2020 Election

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Re: 2020 Election
« Reply #20 on: September 04, 2020, 05:38:20 PM »
Country is in chaos thanks to the leftist socialists. Policing hasn't changed from what it has always been including under Obama but now we have rioting and looting in democrat lead cities so can't blame Trump.

What has Trump done that you disagree with?

Re: 2020 Election
« Reply #21 on: September 04, 2020, 06:38:29 PM »
What has Trump done that you disagree with?
Not squashing the rioting and looting from day one would be one of the things I disagree with him on.
« Last Edit: September 04, 2020, 06:38:48 PM by Celtics11 »


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Re: 2020 Election
« Reply #22 on: September 04, 2020, 07:23:33 PM »
Instead of preaching unity and conciliation when the protesting began Chump elected to take the stance of a third world dictator....preach fear and send in the troops.  I believe this had a profound effect on the duration of the protests and especially the rioting that accompanied them. Obama would have Black Leaders in the WHitehouse within days....chump made no effort and fanned the flames

Re: 2020 Election
« Reply #23 on: September 04, 2020, 07:27:13 PM »
Instead of preaching unity and conciliation when the protesting began Chump elected to take the stance of a third world dictator....preach fear and send in the troops.  I believe this had a profound effect on the duration of the protests and especially the rioting that accompanied them. Obama would have Black Leaders in the WHitehouse within days....chump made no effort and fanned the flames
Well than Trump is ahead of his time because the dems will turn us into a third world country.


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Re: 2020 Election
« Reply #24 on: September 04, 2020, 07:32:26 PM »

Yes, I'm a centrist.  You dont need to be a left-wing radical to recognize Chump's inadequacies  in running the show.  The republican party has let him get out of control.  Disgraceful.


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Re: 2020 Election
« Reply #25 on: September 05, 2020, 08:10:07 AM »
Well than Trump is ahead of his time because the dems will turn us into a third world country.

Look out your window.


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Re: 2020 Election
« Reply #26 on: September 05, 2020, 09:02:56 AM »
Yes, I'm a centrist.  You dont need to be a left-wing radical to recognize Chump's inadequacies  in running the show.  The republican party has let him get out of control.  Disgraceful.

Right. You're one of those centrists who thinks former game show host Donald Trump is taking pages out of Hitler's playbook in his nefarious plot to subvert American democracy. That's quite a normal middle of the road take.

The reason buffoons like you preface their political commentary with 'I'm a centrist' is because of the tacit premise: your self proclaimed political independence makes your ideas reasonable and non-ideological and anyone who disagrees is an ideologue and an extremist. Whereas in reality you're just a mundane thinker and party hack. In conclusion, get bent.


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Re: 2020 Election
« Reply #27 on: September 05, 2020, 09:33:18 AM »
Right. You're one of those centrists who thinks former game show host Donald Trump is taking pages out of Hitler's playbook in his nefarious plot to subvert American democracy. That's quite a normal middle of the road take.

The reason buffoons like you preface their political commentary with 'I'm a centrist' is because of the tacit premise: your self proclaimed political independence makes your ideas reasonable and non-ideological and anyone who disagrees is an ideologue and an extremist. Whereas in reality you're just a mundane thinker and party hack. In conclusion, get bent.

What is the reasonable logic for supporting Trump?


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Re: 2020 Election
« Reply #28 on: September 05, 2020, 12:59:12 PM »
Right. You're one of those centrists who thinks former game show host Donald Trump is taking pages out of Hitler's playbook in his nefarious plot to subvert American democracy. That's quite a normal middle of the road take.

The reason buffoons like you preface their political commentary with 'I'm a centrist' is because of the tacit premise: your self proclaimed political independence makes your ideas reasonable and non-ideological and anyone who disagrees is an ideologue and an extremist. Whereas in reality you're just a mundane thinker and party hack. In conclusion, get bent.

