brush.
He said that we shouldn't allow Muslims into our country. What the hell does Trump know about who we are letting into our country? Think he'd fix our problem with illegal immigrants? How?

Don't get me wrong, I'm sure he doesn't think he's racist. He has his own mouth to blame for losing this election. He could have had a chance if he knew when to shut up, but he's not smart enough. Hillary destroyed him in 3 debates.

Muslim is not a race or nationality.


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Re: Who are you voting for..?
« Reply #27 on: November 03, 2016, 11:02:29 PM »
Hillary.  Trump is the loud guy at the end of the bar.

That's a bit of an understatement. Also he's an uneducated racist unqualified pos.

Hillary is equally unqualified. Felons aren't allowed to vote but they can run for president I guess.

Both candidates are horrendous. Hillary has "experience" but so does Steve Lavin but nobody wants him to be their head coach because he's sucked in that experience, just like Hillary has in hers. She's also a liar and probably one of the most corrupt politicians in the history of this country, which is probably her greatest accomplishment considering how many corrupt politicians there have been. She flip flops on issues depending on who she's talking to as she'll say anything to get elected. I could keep going but you get the point.

Trump thinks he knows everything when he clearly doesn't. He saying he'll make America great again but doesn't offer any real plans for how he will accomplish that. Personally, he's at best just a dope and at worst actually a racist and misogynist. He's running as a Republican and Conservative yet he's donated tons of money to liberal politician's campaigns in the past.

I really don't understand the people that are so pro Hillary or pro Trump. I do understand how people can reluctantly vote for one of them because the other option is so terrible, which really is sad that in a country of 320 million people we have to choose the next President based on which one is less terrible.

I'll be a reluctant Trump voter because even though he's a terrible candidate in his own right I just think Hillary is much worse. Plus I'm a Conservative and would like to see Obamacare repealed and don't want Hillary or any liberals being able to appoint multiple Supreme Court justices.

The worst thing is that whoever wins won't even give their party a chance to nominate a better candidate in 4 years, but after the DNC rigged their primary process for Hillary and Republicans nominated Trump over a few other way better options, neither party deserves it.

I'm still waiting for a good reason not to vote for Hillary. Benghazi? I don't give a shit. Emails? I don't give a shit. She wasn't smiling when Mary J Blige sang to her? Again, I don't give a shit. It's all a load of bullshit that the GOP made into something.

A lot of people don't like Hillary. I don't think this country deserves a President that they like.

Nice to know that you don't give a shit about 4 Americans dying under her watch when they didn't have to or that she broke the law and put the country's safety at risk. Or that her foundation accepts donations from foreign governments and only actually gives 10% to charity. Or that Isis became a legitimate threat under her and Obama's watch when that could have been stopped. Or that the middle east was completely destabilized under her and Obama's watch. Or that she agreed to give Russia 20% of our Uranium supply and then claims Russia is a huge threat to our safety. Or that she claims she wants open borders (which basically means we don't have a country). Or that she and the DNC rigged the primary process to ensure she won.

I do understand the Trump hate. I really do. But if you really think Hillary is even a little bit qualified to be president you are just ignoring reality

Let me be perfectly clear. I don't give a shit about 4 Americans who were killed in Libya. Don't go to Libya. She didn't send them to Club Med. I've heard the BS about the foundation. That's a load of shit. I'm sorry that you dislike her so because she's going to destroy him on Tuesday.

You really a #$%^ing idiot if you think not helping an American Ambassador in danger isn't a big deal.
« Last Edit: November 03, 2016, 11:03:03 PM by goredmen »

Re: Who are you voting for..?
« Reply #28 on: November 03, 2016, 11:02:48 PM »

Trump-Make America Great Again                                                                                                                             Hillary-Stronger Together                                                                                                                                           Poison-I Don't Give A Shit


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Re: Who are you voting for..?
« Reply #29 on: November 03, 2016, 11:04:18 PM »
Hillary.  Trump is the loud guy at the end of the bar.

That's a bit of an understatement. Also he's an uneducated racist unqualified pos.

Hillary is equally unqualified. Felons aren't allowed to vote but they can run for president I guess.

