1 Day, 3 hours and 25 minutes

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1 Day, 3 hours and 25 minutes
« on: February 23, 2009, 08:27:54 PM »
That is how much of my life I have spent on this site. I don't post much but I enjoy reading everyone's opinions. I just turned 30 and graduated in 2000 and have been a fan for as long as I a can remember. As a kid I remember hearing names like Chris Mullin and Willie Glass. They were great players but they were just names to me (I was only 7). I remember David Cain, Sergio Luyk, Fred Lyson (the first teams I can really remember). I rooted hard and stayed loyal and I was rewarded with Barkley, Artest, and Lavor. They were the type of players you wanted to root for. Like I said earlier I enjoy discussing this team that so many don't care about. When this site started I was very happy because I felt it enhanced my expirence. 5 years ago we hired a coach who was not named Pitino or Calapari. 5 years ago Pitano wouldn't come here and many of us didn't want Calapari anyway (no matter what they say now). Norm was WAY OVER HIS HEAD THEN, and maybe still over his head now. His first 4 years were nothing to write home about (they were F____ awful). Norm isn't Cal or Pitino, but he also shouldn't be judged like he is. Norm isn't considered a "HOME RUN" coach but you get what you invest in. This years team is getting better and so is he. Having 8 second year players is not a very good statergy but he wasn't dealt a very good hand. Next year we have a solid group coming back with 2 hopefully 3 very good players coming in. Plus mason. During Christmas Dave asked us what we wanted from the basketball team,  I believe I said all I wanted was a season. A season where we would could compete. We start all underclassmen. Most were not highly recruited, but all have potential.  I am not the best writer (or even a good one) so I hope I am making a little bit of sense. I am tired of crying about what our team isn't and I am ready to embrace what our team is and I urge all of you to come out tommrow and root for our boys, our coach, in our house. Norm is our coach for this year and most likely next year as well. The NIT is possible. Maybe I drank to much cool aid but in my mind it is better then the alternative. It is also cheaper then 9.00 beers at the garden. MOst likely we will lose again tommrow, but what if we win. Then my goal will be achieved. All I wanted was a season.   


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Re: 1 Day, 3 hours and 25 minutes
« Reply #1 on: February 23, 2009, 09:12:13 PM »
good post Tony... you should contribute more often

Re: 1 Day, 3 hours and 25 minutes
« Reply #2 on: February 23, 2009, 10:36:08 PM »
good post Tony... you should contribute more often

I agree, great job Tony. Good to see

Tha Kid

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Re: 1 Day, 3 hours and 25 minutes
« Reply #3 on: February 24, 2009, 06:17:14 PM »

Love the optimism tony. Have fun at the game!
"I drink and I know things"


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Re: 1 Day, 3 hours and 25 minutes
« Reply #4 on: February 24, 2009, 06:36:38 PM »
Good to hear from you Tony.  You write just fine, but I would recommend paragraphs or at least spaces.

I like your enthusiasm, but I just don't think Norm is the right answer. Personally, I feel cheated out of experiencing good basketball in my 20's. 

One of the best weekends of my life, as I have stated several times, was going down to the NCAA Tournament in DC in 2002. We arranged a bus of students and a hotel. I drove down with my buddy from Uconn and it was awesome seeing all the cars on the highway and when we stopped for gas DECKED OUT in gear for their team. 

Everyone was playfully talking trash.  It was awesome.  There is no reason why we cannot at least be a team that makes the tournament. 

The closest feeling I have to that was almost booking plane tix to Texas for the Soccer Cup.