Who are you voting for..?

  • 304 replies
Re: Who are you voting for..?
« Reply #180 on: November 06, 2016, 01:38:21 AM »
So his publisher made a mistake in identifying his birthplace.  And Snopes verified the mistake.  I'm not sure I get your point, Foad. I'm sure a smart guy like you wouldn't still be questioning the validity of the birth certificate.  Or am I wrong about that?

And I have to say that the poster who earlier tried to absolve Trump of the birther fiasco by blaming it all on a 2008 Clinton staffer is delusional. The staffer (not Hillary) referred to Obama's "lack of American roots".  He didn't say he wasn't born here.  No one in their right mind would dispute that Trump was the man who advanced the birther claim and made it an outrageous national story.  And worse, when the birth certificate was produced, he said he had reliable sources that could prove the certificate was fraudulent. Say what you want about Trump, but don't tell me that he, more than anyone, didn't own this shameful story.
Trump did the most to talk about the birther thing which I wasn't a fan of but it all started with democrats


Let me ask you a question: Why isn't Trump's behavior in this situation enough to make you hate his guts?
I cringed every time he brought it up. I cringe with Obama Muslim stuff. I cringe with Trump with some of the Spanish stuff even though I want a wall built too. I'm voting for him and my fiancee is spanish. If he was running against someone that I didnt think was a criminal I just might vote for the other person. heck I voted for Gore and Kerry because I hated GWB so much

But democrats started the birther thing

I get the email thing isn't a big deal to you but she flat out lied pretty much every step of the way and the email thing and private server to me is a monster issue aside from how the Clintons accumulated 200 million dollars and how they did it

I appreciate your pov. You're right in that I don't think the email thing is even a thing. I don't care that she lied about it either. Shes a politician. I'm a realist. They all lie. But she's opposing a liar and if you ask the people who have worked for him and with him, a career criminal. Tell me, why do you think it is that no one who has worked with Hillary says anything of the sort about her? Doesn't that tell you something?

Both sides think other candidate is a criminal. It will be interesting to see what happens when the dust settles.
I don't know anyone that works with her directly but I know someone who was a pilot on Marine one for the last couple of presidents and he knows a lot of the security people. He said they loved GWB and he treated them like friends,they liked Bill Clinton and Biden, they like Obama but he is very standoffish and is very guarded in what he says with them which I can't fault him for but he said they all hate Hillary and she is really nasty when the cameras aren't on.

So yeah I don't know anyone that works with her directly but this is kind of close and it's not like he is being partisan because he didnt even say anything really bad about the others

This election I totally understand why some might not like the other candidate and I don't fault them for voting the other way. The Hillary supporters who act like she has done nothing wrong ever are the ones that drive me nuts though

I don't think you are in that category

But I also don't like people assuming that all the Trump supporters are racist etc because I'm certainly as far from a racist as humanly possible.

I'm voting for him because if there is a 1% chance that the cesspool of washington politicians and the hanger ons who live off our tax money with no real interest in doing anything else other than enriching themselves can be shaken the hell up then it's a vote I don't mind taking a chance on

If Trump wants to create a better America for people other than himself, why has he not shared any of that with us? He hates Obamacare, and that's fine, but what's his solution? What his solution for anything? If there is one significant fault in Obama's presidency, it's that he wasn't able to unify the house. It's easy to say that all the GOP is now is a bunch of racists, and while there's clearly some truth in that, not all of them disagreed with him just because they wanted to see him fail. I think the fact that Hillary is respected by so many Republicans will help her to accomplish some of the things that Obama wasn't able to do. In the story you shared, Hillary is a different person with the cameras off. She's apparently hated and she's nasty. Maybe that's true. Maybe it isn't. Is it a reason to not vote for someone? I don't care if she's a sweetheart. I like her nasty. We need someone who is strong willed. Not a coward like Trump. I'm not suggesting that Hillary is perfect. She's made mistakes. I think anyone working in a career for 30+ years would. She's human.

With Trump, we know exactly the kind of person he is. How many mistakes has he made in the last year alone? Really, how many in just the last day?

There isn't one example of anything where Trump has shared an intelligent plan for anything at all. To vote for him because you think there's a 1% chance of political change is  incredibly optimistic. What will he accomplish with congress when he can't even get along with Fox News?

We had a C student for 8 years in the White House. We all know how that turned out. On the morning of 9/11, George Bush looked like he wanted to make a run for his momma's skirt. I predict that Trump would crumble under any real pressure. That's just my take on him.  He's never had to deal with any because he was born with a silver spoon in his mouth, and like Bloomberg said, a New Yorker knows a fraud when we see one.

And lastly, since you brought up Washington and hanger ons, don't you think you deserve to know what Trump's tax returns look like? Hillary shared hers.
As far as Obamacare to me repealing it is no-negotiable until you have another plan in place from day 1 so I don't agree with Trump completely on that ( and I was against Obamacare ) because I thought it was going to be a train wreck and didnt do much of anything to fix the biggest problem the cost of healthcare

I actually think Trump will be a real good negotiator and reach across the aisle. I say this because heck he used to be a democrat. I think Trump in his nature in any negotiation takes really extreme views with the purpose of negotiating and by taking the extreme view what he settles on will be closer to the deal he is really thinking of

I do kid of agree that Hillary will reach more deals than Obama because that's what Bill did and she will be in a constant state of weakness assuming she doesn't get arrested she will need to cut deals.

My prediction is if she wins progressives might hate her more than republicans by the end of her term

Oh and yes I think it's disgraceful that Trump hasn't released his tax return. I just think that Hillary not releasing 30k missing emailsehich could have had to do with top secret info is worse
« Last Edit: November 06, 2016, 01:41:08 AM by mjmaherjr »


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Re: Who are you voting for..?
« Reply #181 on: November 06, 2016, 01:47:37 AM »
So his publisher made a mistake in identifying his birthplace.  And Snopes verified the mistake.  I'm not sure I get your point, Foad. I'm sure a smart guy like you wouldn't still be questioning the validity of the birth certificate.  Or am I wrong about that?

And I have to say that the poster who earlier tried to absolve Trump of the birther fiasco by blaming it all on a 2008 Clinton staffer is delusional. The staffer (not Hillary) referred to Obama's "lack of American roots".  He didn't say he wasn't born here.  No one in their right mind would dispute that Trump was the man who advanced the birther claim and made it an outrageous national story.  And worse, when the birth certificate was produced, he said he had reliable sources that could prove the certificate was fraudulent. Say what you want about Trump, but don't tell me that he, more than anyone, didn't own this shameful story.
Trump did the most to talk about the birther thing which I wasn't a fan of but it all started with democrats


Let me ask you a question: Why isn't Trump's behavior in this situation enough to make you hate his guts?
I cringed every time he brought it up. I cringe with Obama Muslim stuff. I cringe with Trump with some of the Spanish stuff even though I want a wall built too. I'm voting for him and my fiancee is spanish. If he was running against someone that I didnt think was a criminal I just might vote for the other person. heck I voted for Gore and Kerry because I hated GWB so much

But democrats started the birther thing

I get the email thing isn't a big deal to you but she flat out lied pretty much every step of the way and the email thing and private server to me is a monster issue aside from how the Clintons accumulated 200 million dollars and how they did it

I appreciate your pov. You're right in that I don't think the email thing is even a thing. I don't care that she lied about it either. Shes a politician. I'm a realist. They all lie. But she's opposing a liar and if you ask the people who have worked for him and with him, a career criminal. Tell me, why do you think it is that no one who has worked with Hillary says anything of the sort about her? Doesn't that tell you something?