Both candidates are horrendous. Hillary has "experience" but so does Steve Lavin but nobody wants him to be their head coach because he's sucked in that experience, just like Hillary has in hers. She's also a liar and probably one of the most corrupt politicians in the history of this country, which is probably her greatest accomplishment considering how many corrupt politicians there have been. She flip flops on issues depending on who she's talking to as she'll say anything to get elected. I could keep going but you get the point.

Trump thinks he knows everything when he clearly doesn't. He saying he'll make America great again but doesn't offer any real plans for how he will accomplish that. Personally, he's at best just a dope and at worst actually a racist and misogynist. He's running as a Republican and Conservative yet he's donated tons of money to liberal politician's campaigns in the past.

I really don't understand the people that are so pro Hillary or pro Trump. I do understand how people can reluctantly vote for one of them because the other option is so terrible, which really is sad that in a country of 320 million people we have to choose the next President based on which one is less terrible.

I'll be a reluctant Trump voter because even though he's a terrible candidate in his own right I just think Hillary is much worse. Plus I'm a Conservative and would like to see Obamacare repealed and don't want Hillary or any liberals being able to appoint multiple Supreme Court justices.

The worst thing is that whoever wins won't even give their party a chance to nominate a better candidate in 4 years, but after the DNC rigged their primary process for Hillary and Republicans nominated Trump over a few other way better options, neither party deserves it.

I'm still waiting for a good reason not to vote for Hillary. Benghazi? I don't give a shit. Emails? I don't give a shit. She wasn't smiling when Mary J Blige sang to her? Again, I don't give a shit. It's all a load of bullshit that the GOP made into something.

A lot of people don't like Hillary. I don't think this country deserves a President that they like.

And yeah the email thing is just something the GOP overexaggerated despite the reality that Comey (an Obama appointee) is reopening the investigation after a bunch of senior FBI agents threatened to resign and go public because of how badly the investigation was handled in the first place. FBI Directors sure do love ruffling the feathers of the next President before she takes office for just a GOP creation. Pretty sure Hillary and her team wouldn't have destroyed 33,000 of those emails if it wasn't just a GOP creation

Don't give a shit about the emails. Not one shit. And F the FBI for wasting our tax dollars on this nonsense. They need to be ripped apart along with the house this January. Hillary isn't taking any prisoners. She waited for this, and I'm counting on her destroying the GOP once and for all.

Also, I expect Trump will be in prison by this time next year. And he will most certainly be killed while he's incarcerated. Hopefully, by a half Muslim and half Latino lesbian.
« Last Edit: November 03, 2016, 11:05:15 PM by Poison »


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Re: Who are you voting for..?
« Reply #30 on: November 03, 2016, 11:05:15 PM »
Hillary.  Trump is the loud guy at the end of the bar.

That's a bit of an understatement. Also he's an uneducated racist unqualified pos.

Hillary is equally unqualified. Felons aren't allowed to vote but they can run for president I guess.

Both candidates are horrendous. Hillary has "experience" but so does Steve Lavin but nobody wants him to be their head coach because he's sucked in that experience, just like Hillary has in hers. She's also a liar and probably one of the most corrupt politicians in the history of this country, which is probably her greatest accomplishment considering how many corrupt politicians there have been. She flip flops on issues depending on who she's talking to as she'll say anything to get elected. I could keep going but you get the point.

Trump thinks he knows everything when he clearly doesn't. He saying he'll make America great again but doesn't offer any real plans for how he will accomplish that. Personally, he's at best just a dope and at worst actually a racist and misogynist. He's running as a Republican and Conservative yet he's donated tons of money to liberal politician's campaigns in the past.

I really don't understand the people that are so pro Hillary or pro Trump. I do understand how people can reluctantly vote for one of them because the other option is so terrible, which really is sad that in a country of 320 million people we have to choose the next President based on which one is less terrible.

I'll be a reluctant Trump voter because even though he's a terrible candidate in his own right I just think Hillary is much worse. Plus I'm a Conservative and would like to see Obamacare repealed and don't want Hillary or any liberals being able to appoint multiple Supreme Court justices.

The worst thing is that whoever wins won't even give their party a chance to nominate a better candidate in 4 years, but after the DNC rigged their primary process for Hillary and Republicans nominated Trump over a few other way better options, neither party deserves it.

I'm still waiting for a good reason not to vote for Hillary. Benghazi? I don't give a shit. Emails? I don't give a shit. She wasn't smiling when Mary J Blige sang to her? Again, I don't give a shit. It's all a load of bullshit that the GOP made into something.

