Time to reset

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Time to reset
« on: January 06, 2014, 12:45:59 PM »
it's monday. with a full week ahead before our next game, it's time for us fans and more importantly Lavin, to hit the reset button.  whatever BS has gone on the last couple of weeks in the locker room, Lavin should offer a clean slate.  get to practice on time, get to the bus on time, practice hard, etc.  it's simple.  i think Lavin knows what his rotation is, but the crap that may be going on, doesn't allow him to execute.  up until the columbia game, Lavin showed a tendency to heavily rotate in the 1st half of games and then settle with 7 or 8 in the 2nd half.  if thats the plan, so be it. he just needs to be consistent. 

let's reset. there's still lots of ball to be played.