2020 Election

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Re: 2020 Election
« Reply #100 on: November 18, 2020, 07:34:41 AM »
You should probably have more intelligent members of your team make arguments on your behalf. Why would you put rapists in quotes when Trump using that term is not disputed?  The disagreement is over the context the term was used. You refuse to quote him correctly and want to remove all context of his statement. Trump's statement was recorded and can readily be found on Youtube -- but your bias renders your ignorance impenetrable.

How do you feel about Biden saying he didn't want black kids bussed in to his kid's school out of fear of creating a racial jungle?  There is no need to change his words or take them out of context either.  By any reasonable standard, his statement (and many others) are worse than anything Trump ever uttered about race.

I don't even dislike Joe Biden.  I think he's clearly compromised cognitively, but I find him a likeable guy if I'm being honest. But you maniacs beat the racism drum so hard for four years. You talk about sexism, how Trump is a rapist, and how inarticulate he is...and then run JOE BIDEN. I have no complaints for anyone who wants to argue policy differences, but to act like Biden is morally or ethically superior to Trump is simply not based in reality.

Let’s assume both of them are over 70, and senile. Trump is a racist. When he says racist things, and doesn’t clarify his intent, that’s by design. Trump’s dog whistles to the Proud Boys and other white supremacist groups are messages to his base, but the left sees right through it.

Let’s just look at the last 4 years. Trump has done a terrible job. Why isn’t that reason enough to vote him out? You think the left thinks Biden is a savior? Wrong again. He’s not Trump, and nothing else matters.

Trump has handled the pandemic as poorly as anyone could have imagined. He’s not on this for our America, and yeah, he’s got friends, but it’s funny that you think you’re not something he’d step on, and keep walking as if nothing happened.

Because to Trump, you are truly nothing.

Everything he touches dies, so it’s fitting that the GOP lost Arizona and Georgia, two states that should have been easy to keep in the white trash family.
« Last Edit: November 18, 2020, 07:36:10 AM by Poison »


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Re: 2020 Election
« Reply #101 on: November 18, 2020, 07:50:10 AM »
BTW, how’s the counting going? Looks like some really late nights.

It will all be worth it when they overturn the election (whoever they is) and make Trump president for another 4 years. Or 8, or 12.

Actually, I’m looking forward to a really, really angry FBI.


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Re: 2020 Election
« Reply #102 on: November 18, 2020, 09:07:52 AM »
You should probably have more intelligent members of your team make arguments on your behalf. Why would you put rapists in quotes when Trump using that term is not disputed?  The disagreement is over the context the term was used. You refuse to quote him correctly and want to remove all context of his statement. Trump's statement was recorded and can readily be found on Youtube -- but your bias renders your ignorance impenetrable.

How do you feel about Biden saying he didn't want black kids bussed in to his kid's school out of fear of creating a racial jungle?  There is no need to change his words or take them out of context either.  By any reasonable standard, his statement (and many others) are worse than anything Trump ever uttered about race.

I don't even dislike Joe Biden.  I think he's clearly compromised cognitively, but I find him a likeable guy if I'm being honest. But you maniacs beat the racism drum so hard for four years. You talk about sexism, how Trump is a rapist, and how inarticulate he is...and then run JOE BIDEN. I have no complaints for anyone who wants to argue policy differences, but to act like Biden is morally or ethically superior to Trump is simply not based in reality.

There's nothing even remotely reasonable about that statement.

If you polled any rational person and asked them who is the more racially tolerant person Biden wins in a landslide. It's not even close. And clearly the racial divide in this country (which was at a boiling point until the election) was representative of this.

Oh and even in full context, Trump's statements about Mexicans, Muslims, women, on, and on and on are still overtly discriminatory.

Clearly you have the Orange blinders on to even make a statement acting like Trump is not a vile, hate filled, human being. Anyone with a pulse knows that not to be the case.

Re: 2020 Election
« Reply #103 on: November 18, 2020, 01:55:49 PM »
Let’s assume both of them are over 70, and senile. Trump is a racist. When he says racist things, and doesn’t clarify his intent, that’s by design. Trump’s dog whistles to the Proud Boys and other white supremacist groups are messages to his base, but the left sees right through it.

Let’s just look at the last 4 years. Trump has done a terrible job. Why isn’t that reason enough to vote him out? You think the left thinks Biden is a savior? Wrong again. He’s not Trump, and nothing else matters.

Trump has handled the pandemic as poorly as anyone could have imagined. He’s not on this for our America, and yeah, he’s got friends, but it’s funny that you think you’re not something he’d step on, and keep walking as if nothing happened.

Because to Trump, you are truly nothing.

Everything he touches dies, so it’s fitting that the GOP lost Arizona and Georgia, two states that should have been easy to keep in the white trash family.
How about ya boy Biden maintaining that ANTIFA is not an organization but an ideology? Guess teenaged girls dressed in black beating up old ladies and members of this organization throwing fireworks at diners is just a movie huh? This denial is a signal of support to the most violent terrorist organization in the U.S.