A lot of people don't like Hillary. I don't think this country deserves a President that they like.

And yeah the email thing is just something the GOP overexaggerated despite the reality that Comey (an Obama appointee) is reopening the investigation after a bunch of senior FBI agents threatened to resign and go public because of how badly the investigation was handled in the first place. FBI Directors sure do love ruffling the feathers of the next President before she takes office for just a GOP creation. Pretty sure Hillary and her team wouldn't have destroyed 33,000 of those emails if it wasn't just a GOP creation

Don't give a shit about the emails. Not one shit. And F the FBI for wasting our tax dollars on this nonsense. They need to ripped apart along with the house this January. Hillary isn't taking any prisoners. She waited for this, and I'm counting on her destroying the GOP once and for all.

Also, I expect Trump will be in prison by this time next year. And he will most certainly be killed while he's incarcerated. Hopefully, by a half Muslim and half Latino lesbian.

But yeah, Trump supporters are the deplorables and the ones full of hate.

How dare the FBI investigate when somebody puts the safety of the American people in danger. How dare they investigate her. Don't they know she's above the law and it's her turn!
« Last Edit: November 03, 2016, 11:06:26 PM by goredmen »


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Re: Who are you voting for..?
« Reply #31 on: November 03, 2016, 11:06:30 PM »

Trump-Make America Great Again                                                                                                                             Hillary-Stronger Together                                                                                                                                           Poison-I Don't Give A Shit

What point in American history do you believe Trump is referring to? What specifically is the again?


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Re: Who are you voting for..?
« Reply #32 on: November 03, 2016, 11:09:34 PM »
Hillary.  Trump is the loud guy at the end of the bar.

That's a bit of an understatement. Also he's an uneducated racist unqualified pos.

Hillary is equally unqualified. Felons aren't allowed to vote but they can run for president I guess.

Both candidates are horrendous. Hillary has "experience" but so does Steve Lavin but nobody wants him to be their head coach because he's sucked in that experience, just like Hillary has in hers. She's also a liar and probably one of the most corrupt politicians in the history of this country, which is probably her greatest accomplishment considering how many corrupt politicians there have been. She flip flops on issues depending on who she's talking to as she'll say anything to get elected. I could keep going but you get the point.

Trump thinks he knows everything when he clearly doesn't. He saying he'll make America great again but doesn't offer any real plans for how he will accomplish that. Personally, he's at best just a dope and at worst actually a racist and misogynist. He's running as a Republican and Conservative yet he's donated tons of money to liberal politician's campaigns in the past.

I really don't understand the people that are so pro Hillary or pro Trump. I do understand how people can reluctantly vote for one of them because the other option is so terrible, which really is sad that in a country of 320 million people we have to choose the next President based on which one is less terrible.

I'll be a reluctant Trump voter because even though he's a terrible candidate in his own right I just think Hillary is much worse. Plus I'm a Conservative and would like to see Obamacare repealed and don't want Hillary or any liberals being able to appoint multiple Supreme Court justices.

The worst thing is that whoever wins won't even give their party a chance to nominate a better candidate in 4 years, but after the DNC rigged their primary process for Hillary and Republicans nominated Trump over a few other way better options, neither party deserves it.

I'm still waiting for a good reason not to vote for Hillary. Benghazi? I don't give a shit. Emails? I don't give a shit. She wasn't smiling when Mary J Blige sang to her? Again, I don't give a shit. It's all a load of bullshit that the GOP made into something.

A lot of people don't like Hillary. I don't think this country deserves a President that they like.

Nice to know that you don't give a shit about 4 Americans dying under her watch when they didn't have to or that she broke the law and put the country's safety at risk. Or that her foundation accepts donations from foreign governments and only actually gives 10% to charity. Or that Isis became a legitimate threat under her and Obama's watch when that could have been stopped. Or that the middle east was completely destabilized under her and Obama's watch. Or that she agreed to give Russia 20% of our Uranium supply and then claims Russia is a huge threat to our safety. Or that she claims she wants open borders (which basically means we don't have a country). Or that she and the DNC rigged the primary process to ensure she won.

