St. John's comments on Executive Order on Immigration

  • 279 replies
Re: St. John's comments on Executive Order on Immigration
« Reply #160 on: February 05, 2017, 12:54:23 PM »
. Give the resistance some time to get organized before they make their move to take our country back from this disease of a cabinet.

Yes, quite, the resistance. Will you be personally manning the barricades on the mean streets of Scarsdale? Starting tire fires at the Golden Horseshoe Shopping Center and so on? #OccupyLord&Taylor

I'm concerned about this "take back our country" rhetoric of yours though. Sounds a little suspicious to me. Let me check google.

Oh dear. Bad news I'm afraid, turns out you're a racist:

"You know, people talking about taking their country back. … There's a certain racial component to this ... there's a racial animus."." - Eric Holder

Not only that, but you know who else used the word "diseased" to describe his political opponents? Hitler.
"The battle in which we are engaged today is of the same sort as the battle waged, during the last century, by Pasteur and Koch. How many diseases have their origin in the Jewish virus! ... We shall regain our health only be eliminating the Jew.” - Adolf Hitler

Why your reliance on such inflammatory and obviously dog whistle language? If there's another explanation other than you're an antisemitic racist fascist Nazi xenophobic bigot I can't think of one. 

Just to be clear, I'm counting on Trump being killed by his own secret service in the near future. I'm sure that's crossed your mind more than once. That's if he's not impeached first. Let's see if there's a Republican left who hasn't taken Trump's hand and sworn eternal loyalty.
I hope you like Cuba because there is some nice room waiting for you at Gitmo :)

In all seriousness though I think republicans are pretty happy so far. I'm republican but really I guess more of an Independent ( more conservative on financial issues and I'm not talking about whatever the club for growth spews and I'm more a little bit left of center on social issues like being pro choice ) so Tump hasn't done anything yet to piss me off. (he is replacing Scalia so it doesn't really matter to me who he picks for that spot )

Now he could have handled things better on his delivery of some things like the immigration thing for sure and there isn't a doubt in my mind he is going to end up pissing me off in the future over some things especially if he ends up running deficits like GWB and Obama but honestly right now for people like me who are close to the center overall politically I like him shaking up things so far

So, you're a fan of draining the swamp? Let me know when that happens. Trump has been angry about immigration for years starting with crazy shit about Obama not being born in this country. I'm of the logic that says if it ain't broke, don't fix it.
I want the swamp drained then salt put down to ruin it then burned then put a parking lot over it then put some potted plants on top of it..

It's beyond broke. I think you are my age or maybe a little bit over that ( I'll be 47 next week ) and if anyone is 50 or younger the ramifications of what politicians have done to us over the years ( republicans and democrats ) our generation and younger are beyond screwed down the road between the debt and entitlements. ( and I'm not one of the the people who  doesn't want SS or Medicare-Medicaid and the last thing in the world that I want to see if Privatizing SS and see people putting that money in the market ). but they need to be fixed also and I've been saying that for the last 16 years

But it's just a fact. If you look at the numbers of what's looming down the road the younger generations are beyond screwed paying for the fukups of politicians cumulatively over the years

I don't disagree that younger generations will pay for the mistakes of the previous ones. George Bush Jr comes to mind first for some reason.

What I don't understand is why if you want the swamp drained you would support a man that just built a bigger more powerful swamp? Is different better? I'm still waiting for a good decision. Just one good decision, but instead, we see a buffoon who attacks the Pope on Twitter.

Hillary was careless w some emails and maybe she could have done more in Libya, but is that really worth putting a sociopath in office?

Either way, I think we can all agree that the tragic events of the Bowling Green Massacre are a stain on all humanity.
I think GWB is the 2nd worst president in History or at the very least in my lifetime after Carter.

