Portland comes out strong.

  • 80 replies
Portland comes out strong.
« on: May 21, 2008, 08:17:10 AM »
It all but over. This bus is rollin to Nov.
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Re: Portland comes out strong.
« Reply #1 on: May 21, 2008, 12:51:55 PM »
It all but over. This bus is rollin to Nov.

You mention a strong showing in Portland... 

But not the trouncing in Kentucky...

It will get very interesting for the Democratic Party once they decided what is to be done about Flroida & Michigan..?

I think Obama will get the nomination but he will lose the election...    middle America will not identify with his massively liberal politics and the Republicans, right or wrong, are going to kill him over Rev Wright and his admitted willingness to sit down with foreign leaders who have nothing but true and total hate for America....

Re: Portland comes out strong.
« Reply #2 on: May 21, 2008, 02:41:02 PM »
It all but over. This bus is rollin to Nov.

You mention a strong showing in Portland... 

But not the trouncing in Kentucky...

It will get very interesting for the Democratic Party once they decided what is to be done about Flroida & Michigan..?

I think Obama will get the nomination but he will lose the election...    middle America will not identify with his massively liberal politics and the Republicans, right or wrong, are going to kill him over Rev Wright and his admitted willingness to sit down with foreign leaders who have nothing but true and total hate for America....

I'm not sure that America ready for Obama.


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Re: Portland comes out strong.
« Reply #3 on: May 21, 2008, 02:55:19 PM »
It all but over. This bus is rollin to Nov.

You mention a strong showing in Portland... 

But not the trouncing in Kentucky...

It will get very interesting for the Democratic Party once they decided what is to be done about Flroida & Michigan..?

I think Obama will get the nomination but he will lose the election...    middle America will not identify with his massively liberal politics and the Republicans, right or wrong, are going to kill him over Rev Wright and his admitted willingness to sit down with foreign leaders who have nothing but true and total hate for America....


If Israel and Syria can have talks, the US can talk too.  The era of "pre-emptive" attacks on leaders who hate the US just won't work - it's too costly.  And whether you think Obama's politics are overly liberal (likely not, if he gets his message across as opposed to being defined by Rev Wright or some other boogeyman idea of what his politics are), McCain has a LONG way to go to convince people that more years of going to war is palatable.  It might be realistic that we need a presence in Iraq, but no one will be convinced that McCain's straight talk will make the mission any more successful.

And as for the trouncings, republicans have learned the magic of focusing on the groups that matter to get the numbers to get their guys elected.  If Obama carries eastern and western states, and a few midwestern states, does he need Kentucky?  He might need PA or Ohio, but does he need W Va?

Re: Portland comes out strong.
« Reply #4 on: May 21, 2008, 02:57:21 PM »
It all but over. This bus is rollin to Nov.

You mention a strong showing in Portland... 

But not the trouncing in Kentucky...

It will get very interesting for the Democratic Party once they decided what is to be done about Flroida & Michigan..?

I think Obama will get the nomination but he will lose the election...    middle America will not identify with his massively liberal politics and the Republicans, right or wrong, are going to kill him over Rev Wright and his admitted willingness to sit down with foreign leaders who have nothing but true and total hate for America....

PMG I hear what you are saying about liberal politics and foreign leaders but......Rev Wright??? Are you kidding me.....Rev Wright??? We all have Rev or Pastors at our own Establishments and what comes out of there mouths has nothing to do with you or me. If Wright wants to talk about his opinion on 911 etc. that's HIS OPINION not Obama's. In college did you always agree with your Professors lecturs in class....did you ever challenge them?? Now imagine a Professor stating Slavery for example was not as bad as history makes it out to be. Now you are in the audience when this occurs....you hear this.....now just because you are registered for that class...or because you sat in the audience....does that mean you believe slavery was not as bad as history makes it out to be????? No! That's the Professors opinion or perespective not yours.

If America blames Obama because of what Wright said/says then that just sad....and by the way the example regarding the Professor is a true story.

Re: Portland comes out strong.
« Reply #5 on: May 22, 2008, 12:36:23 AM »

I'm not sure that America ready for Obama.

I'm not sure Obama is ready for America
Follow Johnny Jungle on Twitter at @Johnny_Jungle


Re: Portland comes out strong.
« Reply #6 on: May 22, 2008, 12:19:45 PM »

Re: Portland comes out strong.
« Reply #7 on: May 22, 2008, 03:33:09 PM »
mccain's pastor's worse...


This is their 15 minutes of fame.....for Obama's Pastor it's his hour and 15 minutes of fame.


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Re: Portland comes out strong.
« Reply #8 on: May 22, 2008, 03:52:48 PM »
It all but over. This bus is rollin to Nov.

You mention a strong showing in Portland... 

But not the trouncing in Kentucky...

It will get very interesting for the Democratic Party once they decided what is to be done about Flroida & Michigan..?

I think Obama will get the nomination but he will lose the election...    middle America will not identify with his massively liberal politics and the Republicans, right or wrong, are going to kill him over Rev Wright and his admitted willingness to sit down with foreign leaders who have nothing but true and total hate for America....