I do understand the Trump hate. I really do. But if you really think Hillary is even a little bit qualified to be president you are just ignoring reality

Let me be perfectly clear. I don't give a shit about 4 Americans who were killed in Libya. Don't go to Libya. She didn't send them to Club Med. I've heard the BS about the foundation. That's a load of shit. I'm sorry that you dislike her so because she's going to destroy him on Tuesday.

You really a #$%^ing idiot if you think not helping an American Ambassador in danger isn't a big deal.

No, that's not what I said. This is a non issue. It's Libya. It's Crazy Town, and in Crazy Town crazy things happen. Americans that blame Hillary for that without knowing what actually happened are the idiots. Is it sad? Sure? Am I sad? Ok, yes, if that makes you happy. But do I think that the American people deserve an explanation? F no.
« Last Edit: November 03, 2016, 11:10:18 PM by Poison »


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Re: Who are you voting for..?
« Reply #33 on: November 03, 2016, 11:10:38 PM »
Hillary.  Trump is the loud guy at the end of the bar.

That's a bit of an understatement. Also he's an uneducated racist unqualified pos.

Hillary is equally unqualified. Felons aren't allowed to vote but they can run for president I guess.

Both candidates are horrendous. Hillary has "experience" but so does Steve Lavin but nobody wants him to be their head coach because he's sucked in that experience, just like Hillary has in hers. She's also a liar and probably one of the most corrupt politicians in the history of this country, which is probably her greatest accomplishment considering how many corrupt politicians there have been. She flip flops on issues depending on who she's talking to as she'll say anything to get elected. I could keep going but you get the point.

Trump thinks he knows everything when he clearly doesn't. He saying he'll make America great again but doesn't offer any real plans for how he will accomplish that. Personally, he's at best just a dope and at worst actually a racist and misogynist. He's running as a Republican and Conservative yet he's donated tons of money to liberal politician's campaigns in the past.

I really don't understand the people that are so pro Hillary or pro Trump. I do understand how people can reluctantly vote for one of them because the other option is so terrible, which really is sad that in a country of 320 million people we have to choose the next President based on which one is less terrible.

I'll be a reluctant Trump voter because even though he's a terrible candidate in his own right I just think Hillary is much worse. Plus I'm a Conservative and would like to see Obamacare repealed and don't want Hillary or any liberals being able to appoint multiple Supreme Court justices.

The worst thing is that whoever wins won't even give their party a chance to nominate a better candidate in 4 years, but after the DNC rigged their primary process for Hillary and Republicans nominated Trump over a few other way better options, neither party deserves it.

I'm still waiting for a good reason not to vote for Hillary. Benghazi? I don't give a shit. Emails? I don't give a shit. She wasn't smiling when Mary J Blige sang to her? Again, I don't give a shit. It's all a load of bullshit that the GOP made into something.

A lot of people don't like Hillary. I don't think this country deserves a President that they like.

Nice to know that you don't give a shit about 4 Americans dying under her watch when they didn't have to or that she broke the law and put the country's safety at risk. Or that her foundation accepts donations from foreign governments and only actually gives 10% to charity. Or that Isis became a legitimate threat under her and Obama's watch when that could have been stopped. Or that the middle east was completely destabilized under her and Obama's watch. Or that she agreed to give Russia 20% of our Uranium supply and then claims Russia is a huge threat to our safety. Or that she claims she wants open borders (which basically means we don't have a country). Or that she and the DNC rigged the primary process to ensure she won.

I do understand the Trump hate. I really do. But if you really think Hillary is even a little bit qualified to be president you are just ignoring reality

Let me be perfectly clear. I don't give a shit about 4 Americans who were killed in Libya. Don't go to Libya. She didn't send them to Club Med. I've heard the BS about the foundation. That's a load of shit. I'm sorry that you dislike her so because she's going to destroy him on Tuesday.

You really a #$%^ing idiot if you think not helping an American Ambassador in danger isn't a big deal.

No, that's not what I said. This is a non issue. It's Libya. It's Crazy Town, and in Crazy Town crazy things happen. Americans that bland Hillary for that without knowing what actually happened are the idiots. Is it sad? Sure? Am I sad? Ok, yes, if that makes you happy. But do I think that the American people deserve an explanation? F no.

LOL now you are going to try to spin it that you are sad about it after saying "I don't give a shit". At least stick your guns, dope


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Re: Who are you voting for..?
« Reply #34 on: November 03, 2016, 11:13:50 PM »
Hillary.  Trump is the loud guy at the end of the bar.