Both sides think other candidate is a criminal. It will be interesting to see what happens when the dust settles.
I don't know anyone that works with her directly but I know someone who was a pilot on Marine one for the last couple of presidents and he knows a lot of the security people. He said they loved GWB and he treated them like friends,they liked Bill Clinton and Biden, they like Obama but he is very standoffish and is very guarded in what he says with them which I can't fault him for but he said they all hate Hillary and she is really nasty when the cameras aren't on.

So yeah I don't know anyone that works with her directly but this is kind of close and it's not like he is being partisan because he didnt even say anything really bad about the others

This election I totally understand why some might not like the other candidate and I don't fault them for voting the other way. The Hillary supporters who act like she has done nothing wrong ever are the ones that drive me nuts though

I don't think you are in that category

But I also don't like people assuming that all the Trump supporters are racist etc because I'm certainly as far from a racist as humanly possible.

I'm voting for him because if there is a 1% chance that the cesspool of washington politicians and the hanger ons who live off our tax money with no real interest in doing anything else other than enriching themselves can be shaken the hell up then it's a vote I don't mind taking a chance on

If Trump wants to create a better America for people other than himself, why has he not shared any of that with us? He hates Obamacare, and that's fine, but what's his solution? What his solution for anything? If there is one significant fault in Obama's presidency, it's that he wasn't able to unify the house. It's easy to say that all the GOP is now is a bunch of racists, and while there's clearly some truth in that, not all of them disagreed with him just because they wanted to see him fail. I think the fact that Hillary is respected by so many Republicans will help her to accomplish some of the things that Obama wasn't able to do. In the story you shared, Hillary is a different person with the cameras off. She's apparently hated and she's nasty. Maybe that's true. Maybe it isn't. Is it a reason to not vote for someone? I don't care if she's a sweetheart. I like her nasty. We need someone who is strong willed. Not a coward like Trump. I'm not suggesting that Hillary is perfect. She's made mistakes. I think anyone working in a career for 30+ years would. She's human.

With Trump, we know exactly the kind of person he is. How many mistakes has he made in the last year alone? Really, how many in just the last day?

There isn't one example of anything where Trump has shared an intelligent plan for anything at all. To vote for him because you think there's a 1% chance of political change is  incredibly optimistic. What will he accomplish with congress when he can't even get along with Fox News?

We had a C student for 8 years in the White House. We all know how that turned out. On the morning of 9/11, George Bush looked like he wanted to make a run for his momma's skirt. I predict that Trump would crumble under any real pressure. That's just my take on him.  He's never had to deal with any because he was born with a silver spoon in his mouth, and like Bloomberg said, a New Yorker knows a fraud when we see one.

And lastly, since you brought up Washington and hanger ons, don't you think you deserve to know what Trump's tax returns look like? Hillary shared hers.
As far as Obamacare to me repealing it is no-negotiable until you have another plan in place from day 1 so I don't agree with Trump completely on that ( and I was against Obamacare ) because I thought it was going to be a train wreck and didnt do much of anything to fix the biggest problem the cost of healthcare

I actually think Trump will be a real good negotiator and reach across the aisle. I say this because heck he used to be a democrat. I think Trump in his nature in any negotiation takes really extreme views with the purpose of negotiating and by taking the extreme view what he settles on will be closer to the deal he is really thinking of

I do kid of agree that Hillary will reach more deals than Obama because that's what Bill did and she will be in a constant state of weakness assuming she doesn't get arrested she will need to cut deals.

My prediction is if she wins progressives might hate her more than republicans by the end of her term

Oh and yes I think it's disgraceful that Trump hasn't released his tax return. I just think that Hillary not releasing 30k missing emailsehich could have had to do with top secret info is worse

What do you mean IF she wins? This election is over. She is Uconn with Ben Gordon and Emeka Okafor. And Trump is St.John's with Darryl Hill and Curtis Johnson.
« Last Edit: November 06, 2016, 01:48:00 AM by Poison »

Re: Who are you voting for..?
« Reply #182 on: November 06, 2016, 01:50:57 AM »
So his publisher made a mistake in identifying his birthplace.  And Snopes verified the mistake.  I'm not sure I get your point, Foad. I'm sure a smart guy like you wouldn't still be questioning the validity of the birth certificate.  Or am I wrong about that?

And I have to say that the poster who earlier tried to absolve Trump of the birther fiasco by blaming it all on a 2008 Clinton staffer is delusional. The staffer (not Hillary) referred to Obama's "lack of American roots".  He didn't say he wasn't born here.  No one in their right mind would dispute that Trump was the man who advanced the birther claim and made it an outrageous national story.  And worse, when the birth certificate was produced, he said he had reliable sources that could prove the certificate was fraudulent. Say what you want about Trump, but don't tell me that he, more than anyone, didn't own this shameful story.
Trump did the most to talk about the birther thing which I wasn't a fan of but it all started with democrats


Let me ask you a question: Why isn't Trump's behavior in this situation enough to make you hate his guts?
I cringed every time he brought it up. I cringe with Obama Muslim stuff. I cringe with Trump with some of the Spanish stuff even though I want a wall built too. I'm voting for him and my fiancee is spanish. If he was running against someone that I didnt think was a criminal I just might vote for the other person. heck I voted for Gore and Kerry because I hated GWB so much

But democrats started the birther thing

I get the email thing isn't a big deal to you but she flat out lied pretty much every step of the way and the email thing and private server to me is a monster issue aside from how the Clintons accumulated 200 million dollars and how they did it

I appreciate your pov. You're right in that I don't think the email thing is even a thing. I don't care that she lied about it either. Shes a politician. I'm a realist. They all lie. But she's opposing a liar and if you ask the people who have worked for him and with him, a career criminal. Tell me, why do you think it is that no one who has worked with Hillary says anything of the sort about her? Doesn't that tell you something?

Both sides think other candidate is a criminal. It will be interesting to see what happens when the dust settles.
I don't know anyone that works with her directly but I know someone who was a pilot on Marine one for the last couple of presidents and he knows a lot of the security people. He said they loved GWB and he treated them like friends,they liked Bill Clinton and Biden, they like Obama but he is very standoffish and is very guarded in what he says with them which I can't fault him for but he said they all hate Hillary and she is really nasty when the cameras aren't on.

So yeah I don't know anyone that works with her directly but this is kind of close and it's not like he is being partisan because he didnt even say anything really bad about the others

This election I totally understand why some might not like the other candidate and I don't fault them for voting the other way. The Hillary supporters who act like she has done nothing wrong ever are the ones that drive me nuts though

I don't think you are in that category

But I also don't like people assuming that all the Trump supporters are racist etc because I'm certainly as far from a racist as humanly possible.

