2 Questions

  • 10 replies
2 Questions
« on: November 25, 2008, 10:02:59 PM »
1. In your opinion what is your assessment of STJ after a 5-1 start?
2. How good would STJ look if they didn't let that BC game get away from them and would be 6-0 right now?

Re: 2 Questions
« Reply #1 on: November 25, 2008, 10:05:42 PM »
lol we'd be 4-2 if we won that BC game

overall I think we're improved and look decent but we have some glaring problems (back up pg, shooting, any experience period)

Norm on the post game said he thinks the team is a B- right now ...


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Re: 2 Questions
« Reply #2 on: November 25, 2008, 10:14:10 PM »
lol we'd be 4-2 if we won that BC game

overall I think we're improved and look decent but we have some glaring problems (back up pg, shooting, any experience period)

Norm on the post game said he thinks the team is a B- right now ...

LOL that was awesome...but you are right.

At this risk of continuing my negativity, I don't think we are as good as the record indicates.  We will go into the Va Tech game at 9-1 and then I think we will either lose nine in a row or go 1-8 or 2-7 at best.

Re: 2 Questions
« Reply #3 on: November 25, 2008, 10:20:37 PM »
lol we'd be 4-2 if we won that BC game

overall I think we're improved and look decent but we have some glaring problems (back up pg, shooting, any experience period)

Norm on the post game said he thinks the team is a B- right now ...

LOL that was awesome...but you are right.

At this risk of continuing my negativity, I don't think we are as good as the record indicates.  We will go into the Va Tech game at 9-1 and then I think we will either lose nine in a row or go 1-8 or 2-7 at best.

I did think that was pretty funny as well. I personally think this years team is better than last years team hands down. Also I see alot of potential in them for next year. However, we need to see how they do against other BE (or BE caliber) teams.
« Last Edit: November 25, 2008, 10:21:36 PM by Johnny4Life »

Re: 2 Questions
« Reply #4 on: November 25, 2008, 10:21:36 PM »
lol we'd be 4-2 if we won that BC game

overall I think we're improved and look decent but we have some glaring problems (back up pg, shooting, any experience period)

Norm on the post game said he thinks the team is a B- right now ...

Actually they'd be 4-0.  Other two games haven't happened yet.   ;)

Re: 2 Questions
« Reply #5 on: November 25, 2008, 11:06:21 PM »
i thought norm said c-minus.  my ears are getting old.  i'd give the team a "c".  we lost to the only major team we played...and boston college isn't going anywhere.


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Re: 2 Questions
« Reply #6 on: November 25, 2008, 11:08:04 PM »
i thought norm said c-minus.  my ears are getting old.  i'd give the team a "c".  we lost to the only major team we played...and boston college isn't going anywhere.

I can't wait until he grades the team after we lose by 40 to Uconn.

Re: 2 Questions
« Reply #7 on: November 26, 2008, 01:26:42 AM »
i thought norm said c-minus.  my ears are getting old.  i'd give the team a "c".  we lost to the only major team we played...and boston college isn't going anywhere.

I won't write off BC quite yet. We were all quick to judge and dismiss Miami last season who turned out to be a top 25 team all year. I don't think BC is going to be a power house but I also don't know too much about them. I liked a few of their guys though I will say that and I will keep an eye on them all season.

I still think we played well against BC. We had a fair share of mistakes against them and we made stupid plays but overall  I saw a lot of things I liked from that game(stuff I didn't see last year). To me jury is out.

I think this team is good, I like some things I see and I think there is a lot of room to grow. How fast will we grow? Maybe not fast enough but maybe we see some things develop over the next few games that carry into Big East play. Who knows? But I'll be rooting for it.

Can Burrell step up and be a real post presence and #1 option scorer?

Can Coker stop the silly fouls and be a force in the middle?

Can DJ and Paris be consistent scorers for us?

Can Boothe stay healthy and out of foul trouble?

Can Rob Thomas keep making strides and feel more comfortable out there?