That's a bit of an understatement. Also he's an uneducated racist unqualified pos.

Hillary is equally unqualified. Felons aren't allowed to vote but they can run for president I guess.

Both candidates are horrendous. Hillary has "experience" but so does Steve Lavin but nobody wants him to be their head coach because he's sucked in that experience, just like Hillary has in hers. She's also a liar and probably one of the most corrupt politicians in the history of this country, which is probably her greatest accomplishment considering how many corrupt politicians there have been. She flip flops on issues depending on who she's talking to as she'll say anything to get elected. I could keep going but you get the point.

Trump thinks he knows everything when he clearly doesn't. He saying he'll make America great again but doesn't offer any real plans for how he will accomplish that. Personally, he's at best just a dope and at worst actually a racist and misogynist. He's running as a Republican and Conservative yet he's donated tons of money to liberal politician's campaigns in the past.

I really don't understand the people that are so pro Hillary or pro Trump. I do understand how people can reluctantly vote for one of them because the other option is so terrible, which really is sad that in a country of 320 million people we have to choose the next President based on which one is less terrible.

I'll be a reluctant Trump voter because even though he's a terrible candidate in his own right I just think Hillary is much worse. Plus I'm a Conservative and would like to see Obamacare repealed and don't want Hillary or any liberals being able to appoint multiple Supreme Court justices.

The worst thing is that whoever wins won't even give their party a chance to nominate a better candidate in 4 years, but after the DNC rigged their primary process for Hillary and Republicans nominated Trump over a few other way better options, neither party deserves it.

I'm still waiting for a good reason not to vote for Hillary. Benghazi? I don't give a shit. Emails? I don't give a shit. She wasn't smiling when Mary J Blige sang to her? Again, I don't give a shit. It's all a load of bullshit that the GOP made into something.

A lot of people don't like Hillary. I don't think this country deserves a President that they like.

Nice to know that you don't give a shit about 4 Americans dying under her watch when they didn't have to or that she broke the law and put the country's safety at risk. Or that her foundation accepts donations from foreign governments and only actually gives 10% to charity. Or that Isis became a legitimate threat under her and Obama's watch when that could have been stopped. Or that the middle east was completely destabilized under her and Obama's watch. Or that she agreed to give Russia 20% of our Uranium supply and then claims Russia is a huge threat to our safety. Or that she claims she wants open borders (which basically means we don't have a country). Or that she and the DNC rigged the primary process to ensure she won.

I do understand the Trump hate. I really do. But if you really think Hillary is even a little bit qualified to be president you are just ignoring reality

Let me be perfectly clear. I don't give a shit about 4 Americans who were killed in Libya. Don't go to Libya. She didn't send them to Club Med. I've heard the BS about the foundation. That's a load of shit. I'm sorry that you dislike her so because she's going to destroy him on Tuesday.

You really a #$%^ing idiot if you think not helping an American Ambassador in danger isn't a big deal.

No, that's not what I said. This is a non issue. It's Libya. It's Crazy Town, and in Crazy Town crazy things happen. Americans that bland Hillary for that without knowing what actually happened are the idiots. Is it sad? Sure? Am I sad? Ok, yes, if that makes you happy. But do I think that the American people deserve an explanation? F no.

LOL now you are going to try to spin it that you are sad about it after saying "I don't give a shit". At least stick your guns, dope

You're voting for Trump, and I'm the dope? Can you even read?


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Re: Who are you voting for..?
« Reply #35 on: November 03, 2016, 11:17:00 PM »
Writing in a name.   Both are not valid choices for any sane person.   

Both could have their finger on the button. One of them lead the charge that took out Bin Laden. The other can be baited with a tweet.


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Re: Who are you voting for..?
« Reply #36 on: November 03, 2016, 11:20:30 PM »
Hillary.  Trump is the loud guy at the end of the bar.

That's a bit of an understatement. Also he's an uneducated racist unqualified pos.

Hillary is equally unqualified. Felons aren't allowed to vote but they can run for president I guess.