I'm voting for him because if there is a 1% chance that the cesspool of washington politicians and the hanger ons who live off our tax money with no real interest in doing anything else other than enriching themselves can be shaken the hell up then it's a vote I don't mind taking a chance on

If Trump wants to create a better America for people other than himself, why has he not shared any of that with us? He hates Obamacare, and that's fine, but what's his solution? What his solution for anything? If there is one significant fault in Obama's presidency, it's that he wasn't able to unify the house. It's easy to say that all the GOP is now is a bunch of racists, and while there's clearly some truth in that, not all of them disagreed with him just because they wanted to see him fail. I think the fact that Hillary is respected by so many Republicans will help her to accomplish some of the things that Obama wasn't able to do. In the story you shared, Hillary is a different person with the cameras off. She's apparently hated and she's nasty. Maybe that's true. Maybe it isn't. Is it a reason to not vote for someone? I don't care if she's a sweetheart. I like her nasty. We need someone who is strong willed. Not a coward like Trump. I'm not suggesting that Hillary is perfect. She's made mistakes. I think anyone working in a career for 30+ years would. She's human.

With Trump, we know exactly the kind of person he is. How many mistakes has he made in the last year alone? Really, how many in just the last day?

There isn't one example of anything where Trump has shared an intelligent plan for anything at all. To vote for him because you think there's a 1% chance of political change is  incredibly optimistic. What will he accomplish with congress when he can't even get along with Fox News?

We had a C student for 8 years in the White House. We all know how that turned out. On the morning of 9/11, George Bush looked like he wanted to make a run for his momma's skirt. I predict that Trump would crumble under any real pressure. That's just my take on him.  He's never had to deal with any because he was born with a silver spoon in his mouth, and like Bloomberg said, a New Yorker knows a fraud when we see one.

And lastly, since you brought up Washington and hanger ons, don't you think you deserve to know what Trump's tax returns look like? Hillary shared hers.
As far as Obamacare to me repealing it is no-negotiable until you have another plan in place from day 1 so I don't agree with Trump completely on that ( and I was against Obamacare ) because I thought it was going to be a train wreck and didnt do much of anything to fix the biggest problem the cost of healthcare

I actually think Trump will be a real good negotiator and reach across the aisle. I say this because heck he used to be a democrat. I think Trump in his nature in any negotiation takes really extreme views with the purpose of negotiating and by taking the extreme view what he settles on will be closer to the deal he is really thinking of

I do kid of agree that Hillary will reach more deals than Obama because that's what Bill did and she will be in a constant state of weakness assuming she doesn't get arrested she will need to cut deals.

My prediction is if she wins progressives might hate her more than republicans by the end of her term

Oh and yes I think it's disgraceful that Trump hasn't released his tax return. I just think that Hillary not releasing 30k missing emailsehich could have had to do with top secret info is worse

What do you mean IF she wins? This election is over. She is Uconn with Ben Gordon and Emeka Okafor. And Trump is St.John's with Darryl Hill and Curtis Johnson.
we have some russian players coming in


  • *****
  • 16896
Re: Who are you voting for..?
« Reply #183 on: November 06, 2016, 07:27:05 AM »
So his publisher made a mistake in identifying his birthplace.  And Snopes verified the mistake.  I'm not sure I get your point, Foad. I'm sure a smart guy like you wouldn't still be questioning the validity of the birth certificate.  Or am I wrong about that?

And I have to say that the poster who earlier tried to absolve Trump of the birther fiasco by blaming it all on a 2008 Clinton staffer is delusional. The staffer (not Hillary) referred to Obama's "lack of American roots".  He didn't say he wasn't born here.  No one in their right mind would dispute that Trump was the man who advanced the birther claim and made it an outrageous national story.  And worse, when the birth certificate was produced, he said he had reliable sources that could prove the certificate was fraudulent. Say what you want about Trump, but don't tell me that he, more than anyone, didn't own this shameful story.
Trump did the most to talk about the birther thing which I wasn't a fan of but it all started with democrats


Let me ask you a question: Why isn't Trump's behavior in this situation enough to make you hate his guts?
I cringed every time he brought it up. I cringe with Obama Muslim stuff. I cringe with Trump with some of the Spanish stuff even though I want a wall built too. I'm voting for him and my fiancee is spanish. If he was running against someone that I didnt think was a criminal I just might vote for the other person. heck I voted for Gore and Kerry because I hated GWB so much

But democrats started the birther thing

I get the email thing isn't a big deal to you but she flat out lied pretty much every step of the way and the email thing and private server to me is a monster issue aside from how the Clintons accumulated 200 million dollars and how they did it

I appreciate your pov. You're right in that I don't think the email thing is even a thing. I don't care that she lied about it either. Shes a politician. I'm a realist. They all lie. But she's opposing a liar and if you ask the people who have worked for him and with him, a career criminal. Tell me, why do you think it is that no one who has worked with Hillary says anything of the sort about her? Doesn't that tell you something?

Both sides think other candidate is a criminal. It will be interesting to see what happens when the dust settles.
I don't know anyone that works with her directly but I know someone who was a pilot on Marine one for the last couple of presidents and he knows a lot of the security people. He said they loved GWB and he treated them like friends,they liked Bill Clinton and Biden, they like Obama but he is very standoffish and is very guarded in what he says with them which I can't fault him for but he said they all hate Hillary and she is really nasty when the cameras aren't on.

So yeah I don't know anyone that works with her directly but this is kind of close and it's not like he is being partisan because he didnt even say anything really bad about the others

This election I totally understand why some might not like the other candidate and I don't fault them for voting the other way. The Hillary supporters who act like she has done nothing wrong ever are the ones that drive me nuts though

I don't think you are in that category

But I also don't like people assuming that all the Trump supporters are racist etc because I'm certainly as far from a racist as humanly possible.

I'm voting for him because if there is a 1% chance that the cesspool of washington politicians and the hanger ons who live off our tax money with no real interest in doing anything else other than enriching themselves can be shaken the hell up then it's a vote I don't mind taking a chance on

If Trump wants to create a better America for people other than himself, why has he not shared any of that with us? He hates Obamacare, and that's fine, but what's his solution? What his solution for anything? If there is one significant fault in Obama's presidency, it's that he wasn't able to unify the house. It's easy to say that all the GOP is now is a bunch of racists, and while there's clearly some truth in that, not all of them disagreed with him just because they wanted to see him fail. I think the fact that Hillary is respected by so many Republicans will help her to accomplish some of the things that Obama wasn't able to do. In the story you shared, Hillary is a different person with the cameras off. She's apparently hated and she's nasty. Maybe that's true. Maybe it isn't. Is it a reason to not vote for someone? I don't care if she's a sweetheart. I like her nasty. We need someone who is strong willed. Not a coward like Trump. I'm not suggesting that Hillary is perfect. She's made mistakes. I think anyone working in a career for 30+ years would. She's human.

With Trump, we know exactly the kind of person he is. How many mistakes has he made in the last year alone? Really, how many in just the last day?

There isn't one example of anything where Trump has shared an intelligent plan for anything at all. To vote for him because you think there's a 1% chance of political change is  incredibly optimistic. What will he accomplish with congress when he can't even get along with Fox News?

We had a C student for 8 years in the White House. We all know how that turned out. On the morning of 9/11, George Bush looked like he wanted to make a run for his momma's skirt. I predict that Trump would crumble under any real pressure. That's just my take on him.  He's never had to deal with any because he was born with a silver spoon in his mouth, and like Bloomberg said, a New Yorker knows a fraud when we see one.