I literally hated him since the debates with Gore and knew right then he was going to be horrible. I voted for Gore and Kerry then McCain

As I said before I like what he has done so far except for his delivery of some things and no I don't believe everything he says or that he says he is going to do. My view on Trump and Washington would probably be best described the game recap that Fun wrote a few games ago and if you look at it just for what he wrote and keep an open mind to it I think it's pretty reasonable

I'll give you 1 example of something that he did that I liked and this was on his first day. Ending the FHA 25 basis point decrease that Obama tried screwing him with only 2 weeks before that ( it hadn't taken affect yet )

Now the media spun it as Trump screwing over the little people. That's nonsense. First of all the FHA had to get bailed out in 2013 I believe. 2nd is this money goes straight to building the reserves for the FHA in case of a housing meltdown again so it's not like the money is being used to fund the rich or somethings. So in essence by building the reserves you are giving the FHA more ability down the road to insure more mortgages.  3rd someone can make the case that wtf are people even putting down to as low as 3.5% of a down payment on mortgages

If anything you can actually argue the other way that Trump being in real estate and his friends being in real estate that this hypothetically could hurt developers because if people can't afford the PMI insurance some of them might be less likely to buy houses

So if anything he was being fiscally prudent with taxpayer money because if all that happens is the FHA builds their reserves that's a good thing for taxpayers

If you don't believe everything that he says, how do you determine what he'll do or won't do? Think Trump knows? He attacked the Pope the other day.
I dont. It's the same way if Hillary was president she'd be lying also. All presidents lie. The key for me is not so much what he lies about it's what he accomplishes as far as policy and after 4 years I see what he has done good and bad and what he is saying he will do for the next 4 years and I evalate that and will determine whether I would vote for him.

I am by no means a lock to vote for Trump in 4 years and there are plenty of things that he could do over the next 4 years that could cause me to not vote for him but like I said before so far he is doing things that I agree with. When it comes to politics I keep an open mind.  If Biden ran in 4 years who knows I could end up voting for him if I was pissed at Trump down the road. But so far he is shaking things up and if someone keeps an open mind and not prejudge him they might see that too. The media wont though. They flat out misrepresent things to fit their narrative. And when GWB was president people said the media was biased but I think he got virtually all the bad press that he deserved

If he starts a nuclear war we could look back at the things he's said about nuclear war and see that he's only doing what he said he'd do. My fear with Trump in office is that he'll do what he says he will do in terms of literally destroying the planet. In terms of creating jobs for poor white people in Michigan, I think if anyone has half a brain, they know he lied to them because he needed them to win the election.

If Trump wants to be given a chance, as much as I'd like to see him beaten to within an inch of his life, there is still time for him to turn it around, but it won't happen until he realizes that he works for the people. Not the other way around. Never before in American history has a President been hated like Trump is now. He did that to himself. It's clear that he's a lunatic because just imagine how much he could have won by had he not acted like an entitled POS?

I will say that I find it amazing how many Trump supporters really believe that Hillary is the antichrist. Had she ever lied? Sure. Like you said, they all lie. They don't all lie every day and make up crazy shit, but the point is taken. Politics isn't an honesty industry. Had anyone else been guilty of the same mistakes Hillary made no one would even notice. He did a great job painting her as crooked and blaming her for that Libya nonsense and garbage about an email server.
I really dontblame her for Libya all that much. The email server thing she did all by herself and she didnt need any help in that regard because she lied multiple times. But again all presidents lie but that email thing for me was a huge deal.

I get why some hate Trump and that's fine with me. I just wish they could look at everything he does and actually try and be honest with themselves and give him credit for some things because if Obama was president every single thing that Trump has done so far most wouldnt have had a problem with but I blame media for a lot of this because Trump could find a cure for cancer and the media will find a way to knock him for it.

But like I said I think he will surprise people for the better if they keep an open mind. If I'm wrong then I have no problem voting for a better qualified candidate in 4 years.