Both candidates are horrendous. Hillary has "experience" but so does Steve Lavin but nobody wants him to be their head coach because he's sucked in that experience, just like Hillary has in hers. She's also a liar and probably one of the most corrupt politicians in the history of this country, which is probably her greatest accomplishment considering how many corrupt politicians there have been. She flip flops on issues depending on who she's talking to as she'll say anything to get elected. I could keep going but you get the point.

Trump thinks he knows everything when he clearly doesn't. He saying he'll make America great again but doesn't offer any real plans for how he will accomplish that. Personally, he's at best just a dope and at worst actually a racist and misogynist. He's running as a Republican and Conservative yet he's donated tons of money to liberal politician's campaigns in the past.

I really don't understand the people that are so pro Hillary or pro Trump. I do understand how people can reluctantly vote for one of them because the other option is so terrible, which really is sad that in a country of 320 million people we have to choose the next President based on which one is less terrible.

I'll be a reluctant Trump voter because even though he's a terrible candidate in his own right I just think Hillary is much worse. Plus I'm a Conservative and would like to see Obamacare repealed and don't want Hillary or any liberals being able to appoint multiple Supreme Court justices.

The worst thing is that whoever wins won't even give their party a chance to nominate a better candidate in 4 years, but after the DNC rigged their primary process for Hillary and Republicans nominated Trump over a few other way better options, neither party deserves it.

I'm still waiting for a good reason not to vote for Hillary. Benghazi? I don't give a shit. Emails? I don't give a shit. She wasn't smiling when Mary J Blige sang to her? Again, I don't give a shit. It's all a load of bullshit that the GOP made into something.

A lot of people don't like Hillary. I don't think this country deserves a President that they like.

And yeah the email thing is just something the GOP overexaggerated despite the reality that Comey (an Obama appointee) is reopening the investigation after a bunch of senior FBI agents threatened to resign and go public because of how badly the investigation was handled in the first place. FBI Directors sure do love ruffling the feathers of the next President before she takes office for just a GOP creation. Pretty sure Hillary and her team wouldn't have destroyed 33,000 of those emails if it wasn't just a GOP creation

Don't give a shit about the emails. Not one shit. And F the FBI for wasting our tax dollars on this nonsense. They need to ripped apart along with the house this January. Hillary isn't taking any prisoners. She waited for this, and I'm counting on her destroying the GOP once and for all.

Also, I expect Trump will be in prison by this time next year. And he will most certainly be killed while he's incarcerated. Hopefully, by a half Muslim and half Latino lesbian.

But yeah, Trump supporters are the deplorables and the ones full of hate.

How dare the FBI investigate when somebody puts the safety of the American people in danger. How dare they investigate her. Don't they know she's above the law and it's her turn!

Deplorables is spot on. When a candidate is endorsed by the KKK it's probably time to rethink your support. But then again, maybe you're fine with that just as long as you think it doesn't effect your life.


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Re: Who are you voting for..?
« Reply #37 on: November 03, 2016, 11:26:26 PM »
Hillary.  Trump is the loud guy at the end of the bar.

That's a bit of an understatement. Also he's an uneducated racist unqualified pos.

Hillary is equally unqualified. Felons aren't allowed to vote but they can run for president I guess.

Both candidates are horrendous. Hillary has "experience" but so does Steve Lavin but nobody wants him to be their head coach because he's sucked in that experience, just like Hillary has in hers. She's also a liar and probably one of the most corrupt politicians in the history of this country, which is probably her greatest accomplishment considering how many corrupt politicians there have been. She flip flops on issues depending on who she's talking to as she'll say anything to get elected. I could keep going but you get the point.

Trump thinks he knows everything when he clearly doesn't. He saying he'll make America great again but doesn't offer any real plans for how he will accomplish that. Personally, he's at best just a dope and at worst actually a racist and misogynist. He's running as a Republican and Conservative yet he's donated tons of money to liberal politician's campaigns in the past.

I really don't understand the people that are so pro Hillary or pro Trump. I do understand how people can reluctantly vote for one of them because the other option is so terrible, which really is sad that in a country of 320 million people we have to choose the next President based on which one is less terrible.

I'll be a reluctant Trump voter because even though he's a terrible candidate in his own right I just think Hillary is much worse. Plus I'm a Conservative and would like to see Obamacare repealed and don't want Hillary or any liberals being able to appoint multiple Supreme Court justices.