And lastly, since you brought up Washington and hanger ons, don't you think you deserve to know what Trump's tax returns look like? Hillary shared hers.
As far as Obamacare to me repealing it is no-negotiable until you have another plan in place from day 1 so I don't agree with Trump completely on that ( and I was against Obamacare ) because I thought it was going to be a train wreck and didnt do much of anything to fix the biggest problem the cost of healthcare

I actually think Trump will be a real good negotiator and reach across the aisle. I say this because heck he used to be a democrat. I think Trump in his nature in any negotiation takes really extreme views with the purpose of negotiating and by taking the extreme view what he settles on will be closer to the deal he is really thinking of

I do kid of agree that Hillary will reach more deals than Obama because that's what Bill did and she will be in a constant state of weakness assuming she doesn't get arrested she will need to cut deals.

My prediction is if she wins progressives might hate her more than republicans by the end of her term

Oh and yes I think it's disgraceful that Trump hasn't released his tax return. I just think that Hillary not releasing 30k missing emailsehich could have had to do with top secret info is worse

What do you mean IF she wins? This election is over. She is Uconn with Ben Gordon and Emeka Okafor. And Trump is St.John's with Darryl Hill and Curtis Johnson.
we have some russian players coming in



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Re: Who are you voting for..?
« Reply #184 on: November 06, 2016, 07:55:20 AM »
I just asked for a reputable news source.

Sorry I forgot how easily stupified by facts those on the left are.

"Two supporters of Hillary Clinton’s 2008 presidential campaign reportedly shared the claim that then-rival Barack Obama was not born in the United States and thus was not eligible to be president. One was a volunteer in Iowa, who was fired, Clinton’s former campaign manager said Friday. The other was Clinton confidant Sidney Blumenthal, according to a former McClatchy Washington Bureau chief.


During the 2008 Democratic primary, Sid Blumenthal visited the Washington Bureau of McClatchy Co.,” Asher said in an email Friday to McClatchy, noting that he was at the time the investigative editor and in charge of Africa coverage.

“During that meeting, Mr. Blumenthal and I met together in my office and he strongly urged me to investigate the exact place of President Obama’s birth, which he suggested was in Kenya. We assigned a reporter to go to Kenya, and that reporter determined that the allegation was false.


Let's see.

You believe that people who support Trump are racists because they support a man who "started this nonsense years ago by trying to prove that Obama wasn't born in this country."

It turns out that the person who pushed the rumor was Sidney Blumenthal - a long time HRC confidant who doesn't move his bowels without first checking with Hillary. And you support HRC, which following your own logic, gee I guess that makes you a racist, huh.   


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  • 6065
Re: Who are you voting for..?
« Reply #185 on: November 06, 2016, 08:11:06 AM »
So his publisher made a mistake in identifying his birthplace.  And Snopes verified the mistake.  I'm not sure I get your point, Foad. I'm sure a smart guy like you wouldn't still be questioning the validity of the birth certificate.  Or am I wrong about that?

I'm positive you don't get my point and yes you're wrong and on a number of accounts. First, I never mentioned a birth certificate. Second, I did not express an opinion about the Kenya rumor being true or false. And third you're talking about a blurb on Obama's autobiography, which means that it's the story of his life that Bill Ayers wrote he wrote himself. If you think that he didn't see and approve that blurb you're out of your mind - although it's more likely Bill Ayers wrote it he wrote it personally. So he's from Kenya when it suits him to be exotic and he's offended by the suggestion that he's exotic when he wants to be mainstream. That's my point: he started the rumor himself.

And I have to say that the poster who earlier tried to absolve Trump of the birther fiasco by blaming it all on a 2008 Clinton staffer is delusional. The staffer (not Hillary) referred to Obama's "lack of American roots".  He didn't say he wasn't born here. ..

Wrong again.

“During that meeting, Mr. Blumenthal and I met together in my office and he strongly urged me to investigate the exact place of President Obama’s birth, which he suggested was in Kenya. We assigned a reporter to go to Kenya, and that reporter determined that the allegation was false.

Read more here: http://www.mcclatchydc.com/news/politics-government/election/article102354777.html#storylink=cpy

That'd be the same good old Sid Blumenthal who Hillary was exchanging classified emails with with using the illegal server in her basement while she served as SofS.

So to recap: move along, nothing to see here.


  • *****
  • 6065
Re: Who are you voting for..?
« Reply #186 on: November 06, 2016, 08:13:49 AM »
Tell me, why do you think it is that no one who has worked with Hillary says anything of the sort about her? Doesn't that tell you something?

Yeah, it tells me they don't want to end up like Vince Foster. Winky.


  • *****
  • 16896
Re: Who are you voting for..?
« Reply #187 on: November 06, 2016, 08:23:45 AM »
I just asked for a reputable news source.

Sorry I forgot how easily stupified by facts those on the left are.

"Two supporters of Hillary Clinton’s 2008 presidential campaign reportedly shared the claim that then-rival Barack Obama was not born in the United States and thus was not eligible to be president. One was a volunteer in Iowa, who was fired, Clinton’s former campaign manager said Friday. The other was Clinton confidant Sidney Blumenthal, according to a former McClatchy Washington Bureau chief.


During the 2008 Democratic primary, Sid Blumenthal visited the Washington Bureau of McClatchy Co.,” Asher said in an email Friday to McClatchy, noting that he was at the time the investigative editor and in charge of Africa coverage.

“During that meeting, Mr. Blumenthal and I met together in my office and he strongly urged me to investigate the exact place of President Obama’s birth, which he suggested was in Kenya. We assigned a reporter to go to Kenya, and that reporter determined that the allegation was false.


Let's see.

You believe that people who support Trump are racists because they support a man who "started this nonsense years ago by trying to prove that Obama wasn't born in this country."

It turns out that the person who pushed the rumor was Sidney Blumenthal - a long time HRC confidant who doesn't move his bowels without first checking with Hillary. And you support HRC, which following your own logic, gee I guess that makes you a racist, huh.   

To what extent is the part that you've conveniently omitted. Trump is a racist not just for the way he carried himself in regards to where POTUS was born, but racism is a consistent basis of his campaign. If this example isn't good enough for you because Trump didn't think it up on his own, I find that to be a silly reason to exonerate the man. He's the idiot who made a complete ass of himself for years on the subject. The GOP knew it was bogus, but the train had left the station, and those disgusting people ended up with a candidate who cannot win. But still, he's the GOP that they truly deserve.

Often you make points, just to point out subtle oversights or mistakes. And that's fine if it makes you happy. If you're harping on who started this nonsense, you're harping on the wrong point. Trump ran with it, and didn't stop for years. Calling that careless would be an understatement.

Still, I'll clarify once more for those who don't care to read carefully, since it's such a passion of yours. What I said is that Trump supporters are racist OR stupid. And I stand by that. They are  not absolutely racist. Many of his supporters are the common clay of the our country. Simple farmers. These aren't racists. They see a pro America candidate who preys on their misguided patriotism, and they just don't know any better.

But you damn well should.


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Re: Who are you voting for..?
« Reply #188 on: November 06, 2016, 08:24:54 AM »
Tell me, why do you think it is that no one who has worked with Hillary says anything of the sort about her? Doesn't that tell you something?

Yeah, it tells me they don't want to end up like Vince Foster. Winky.