PMG I hear what you are saying about liberal politics and foreign leaders but......Rev Wright??? Are you kidding me.....Rev Wright??? We all have Rev or Pastors at our own Establishments and what comes out of there mouths has nothing to do with you or me. If Wright wants to talk about his opinion on 911 etc. that's HIS OPINION not Obama's. In college did you always agree with your Professors lecturs in class....did you ever challenge them?? Now imagine a Professor stating Slavery for example was not as bad as history makes it out to be. Now you are in the audience when this occurs....you hear this.....now just because you are registered for that class...or because you sat in the audience....does that mean you believe slavery was not as bad as history makes it out to be????? No! That's the Professors opinion or perespective not yours.

If America blames Obama because of what Wright said/says then that just sad....and by the way the example regarding the Professor is a true story.

By no means am I saying the Republicans would be right but they will use it as a lightning rod topic... 

The one thing about Obama & the Rev..    Obama should have been much more proactive in denouncing the man's hatred for America & blatant lies...   

I would love to get him a room full of people who lost loved ones, like myself, on 9/11 and hear him try to give one of his hate filled sermons..

As for the country...   I think in this next election you will see the same basic results you saw in 2004..   the liberal leaning costs, espcecially the North east & California, will vote Democratic. . and middle Amercia will vote Republican...

Personally..  I stand up and admit I will be voting Republican...    but I honestly don't think that any of the 3 remaining candidates are qualified to be President of the United States..     none of them have governed anything in their politcal careers...    and of those 3..   Obama is with out a doubt the least qualified candidate...

Re: Portland comes out strong.
« Reply #9 on: May 22, 2008, 10:10:10 PM »
Whoeva win, all I know is that the national nightmare gonna be ova come Jan. Least I hope. 
Parking only for NYCHA permit holders.

Re: Portland comes out strong.
« Reply #10 on: May 22, 2008, 10:31:30 PM »
It all but over. This bus is rollin to Nov.

You mention a strong showing in Portland... 

But not the trouncing in Kentucky...

It will get very interesting for the Democratic Party once they decided what is to be done about Flroida & Michigan..?

I think Obama will get the nomination but he will lose the election...    middle America will not identify with his massively liberal politics and the Republicans, right or wrong, are going to kill him over Rev Wright and his admitted willingness to sit down with foreign leaders who have nothing but true and total hate for America....

PMG I hear what you are saying about liberal politics and foreign leaders but......Rev Wright??? Are you kidding me.....Rev Wright??? We all have Rev or Pastors at our own Establishments and what comes out of there mouths has nothing to do with you or me. If Wright wants to talk about his opinion on 911 etc. that's HIS OPINION not Obama's. In college did you always agree with your Professors lecturs in class....did you ever challenge them?? Now imagine a Professor stating Slavery for example was not as bad as history makes it out to be. Now you are in the audience when this occurs....you hear this.....now just because you are registered for that class...or because you sat in the audience....does that mean you believe slavery was not as bad as history makes it out to be????? No! That's the Professors opinion or perespective not yours.

If America blames Obama because of what Wright said/says then that just sad....and by the way the example regarding the Professor is a true story.

By no means am I saying the Republicans would be right but they will use it as a lightning rod topic... 

The one thing about Obama & the Rev..    Obama should have been much more proactive in denouncing the man's hatred for America & blatant lies...   

I would love to get him a room full of people who lost loved ones, like myself, on 9/11 and hear him try to give one of his hate filled sermons..

As for the country...   I think in this next election you will see the same basic results you saw in 2004..   the liberal leaning costs, espcecially the North east & California, will vote Democratic. . and middle Amercia will vote Republican...

Personally..  I stand up and admit I will be voting Republican...    but I honestly don't think that any of the 3 remaining candidates are qualified to be President of the United States..     none of them have governed anything in their politcal careers...    and of those 3..   Obama is with out a doubt the least qualified candidate...

It will be an interesting election.....I lost friends on 911 and I worked in the Deustche Bank building on the 11th floor....survived 911 because of a hair cut....I decided to cut my hair and go in late that morning. I have a few choice words for Rev Wright my damn self!!


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Re: Portland comes out strong.
« Reply #11 on: May 23, 2008, 08:49:56 AM »
Whoeva win, all I know is that the national nightmare gonna be ova come Jan. Least I hope. 

Can you please exaplin "national nightmare"..?

Re: Portland comes out strong.
« Reply #12 on: May 23, 2008, 08:53:27 PM »
Can you please exaplin "national nightmare"..?

Read the newspaper...

Re: Portland comes out strong.
« Reply #13 on: May 23, 2008, 09:01:08 PM »
Paid $4.19 a gallon last night... $72 to fill up.  Up almost $20 from a couple of months ago.  Its a nightmare.  And that's just the tip of the iceberg.

Re: Portland comes out strong.
« Reply #14 on: May 23, 2008, 10:31:33 PM »
Whoeva win, all I know is that the national nightmare gonna be ova come Jan. Least I hope. 