But democrats should be blaming themselves for rigging their own system against Bernie. I might not care for him but I respect him and it's better to be respected.  I hope they dont go even further to the left in 4 years and come up with someone like Warren because then no matter what barring nuclear war I'll vote for Trump

But lets see what happens. I think he is actually going to fight for the US. I just dont want to see trade wars etc but I think his plan is to be bombastic and then find middle ground. I think he will be willing to work across the aisle a lot after a year or so and I actually dont want republicans going wild and winning super majorities in congress because when 1 party controls everything for too long that never works out for the american people regardless of who is in charge

I'm not sayingthat right now I'm sure I want Warren to be our President, but have you seen her question Betsy DeVos? It's pretty telling that DeVos is unbelievably unqualified to have this position.

So, why did she get it? I think it's a fair question. Has she donated some of large wealth to Republican senators? And if she did, our draining swamp has a serious blockage.
when it comes to these cabinet positions I think a lot of times presidents dont try and get the most qualified person.

So no I dont think she is the most qualified. But I am very pro choice when it comes to schools and am pro charter school. I actually wrote a paper on school choice back at st johns my junior or senior year way back in early 90's. So same thing. I'm willing to give her a shot and if she sucks then get rid of her

But let me give you an example of this qualification thing. My partner at work's niece is ironically one of the Obama's best friends. She and her husband were friends with Michelle and Barack since I think right after college in Chicago. They are lawyers. Both my partner at work and his wife and really the rest of his family are all staunch republicans except for the 1 niece in Chicago. ( btw my partner and his wife flew to chicago one time for I think it might have been passover and Michelle and her daughters were over his nieces house and he said Michelle is one of the nicest people anyone could meet ) anyway after Obama took office he got the nieces husband a really top position ( right below cabinet level ) in a certain sector. ( he had no experience in that sector ) and his boss ( the cabinet member ) had virtually no experience either working in that sector. Everything turned out fine. There werent any major debacles. Ironically his nieces husband ended up leaving the position after several years and took a very high profile job for a publically traded company in that sector later on.

I dont know if someone else could have done a better job. I just know that the person with little hands on expereince from that sector that got the cabinet job didnt do a bad job but he certainly wasnt the most qualified candidate.

So that's why I'm generally willing to give most presidential picks a chance and if they fock up that's on the president for hiring them
« Last Edit: February 05, 2017, 01:00:43 PM by mjmaherjr »


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Re: St. John's comments on Executive Order on Immigration
« Reply #161 on: February 05, 2017, 03:39:23 PM »
. Give the resistance some time to get organized before they make their move to take our country back from this disease of a cabinet.

Yes, quite, the resistance. Will you be personally manning the barricades on the mean streets of Scarsdale? Starting tire fires at the Golden Horseshoe Shopping Center and so on? #OccupyLord&Taylor

I'm concerned about this "take back our country" rhetoric of yours though. Sounds a little suspicious to me. Let me check google.

Oh dear. Bad news I'm afraid, turns out you're a racist:

"You know, people talking about taking their country back. … There's a certain racial component to this ... there's a racial animus."." - Eric Holder

Not only that, but you know who else used the word "diseased" to describe his political opponents? Hitler.
"The battle in which we are engaged today is of the same sort as the battle waged, during the last century, by Pasteur and Koch. How many diseases have their origin in the Jewish virus! ... We shall regain our health only be eliminating the Jew.” - Adolf Hitler

Why your reliance on such inflammatory and obviously dog whistle language? If there's another explanation other than you're an antisemitic racist fascist Nazi xenophobic bigot I can't think of one. 

