Who are you voting for..?

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Re: Who are you voting for..?
« Reply #80 on: November 04, 2016, 02:19:38 PM »
Actual Trump Tweet: Robert Pattinson should not take back Kristen Stewart. She cheated on him like a dog & will do it again--just watch. He can do much better!

A President? He's a narsisistic, emotionally disturbed little kid. I'll take the nasty woman who when she should be in the hospital on an IV, works 15-18 hour days. Nasty. That's what that is. What the hell has Trump ever done for anyone but himself? Where are the people that we respect who know him and why don't they tell us about all of the wonderful things that he's done in his life?

He's trash, pure and simple. The Youtube, internet generation going all the way to the highest position in the country and the world if he gets elected. Hillary may be sneaky but she sure as hell does not conduct herself like a petulant, spoiled rich brat like he does.

So you vote for a corrupt government because Trump hurt your precious feelings and you think he is a brat? Makes sense.

Way to deflect. Not only is he a brat, he's clearly corrupt too and yet you support that?

Corrupt how?

Wow. Talk about seriously uninformed. There's not enough characters on this site to list all his corrupt shenanigans. You serious pal?

Ok guess I should take your word for it

Just use Google and type in Trump and corruption. Plenty to go from there.

Re: Who are you voting for..?
« Reply #81 on: November 04, 2016, 02:34:23 PM »
Actual Trump Tweet: Robert Pattinson should not take back Kristen Stewart. She cheated on him like a dog & will do it again--just watch. He can do much better!

A President? He's a narsisistic, emotionally disturbed little kid. I'll take the nasty woman who when she should be in the hospital on an IV, works 15-18 hour days. Nasty. That's what that is. What the hell has Trump ever done for anyone but himself? Where are the people that we respect who know him and why don't they tell us about all of the wonderful things that he's done in his life?

He's trash, pure and simple. The Youtube, internet generation going all the way to the highest position in the country and the world if he gets elected. Hillary may be sneaky but she sure as hell does not conduct herself like a petulant, spoiled rich brat like he does.

So you vote for a corrupt government because Trump hurt your precious feelings and you think he is a brat? Makes sense.

Way to deflect. Not only is he a brat, he's clearly corrupt too and yet you support that?

Corrupt how?

Wow. Talk about seriously uninformed. There's not enough characters on this site to list all his corrupt shenanigans. You serious pal?

Ok guess I should take your word for it

Just use Google and type in Trump and corruption. Plenty to go from there.

Sure. Right after I find my safe space

Re: Who are you voting for..?
« Reply #82 on: November 04, 2016, 02:40:14 PM »
Just for comedy sake if Hillary wins we have the following to look forward to:

1. Over under on when Trump concedes is never and over under on when election results become official is night before inauguration.

2. Hillary becomes first ever President to be sworn in and impeached on same day.

Re: Who are you voting for..?
« Reply #83 on: November 04, 2016, 02:47:20 PM »
Actual Trump Tweet: Robert Pattinson should not take back Kristen Stewart. She cheated on him like a dog & will do it again--just watch. He can do much better!

A President? He's a narsisistic, emotionally disturbed little kid. I'll take the nasty woman who when she should be in the hospital on an IV, works 15-18 hour days. Nasty. That's what that is. What the hell has Trump ever done for anyone but himself? Where are the people that we respect who know him and why don't they tell us about all of the wonderful things that he's done in his life?

He's trash, pure and simple. The Youtube, internet generation going all the way to the highest position in the country and the world if he gets elected. Hillary may be sneaky but she sure as hell does not conduct herself like a petulant, spoiled rich brat like he does.

So you vote for a corrupt government because Trump hurt your precious feelings and you think he is a brat? Makes sense.

Way to deflect. Not only is he a brat, he's clearly corrupt too and yet you support that?

Corrupt how?
Off the top of my head...

Multiple ties to the Kremlin. Defrauded hundreds of individuals via Trump University. Refuses to release tax returns to clarify financial entanglements.  Pays zero federal income taxes despite claiming to be worth billions. Trump Foundation is a fake charitable organization where the namesake benefactor gives no money personally and uses contributions of others to make personal purchases. Then there's the way he financed his campaign.

Re: Who are you voting for..?
« Reply #84 on: November 04, 2016, 02:53:49 PM »
Actual Trump Tweet: Robert Pattinson should not take back Kristen Stewart. She cheated on him like a dog & will do it again--just watch. He can do much better!

A President? He's a narsisistic, emotionally disturbed little kid. I'll take the nasty woman who when she should be in the hospital on an IV, works 15-18 hour days. Nasty. That's what that is. What the hell has Trump ever done for anyone but himself? Where are the people that we respect who know him and why don't they tell us about all of the wonderful things that he's done in his life?

He's trash, pure and simple. The Youtube, internet generation going all the way to the highest position in the country and the world if he gets elected. Hillary may be sneaky but she sure as hell does not conduct herself like a petulant, spoiled rich brat like he does.

