Jay Wright to Retire

  • 64 replies
Jay Wright to Retire
« on: April 20, 2022, 08:46:54 PM »
Very interesting if true. Let him relax for a couple years and then throw him big money when Anderson is shown the door in a couple years. Also interesting void at top of Big East now.


Re: Jay Wright to Retire
« Reply #1 on: April 20, 2022, 10:45:33 PM »
Crazy. Congrats to him on going out a youngish man on his own terms. And shows coach K how to do it, not making a whole season about yourself.


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Re: Jay Wright to Retire
« Reply #2 on: April 20, 2022, 10:49:16 PM »
R.I.P. Big East basketball.

Re: Jay Wright to Retire
« Reply #3 on: April 21, 2022, 04:25:51 PM »
R.I.P. Big East basketball.

Nova will always be Nova even if a new coach turns them into the #3 team in the Big East.  We want St. John's to take its place among the top 5. 


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Re: Jay Wright to Retire
« Reply #4 on: April 22, 2022, 03:04:00 PM »
Nova will always be Nova even if a new coach turns them into the #3 team in the Big East.  We want St. John's to take its place among the top 5. 



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Re: Jay Wright to Retire
« Reply #5 on: April 22, 2022, 04:01:28 PM »

Which part? Other than St John's, how many historically elite programs since the advent of integrated basketball (RIP NYU) have fallen into disrepute? Other than teams that had a short term superstar (USF, Cincinnati) all the blue bloods still blue blooded and Few (Mark Few, geddit?) and far between are interlopers. Even DePaul's on the come.


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Re: Jay Wright to Retire
« Reply #6 on: April 22, 2022, 07:10:02 PM »
Even DePaul's on the come.

So is Proud Alum….Anderson’s cum.

Re: Jay Wright to Retire
« Reply #7 on: April 23, 2022, 08:28:02 AM »
So is Proud Alum….Anderson’s cum.

You are a special combination of highly unintelligent and highly unaware. I know it’s a shot to your ego that your lack of knowledge and intellect has been exposed and you are considered a fool by those here. Now you are showing yourself to be a lowlife too. You are surely not St John’s finest …


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Re: Jay Wright to Retire
« Reply #8 on: April 23, 2022, 04:22:40 PM »
You are a special combination of highly unintelligent and highly unaware. I know it’s a shot to your ego that your lack of knowledge and intellect has been exposed and you are considered a fool by those here. Now you are showing yourself to be a lowlife too. You are surely not St John’s finest …

In Marillac's defense, you're terrifically annoying.


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Re: Jay Wright to Retire
« Reply #9 on: April 23, 2022, 08:23:11 PM »
You are a special combination of highly unintelligent and highly unaware. I know it’s a shot to your ego that your lack of knowledge and intellect has been exposed and you are considered a fool by those here. Now you are showing yourself to be a lowlife too. You are surely not St John’s finest …

You forgot to add articles written by college kids to support your claims.

You criticizing anyone for a lack of awareness is rich.

Please explain to me again how Mullin was a super athlete.


Re: Jay Wright to Retire
« Reply #10 on: April 24, 2022, 07:06:42 AM »
You forgot to add articles written by college kids to support your claims.

You criticizing anyone for a lack of awareness is rich.

Please explain to me again how Mullin was a super athlete.

This from the guy who said Vince Cole and Rasheed Dunn were better athletes than Chris Mullin and Julian Champagnie. Haha

You are an embarrassment here.

Re: Jay Wright to Retire
« Reply #11 on: April 24, 2022, 07:17:00 AM »
In Marillac's defense, you're terrifically annoying.

If by “annoying” you mean someone who makes intelligent and accurate statements supported by factual information, and doesn’t engage in juvenile vulgarities, then sure …


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Re: Jay Wright to Retire
« Reply #12 on: April 24, 2022, 01:54:25 PM »
If by “annoying” you mean someone who makes intelligent and accurate statements supported by factual information, and doesn’t engage in juvenile vulgarities, then sure …

Wow, that response wasn’t annoying at all


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Re: Jay Wright to Retire
« Reply #13 on: April 24, 2022, 04:33:27 PM »
If by “annoying” you mean someone who makes intelligent and accurate statements supported by factual information, and doesn’t engage in juvenile vulgarities, then sure

You're confused. By annoying I meant you suck.