Just to be clear, I'm counting on Trump being killed by his own secret service in the near future. I'm sure that's crossed your mind more than once. That's if he's not impeached first. Let's see if there's a Republican left who hasn't taken Trump's hand and sworn eternal loyalty.
I hope you like Cuba because there is some nice room waiting for you at Gitmo :)

In all seriousness though I think republicans are pretty happy so far. I'm republican but really I guess more of an Independent ( more conservative on financial issues and I'm not talking about whatever the club for growth spews and I'm more a little bit left of center on social issues like being pro choice ) so Tump hasn't done anything yet to piss me off. (he is replacing Scalia so it doesn't really matter to me who he picks for that spot )

Now he could have handled things better on his delivery of some things like the immigration thing for sure and there isn't a doubt in my mind he is going to end up pissing me off in the future over some things especially if he ends up running deficits like GWB and Obama but honestly right now for people like me who are close to the center overall politically I like him shaking up things so far

So, you're a fan of draining the swamp? Let me know when that happens. Trump has been angry about immigration for years starting with crazy shit about Obama not being born in this country. I'm of the logic that says if it ain't broke, don't fix it.
I want the swamp drained then salt put down to ruin it then burned then put a parking lot over it then put some potted plants on top of it..

It's beyond broke. I think you are my age or maybe a little bit over that ( I'll be 47 next week ) and if anyone is 50 or younger the ramifications of what politicians have done to us over the years ( republicans and democrats ) our generation and younger are beyond screwed down the road between the debt and entitlements. ( and I'm not one of the the people who  doesn't want SS or Medicare-Medicaid and the last thing in the world that I want to see if Privatizing SS and see people putting that money in the market ). but they need to be fixed also and I've been saying that for the last 16 years

But it's just a fact. If you look at the numbers of what's looming down the road the younger generations are beyond screwed paying for the fukups of politicians cumulatively over the years

I don't disagree that younger generations will pay for the mistakes of the previous ones. George Bush Jr comes to mind first for some reason.

What I don't understand is why if you want the swamp drained you would support a man that just built a bigger more powerful swamp? Is different better? I'm still waiting for a good decision. Just one good decision, but instead, we see a buffoon who attacks the Pope on Twitter.

Hillary was careless w some emails and maybe she could have done more in Libya, but is that really worth putting a sociopath in office?

Either way, I think we can all agree that the tragic events of the Bowling Green Massacre are a stain on all humanity.
I think GWB is the 2nd worst president in History or at the very least in my lifetime after Carter.

I literally hated him since the debates with Gore and knew right then he was going to be horrible. I voted for Gore and Kerry then McCain

As I said before I like what he has done so far except for his delivery of some things and no I don't believe everything he says or that he says he is going to do. My view on Trump and Washington would probably be best described the game recap that Fun wrote a few games ago and if you look at it just for what he wrote and keep an open mind to it I think it's pretty reasonable

I'll give you 1 example of something that he did that I liked and this was on his first day. Ending the FHA 25 basis point decrease that Obama tried screwing him with only 2 weeks before that ( it hadn't taken affect yet )

Now the media spun it as Trump screwing over the little people. That's nonsense. First of all the FHA had to get bailed out in 2013 I believe. 2nd is this money goes straight to building the reserves for the FHA in case of a housing meltdown again so it's not like the money is being used to fund the rich or somethings. So in essence by building the reserves you are giving the FHA more ability down the road to insure more mortgages.  3rd someone can make the case that wtf are people even putting down to as low as 3.5% of a down payment on mortgages

If anything you can actually argue the other way that Trump being in real estate and his friends being in real estate that this hypothetically could hurt developers because if people can't afford the PMI insurance some of them might be less likely to buy houses

So if anything he was being fiscally prudent with taxpayer money because if all that happens is the FHA builds their reserves that's a good thing for taxpayers

If you don't believe everything that he says, how do you determine what he'll do or won't do? Think Trump knows? He attacked the Pope the other day.
I dont. It's the same way if Hillary was president she'd be lying also. All presidents lie. The key for me is not so much what he lies about it's what he accomplishes as far as policy and after 4 years I see what he has done good and bad and what he is saying he will do for the next 4 years and I evalate that and will determine whether I would vote for him.

