Thaddeus Hall - SG - Thomas Jefferson - Brooklyn, NY - SOUTH CAROLINA

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Re: Thaddeus Hall - SG - Thomas Jefferson - Brooklyn, NY
« Reply #41 on: March 08, 2012, 03:12:17 PM »
Thaddeus Hall, has offers from St. John’s, Texas Tech, Maryland, Virginia Tech and South Carolina, coach Lawrence (Bud) Pollard said. The senior needs to finish strong and up his SAT score .

Read more:

Re: Thaddeus Hall - SG - Thomas Jefferson - Brooklyn, NY
« Reply #42 on: March 08, 2012, 05:57:20 PM »
Dam these NYC kids and their grades & the mayor wants to cut education in this city. Don't get it
Attack basketball, pressure defense, 40 minutes of hell ... Early on it might be 30 minutes of hell, then 10 minutes of what the hell are you doing?"


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Re: Thaddeus Hall - SG - Thomas Jefferson - Brooklyn, NY
« Reply #43 on: March 09, 2012, 10:10:41 AM »
Come on, are we really blaming the mayor because these kids don't take care of their own academics.

People talk about basketball being down in the city and its a farce. The players are still coming out of the youth programs but 3/4 of them don't pay attention to school and have to leave the area because they are more worried about getting exposure then taking care of their school work.

Its amazing that the rise of players leaving the area and the increase in academic questions marks has risen along the same lines as has the level of influence of AAU coaches.


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Re: Thaddeus Hall - SG - Thomas Jefferson - Brooklyn, NY
« Reply #44 on: March 09, 2012, 12:01:32 PM »
there must be a reason why at least 1 of every 3 public high school students in NYC does not graduate (probably 4 of 10) yet the NYC Catholic schools graduate nearly 100% with their graduates going to college if they want to.  this done with great differential in budgets.


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Re: Thaddeus Hall - SG - Thomas Jefferson - Brooklyn, NY
« Reply #45 on: March 09, 2012, 12:22:52 PM »
Warning, the "off topic" police are watching.  ;D


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Re: Thaddeus Hall - SG - Thomas Jefferson - Brooklyn, NY
« Reply #46 on: March 09, 2012, 07:29:08 PM »
I am a NYC teacher. The problem NYC schools have is there are no rules. In catholic school their are rules, students understand them, are afraid of them, and know their are consequences if you break them. In city schools some kids are so fxcked up they can't be controlled. Detention doesn't matter, suspension doesn't matter, failing doesn't matter. Kids who would normally do fine see this and are affected by it.

Re: Thaddeus Hall - SG - Thomas Jefferson - Brooklyn, NY
« Reply #47 on: March 09, 2012, 10:33:17 PM »
I think the game was played at CA.  So pretty obvious who the "head coach of a Big East school" is...

"Thaddeus Hall, a 6-5 senior guard from Jefferson high school (NY), scored a game-high 25 points and grabbed seven rebounds in front of the head coach of a Big East school to continue his dominance in the playoffs and garnish yet another Division-1 scholarship offer"


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Re: Thaddeus Hall - SG - Thomas Jefferson - Brooklyn, NY
« Reply #48 on: March 10, 2012, 09:26:53 AM »
I'm a also a NYC teacher. Schools have rules. Some teachers and administrators do a better job of enforcing them than others.

Re: Academic performance

Generally speaking, when a kid does not do well in school, they also lack parental support. The disconnect between students' home and school environment is a factor nobody likes to discuss. It is not discussed because it requires people to examine themselves. It shifts the focus off the teachers and schools, and makes people do some soul searching. 

Then there are extenuating circumstances, extenuating circumstances that kids like Thaddeus Hall had to overcome:

There are reasons for everything. I'm pulling for this kid to get into college.


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Re: Thaddeus Hall - SG - Thomas Jefferson - Brooklyn, NY
« Reply #49 on: March 10, 2012, 09:48:19 AM »
I'm a also a NYC teacher. Schools have rules. Some teachers and administrators do a better job of enforcing them than others.

Re: Academic performance

Generally speaking, when a kid does not do well in school, they also lack parental support. The disconnect between students' home and school environment is a factor nobody likes to discuss. It is not discussed because it requires people to examine themselves. It shifts the focus off the teachers and schools, and makes people do some soul searching.

A teacher blames student failures on parents while counseling others to examine their own behavior.

Re: Thaddeus Hall - SG - Thomas Jefferson - Brooklyn, NY
« Reply #50 on: March 10, 2012, 10:45:51 AM »
I'm a also a NYC teacher. Schools have rules. Some teachers and administrators do a better job of enforcing them than others.

Re: Academic performance

Generally speaking, when a kid does not do well in school, they also lack parental support. The disconnect between students' home and school environment is a factor nobody likes to discuss. It is not discussed because it requires people to examine themselves. It shifts the focus off the teachers and schools, and makes people do some soul searching.

A teacher blames student failures on parents while counseling others to examine their own behavior.

"While counseling others to examine their own behavior", I'm not sure where you're going with that statement so I am not addressing that in this post.
The realty in the school system is what one is not suppose to talk about anymore, the breakdown of the home, parent not parents, poverty, language barriers.  A students school work when they are young, needs to be reinforced at home by the parent. If that parent doesn't have the educational ability to go over thrie homework and help their child, the odds are stacked against the child.  Can the parent or parents afford a tutor? Is the parent working at night? The immigrant child is put into a classroom without even knowing the language, then goes home where the native language is spoken.
Every parent wants their child in a normal classroom setting, yet many do not belong their, quite often disrupting the other students work and creating an almost bizarre classroom environment.  Many need to be on meds, parents refuse to allow this. I could go on and on but this is a Thaddeus thread.  Every once in a while a kid can rise above this through his own self determination.  Thaddeus sounds like one of those kids.
I have no reason to believe he won't qualify, if not this year then next year.   
And no, I'm not a teacher, or administrator. 