. in reality you obviously know little history. You are a big-mouth who attempts to denigrate anyone who disagrees with you with what you believe is logic. Sometimes you may be correct but this post reveals your willingness to disparage even the obvious. The similarities between Chump and Hitler are glaring for anyone with even a passing knowledge of history. So, back at you. You are an alcoholic conservative fool sitting in your chair thinking you are the fountain of all knowledge when, in fact, you are just an obnoxious angry old man. Get a life


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Re: 2020 Election
« Reply #29 on: September 05, 2020, 01:58:00 PM »
Not squashing the rioting and looting from day one would be one of the things I disagree with him on.

The federal government only has those powers that are expressly granted to it by the constitution -- the rest go to the states.  There is no general police power granted to the federal government, so there are only a handful of situations the feds can be brought in.

This is what makes the argument that these riots are happening under Trump so absurd.  These are happening exclusively in cities with democrat super-majorities. 

Dems use Blacks like pawns.  Write down every high profile incident with a Black man being shot by cops that the media force-fed us coverage on.  They are all in major election years. In odd years, the issues are Trans bathrooms, global warming, and #MeToo. Further, name one Hispanic, Asian, Indian-American, Polynesian, or a non-Black child killed by police in the last 100 years.  Weird that the media doesn't cover that, right?

It's funny how fast #MeToo was dropped, huh?  Kavanaugh was raked over the coals because some crazy-eyed lunatic accused him of being handsy when they were minors decades ago.  In 2020, Jacob Blake is a hero after sexually assaulting his victim and then violating her order of protection against him to further assault her and steal her keys (and then fighting cops and reaching for a weapon when they responded to her call for help).  Imagine Kavanaugh stuck his finger in Ford's vagina and said "smells like you've been with other men"!! And then violated the protection order to come back and assault her again?! White privilege, amirite? 


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Re: 2020 Election
« Reply #30 on: September 05, 2020, 04:02:14 PM »
The federal government only has those powers that are expressly granted to it by the constitution -- the rest go to the states.  There is no general police power granted to the federal government, so there are only a handful of situations the feds can be brought in.

This is what makes the argument that these riots are happening under Trump so absurd.  These are happening exclusively in cities with democrat super-majorities. 

Dems use Blacks like pawns.  Write down every high profile incident with a Black man being shot by cops that the media force-fed us coverage on.  They are all in major election years. In odd years, the issues are Trans bathrooms, global warming, and #MeToo. Further, name one Hispanic, Asian, Indian-American, Polynesian, or a non-Black child killed by police in the last 100 years.  Weird that the media doesn't cover that, right?

It's funny how fast #MeToo was dropped, huh?  Kavanaugh was raked over the coals because some crazy-eyed lunatic accused him of being handsy when they were minors decades ago.  In 2020, Jacob Blake is a hero after sexually assaulting his victim and then violating her order of protection against him to further assault her and steal her keys (and then fighting cops and reaching for a weapon when they responded to her call for help).  Imagine Kavanaugh stuck his finger in Ford's vagina and said "smells like you've been with other men"!! And then violated the protection order to come back and assault her again?! White privilege, amirite?

Seven in the back. No weapon in his hands. Easy call, idiot cop

Re: 2020 Election
« Reply #31 on: September 05, 2020, 05:09:21 PM »
The federal government only has those powers that are expressly granted to it by the constitution -- the rest go to the states.  There is no general police power granted to the federal government, so there are only a handful of situations the feds can be brought in.

This is what makes the argument that these riots are happening under Trump so absurd.  These are happening exclusively in cities with democrat super-majorities. 

Dems use Blacks like pawns.  Write down every high profile incident with a Black man being shot by cops that the media force-fed us coverage on.  They are all in major election years. In odd years, the issues are Trans bathrooms, global warming, and #MeToo. Further, name one Hispanic, Asian, Indian-American, Polynesian, or a non-Black child killed by police in the last 100 years.  Weird that the media doesn't cover that, right?

It's funny how fast #MeToo was dropped, huh?  Kavanaugh was raked over the coals because some crazy-eyed lunatic accused him of being handsy when they were minors decades ago.  In 2020, Jacob Blake is a hero after sexually assaulting his victim and then violating her order of protection against him to further assault her and steal her keys (and then fighting cops and reaching for a weapon when they responded to her call for help).  Imagine Kavanaugh stuck his finger in Ford's vagina and said "smells like you've been with other men"!! And then violated the protection order to come back and assault her again?! White privilege, amirite? 

