Sasha Baron Cohen

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Re: Sasha Baron Cohen
« Reply #20 on: June 30, 2020, 06:14:28 PM »
And have been for a while.  They gave us FDR and Social security, the great society under LBJ, the booming 90s under Clinton, voting rights for women and minorities, and cured the depressions and recessions of Hoover and both Bushes.  Also the Dems have been historically much better for the market, though I think this is not that significant since the Fed and Banks are more important in this regard.  They have positions similar to the Lincoln republicans since FDR.  The republicans are now the party of hatred and racism, look at any Trump rally


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Re: Sasha Baron Cohen
« Reply #21 on: June 30, 2020, 06:40:31 PM »
As a leftist I am terrified of facts, impervious to logic and intoxicated by the smell of my own farts.

Finally we agree.


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Re: Sasha Baron Cohen
« Reply #22 on: June 30, 2020, 06:58:36 PM »
Finally we agree.

Says the party that gave us Trump.


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Re: Sasha Baron Cohen
« Reply #23 on: June 30, 2020, 11:00:19 PM »
And have been for a while.  They gave us FDR and Social security, the great society under LBJ, the booming 90s under Clinton, voting rights for women and minorities, and cured the depressions and recessions of Hoover and both Bushes.  Also the Dems have been historically much better for the market, though I think this is not that significant since the Fed and Banks are more important in this regard.  They have positions similar to the Lincoln republicans since FDR.  The republicans are now the party of hatred and racism, look at any Trump rally
And have been for a while.  They gave us FDR and Social security, the great society under LBJ, the booming 90s under Clinton, voting rights for women and minorities, and cured the depressions and recessions of Hoover and both Bushes.  Also the Dems have been historically much better for the market, though I think this is not that significant since the Fed and Banks are more important in this regard.  They have positions similar to the Lincoln republicans since FDR.  The republicans are now the party of hatred and racism, look at any Trump rally
And have been for a while.  They gave us FDR and Social security, the great society under LBJ, the booming 90s under Clinton, voting rights for women and minorities, and cured the depressions and recessions of Hoover and both Bushes.  Also the Dems have been historically much better for the market, though I think this is not that significant since the Fed and Banks are more important in this regard.  They have positions similar to the Lincoln republicans since FDR.  The republicans are now the party of hatred and racism, look at any Trump rally
And have been for a while.  They gave us FDR and Social security, the great society under LBJ, the booming 90s under Clinton, voting rights for women and minorities, and cured the depressions and recessions of Hoover and both Bushes.  Also the Dems have been historically much better for the market, though I think this is not that significant since the Fed and Banks are more important in this regard.  They have positions similar to the Lincoln republicans since FDR.  The republicans are now the party of hatred and racism, look at any Trump rally
Roosevelt didn’t get us out of the Great Depression. WW2 did. He also sent the ship filled w educated Jews away from America and back to Germany to get slaughtered.
It was the Republicans , the party of Lincoln who freed us from slavery. Your statement about the Republicans being the party of racism and hatred is unsubstantiated and left wing propaganda. And I can assure you, it’s not the Republicans who want to tear down the statue of Lincoln and other prominent Americans. Furthermore, they didn’t lead any violent protest w the George Floyd incident ransacking innocent businesses. I saw a picture of a young woman wearing a black lives matter shirt giving a black policeman the finger, I doubt this woman is a republican.


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Re: Sasha Baron Cohen
« Reply #24 on: July 01, 2020, 07:54:59 AM »
Roosevelt didn’t get us out of the Great Depression. WW2 did. He also sent the ship filled w educated Jews away from America and back to Germany to get slaughtered.
It was the Republicans , the party of Lincoln who freed us from slavery. Your statement about the Republicans being the party of racism and hatred is unsubstantiated and left wing propaganda. And I can assure you, it’s not the Republicans who want to tear down the statue of Lincoln and other prominent Americans. Furthermore, they didn’t lead any violent protest w the George Floyd incident ransacking innocent businesses. I saw a picture of a young woman wearing a black lives matter shirt giving a black policeman the finger, I doubt this woman is a republican.