Shouldn't you be a lot more afraid of such a nasty woman?
« Last Edit: November 06, 2016, 09:11:23 AM by Poison »


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Re: Who are you voting for..?
« Reply #189 on: November 06, 2016, 08:30:24 AM »
So his publisher made a mistake in identifying his birthplace.  And Snopes verified the mistake.  I'm not sure I get your point, Foad. I'm sure a smart guy like you wouldn't still be questioning the validity of the birth certificate.  Or am I wrong about that?

I'm positive you don't get my point and yes you're wrong and on a number of accounts. First, I never mentioned a birth certificate. Second, I did not express an opinion about the Kenya rumor being true or false. And third you're talking about a blurb on Obama's autobiography, which means that it's the story of his life that Bill Ayers wrote he wrote himself. If you think that he didn't see and approve that blurb you're out of your mind - although it's more likely Bill Ayers wrote it he wrote it personally. So he's from Kenya when it suits him to be exotic and he's offended by the suggestion that he's exotic when he wants to be mainstream. That's my point: he started the rumor himself.

And I have to say that the poster who earlier tried to absolve Trump of the birther fiasco by blaming it all on a 2008 Clinton staffer is delusional. The staffer (not Hillary) referred to Obama's "lack of American roots".  He didn't say he wasn't born here. ..

Wrong again.

“During that meeting, Mr. Blumenthal and I met together in my office and he strongly urged me to investigate the exact place of President Obama’s birth, which he suggested was in Kenya. We assigned a reporter to go to Kenya, and that reporter determined that the allegation was false.

Read more here: http://www.mcclatchydc.com/news/politics-government/election/article102354777.html#storylink=cpy

That'd be the same good old Sid Blumenthal who Hillary was exchanging classified emails with with using the illegal server in her basement while she served as SofS.

So to recap: move along, nothing to see here.

So Trump is astoningly gullible. He's not a racist. Well done.

Re: Who are you voting for..?
« Reply #190 on: November 06, 2016, 08:41:11 AM »
America needs a president like Trump to make America great again.

He can teach the Americans how you can file bankruptcy five times and still be called a financial genius,
On your tax return you can file a loss of 910 million dollars and still be worth billions.
Claim that you know more than the generals and still make sure you can afford serving the country
John McClain not a war hero because war hero's don't get capture coming from a man that hid from serving the country
Doesn't like Mexicans because Salma Hayek didn't want to go out with him
Make wearing a white sheet on your head popular
Make sure any reporters or people with any type of handicap don't have the right to ask anybody any type of questions


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  • 16896
Re: Who are you voting for..?
« Reply #191 on: November 06, 2016, 09:10:40 AM »
America needs a president like Trump to make America great again.

He can teach the Americans how you can file bankruptcy five times and still be called a financial genius,
On your tax return you can file a loss of 910 million dollars and still be worth billions.
Claim that you know more than the generals and still make sure you can afford serving the country
John McClain not a war hero because war hero's don't get capture coming from a man that hid from serving the country
Doesn't like Mexicans because Salma Hayek didn't want to go out with him
Make wearing a white sheet on your head popular
Make sure any reporters or people with any type of handicap don't have the right to ask anybody any type of questions

Also, force all Muslims living in the US to register with the government. Oh, but he's not racist. He just loves America. He should after the wealth he's accumulated on the backs of hard working honest people.


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  • 11224
Re: Who are you voting for..?
« Reply #192 on: November 06, 2016, 10:04:11 AM »
I just asked for a reputable news source.

Sorry I forgot how easily stupified by facts those on the left are.

"Two supporters of Hillary Clinton’s 2008 presidential campaign reportedly shared the claim that then-rival Barack Obama was not born in the United States and thus was not eligible to be president. One was a volunteer in Iowa, who was fired, Clinton’s former campaign manager said Friday. The other was Clinton confidant Sidney Blumenthal, according to a former McClatchy Washington Bureau chief.


During the 2008 Democratic primary, Sid Blumenthal visited the Washington Bureau of McClatchy Co.,” Asher said in an email Friday to McClatchy, noting that he was at the time the investigative editor and in charge of Africa coverage.

“During that meeting, Mr. Blumenthal and I met together in my office and he strongly urged me to investigate the exact place of President Obama’s birth, which he suggested was in Kenya. We assigned a reporter to go to Kenya, and that reporter determined that the allegation was false.


Let's see.

You believe that people who support Trump are racists because they support a man who "started this nonsense years ago by trying to prove that Obama wasn't born in this country."

It turns out that the person who pushed the rumor was Sidney Blumenthal - a long time HRC confidant who doesn't move his bowels without first checking with Hillary. And you support HRC, which following your own logic, gee I guess that makes you a racist, huh.   

To what extent is the part that you've conveniently omitted. Trump is a racist not just for the way he carried himself in regards to where POTUS was born, but racism is a consistent basis of his campaign. If this example isn't good enough for you because Trump didn't think it up on his own, I find that to be a silly reason to exonerate the man. He's the idiot who made a complete ass of himself for years on the subject. The GOP knew it was bogus, but the train had left the station, and those disgusting people ended up with a candidate who cannot win. But still, he's the GOP that they truly deserve.

Often you make points, just to point out subtle oversights or mistakes. And that's fine if it makes you happy. If you're harping on who started this nonsense, you're harping on the wrong point. Trump ran with it, and didn't stop for years. Calling that careless would be an understatement.

Still, I'll clarify once more for those who don't care to read carefully, since it's such a passion of yours. What I said is that Trump supporters are racist OR stupid. And I stand by that. They are  not absolutely racist. Many of his supporters are the common clay of the our country. Simple farmers. These aren't racists. They see a pro America candidate who preys on their misguided patriotism, and they just don't know any better.

But you damn well should.

You throw around the word racist like a petulant child. Liberals use
racist, sexist, and mysogonistic so often those words are becoming meaningless. Islam is not a race...it is an ideology. Ideologies should be subject to scrutiny and criticism (see cults, flat-Earthers, and Scientology). Illegal immigrants aren't a race either...even when Trump singles out the most common country of origin. Trump is a 70 year old man that grew up before the PC police manufactured outrage over everything.

Hillary's emails referred to Latinos as "Taco Bowl
Voters" and "needy Latinos" she called  black youth "super-predators" and had the nerve to pretend she carries around hot sauce while on a rap station interview and then was going to try to say "yo mama" at a historically black college before one of her people said it was ridiculous.


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  • 16896
Re: Who are you voting for..?
« Reply #193 on: November 06, 2016, 10:45:36 AM »
I just asked for a reputable news source.

Sorry I forgot how easily stupified by facts those on the left are.

"Two supporters of Hillary Clinton’s 2008 presidential campaign reportedly shared the claim that then-rival Barack Obama was not born in the United States and thus was not eligible to be president. One was a volunteer in Iowa, who was fired, Clinton’s former campaign manager said Friday. The other was Clinton confidant Sidney Blumenthal, according to a former McClatchy Washington Bureau chief.


During the 2008 Democratic primary, Sid Blumenthal visited the Washington Bureau of McClatchy Co.,” Asher said in an email Friday to McClatchy, noting that he was at the time the investigative editor and in charge of Africa coverage.

“During that meeting, Mr. Blumenthal and I met together in my office and he strongly urged me to investigate the exact place of President Obama’s birth, which he suggested was in Kenya. We assigned a reporter to go to Kenya, and that reporter determined that the allegation was false.