I am by no means a lock to vote for Trump in 4 years and there are plenty of things that he could do over the next 4 years that could cause me to not vote for him but like I said before so far he is doing things that I agree with. When it comes to politics I keep an open mind.  If Biden ran in 4 years who knows I could end up voting for him if I was pissed at Trump down the road. But so far he is shaking things up and if someone keeps an open mind and not prejudge him they might see that too. The media wont though. They flat out misrepresent things to fit their narrative. And when GWB was president people said the media was biased but I think he got virtually all the bad press that he deserved

If he starts a nuclear war we could look back at the things he's said about nuclear war and see that he's only doing what he said he'd do. My fear with Trump in office is that he'll do what he says he will do in terms of literally destroying the planet. In terms of creating jobs for poor white people in Michigan, I think if anyone has half a brain, they know he lied to them because he needed them to win the election.

If Trump wants to be given a chance, as much as I'd like to see him beaten to within an inch of his life, there is still time for him to turn it around, but it won't happen until he realizes that he works for the people. Not the other way around. Never before in American history has a President been hated like Trump is now. He did that to himself. It's clear that he's a lunatic because just imagine how much he could have won by had he not acted like an entitled POS?

I will say that I find it amazing how many Trump supporters really believe that Hillary is the antichrist. Had she ever lied? Sure. Like you said, they all lie. They don't all lie every day and make up crazy shit, but the point is taken. Politics isn't an honesty industry. Had anyone else been guilty of the same mistakes Hillary made no one would even notice. He did a great job painting her as crooked and blaming her for that Libya nonsense and garbage about an email server.
I really dontblame her for Libya all that much. The email server thing she did all by herself and she didnt need any help in that regard because she lied multiple times. But again all presidents lie but that email thing for me was a huge deal.

I get why some hate Trump and that's fine with me. I just wish they could look at everything he does and actually try and be honest with themselves and give him credit for some things because if Obama was president every single thing that Trump has done so far most wouldnt have had a problem with but I blame media for a lot of this because Trump could find a cure for cancer and the media will find a way to knock him for it.

But like I said I think he will surprise people for the better if they keep an open mind. If I'm wrong then I have no problem voting for a better qualified candidate in 4 years.

But democrats should be blaming themselves for rigging their own system against Bernie. I might not care for him but I respect him and it's better to be respected.  I hope they dont go even further to the left in 4 years and come up with someone like Warren because then no matter what barring nuclear war I'll vote for Trump

But lets see what happens. I think he is actually going to fight for the US. I just dont want to see trade wars etc but I think his plan is to be bombastic and then find middle ground. I think he will be willing to work across the aisle a lot after a year or so and I actually dont want republicans going wild and winning super majorities in congress because when 1 party controls everything for too long that never works out for the american people regardless of who is in charge

I'm not sayingthat right now I'm sure I want Warren to be our President, but have you seen her question Betsy DeVos? It's pretty telling that DeVos is unbelievably unqualified to have this position.

So, why did she get it? I think it's a fair question. Has she donated some of large wealth to Republican senators? And if she did, our draining swamp has a serious blockage.
when it comes to these cabinet positions I think a lot of times presidents dont try and get the most qualified person.

So no I dont think she is the most qualified. But I am very pro choice when it comes to schools and am pro charter school. I actually wrote a paper on school choice back at st johns my junior or senior year way back in early 90's. So same thing. I'm willing to give her a shot and if she sucks then get rid of her

But let me give you an example of this qualification thing. My partner at work's niece is ironically one of the Obama's best friends. She and her husband were friends with Michelle and Barack since I think right after college in Chicago. They are lawyers. Both my partner at work and his wife and really the rest of his family are all staunch republicans except for the 1 niece in Chicago. ( btw my partner and his wife flew to chicago one time for I think it might have been passover and Michelle and her daughters were over his nieces house and he said Michelle is one of the nicest people anyone could meet ) anyway after Obama took office he got the nieces husband a really top position ( right below cabinet level ) in a certain sector. ( he had no experience in that sector ) and his boss ( the cabinet member ) had virtually no experience either working in that sector. Everything turned out fine. There werent any major debacles. Ironically his nieces husband ended up leaving the position after several years and took a very high profile job for a publically traded company in that sector later on.