Well, if you saw a picture, that’s all the evidence I or anyone should need.

After all, the Republicans are the party of family values. Or fascism. I forget which one sometimes.

Didn’t lead any violent protests? The Republican protected cops were the necessary reason for the protests and unfortunately some violence as well. Our nation’s cops, although not all of them, still need a serious a beating, and don’t worry, police reform is coming as soon as we take back the senate.

On another note, if you look at our country right now, you can tell which are the dumbest states simply by following the virus map.

So, let’s hear it for natural selection. How do your people say it? Get er done!
« Last Edit: July 01, 2020, 08:03:55 AM by Poison »


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Re: Sasha Baron Cohen
« Reply #25 on: July 01, 2020, 10:03:38 AM »
Also, bounties on US soldiers shouldn’t be something that Trump is cool with, but he is


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Re: Sasha Baron Cohen
« Reply #26 on: July 01, 2020, 05:11:43 PM »
Says the party that gave us Trump.

I didn't vote for Trump IKYABWAI boy. He just makes me laugh. Other than that you make your usual good points.


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Re: Sasha Baron Cohen
« Reply #27 on: July 01, 2020, 05:16:22 PM »
The Republican protected cops

Minnesota has voted democrat in every election since 1976.

Minnesota has had a total of two republican governors since 1983.

Minnesota has had a total of two republican senators since 1949.

Minnesota has had only one republican attorney general since 1955. The current AG is the deputy chair of the democratic national committee

Minneapolis has had one republican mayor since 1973

Who's responsible for bad policing in Minneapolis?

"The republican"

On another note, if you look at our country right now, you can tell which are the dumbest states simply by following the virus map.

> rube believes corona virus is anything other than a species of flu
> rube believes corona virus testing numbers are accurate
> rube


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Re: Sasha Baron Cohen
« Reply #28 on: July 01, 2020, 05:44:49 PM »
Minnesota has voted democrat in every election since 1976.

Minnesota has had a total of two republican governors since 1983.

Minnesota has had a total of two republican senators since 1949.

Minnesota has had only one republican attorney general since 1955. The current AG is the deputy chair of the democratic national committee

Minneapolis has had one republican mayor since 1973

Who's responsible for bad policing in Minneapolis?

"The republican"

> rube believes corona virus is anything other than a species of flu
> rube believes corona virus testing numbers are accurate
> rube

Obviously, the testing numbers are not accurate. They indicate that things are getting worse. We just don’t know much worse.

What we do know is that electing a man who doesn’t read was a terrible idea.


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Re: Sasha Baron Cohen
« Reply #29 on: July 01, 2020, 05:45:37 PM »
I didn't vote for Trump IKYABWAI boy. He just makes me laugh. Other than that you make your usual good points.



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Re: Sasha Baron Cohen
« Reply #30 on: July 01, 2020, 07:16:26 PM »
Obviously, the testing numbers are not accurate. They indicate that things are getting worse. We just don’t know much worse.

Alleged infections are increasing and deaths are decreasing. Do the math, rube.

What we do know is that electing a man who doesn’t read was a terrible idea.

The entirety of you rhetoric comprises describing people with whom you disagree politically as stupid and evil. Which makes you spiritually venal and a shallow thinker. The only thing you believe in is your own moral rectitude, which makes you at best a liar, a fraud, a hypocrite and a philistine. Google the last word, I'm sure you don't know what it means.


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Re: Sasha Baron Cohen
« Reply #31 on: July 01, 2020, 07:31:58 PM »

The last person I voted for was someone called something like - something like because I don't remember - Nick Constantinopolis, a third party candidate for class president when I was in 8th grade. Thirty years ago I registered as a democrat to get a job cutting lawns at a municipal baseball field and I'm still a registered dimwit. I find political parties and party affiliations contemptible: reflexive voters like you should be hanged. Although obviously democrat party members more so, because liberalism is the philosophy of the stupid.