Let's see.

You believe that people who support Trump are racists because they support a man who "started this nonsense years ago by trying to prove that Obama wasn't born in this country."

It turns out that the person who pushed the rumor was Sidney Blumenthal - a long time HRC confidant who doesn't move his bowels without first checking with Hillary. And you support HRC, which following your own logic, gee I guess that makes you a racist, huh.   

To what extent is the part that you've conveniently omitted. Trump is a racist not just for the way he carried himself in regards to where POTUS was born, but racism is a consistent basis of his campaign. If this example isn't good enough for you because Trump didn't think it up on his own, I find that to be a silly reason to exonerate the man. He's the idiot who made a complete ass of himself for years on the subject. The GOP knew it was bogus, but the train had left the station, and those disgusting people ended up with a candidate who cannot win. But still, he's the GOP that they truly deserve.

Often you make points, just to point out subtle oversights or mistakes. And that's fine if it makes you happy. If you're harping on who started this nonsense, you're harping on the wrong point. Trump ran with it, and didn't stop for years. Calling that careless would be an understatement.

Still, I'll clarify once more for those who don't care to read carefully, since it's such a passion of yours. What I said is that Trump supporters are racist OR stupid. And I stand by that. They are  not absolutely racist. Many of his supporters are the common clay of the our country. Simple farmers. These aren't racists. They see a pro America candidate who preys on their misguided patriotism, and they just don't know any better.

But you damn well should.

You throw around the word racist like a petulant child. Liberals use
racist, sexist, and mysogonistic so often those words are becoming meaningless. Islam is not a race...it is an ideology. Ideologies should be subject to scrutiny and criticism (see cults, flat-Earthers, and Scientology). Illegal immigrants aren't a race either...even when Trump singles out the most common country of origin. Trump is a 70 year old man that grew up before the PC police manufactured outrage over everything.

Hillary's emails referred to Latinos as "Taco Bowl
Voters" and "needy Latinos" she called  black youth "super-predators" and had the nerve to pretend she carries around hot sauce while on a rap station interview and then was going to try to say "yo mama" at a historically black college before one of her people said it was ridiculous.

I find it pretty telling that the people most offended by political correctness are white. Coincidence?

If Trump isn't a racist, then please explain what specifically he meant when he referred to a former Miss Universe who also just so happens to be Venezuelan, and I quote, "Miss Housekeeping"?

I'm going to make things beautiful for every American. And it's going to be the most beautiful thing (pause) that you've ever seen (dramatic pause) in your entire life. Trust me. (Yet another pause) Just wait till you see it. That sounds a lot like a snake oil salesman to me.

And sorry, I don't believe that Hillary said or wrote those things. They are not in line with how she's conducted her professional career. She has always worked on behalf of people who need real help. This isn't how she feels. If you can't see that, I'm sorry, but I think you're pretty gullible. Her actions over the last 30 years clearly say otherwise.

Re: Who are you voting for..?
« Reply #194 on: November 06, 2016, 11:09:39 AM »
Actual Trump Tweet: Robert Pattinson should not take back Kristen Stewart. She cheated on him like a dog & will do it again--just watch. He can do much better!

A President? He's a narsisistic, emotionally disturbed little kid. I'll take the nasty woman who when she should be in the hospital on an IV, works 15-18 hour days. Nasty. That's what that is. What the hell has Trump ever done for anyone but himself? Where are the people that we respect who know him and why don't they tell us about all of the wonderful things that he's done in his life?

He is a narcissist but Hillary is a sociopath and a subhuman. Pick your poison, Poison.

Ok. You are entitled to your opinion. A sociopath? A subhuman? Jesus, where do you get this garbage from? I like Hillary. I'm voting for her. The people that say she's evil or corrupt have no legitimate evidence. It doesn't really matter at this point. The election is already over.

Certainly is

By and large, the Trump supporter wants a white America in every way. But white people do not decide the election. I think he's a despicable human being, but I'm also aware that he had a real chance to win this, but he was robbed. By himself.

White America? Please explain

Actually, you can explain. What exactly does Make America Great Again mean?

In my opinion,  it means a country with some balls. We've become a nation of victims. Everyone offended by everything, it's sickening

I didn't read this whole thread, because i'm sure it was a doozy,, but if you want someone with balls, isn't hillary your person?  by all indications trump is a scared whiny bitch and spoiled brat.  he's afraid of muslims (they're all going to kill us), mexicans (they're rapists and drug dealers), women (can't take a question from megyn kelly or a tweet from rosie o'donnell without losing his mind), inner cities (we're going to get shot)... 

he thinks everything is rigged against him (i.e., he's the victim, even though he was born into a privileged life that only few could ever imagine).  I don't think a draft dodger who was given millions of dollars by his dad is the guy I would vote for if i wanted "balls."  hillary is strong af -- look at what she has put up with as a result of being a powerful women and never backs down (for better or worse), and also she pushed obama to execute mission that killed bin laden...  she's probably more hawkish than trump too.

 I'm not saying this should be the criteria for choosing our president (it really makes little sense), but if it is, then hillary is the obvious choice.


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Re: Who are you voting for..?
« Reply #195 on: November 06, 2016, 11:21:32 AM »
If Deadbeat Donald wins, we have to listen to Kelly Anne Conway for 4 years.  OMG, just shoot me..


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Re: Who are you voting for..?
« Reply #196 on: November 06, 2016, 11:23:31 AM »
I just asked for a reputable news source.

Sorry I forgot how easily stupified by facts those on the left are.

"Two supporters of Hillary Clinton’s 2008 presidential campaign reportedly shared the claim that then-rival Barack Obama was not born in the United States and thus was not eligible to be president. One was a volunteer in Iowa, who was fired, Clinton’s former campaign manager said Friday. The other was Clinton confidant Sidney Blumenthal, according to a former McClatchy Washington Bureau chief.


During the 2008 Democratic primary, Sid Blumenthal visited the Washington Bureau of McClatchy Co.,” Asher said in an email Friday to McClatchy, noting that he was at the time the investigative editor and in charge of Africa coverage.

“During that meeting, Mr. Blumenthal and I met together in my office and he strongly urged me to investigate the exact place of President Obama’s birth, which he suggested was in Kenya. We assigned a reporter to go to Kenya, and that reporter determined that the allegation was false.


Let's see.

You believe that people who support Trump are racists because they support a man who "started this nonsense years ago by trying to prove that Obama wasn't born in this country."

It turns out that the person who pushed the rumor was Sidney Blumenthal - a long time HRC confidant who doesn't move his bowels without first checking with Hillary. And you support HRC, which following your own logic, gee I guess that makes you a racist, huh.   

To what extent is the part that you've conveniently omitted. Trump is a racist not just for the way he carried himself in regards to where POTUS was born, but racism is a consistent basis of his campaign. If this example isn't good enough for you because Trump didn't think it up on his own, I find that to be a silly reason to exonerate the man. He's the idiot who made a complete ass of himself for years on the subject. The GOP knew it was bogus, but the train had left the station, and those disgusting people ended up with a candidate who cannot win. But still, he's the GOP that they truly deserve.

Often you make points, just to point out subtle oversights or mistakes. And that's fine if it makes you happy. If you're harping on who started this nonsense, you're harping on the wrong point. Trump ran with it, and didn't stop for years. Calling that careless would be an understatement.