I dont know if someone else could have done a better job. I just know that the person with little hands on expereince from that sector that got the cabinet job didnt do a bad job but he certainly wasnt the most qualified candidate.

So that's why I'm generally willing to give most presidential picks a chance and if they fock up that's on the president for hiring them

I'm not against charter schools provided DeVos does not favor them over the rest of our students. I think we can all agree, whether you believe it's because of the amount of people that have fallen hard for Trump's empty manufacturing promises, or because there's a large group of people who only know how to pull a lever, our education needs reform. DeVos has presented nothing at all that leads me to believe that she is interested in improving our education system.

The person who had the job, for whatever reason, has failed. If we're looking for reasons to believe in Trump, I think we should look to what these new faces are really here to do. I also think they have some damn nerve feeling that they are well within in their right to keep that information to themselves. They work for us, and so far, they aren't. So, fair is fair. Trurmp won. Now it's time to get to work making America great again. Let's see what Trump means by that.


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Re: St. John's comments on Executive Order on Immigration
« Reply #162 on: February 06, 2017, 12:03:08 AM »
Congrats to the Falcons - alternative fact ;)


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Re: St. John's comments on Executive Order on Immigration
« Reply #163 on: February 09, 2017, 07:43:16 PM »


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Re: St. John's comments on Executive Order on Immigration
« Reply #164 on: February 14, 2017, 08:40:33 AM »
One down


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Re: St. John's comments on Executive Order on Immigration
« Reply #165 on: February 14, 2017, 11:12:26 AM »
One down

Hope you liberals know how to pace yourselves. You still have 7 years and 11 months left of this guy

Re: St. John's comments on Executive Order on Immigration
« Reply #166 on: February 14, 2017, 11:45:40 AM »
One down

Hope you liberals know how to pace yourselves. You still have 7 years and 11 months left of this guy

They are like little girls who whine, cry, spit, pull hair, have tantrums and do anything to have the last word
cause they think that makes them the winner.  They don't realize they have already lost, they're liberals.


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Re: St. John's comments on Executive Order on Immigration
« Reply #167 on: February 14, 2017, 12:02:58 PM »
One down

Hope you liberals know how to pace yourselves. You still have 7 years and 11 months left of this guy

They are like little girls who whine, cry, spit, pull hair, have tantrums and do anything to have the last word
cause they think that makes them the winner.  They don't realize they have already lost, they're liberals.

True. And the media seems to have plenty of energy now after taking the last 8 years off. Could you imagine if they covered Obama and Hillary like this

Re: St. John's comments on Executive Order on Immigration
« Reply #168 on: February 14, 2017, 12:36:30 PM »
What media ::)


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Re: St. John's comments on Executive Order on Immigration
« Reply #169 on: February 14, 2017, 12:37:40 PM »
One down

Hope you liberals know how to pace yourselves. You still have 7 years and 11 months left of this guy

They are like little girls who whine, cry, spit, pull hair, have tantrums and do anything to have the last word
cause they think that makes them the winner.  They don't realize they have already lost, they're liberals.

True. And the media seems to have plenty of energy now after taking the last 8 years off. Could you imagine if they covered Obama and Hillary like this

The media covered Trump holding a meeting that IDK, might have been important in regards to
North Korea's recent behavior at a f'n Florida country club. Oh, but emails. Gee, I seem to recall the media making a shitstorm out of that nonsense.


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Re: St. John's comments on Executive Order on Immigration
« Reply #170 on: February 14, 2017, 12:41:05 PM »
One down

Hope you liberals know how to pace yourselves. You still have 7 years and 11 months left of this guy

They are like little girls who whine, cry, spit, pull hair, have tantrums and do anything to have the last word cause they think that makes them the winner.  They don't realize they have already lost, they're liberals.

You know, ladies might take offense to you speaking about them that way. But I imagine you're still a romantic at heart, and did right by the little lady today. Tell me Mr. Moon Mullin, if we liberals have lost, what is it specifically that you think you've won?