Can you please exaplin "national nightmare"..?

8 year of trampling the constitution.
8 year of thinkin torture the way to go.
8 year and Osama still on the run.
8 year and the economy in the dink.
8 year later and Haliburton got itself a 22 percent profit margin.
8 year and our allies dont trust us.
8 year and we got mo enemies than ever befo.
8 year and the ghettoz getting worse by the min.
8 year later and it still hard fo a decent man to get hisself a self-respectin  job.
8 year and that smirk still the same.
8 year and 4,080 bodies later.
8 year and we all worse off than we ever been in my life.

Should I stop, yo?

« Last Edit: May 23, 2008, 10:33:44 PM by Choz4Life »
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Re: Portland comes out strong.
« Reply #15 on: May 27, 2008, 08:54:14 PM »
Whoeva win, all I know is that the national nightmare gonna be ova come Jan. Least I hope. 

Can you please exaplin "national nightmare"..?

8 year of trampling the constitution.
8 year of thinkin torture the way to go.
8 year and Osama still on the run.
8 year and the economy in the dink.
8 year later and Haliburton got itself a 22 percent profit margin.
8 year and our allies dont trust us.
8 year and we got mo enemies than ever befo.
8 year and the ghettoz getting worse by the min.
8 year later and it still hard fo a decent man to get hisself a self-respectin  job.
8 year and that smirk still the same.
8 year and 4,080 bodies later.
8 year and we all worse off than we ever been in my life.

Should I stop, yo?

8 year of trampling the constitution. - according to who..?

8 year of thinkin torture the way to go. -  its is when dealing with terroist..   do what ever you have to do to get the information...   these people want to destroy American's and American way of life..     they could kill them all and I could care less...

8 year and Osama still on the run.  - can't argue there but when he is hiding in a region between Afganistan * Pakistan that we can't access there is nothing we can do..    maybe if that Democratic stalwart Bill Clinto killed him when we had the chance we wouldn't even be having this conversation and all the people in the Twin Towers (including my brother) would still be alive...

8 year and the economy in the dink.  - maybe you think you know something about finance but if you don't think the economic problems facing America today were not started at end of the Clinton adminstration you are sadly mistaken...   the war made them worse...

8 year later and Haliburton got itself a 22 percent profit margin. - they were making money long before 8 years ago and will keep on going for years from now...

8 year and our allies dont trust us.  - please be a little more specific...   and if you call France a friend you are kidding yourself. .   these same allies that don't trust us will coming begging for big Bad George W if they ever got attacked..

8 year and we got mo enemies than ever befo. - and we are bringing democracy to an enitre region and we have removed one of the most vicious leaders in the history of the world from Iraq...

8 year and the ghettoz getting worse by the min. - the ghetto was bad long before George W and unfortunately it will probably not change anytime in the near future. . nothing the Democrats or the Republicans can do about it..

8 year later and it still hard fo a decent man to get hisself a self-respectin  job. - iam sorry but that is jusy not true...  and it alldepends on one's definition of self respecting..

8 year and that smirk still the same. - no clue what you mean...  but if uyou are talking about George Bush...     maybe walk a mile in man's shoes before you remotely judge the leader of the free world...

8 year and 4,080 bodies later. - the country is at war...    unforunately casualties are part of it...    how many died in Vietnam..?   Korea. ?   look it up and tell me what you think...

8 year and we all worse off than we ever been in my life.  - very sorry of you are. . but I am not..   I have a beautiful home..  two children on the way...    pay less taxes...  make more money then I ever have..

Choz..  I am sorry but you are sadly mistaken if you think this country will be better off and safer if Barack Obama is elected President of the United States...  I am not saying John McCain is the answer..      but Obama is not...   like I said before. .  he just isn't qualified at this time in his political career...

Re: Portland comes out strong.
« Reply #16 on: May 27, 2008, 09:15:54 PM »
Choz please if you are going to comment on certain subjects please use spell check or make an honest attempt to speak and type in proper english. I respect your views however if you are going to make certain statements you should lead by example. My parents came here from another country and learned how to read, WRITE and speak proper ENGLISH.

Re: Portland comes out strong.
« Reply #17 on: May 27, 2008, 09:17:49 PM »
And choz speak for yourself DO NOT include me when you state "we all worse of than eva before"

Re: Portland comes out strong.
« Reply #18 on: May 27, 2008, 11:53:44 PM »
Choz please if you are going to comment on certain subjects please use spell check or make an honest attempt to speak and type in proper english. I respect your views however if you are going to make certain statements you should lead by example. My parents came here from another country and learned how to read, WRITE and speak proper ENGLISH.

You might work on your sentence structure and punctuation...

Re: Portland comes out strong.
« Reply #19 on: May 28, 2008, 12:00:05 AM »
Whoeva win, all I know is that the national nightmare gonna be ova come Jan. Least I hope. 

Can you please exaplin "national nightmare"..?

8 year and the ghettoz getting worse by the min.

no welfare checks? cmon choz, you sound ridiculous.