The worst thing is that whoever wins won't even give their party a chance to nominate a better candidate in 4 years, but after the DNC rigged their primary process for Hillary and Republicans nominated Trump over a few other way better options, neither party deserves it.

I'm still waiting for a good reason not to vote for Hillary. Benghazi? I don't give a shit. Emails? I don't give a shit. She wasn't smiling when Mary J Blige sang to her? Again, I don't give a shit. It's all a load of bullshit that the GOP made into something.

A lot of people don't like Hillary. I don't think this country deserves a President that they like.

And yeah the email thing is just something the GOP overexaggerated despite the reality that Comey (an Obama appointee) is reopening the investigation after a bunch of senior FBI agents threatened to resign and go public because of how badly the investigation was handled in the first place. FBI Directors sure do love ruffling the feathers of the next President before she takes office for just a GOP creation. Pretty sure Hillary and her team wouldn't have destroyed 33,000 of those emails if it wasn't just a GOP creation

Don't give a shit about the emails. Not one shit. And F the FBI for wasting our tax dollars on this nonsense. They need to ripped apart along with the house this January. Hillary isn't taking any prisoners. She waited for this, and I'm counting on her destroying the GOP once and for all.

Also, I expect Trump will be in prison by this time next year. And he will most certainly be killed while he's incarcerated. Hopefully, by a half Muslim and half Latino lesbian.

But yeah, Trump supporters are the deplorables and the ones full of hate.

How dare the FBI investigate when somebody puts the safety of the American people in danger. How dare they investigate her. Don't they know she's above the law and it's her turn!

Deplorables is spot on. When a candidate is endorsed by the KKK it's probably time to rethink your support. But then again, maybe you're fine with that just as long as you think it doesn't effect your life.

And the Communist Party endorsed Hillary. So yeah both candidates have despicable supporters just like they always will


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  • 16896
Re: Who are you voting for..?
« Reply #38 on: November 03, 2016, 11:30:04 PM »
Hillary.  Trump is the loud guy at the end of the bar.

That's a bit of an understatement. Also he's an uneducated racist unqualified pos.

Hillary is equally unqualified. Felons aren't allowed to vote but they can run for president I guess.

Both candidates are horrendous. Hillary has "experience" but so does Steve Lavin but nobody wants him to be their head coach because he's sucked in that experience, just like Hillary has in hers. She's also a liar and probably one of the most corrupt politicians in the history of this country, which is probably her greatest accomplishment considering how many corrupt politicians there have been. She flip flops on issues depending on who she's talking to as she'll say anything to get elected. I could keep going but you get the point.

Trump thinks he knows everything when he clearly doesn't. He saying he'll make America great again but doesn't offer any real plans for how he will accomplish that. Personally, he's at best just a dope and at worst actually a racist and misogynist. He's running as a Republican and Conservative yet he's donated tons of money to liberal politician's campaigns in the past.

I really don't understand the people that are so pro Hillary or pro Trump. I do understand how people can reluctantly vote for one of them because the other option is so terrible, which really is sad that in a country of 320 million people we have to choose the next President based on which one is less terrible.

I'll be a reluctant Trump voter because even though he's a terrible candidate in his own right I just think Hillary is much worse. Plus I'm a Conservative and would like to see Obamacare repealed and don't want Hillary or any liberals being able to appoint multiple Supreme Court justices.

The worst thing is that whoever wins won't even give their party a chance to nominate a better candidate in 4 years, but after the DNC rigged their primary process for Hillary and Republicans nominated Trump over a few other way better options, neither party deserves it.

I'm still waiting for a good reason not to vote for Hillary. Benghazi? I don't give a shit. Emails? I don't give a shit. She wasn't smiling when Mary J Blige sang to her? Again, I don't give a shit. It's all a load of bullshit that the GOP made into something.

A lot of people don't like Hillary. I don't think this country deserves a President that they like.

And yeah the email thing is just something the GOP overexaggerated despite the reality that Comey (an Obama appointee) is reopening the investigation after a bunch of senior FBI agents threatened to resign and go public because of how badly the investigation was handled in the first place. FBI Directors sure do love ruffling the feathers of the next President before she takes office for just a GOP creation. Pretty sure Hillary and her team wouldn't have destroyed 33,000 of those emails if it wasn't just a GOP creation

Don't give a shit about the emails. Not one shit. And F the FBI for wasting our tax dollars on this nonsense. They need to ripped apart along with the house this January. Hillary isn't taking any prisoners. She waited for this, and I'm counting on her destroying the GOP once and for all.