So you vote for a corrupt government because Trump hurt your precious feelings and you think he is a brat? Makes sense.

Way to deflect. Not only is he a brat, he's clearly corrupt too and yet you support that?

Corrupt how?
Off the top of my head...

Multiple ties to the Kremlin. Defrauded hundreds of individuals via Trump University. Refuses to release tax returns to clarify financial entanglements.  Pays zero federal income taxes despite claiming to be worth billions. Trump Foundation is a fake charitable organization where the namesake benefactor gives no money personally and uses contributions of others to make personal purchases. Then there's the way he financed his campaign.

Great lesson on how to make a political contribution tax deductible.

Lend a campaign money, then forgive the debt. Take a tax deduction on the forgiven debt.  GENIUS!

Re: Who are you voting for..?
« Reply #85 on: November 04, 2016, 03:20:38 PM »
Don't forget he knows more than the generals - even though he made sure he made sure he didn't serve our country in the military

Re: Who are you voting for..?
« Reply #86 on: November 04, 2016, 03:44:36 PM »
This site was my safe place to get away from all of this...

Very easy not to read or participate in this sub board
Follow Johnny Jungle on Twitter at @Johnny_Jungle


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Re: Who are you voting for..?
« Reply #87 on: November 04, 2016, 03:46:52 PM »
Hillary.  Trump is the loud guy at the end of the bar.

That's a bit of an understatement. Also he's an uneducated racist unqualified pos.

Hillary is equally unqualified. Felons aren't allowed to vote but they can run for president I guess.

Both candidates are horrendous. Hillary has "experience" but so does Steve Lavin but nobody wants him to be their head coach because he's sucked in that experience, just like Hillary has in hers. She's also a liar and probably one of the most corrupt politicians in the history of this country, which is probably her greatest accomplishment considering how many corrupt politicians there have been. She flip flops on issues depending on who she's talking to as she'll say anything to get elected. I could keep going but you get the point.

Trump thinks he knows everything when he clearly doesn't. He saying he'll make America great again but doesn't offer any real plans for how he will accomplish that. Personally, he's at best just a dope and at worst actually a racist and misogynist. He's running as a Republican and Conservative yet he's donated tons of money to liberal politician's campaigns in the past.

I really don't understand the people that are so pro Hillary or pro Trump. I do understand how people can reluctantly vote for one of them because the other option is so terrible, which really is sad that in a country of 320 million people we have to choose the next President based on which one is less terrible.

I'll be a reluctant Trump voter because even though he's a terrible candidate in his own right I just think Hillary is much worse. Plus I'm a Conservative and would like to see Obamacare repealed and don't want Hillary or any liberals being able to appoint multiple Supreme Court justices.

The worst thing is that whoever wins won't even give their party a chance to nominate a better candidate in 4 years, but after the DNC rigged their primary process for Hillary and Republicans nominated Trump over a few other way better options, neither party deserves it.

I'm still waiting for a good reason not to vote for Hillary. Benghazi? I don't give a shit. Emails? I don't give a shit. She wasn't smiling when Mary J Blige sang to her? Again, I don't give a shit. It's all a load of bullshit that the GOP made into something.

A lot of people don't like Hillary. I don't think this country deserves a President that they like.

Nice to know that you don't give a shit about 4 Americans dying under her watch when they didn't have to or that she broke the law and put the country's safety at risk. Or that her foundation accepts donations from foreign governments and only actually gives 10% to charity. Or that Isis became a legitimate threat under her and Obama's watch when that could have been stopped. Or that the middle east was completely destabilized under her and Obama's watch. Or that she agreed to give Russia 20% of our Uranium supply and then claims Russia is a huge threat to our safety. Or that she claims she wants open borders (which basically means we don't have a country). Or that she and the DNC rigged the primary process to ensure she won.

I do understand the Trump hate. I really do. But if you really think Hillary is even a little bit qualified to be president you are just ignoring reality

Goredman, you are off base in a number of ways.  We all care about 4 americans dying in Libya but it is ignorant to lay it on Hillary.  Unfortunately, people serve there country in dangerous places and sometimes die.  The republican congress is more responsible as they steadily cut funding for our embassies.  The Clinton charily gives 85%+ to charity and is well regarded.  The number being bandied about by the unloyal opposition refers to grants only....most  of the work is done directly by the foundation.  The middle east problems started with Bush taking out Saddam.....Iraq had, for years, been the only thing standing in the way of Iran and we eliminated the completion.  Everything else that has happened currently goes back to this. The C student did not understand the concept of balance of power (Daddy did, he let Iraq continue to exist)  If anyone thinks they can solve the middle east problems they are totally ignorant of History, these folks have been fighting since Mohammed died and we will go bankrupt (if we are not already there) trying t change things.  Yeah, Hillary is a nasty bitch and a liar and this is the exact sort of person who succeeds in politics internationally.  Read some history brother.   