Still, I'll clarify once more for those who don't care to read carefully, since it's such a passion of yours. What I said is that Trump supporters are racist OR stupid. And I stand by that. They are  not absolutely racist. Many of his supporters are the common clay of the our country. Simple farmers. These aren't racists. They see a pro America candidate who preys on their misguided patriotism, and they just don't know any better.

But you damn well should.

You throw around the word racist like a petulant child. Liberals use
racist, sexist, and mysogonistic so often those words are becoming meaningless. Islam is not a race...it is an ideology. Ideologies should be subject to scrutiny and criticism (see cults, flat-Earthers, and Scientology). Illegal immigrants aren't a race either...even when Trump singles out the most common country of origin. Trump is a 70 year old man that grew up before the PC police manufactured outrage over everything.

Hillary's emails referred to Latinos as "Taco Bowl
Voters" and "needy Latinos" she called  black youth "super-predators" and had the nerve to pretend she carries around hot sauce while on a rap station interview and then was going to try to say "yo mama" at a historically black college before one of her people said it was ridiculous.

I find it pretty telling that the people most offended by political correctness are white. Coincidence?

If Trump isn't a racist, then please explain what specifically he meant when he referred to a former Miss Universe who also just so happens to be Venezuelan, and I quote, "Miss Housekeeping"?

I'm going to make things beautiful for every American. And it's going to be the most beautiful thing (pause) that you've ever seen (dramatic pause) in your entire life. Trust me. (Yet another pause) Just wait till you see it. That sounds a lot like a snake oil salesman to me.

And sorry, I don't believe that Hillary said or wrote those things. They are not in line with how she's conducted her professional career. She has always worked on behalf of people who need real help. This isn't how she feels. If you can't see that, I'm sorry, but I think you're pretty gullible. Her actions over the last 30 years clearly say otherwise.

Not believing Hillary and her staff said those things in emails is straight up ignoring facts. They have literally been published and made public and nobody has denied them.

Don't forget Hillary herself said she has one position in public and a different one in private. So how she conducts herself publicly has 0 to do with what she actually cares about (like most politicians), and you don't have to take my word for it, you can take her word for it.



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  • 16896
Re: Who are you voting for..?
« Reply #197 on: November 06, 2016, 11:30:45 AM »
I just asked for a reputable news source.

Sorry I forgot how easily stupified by facts those on the left are.

"Two supporters of Hillary Clinton’s 2008 presidential campaign reportedly shared the claim that then-rival Barack Obama was not born in the United States and thus was not eligible to be president. One was a volunteer in Iowa, who was fired, Clinton’s former campaign manager said Friday. The other was Clinton confidant Sidney Blumenthal, according to a former McClatchy Washington Bureau chief.


During the 2008 Democratic primary, Sid Blumenthal visited the Washington Bureau of McClatchy Co.,” Asher said in an email Friday to McClatchy, noting that he was at the time the investigative editor and in charge of Africa coverage.

“During that meeting, Mr. Blumenthal and I met together in my office and he strongly urged me to investigate the exact place of President Obama’s birth, which he suggested was in Kenya. We assigned a reporter to go to Kenya, and that reporter determined that the allegation was false.


Let's see.

You believe that people who support Trump are racists because they support a man who "started this nonsense years ago by trying to prove that Obama wasn't born in this country."

It turns out that the person who pushed the rumor was Sidney Blumenthal - a long time HRC confidant who doesn't move his bowels without first checking with Hillary. And you support HRC, which following your own logic, gee I guess that makes you a racist, huh.   

To what extent is the part that you've conveniently omitted. Trump is a racist not just for the way he carried himself in regards to where POTUS was born, but racism is a consistent basis of his campaign. If this example isn't good enough for you because Trump didn't think it up on his own, I find that to be a silly reason to exonerate the man. He's the idiot who made a complete ass of himself for years on the subject. The GOP knew it was bogus, but the train had left the station, and those disgusting people ended up with a candidate who cannot win. But still, he's the GOP that they truly deserve.

Often you make points, just to point out subtle oversights or mistakes. And that's fine if it makes you happy. If you're harping on who started this nonsense, you're harping on the wrong point. Trump ran with it, and didn't stop for years. Calling that careless would be an understatement.

Still, I'll clarify once more for those who don't care to read carefully, since it's such a passion of yours. What I said is that Trump supporters are racist OR stupid. And I stand by that. They are  not absolutely racist. Many of his supporters are the common clay of the our country. Simple farmers. These aren't racists. They see a pro America candidate who preys on their misguided patriotism, and they just don't know any better.

But you damn well should.

You throw around the word racist like a petulant child. Liberals use
racist, sexist, and mysogonistic so often those words are becoming meaningless. Islam is not a race...it is an ideology. Ideologies should be subject to scrutiny and criticism (see cults, flat-Earthers, and Scientology). Illegal immigrants aren't a race either...even when Trump singles out the most common country of origin. Trump is a 70 year old man that grew up before the PC police manufactured outrage over everything.

Hillary's emails referred to Latinos as "Taco Bowl
Voters" and "needy Latinos" she called  black youth "super-predators" and had the nerve to pretend she carries around hot sauce while on a rap station interview and then was going to try to say "yo mama" at a historically black college before one of her people said it was ridiculous.

I find it pretty telling that the people most offended by political correctness are white. Coincidence?

If Trump isn't a racist, then please explain what specifically he meant when he referred to a former Miss Universe who also just so happens to be Venezuelan, and I quote, "Miss Housekeeping"?

I'm going to make things beautiful for every American. And it's going to be the most beautiful thing (pause) that you've ever seen (dramatic pause) in your entire life. Trust me. (Yet another pause) Just wait till you see it. That sounds a lot like a snake oil salesman to me.

And sorry, I don't believe that Hillary said or wrote those things. They are not in line with how she's conducted her professional career. She has always worked on behalf of people who need real help. This isn't how she feels. If you can't see that, I'm sorry, but I think you're pretty gullible. Her actions over the last 30 years clearly say otherwise.

Not believing Hillary and her staff said those things in emails is straight up ignoring facts. They have literally been published and made public and nobody has denied them.

Don't forget Hillary herself said she has one position in public and a different one in private. So how she conducts herself publicly has 0 to do with what she actually cares about (like most politicians), and you don't have to take my word for it, you can take her word for it.


Like I said. Gullible.

Re: Who are you voting for..?
« Reply #198 on: November 06, 2016, 11:31:55 AM »
I just asked for a reputable news source.

Sorry I forgot how easily stupified by facts those on the left are.

"Two supporters of Hillary Clinton’s 2008 presidential campaign reportedly shared the claim that then-rival Barack Obama was not born in the United States and thus was not eligible to be president. One was a volunteer in Iowa, who was fired, Clinton’s former campaign manager said Friday. The other was Clinton confidant Sidney Blumenthal, according to a former McClatchy Washington Bureau chief.


During the 2008 Democratic primary, Sid Blumenthal visited the Washington Bureau of McClatchy Co.,” Asher said in an email Friday to McClatchy, noting that he was at the time the investigative editor and in charge of Africa coverage.

“During that meeting, Mr. Blumenthal and I met together in my office and he strongly urged me to investigate the exact place of President Obama’s birth, which he suggested was in Kenya. We assigned a reporter to go to Kenya, and that reporter determined that the allegation was false.