Can Quincy and Ty handle the backup roll?

Can the team function without Boothe in the game?

Can we play from behind?

Can we stop other team's runs or do we stick our tail between our legs and get beat down?

Can we play well against both man to man and zone defense?

The questions are endless but I feel so many of these questions if answered yes or no is contagious, domino effect, however you want to look at it. If one, two guys start feeling it then they can pick up the play of others. Last year we were so lost and the team never really gelled. I think we have an identity at least this year. We're an uptempo team, we want to play high intensity defense, force mistakes, and capitalize off of them. We're going to push the ball up the court and get try to get easy looks. We want to use our athleticism and tire teams out. So we have an identity now its a matter getting better at being that identity and then perfecting that identity.

At least this team is fun to watch so far. It will be interesting to see how guys settle into their roles and see how comfortable they feel out there. I see chemistry brewing. Even if everything goes right(for once) it may still not be enough to get over the hump this season in the Big East but there is hope.
Follow Johnny Jungle on Twitter at @Johnny_Jungle

Re: 2 Questions
« Reply #8 on: November 26, 2008, 02:03:50 AM »
Can Burrell step up and be a real post presence and #1 option scorer?
burrell is a nice player...but he's limited.  i can't see him being either.

Can Coker stop the silly fouls and be a force in the middle?
it's not silly fouls...coker is doing his best.  he hasn't been playing long and doesn't have a head for the game.

Can DJ and Paris be consistent scorers for us?
dj, possibly.  he's good against mid majors.  by the time he's a senior, he might be good against big east teams.  paris is inconsistent.  he is what he is.
Can Boothe stay healthy and out of foul trouble?
it's hard to say.  he was hurt alot in high school.  the refs call cheap fouls on him.  i don't know why.  we're hurting without him.

Can Rob Thomas keep making strides and feel more comfortable out there?
this one game was an eye opener.  hopefully, he'll keep getting better.

Can Quincy and Ty handle the backup roll?
not well.  not now.

Can the team function without Boothe in the game?
the team is obviously better with booth than without him.

Can we play from behind?
we'll find out more often then we'd like.

Can we stop other team's runs or do we stick our tail between our legs and get beat down?
i'm voting for the beat down.  loyola went through a spell where they killed us.  imagine when it's uconn or louisville?  scary.

Can we play well against both man to man and zone defense?
this team is very  limited.  let's just enjoy the mid major part of the schedule.


Re: 2 Questions
« Reply #9 on: November 26, 2008, 11:41:24 PM »
Can Burrell step up and be a real post presence and #1 option scorer?
burrell is a nice player...but he's limited.  i can't see him being either.

Can Coker stop the silly fouls and be a force in the middle?
it's not silly fouls...coker is doing his best.  he hasn't been playing long and doesn't have a head for the game.

Can DJ and Paris be consistent scorers for us?
dj, possibly.  he's good against mid majors.  by the time he's a senior, he might be good against big east teams.  paris is inconsistent.  he is what he is.
Can Boothe stay healthy and out of foul trouble?
it's hard to say.  he was hurt alot in high school.  the refs call cheap fouls on him.  i don't know why.  we're hurting without him.

Can Rob Thomas keep making strides and feel more comfortable out there?
this one game was an eye opener.  hopefully, he'll keep getting better.

Can Quincy and Ty handle the backup roll?
not well.  not now.

Can the team function without Boothe in the game?
the team is obviously better with booth than without him.

Can we play from behind?
we'll find out more often then we'd like.

Can we stop other team's runs or do we stick our tail between our legs and get beat down?
i'm voting for the beat down.  loyola went through a spell where they killed us.  imagine when it's uconn or louisville?  scary.

Can we play well against both man to man and zone defense?
this team is very  limited.  let's just enjoy the mid major part of the schedule.

reading that was the most depressing thing that happened to me today...and i dropped a glass bottle on my balls at work

Re: 2 Questions
« Reply #10 on: November 26, 2008, 11:49:36 PM »