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Re: St. John's comments on Executive Order on Immigration
« Reply #171 on: February 14, 2017, 12:42:37 PM »
What media ::)

The media that caused the first of many to resign. Score one for the resistance.


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Re: St. John's comments on Executive Order on Immigration
« Reply #172 on: February 14, 2017, 12:45:23 PM »
What media ::)

The media that caused the first of many to resign. Score one for the resistance.

Lol. No matter what the media or "resistance" tries to do there will still be conservatives appointed to the Supreme Court, Obamacare will be ripped to shreds, all of the nonsense "climate change" regulations will be done away with and tax cuts are coming


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Re: St. John's comments on Executive Order on Immigration
« Reply #173 on: February 14, 2017, 12:48:35 PM »
One down

Hope you liberals know how to pace yourselves. You still have 7 years and 11 months left of this guy

They are like little girls who whine, cry, spit, pull hair, have tantrums and do anything to have the last word
cause they think that makes them the winner.  They don't realize they have already lost, they're liberals.

True. And the media seems to have plenty of energy now after taking the last 8 years off. Could you imagine if they covered Obama and Hillary like this

The media covered Trump holding a meeting that IDK, might have been important in regards to
North Korea's recent behavior at a f'n Florida country club. Oh, but emails. Gee, I seem to recall the media making a shitstorm out of that nonsense.

I remember when multiple people in the Obama administration lied to the American people over and over again about the Benghazi attacks being caused by a Youtube video. I remember when the Obama administration sold guns to Mexican cartels that wound up killing hundreds of innocent Mexicans and an American border patrol agent. I remember when the Obama administration paid $1.3 billion in a ransom payment to Iran and Valerie Jarrett had to plead the 5th when asked about it by congress. But those types of things aren't big deals unless a Republican does them, right?
« Last Edit: February 14, 2017, 12:57:31 PM by goredmen »


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Re: St. John's comments on Executive Order on Immigration
« Reply #174 on: February 14, 2017, 12:59:57 PM »
But those types of things aren't big deals unless a Republican does them, right?

Using the powers of the office of President of the United States, Richard M. Nixon, in violation of his constitutional oath faithfully to execute the office of President of the United States and, to the best of his ability, preserve, protect, and defend the Constitution of the United States, and in disregard of his constitutional duty to take care that the laws be faithfully executed, has repeatedly engaged in conduct violating the constitutional rights of citizens, impairing the due and proper administration of justice and the conduct of lawful inquiries, or contravening the laws governing agencies of the executive branch and the purposed of these agencies.

This conduct has included one or more of the following:

He has, acting personally and through his subordinates and agents, endeavored to obtain from the Internal Revenue Service, in violation of the constitutional rights of citizens, confidential information contained in income tax returns for purposed not authorized by law, and to cause, in violation of the constitutional rights of citizens, income tax audits or other income tax investigations to be initiated or conducted in a discriminatory manner.

Move along, nothing to see here.


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Re: St. John's comments on Executive Order on Immigration
« Reply #175 on: February 14, 2017, 03:29:03 PM »
What media ::)

The media that caused the first of many to resign. Score one for the resistance.

Lol. No matter what the media or "resistance" tries to do there will still be conservatives appointed to the Supreme Court, Obamacare will be ripped to shreds, all of the nonsense "climate change" regulations will be done away with and tax cuts are coming

So climate change is nothing more than a liberal conspiracy? Obamacare will probably be ripped to shreds. Maybe it should be provided it's replaced with something better. Will it be? It's too bad that people who otherwise wouldn't have insurance at all will be left with no options. Don't you agree?
« Last Edit: February 14, 2017, 03:38:25 PM by Poison »


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Re: St. John's comments on Executive Order on Immigration
« Reply #176 on: February 14, 2017, 03:34:27 PM »
One down

Hope you liberals know how to pace yourselves. You still have 7 years and 11 months left of this guy

They are like little girls who whine, cry, spit, pull hair, have tantrums and do anything to have the last word
cause they think that makes them the winner.  They don't realize they have already lost, they're liberals.