Also, I expect Trump will be in prison by this time next year. And he will most certainly be killed while he's incarcerated. Hopefully, by a half Muslim and half Latino lesbian.

But yeah, Trump supporters are the deplorables and the ones full of hate.

How dare the FBI investigate when somebody puts the safety of the American people in danger. How dare they investigate her. Don't they know she's above the law and it's her turn!

Deplorables is spot on. When a candidate is endorsed by the KKK it's probably time to rethink your support. But then again, maybe you're fine with that just as long as you think it doesn't effect your life.

And the Communist Party endorsed Hillary. So yeah both candidates have despicable supporters just like they always will

Funny, I don't recall the KKK coming out of the woodwork to support McCain or Romney.


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Re: Who are you voting for..?
« Reply #39 on: November 03, 2016, 11:41:47 PM »
Hillary.  Trump is the loud guy at the end of the bar.

That's a bit of an understatement. Also he's an uneducated racist unqualified pos.

Hillary is equally unqualified. Felons aren't allowed to vote but they can run for president I guess.

Both candidates are horrendous. Hillary has "experience" but so does Steve Lavin but nobody wants him to be their head coach because he's sucked in that experience, just like Hillary has in hers. She's also a liar and probably one of the most corrupt politicians in the history of this country, which is probably her greatest accomplishment considering how many corrupt politicians there have been. She flip flops on issues depending on who she's talking to as she'll say anything to get elected. I could keep going but you get the point.

Trump thinks he knows everything when he clearly doesn't. He saying he'll make America great again but doesn't offer any real plans for how he will accomplish that. Personally, he's at best just a dope and at worst actually a racist and misogynist. He's running as a Republican and Conservative yet he's donated tons of money to liberal politician's campaigns in the past.

I really don't understand the people that are so pro Hillary or pro Trump. I do understand how people can reluctantly vote for one of them because the other option is so terrible, which really is sad that in a country of 320 million people we have to choose the next President based on which one is less terrible.

I'll be a reluctant Trump voter because even though he's a terrible candidate in his own right I just think Hillary is much worse. Plus I'm a Conservative and would like to see Obamacare repealed and don't want Hillary or any liberals being able to appoint multiple Supreme Court justices.

The worst thing is that whoever wins won't even give their party a chance to nominate a better candidate in 4 years, but after the DNC rigged their primary process for Hillary and Republicans nominated Trump over a few other way better options, neither party deserves it.

I'm still waiting for a good reason not to vote for Hillary. Benghazi? I don't give a shit. Emails? I don't give a shit. She wasn't smiling when Mary J Blige sang to her? Again, I don't give a shit. It's all a load of bullshit that the GOP made into something.

A lot of people don't like Hillary. I don't think this country deserves a President that they like.

And yeah the email thing is just something the GOP overexaggerated despite the reality that Comey (an Obama appointee) is reopening the investigation after a bunch of senior FBI agents threatened to resign and go public because of how badly the investigation was handled in the first place. FBI Directors sure do love ruffling the feathers of the next President before she takes office for just a GOP creation. Pretty sure Hillary and her team wouldn't have destroyed 33,000 of those emails if it wasn't just a GOP creation

Don't give a shit about the emails. Not one shit. And F the FBI for wasting our tax dollars on this nonsense. They need to ripped apart along with the house this January. Hillary isn't taking any prisoners. She waited for this, and I'm counting on her destroying the GOP once and for all.

Also, I expect Trump will be in prison by this time next year. And he will most certainly be killed while he's incarcerated. Hopefully, by a half Muslim and half Latino lesbian.

But yeah, Trump supporters are the deplorables and the ones full of hate.

How dare the FBI investigate when somebody puts the safety of the American people in danger. How dare they investigate her. Don't they know she's above the law and it's her turn!

Deplorables is spot on. When a candidate is endorsed by the KKK it's probably time to rethink your support. But then again, maybe you're fine with that just as long as you think it doesn't effect your life.

And the Communist Party endorsed Hillary. So yeah both candidates have despicable supporters just like they always will

Funny, I don't recall the KKK coming out of the woodwork to support McCain or Romney.

I do recall Communists always supporting Democrats though