Right on, Marillac. Great post.


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Re: 2020 Election
« Reply #32 on: September 05, 2020, 05:25:21 PM »
What is the reasonable logic for supporting Trump?

That's a silly question, even for you. It'd be impossible to describe reasonably and logically why to support Trump to someone who regularly confuses Trump with Hitler.

The fact is that Trump's policies - domestic, fiscal and foreign - are well within the mainstream of American politics. It's his personality that's outside the mainstream. Personally I enjoy having a troll as president. As usual, YMMV.


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Re: 2020 Election
« Reply #33 on: September 05, 2020, 05:32:50 PM »
The similarities between Chump and Hitler are glaring for anyone with even a passing knowledge of history.

Well if that's he case I'm sure you'll have no problem listing 10 things Hitler and Trump have in common. I'll start you off with five and you fill in the rest.

1. Both have funny little mustaches
2. Both invaded Poland.
3. Both rounded up, gassed and burned Jews.
4. Hitler appointed Heinrich Himmler, former host of Heil or no Heil, as head of the secret police; Trump appointed Wink Martindale to a similar position
5. Both married Eastern European women


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Re: 2020 Election
« Reply #34 on: September 05, 2020, 05:45:07 PM »
Seven in the back. No weapon in his hands. Easy call, idiot cop

Yeah, it's an easy call. Jacob Blake forfeited his right to live the moment he resisted arrest and fought two cops.  What people on the far-left don't realize is that every physical confrontation with a police officer is life and death because, at the very least, the cop has a deadly weapon.  That weapon could be taken by the suspect any second. When you start that kind of incident you are gambling you life on whether the guy you are fighting is a super cop with amazing training and instincts or just some loser who joined the force because he was bullied in high school and lost every fight he's ever been in. I'll let you guess what kind the PD in KENOSHA is comprised of.

The officers tried restraining Blake with minimal force and he out-wrestled them and put one in a headlock.  They then tried using non-lethal force with their tasers. Blake walked through taser shots from two officers like Michael Myers heading after a virgin. He then resisted verbal commands when the officers had their guns drawn and were basically begging him to stop.  One officer made a last-ditch and probably foolish effort by taking one hand off his weapon and trying to pull the shirt of Blake to save his life.  Blake opened the car door, out of view of the officer, and reached for a knife he told the police he had in his car 90 seconds before.

What more can the cops do? This p.o.s. did all of this with his kids present.  He packed his kids into a car to go assault a woman he had a felony warrant for sexually assaulting in May and then fought the cops in front of them.  That is your martyr? He's a subhuman subjecting his children to that kind of trauma and even put them in jeopardy of being shot.  Imagine that white kid from Stanford got shot for fighting cops when the girl he sexually assaulted call them on him?  Not one person would protest or even feel bad about him.


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Re: 2020 Election
« Reply #35 on: September 05, 2020, 09:27:12 PM »
That's a silly question, even for you. It'd be impossible to describe reasonably and logically why to support Trump to someone who regularly confuses Trump with Hitler.

The fact is that Trump's policies - domestic, fiscal and foreign - are well within the mainstream of American politics. It's his personality that's outside the mainstream. Personally I enjoy having a troll as president. As usual, YMMV.

You put words in people’s mouths and argue against the point you’ve imagined. And in those cases, you still lose most debates.
« Last Edit: September 05, 2020, 09:43:52 PM by Poison »


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Re: 2020 Election
« Reply #36 on: September 08, 2020, 10:47:05 AM »
You put words in people’s mouths and argue against the point you’ve imagined. And in those cases, you still lose most debates.



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Re: 2020 Election
« Reply #37 on: September 09, 2020, 09:01:10 AM »

There’s no need for insults.

Re: 2020 Election
« Reply #38 on: September 09, 2020, 02:00:43 PM »
There’s no need for insults.


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Re: 2020 Election
« Reply #39 on: November 06, 2020, 11:46:29 PM »
So much for losing like a man.