True. And the media seems to have plenty of energy now after taking the last 8 years off. Could you imagine if they covered Obama and Hillary like this

The media covered Trump holding a meeting that IDK, might have been important in regards to
North Korea's recent behavior at a f'n Florida country club. Oh, but emails. Gee, I seem to recall the media making a shitstorm out of that nonsense.

I remember when multiple people in the Obama administration lied to the American people over and over again about the Benghazi attacks being caused by a Youtube video. I remember when the Obama administration sold guns to Mexican cartels that wound up killing hundreds of innocent Mexicans and an American border patrol agent. I remember when the Obama administration paid $1.3 billion in a ransom payment to Iran and Valerie Jarrett had to plead the 5th when asked about it by congress. But those types of things aren't big deals unless a Republican does them, right?

Benghazi. Jesus. Are you still on with that nonsense?


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Re: St. John's comments on Executive Order on Immigration
« Reply #177 on: February 14, 2017, 03:40:52 PM »
One down

Hope you liberals know how to pace yourselves. You still have 7 years and 11 months left of this guy

They are like little girls who whine, cry, spit, pull hair, have tantrums and do anything to have the last word
cause they think that makes them the winner.  They don't realize they have already lost, they're liberals.

True. And the media seems to have plenty of energy now after taking the last 8 years off. Could you imagine if they covered Obama and Hillary like this

Speaking of time off, guess who just left for his third vacation since taking office?


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Re: St. John's comments on Executive Order on Immigration
« Reply #178 on: February 14, 2017, 04:33:57 PM »
What media ::)

The media that caused the first of many to resign. Score one for the resistance.

Lol. No matter what the media or "resistance" tries to do there will still be conservatives appointed to the Supreme Court, Obamacare will be ripped to shreds, all of the nonsense "climate change" regulations will be done away with and tax cuts are coming

So climate change is nothing more than a liberal conspiracy? Obamacare will probably be ripped to shreds. Maybe it should be provided it's replaced with something better. Will it be? It's too bad that people who otherwise wouldn't have insurance at all will be left with no options. Don't you agree?

The science behind climate change has already been proven to be manipulated and exaggerated in the words of the scientists themselves.

Yes, I do agree that Obamacare shouldn't be ripped up until something better is in place and so does this administration which is why Obamacare hasn't been repealed yet.


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Re: St. John's comments on Executive Order on Immigration
« Reply #179 on: February 14, 2017, 04:35:36 PM »
One down

Hope you liberals know how to pace yourselves. You still have 7 years and 11 months left of this guy

They are like little girls who whine, cry, spit, pull hair, have tantrums and do anything to have the last word
cause they think that makes them the winner.  They don't realize they have already lost, they're liberals.

True. And the media seems to have plenty of energy now after taking the last 8 years off. Could you imagine if they covered Obama and Hillary like this

The media covered Trump holding a meeting that IDK, might have been important in regards to
North Korea's recent behavior at a f'n Florida country club. Oh, but emails. Gee, I seem to recall the media making a shitstorm out of that nonsense.

I remember when multiple people in the Obama administration lied to the American people over and over again about the Benghazi attacks being caused by a Youtube video. I remember when the Obama administration sold guns to Mexican cartels that wound up killing hundreds of innocent Mexicans and an American border patrol agent. I remember when the Obama administration paid $1.3 billion in a ransom payment to Iran and Valerie Jarrett had to plead the 5th when asked about it by congress. But those types of things aren't big deals unless a Republican does them, right?

Benghazi. Jesus. Are you still on with that nonsense?

We know you care more about the lives of illegals and refugees more than American lives so it's no wonder you think Benghazi is nonsense. You can't deny they flat out lied about the cause of it. Good job addressing the other stuff in there too that people in the administration straight up lied about and Obama defended them and media went silent.