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Re: Sasha Baron Cohen
« Reply #32 on: July 01, 2020, 07:38:08 PM »
The last person I voted for was someone called something like - something like because I don't remember - Nick Constantinopolis, a third party candidate for class president when I was in 8th grade. Thirty years ago I registered as a democrat to get a job cutting lawns at a municipal baseball field and I'm still a registered dimwit. I find political parties and party affiliations contemptible: reflexive voters like you should be hanged. Although obviously democrat party members more so, because liberalism is the philosophy of the stupid.

Who gives a shit about party?

This is the America we all collectively bought. Trump’s America, and it sucks. Don’t you agree?


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Re: Sasha Baron Cohen
« Reply #33 on: July 01, 2020, 07:57:33 PM »


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Re: Sasha Baron Cohen
« Reply #34 on: July 01, 2020, 08:10:11 PM »

Ya got me. I hate Republicans.

Point is, Trump isn’t a traditional Republican, but he alone has changed what it means to be a Republican.


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Re: Sasha Baron Cohen
« Reply #35 on: July 02, 2020, 04:18:28 PM »
Point is, Trump isn’t a traditional Republican, but he alone has changed what it means to be a Republican.

If so, good. Because traditional republicans - the Romneys and Bushes and McCains of the world - are awful. They're democrats with an (R) after their names. They're why if a democrat votes democrat they get democrat policies implemented, whereas if a republican votes republican they get democrat policies implemented a little more slowly.

Trump stopped blowing up brown foreigners in unending wars, lowered taxes, passed prison reform, and achieved the lowest minority unemployment in history. Except for those things he's literally Hitler. I wasn't sure at first but when he named another game show host, Wink Martindale, head of the Gestapo, the scales fell from my eyes.


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Re: Sasha Baron Cohen
« Reply #36 on: July 02, 2020, 06:03:40 PM »
If so, good. Because traditional republicans - the Romneys and Bushes and McCains of the world - are awful. They're democrats with an (R) after their names. They're why if a democrat votes democrat they get democrat policies implemented, whereas if a republican votes republican they get democrat policies implemented a little more slowly.

Trump stopped blowing up brown foreigners in unending wars, lowered taxes, passed prison reform, and achieved the lowest minority unemployment in history. Except for those things he's literally Hitler. I wasn't sure at first but when he named another game show host, Wink Martindale, head of the Gestapo, the scales fell from my eyes.

When he’s out of office, they’re going to come for him. Not just the Dems. Everyone.

I’m counting on there being less people who “can’t decide between two terrible candidates” in November now that they’ve been given some motivation.
« Last Edit: July 02, 2020, 06:16:40 PM by Poison »


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Re: Sasha Baron Cohen
« Reply #37 on: July 02, 2020, 07:35:47 PM »
When he’s out of office, they’re going to come for him. Not just the Dems. Everyone.

You're deranged. If he wins in November he'll retire to FLA in four years and live the life of Riley until his heart explodes while he's banging some porn star. If he loses in November he'll retire to FLA and live the life of Riley until his heart explodes while he's golfing. Whereas for all that time you'll still be riding the Metro North and reading the NY Time and whining about the current literally Hitler. kys


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Re: Sasha Baron Cohen
« Reply #38 on: July 02, 2020, 10:13:46 PM »

I’m counting on

But you can’t count. You’ve proven that publicly.

Trump will win in a landslide in the electoral college.

But you can demonstrate your superior morality by changing your Facebook profile to support the issue du jour after the that point it will be Black Trans Diabetic Left-Handed Bald Lives Matter.


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Re: Sasha Baron Cohen
« Reply #39 on: July 02, 2020, 10:51:09 PM »
But you can’t count. You’ve proven that publicly.

Trump will win in a landslide in the electoral college.

But you can demonstrate your superior morality by changing your Facebook profile to support the issue du jour after the that point it will be Black Trans Diabetic Left-Handed Bald Lives Matter.

I don’t think it’s funny that George Floyd was murdered, but you do you, proud boy.