Re: Jay Wright to Retire
« Reply #14 on: April 25, 2022, 02:39:23 PM »
It sucks.  I watch Fordham basketball some and they had the first watchable team they've had in forever and now the new coach is gone.


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Re: Jay Wright to Retire
« Reply #15 on: April 25, 2022, 07:00:46 PM »
Which part? Other than St John's, how many historically elite programs since the advent of integrated basketball (RIP NYU) have fallen into disrepute? Other than teams that had a short term superstar (USF, Cincinnati) all the blue bloods still blue blooded and Few (Mark Few, geddit?) and far between are interlopers. Even DePaul's on the come.

Nova can’t just be good for the Big East to stay in the conversation with the big five.  For almost 20 years they have been great, and they were the only thing keeping us from being a slightly better version of the A-10.

Look at what happened to Pitt and Uconn when Dixon and Calhoun left.

Nova didn’t make a sweet sixteen from 1989 through 2005 before Wright took over and and broke through his initial struggles.


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Re: Jay Wright to Retire
« Reply #16 on: April 25, 2022, 08:01:22 PM »
Look at what happened to Pitt and Uconn when Dixon and Calhoun left.

Pitt was never a BB blue blood. Calhoun made Uconn one and when he left they won a national championship. The point being that once schools achieve a certain trajectory for the most part they keep it. No program has taken the dive St John's has.


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Re: Jay Wright to Retire
« Reply #17 on: April 25, 2022, 09:41:46 PM »
Pitt was never a BB blue blood. Calhoun made Uconn one and when he left they won a national championship. The point being that once schools achieve a certain trajectory for the most part they keep it. No program has taken the dive St John's has.

Was Nova a blue blood though? No sweet 16s for almost two full decades before 2005. They were the only team that could consistently play with top ten teams. That allowed the conference to look solid when Creighton or Providence types had top 20 teams and a few others scraped into the tournament.

Re: Jay Wright to Retire
« Reply #18 on: April 26, 2022, 11:33:24 AM »
Pitt was never a BB blue blood. Calhoun made Uconn one and when he left they won a national championship. The point being that once schools achieve a certain trajectory for the most part they keep it. No program has taken the dive St John's has.

When was St Johns a blue blood program?


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Re: Jay Wright to Retire
« Reply #19 on: April 26, 2022, 04:08:04 PM »
Was Nova a blue blood though? No sweet 16s for almost two full decades before 2005. They were the only team that could consistently play with top ten teams. That allowed the conference to look solid when Creighton or Providence types had top 20 teams and a few others scraped into the tournament.

Nova wasn't a blue blood, it became one. It is one now, blue blood meaning dynastic.

My point is only this. There aren't many programs that go from being blue bloods - prominent in the national conversation - over a period of time to not being in the national conversation. This because the factors that create dynastic programs are for the most part baked into environments of those programs. Indiana isn't quite the Indiana of Hoosiers but it has the potential energy to be and meanwhile everyone knows who the coach is. UCLA and Kentucky will always be part of the national conversation. Louisville took a bit of a misstep but will be back in less time than it took Scot Drew to pay off enough recruits to win a NC. Even Syracuse is going to survive Boeheim's departure, there being no shortage of corrupt used car dealers in upstate NY.

The programs that haven't survived are socio-economically unique: St John's, DePaul, throw in Georgetown. Go back further: Columbia, NYU. Notice any similarities? It's not religion, Providence and Notre Dame are fine. How many people are there in the information age who are going to commit to four years of garbage basketball at an academically disadvantaged mediocre school in shitty part of a dying city where everyone's priority is defunding the police. I was in Manhattan recently, it smalls like Dinkins is mayor. Whereas otoh they can go to Idaho and be on the telly three times a week.

I sometimes wonder whether Lou picked Mahoney for spite, knowing he'd fail, the same way Tiberius championed Caligula.