Let's see.

You believe that people who support Trump are racists because they support a man who "started this nonsense years ago by trying to prove that Obama wasn't born in this country."

It turns out that the person who pushed the rumor was Sidney Blumenthal - a long time HRC confidant who doesn't move his bowels without first checking with Hillary. And you support HRC, which following your own logic, gee I guess that makes you a racist, huh.   

To what extent is the part that you've conveniently omitted. Trump is a racist not just for the way he carried himself in regards to where POTUS was born, but racism is a consistent basis of his campaign. If this example isn't good enough for you because Trump didn't think it up on his own, I find that to be a silly reason to exonerate the man. He's the idiot who made a complete ass of himself for years on the subject. The GOP knew it was bogus, but the train had left the station, and those disgusting people ended up with a candidate who cannot win. But still, he's the GOP that they truly deserve.

Often you make points, just to point out subtle oversights or mistakes. And that's fine if it makes you happy. If you're harping on who started this nonsense, you're harping on the wrong point. Trump ran with it, and didn't stop for years. Calling that careless would be an understatement.

Still, I'll clarify once more for those who don't care to read carefully, since it's such a passion of yours. What I said is that Trump supporters are racist OR stupid. And I stand by that. They are  not absolutely racist. Many of his supporters are the common clay of the our country. Simple farmers. These aren't racists. They see a pro America candidate who preys on their misguided patriotism, and they just don't know any better.

But you damn well should.

You throw around the word racist like a petulant child. Liberals use
racist, sexist, and mysogonistic so often those words are becoming meaningless. Islam is not a race...it is an ideology. Ideologies should be subject to scrutiny and criticism (see cults, flat-Earthers, and Scientology). Illegal immigrants aren't a race either...even when Trump singles out the most common country of origin. Trump is a 70 year old man that grew up before the PC police manufactured outrage over everything.

Hillary's emails referred to Latinos as "Taco Bowl
Voters" and "needy Latinos" she called  black youth "super-predators" and had the nerve to pretend she carries around hot sauce while on a rap station interview and then was going to try to say "yo mama" at a historically black college before one of her people said it was ridiculous.

I find it pretty telling that the people most offended by political correctness are white. Coincidence?

If Trump isn't a racist, then please explain what specifically he meant when he referred to a former Miss Universe who also just so happens to be Venezuelan, and I quote, "Miss Housekeeping"?

I'm going to make things beautiful for every American. And it's going to be the most beautiful thing (pause) that you've ever seen (dramatic pause) in your entire life. Trust me. (Yet another pause) Just wait till you see it. That sounds a lot like a snake oil salesman to me.

And sorry, I don't believe that Hillary said or wrote those things. They are not in line with how she's conducted her professional career. She has always worked on behalf of people who need real help. This isn't how she feels. If you can't see that, I'm sorry, but I think you're pretty gullible. Her actions over the last 30 years clearly say otherwise.

Yes the rapist of a 12 year old girl really needed her help and she got him off on a legal technicality and then laughed about it.about it.


  • *****
  • 5066
Re: Who are you voting for..?
« Reply #199 on: November 06, 2016, 11:31:57 AM »
I just asked for a reputable news source.

Sorry I forgot how easily stupified by facts those on the left are.

"Two supporters of Hillary Clinton’s 2008 presidential campaign reportedly shared the claim that then-rival Barack Obama was not born in the United States and thus was not eligible to be president. One was a volunteer in Iowa, who was fired, Clinton’s former campaign manager said Friday. The other was Clinton confidant Sidney Blumenthal, according to a former McClatchy Washington Bureau chief.


During the 2008 Democratic primary, Sid Blumenthal visited the Washington Bureau of McClatchy Co.,” Asher said in an email Friday to McClatchy, noting that he was at the time the investigative editor and in charge of Africa coverage.

“During that meeting, Mr. Blumenthal and I met together in my office and he strongly urged me to investigate the exact place of President Obama’s birth, which he suggested was in Kenya. We assigned a reporter to go to Kenya, and that reporter determined that the allegation was false.


Let's see.

You believe that people who support Trump are racists because they support a man who "started this nonsense years ago by trying to prove that Obama wasn't born in this country."

It turns out that the person who pushed the rumor was Sidney Blumenthal - a long time HRC confidant who doesn't move his bowels without first checking with Hillary. And you support HRC, which following your own logic, gee I guess that makes you a racist, huh.   

To what extent is the part that you've conveniently omitted. Trump is a racist not just for the way he carried himself in regards to where POTUS was born, but racism is a consistent basis of his campaign. If this example isn't good enough for you because Trump didn't think it up on his own, I find that to be a silly reason to exonerate the man. He's the idiot who made a complete ass of himself for years on the subject. The GOP knew it was bogus, but the train had left the station, and those disgusting people ended up with a candidate who cannot win. But still, he's the GOP that they truly deserve.

Often you make points, just to point out subtle oversights or mistakes. And that's fine if it makes you happy. If you're harping on who started this nonsense, you're harping on the wrong point. Trump ran with it, and didn't stop for years. Calling that careless would be an understatement.

Still, I'll clarify once more for those who don't care to read carefully, since it's such a passion of yours. What I said is that Trump supporters are racist OR stupid. And I stand by that. They are  not absolutely racist. Many of his supporters are the common clay of the our country. Simple farmers. These aren't racists. They see a pro America candidate who preys on their misguided patriotism, and they just don't know any better.

But you damn well should.

You throw around the word racist like a petulant child. Liberals use
racist, sexist, and mysogonistic so often those words are becoming meaningless. Islam is not a race...it is an ideology. Ideologies should be subject to scrutiny and criticism (see cults, flat-Earthers, and Scientology). Illegal immigrants aren't a race either...even when Trump singles out the most common country of origin. Trump is a 70 year old man that grew up before the PC police manufactured outrage over everything.

Hillary's emails referred to Latinos as "Taco Bowl
Voters" and "needy Latinos" she called  black youth "super-predators" and had the nerve to pretend she carries around hot sauce while on a rap station interview and then was going to try to say "yo mama" at a historically black college before one of her people said it was ridiculous.

I find it pretty telling that the people most offended by political correctness are white. Coincidence?

If Trump isn't a racist, then please explain what specifically he meant when he referred to a former Miss Universe who also just so happens to be Venezuelan, and I quote, "Miss Housekeeping"?

I'm going to make things beautiful for every American. And it's going to be the most beautiful thing (pause) that you've ever seen (dramatic pause) in your entire life. Trust me. (Yet another pause) Just wait till you see it. That sounds a lot like a snake oil salesman to me.

And sorry, I don't believe that Hillary said or wrote those things. They are not in line with how she's conducted her professional career. She has always worked on behalf of people who need real help. This isn't how she feels. If you can't see that, I'm sorry, but I think you're pretty gullible. Her actions over the last 30 years clearly say otherwise.

Not believing Hillary and her staff said those things in emails is straight up ignoring facts. They have literally been published and made public and nobody has denied them.

Don't forget Hillary herself said she has one position in public and a different one in private. So how she conducts herself publicly has 0 to do with what she actually cares about (like most politicians), and you don't have to take my word for it, you can take her word for it.


Like I said. Gullible.

It's gullible to ignore facts? I know liberals and facts don't really get along to well but this one seems like a stretch to me