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Re: 2020 Election
« Reply #104 on: November 18, 2020, 03:21:47 PM »
How about ya boy Biden maintaining that ANTIFA is not an organization but an ideology? Guess teenaged girls dressed in black beating up old ladies and members of this organization throwing fireworks at diners is just a movie huh? This denial is a signal of support to the most violent terrorist organization in the U.S.

How exactly do you know what had Antifa responsible for?

And if they are members how did they become members?

I think it’s time to have a seat on the couch, put CNN on, and leave it on. At least, that would be a start.

But you make a good point, if they were an organization, like a non-profit, they could accept donations. I’ll alert headquarters. Just think what you have started.
« Last Edit: November 18, 2020, 03:29:56 PM by Poison »


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Re: 2020 Election
« Reply #105 on: November 18, 2020, 03:54:58 PM »
You mean the same Jeffrey Epstein that was a rear of a donkey buddies with your boy Trump?

If you'd been paying attention you'd have noticed that Trump is not attracted to children, he's attracted to bimbos - centerfolds, models, starlets, etc. (Except Melania obviously, she's no bimbo, she speaks six languages). In fact he banned Epstein from Mar a lago for hitting on an underaged girl, this long before Epstein was convicted. And Brad Edwards, lawyer for one of Epstein's victims, Virginia Guiffre, pictured here with a credibly accused rapist

whose "lawsuit ... ultimately led to a new investigation and Epstein’s arrest" said of Trump that he was “the only person who picked up the phone and said Let's just talk." Which is not what guilty people do, I can tell you from bitter experience.

Other than that you make your usual salient points.

Or in your world of warped morality you somehow believe the "senile corrupt serial liar"

Well he's not just a senile corrupt serial liar. He's also a racist who feared that integration would create a "racial jungle" and whose "Biden Crime Bill" put blacks in prison at record rates, many of them for the very behavior that his son took selfies of; who when asked about his possible appeal in the south said that Delaware "was a slave state that fought beside the North ... only because we couldn't figure out how to get to the South"; who called Obama "clean and articulate"; and who thinks blacks who wander off the democrat plantation "ain't black." And if he's not an actual pedophile - which he probably is, which explains why his son is one - he's at the very least, very very creepy.

is worse than the guy who believes once you become famous that you get to "grab 'em by the pussy"?

One of the reasons men seek celebrity is so they can act inappropriately with women. I don't doubt that Trump did, although I doubt he sodomized a fat teenager with a cigar on Easter morning in the toilet outside the Oval Office. Mote, eye, etc.

Sounds like your "implicitly" full of shit.

That would be "you're" implicitly full of shit Einstein. If your [sic] going to be condescending at least use proper grammar when doing so.

you may get 8 years of Joe followed by 8 more years of the first minority, female President in history. What a country. Enjoy.

Eight years, good luck with that. The dims have already floated the 25th amendment trial balloon, which balloon was sent aloft by Pelosi to clear the way for getting rid of Biden when he starts drooling on his teleprompter during press conferences, assuming he can stay awake long enough to give any. And although some of my favorite ex wives are minority females I find Harris a giggling mediocrity, as do most blacks: she polled at six percent among them in the democrat primary field. Still, I think it's a testament to this country that a woman this authentically African American

can get ahead just by banging Willie Brown. Here we agree: what a country.


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Re: 2020 Election
« Reply #106 on: November 18, 2020, 04:00:28 PM »
But you make a good point, if they were an organization, like a non-profit, they could accept donations. I’ll alert headquarters. Just think what you have started.

This might have been a good point if you weren't so hopeless. Here's a link. Although evidently they don't have a Scarsdale branch yet.



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Re: 2020 Election
« Reply #107 on: November 18, 2020, 05:53:27 PM »
This might have been a good point if you weren't so hopeless. Here's a link. Although evidently they don't have a Scarsdale branch yet.


I am Antifa because I’m against fascism. If you are anti Antifa, guess what you are?


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Re: 2020 Election
« Reply #108 on: November 18, 2020, 07:01:36 PM »
I am Antifa because I’m against fascism. If you are anti Antifa, guess what you are?

The Democratic People’s Republic of Korea is democratic, it's right there in the name. The American Freedom Party stands for freedom. Good grief Scarsdale, you're not even trying anymore.

Re: 2020 Election
« Reply #109 on: November 20, 2020, 07:37:55 PM »
It’s still no contest Foad, it’s like your responding to children.


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Re: 2020 Election
« Reply #110 on: November 20, 2020, 08:40:41 PM »
It’s still no contest Foad, it’s like your responding to children.

Do you really expect a bunch of snowflakes to match the immense maturity of Donald Trump?

Re: 2020 Election
« Reply #111 on: November 21, 2020, 09:33:03 PM »
And I thought you were only knowledgeable about hoops.

Re: 2020 Election
« Reply #112 on: November 22, 2020, 12:10:05 AM »
And I thought you were only knowledgeable about hoops.
Wrong on both counts.