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Re: Thaddeus Hall - SG - Thomas Jefferson - Brooklyn, NY
« Reply #51 on: March 10, 2012, 10:46:59 AM »
I'm a also a NYC teacher. Schools have rules. Some teachers and administrators do a better job of enforcing them than others.

Re: Academic performance

Generally speaking, when a kid does not do well in school, they also lack parental support. The disconnect between students' home and school environment is a factor nobody likes to discuss. It is not discussed because it requires people to examine themselves. It shifts the focus off the teachers and schools, and makes people do some soul searching.

A teacher blames student failures on parents while counseling others to examine their own behavior.


I never "blamed" anyone for anything. I shed light on a correlation that exists between poor student performance and parental support (or lack thereof). It exists. If you disagree, I'd like to invite you to attend parent-teacher conferences. They are coming up on March 20. You'll have to get here early, because we have to rope off the sidewalks. There is literally a line around the block. The PTA considered providing shuttle busses last year because there were so many parents in attendance. Make sure you bring comfortable shoes, because it is standing room only.  :2funny:

Look forward to seeing you, and the rest of the community in attendance.


Mr. iroNy     


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Re: Thaddeus Hall - SG - Thomas Jefferson - Brooklyn, NY
« Reply #52 on: March 10, 2012, 11:15:35 AM »
The Irony I see is the parents blaming the schools and everyone/thing else for their child's failing, when the parent doesn't see to it that the child does their school work-that's on them-don't get me wrong-certainly there are poor teachers, schools and other elements that can come into play, but if a child comes to school unprepared-whatever the reason-the chances of success can be severely compromised.  That's without even talking about those students that out in school with the parents defending their kids inappropriate behavior and assaulting teachers because the parent felt the teacher gave to much homework or wouldn't allow the "student" to do whatever he/she wanted to. Just as the politicians pass the buck, so too do many parents of failing students.  It's about taking responsibility for your actions or inactions-that goes for teachers, administrators, parents, students and so on.
Of course I don't expect politicians to take responsibility for anything they do that goes wrong-but IMHO-the major blame or praise for how a child performs is with the parent(s)-they have the most to gain and lose -it is their child's life-step up to the plate -read to your child (if you can), if not put your child in one of the many free help programs available-nuture them with an eye on education, not on doing your own thing while Rome burns, and then blaming the firefighters for being late to the fire.  The first 4-5 years of life set the stage for the rest of your life-some can climb out of the abyss, but many do not.

Re: Thaddeus Hall - SG - Thomas Jefferson - Brooklyn, NY
« Reply #53 on: March 10, 2012, 01:07:32 PM »
While I hate the idea of SJU taking on a potential academic casualty, this kid's story is inspiring and I really wish him well.  He'd benefit from the stability at SJU and staying close to his family.  While it looks bad for our b-ball program to have kids not qualify through the NCAA, a student like Hall fits into a category of students that SJU (as an institution; forget basketball) goes after.  It is part of our mission to serve the underserved.  Our emphasis is on empowering students and outcomes measured at graduation.  No shame in that.  SJU has programs targeting and even recruiting kids who are at-risk academically in the hope of transforming them.  I love that about our school.  Of course we also recruit students who are academic stars coming out of high school, and that is great too.

Having said all of the above, maybe Hall will decide to go the JUCO route to get a fresh start with academics before taking it to the next level.

Re: Thaddeus Hall - SG - Thomas Jefferson - Brooklyn, NY
« Reply #54 on: March 10, 2012, 02:43:35 PM »
I'm a also a NYC teacher. Schools have rules. Some teachers and administrators do a better job of enforcing them than others.

Re: Academic performance

Generally speaking, when a kid does not do well in school, they also lack parental support. The disconnect between students' home and school environment is a factor nobody likes to discuss. It is not discussed because it requires people to examine themselves. It shifts the focus off the teachers and schools, and makes people do some soul searching.

A teacher blames student failures on parents while counseling others to examine their own behavior.


He is right...My daughter is a good student but if left to her own devices she will skate...I have pushed her along as much as possible and let her know what the expectations are...

Re: Thaddeus Hall - SG - Thomas Jefferson - Brooklyn, NY
« Reply #55 on: March 10, 2012, 03:36:45 PM »
Not sure which job is worse, Public school teacher or NYPD.  You guys are better men than I

Re: Thaddeus Hall - SG - Thomas Jefferson - Brooklyn, NY
« Reply #56 on: March 10, 2012, 04:26:54 PM »
Not sure which job is worse, Public school teacher or NYPD.  You guys are better men than I

Why? They pretty much deal with the same population?   :-\

Re: Thaddeus Hall - SG - Thomas Jefferson - Brooklyn, NY
« Reply #58 on: March 11, 2012, 03:57:42 PM »
"LML The St.Johns fans love me thanks for the support johnnies."

Thaddeus Hall facebook.

Re: Thaddeus Hall - SG - Thomas Jefferson - Brooklyn, NY
« Reply #59 on: March 11, 2012, 05:55:45 PM »
Like this kid a lot. Really hope he can qualify.