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Re: Who are you voting for..?
« Reply #88 on: November 04, 2016, 03:54:01 PM »
Don't forget he knows more than the generals - even though he made sure he made sure he didn't serve our country in the military

You said he made sure twice, but he probably made sure a lot more than twice.

Re: Who are you voting for..?
« Reply #89 on: November 04, 2016, 04:02:49 PM »
I voted for Bernie in the primary. Now all of these WikiLeaks emails are coming out saying Hillary and the DNC conspired to rig the primary. I can't vote for blatant corruption. If you can by convincing yourself you're "doing what's best for minorities and the country" good for you.

Hillary is the epitome of what is wrong with our government
Trump is the epitome of what is wrong with our culture

Choose wisely. Or choose someone else.
« Last Edit: November 04, 2016, 04:06:34 PM by redstorm212 »


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Re: Who are you voting for..?
« Reply #90 on: November 04, 2016, 04:13:23 PM »
I voted for Bernie in the primary. Now all of these WikiLeaks emails are coming out saying Hillary and the DNC conspired to rig the primary. I can't vote for blatant corruption.

Hillary is the epitome of what is wrong with our government
Trump is the epitome of what is wrong with our culture

Choose wisely. Or choose someone else.


I am a registered democrat, but the left has become a cesspool of sackless betas and femanazis with no tolerance any differing opinions.

I try to vote for the best human being and I favor the candidate who offers the best chance of transparency, limiting corruption, and who is not beholden to foreign countries and corporate donations.  That is not Hillary. Jill Stein or Trump.


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Re: Who are you voting for..?
« Reply #91 on: November 04, 2016, 04:19:35 PM »
Again, Muslim is not a race. As for Mexicans, why should we care what they think? Do Americans vote in Mexican elections? I will vote for what's best for America, not what's best for everyone else

We do believe in freedom of religion in this country.  Perhaps you were unaware.   

I'm very aware. As a white, heterosexual catholic, I'm not allowed to speak my mind without being called a bigot, racist or homophobic. Some religions are more accepting than others., some chop your head off and throw you off of a roof.

Again, Muslim is a religion not a race. Same as illegal immigrants, not a race

We have white terrorists in this country who routinely walk into churches and shopping malls with machine guns and murder people. Why hasn't Trump spoken out against them? Could it be because he's a racist?

And what religion are the majority of those terrorists?

Why is their religion of significance?

Killing in the name of

Trump will never critique anything to do with the 2nd amendment (the only amendment that is truly dated)  and the mass murdering psychos can only do what they do because of the progun people.   The right fringe, whether KKK or 2nd amendment people are his boys.  I have a hunter, NRA friend who intelligently stated that anyone who needs a clip with more than 3 shots doesn't know what he is doing and shouldn't have a gun.     


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Re: Who are you voting for..?
« Reply #92 on: November 04, 2016, 04:34:40 PM »
You can blame Bush for all this terrorism bs. If he never invaded Iraq like an idiot for No WMD then we wouldn't be having all of these problems with terrorists in this country today.

The Twin Towers would still be standing if only Bush had not invaded Iraq. You show a keen grasp of history.

Because it was all those Iraqis who brought the towers done. Well done.

Try and follow along. You said

"blame Bush for all this terrorism  ... If he never invaded Iraq .... we wouldn't be having all of these problems with terrorists in this country today"

Whereas Islamofascists have been targeting the US (and elsewhere) since at least the Reagan administration: the embassy bombing in 1983, the Beirut barracks bombing in 1983, the embassy bombings in Kuwait in 1983, the uss cole bombing in 84, the twin tower attack in 93, the twin tower attack in 2001. All of which occurred before the invasion of Iraq, about which I said nothing except that you misunderstand its place in history.

The Mideast has always been a problem and will continue to be, What the destruction of Iraq and the balance of power did was to raise our  level of participation  in a place where there will be no western winner.  Iran is the biggest sponsor of terrorism and they now have free reign.  We could be more effective if we fought this war like WWII, international rules be damned, but we wont, we and our western values are too nice. 


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Re: Who are you voting for..?
« Reply #93 on: November 04, 2016, 04:59:07 PM »
I voted for Bernie in the primary. Now all of these WikiLeaks emails are coming out saying Hillary and the DNC conspired to rig the primary. I can't vote for blatant corruption.

Hillary is the epitome of what is wrong with our government
Trump is the epitome of what is wrong with our culture

Choose wisely. Or choose someone else.


I am a registered democrat, but the left has become a cesspool of sackless betas and femanazis with no tolerance any differing opinions.

I try to vote for the best human being and I favor the candidate who offers the best chance of transparency, limiting corruption, and who is not beholden to foreign countries and corporate donations.  That is not Hillary. Jill Stein or Trump.
Can't disagree w you ,  but there are only 2 viable choices. I don't like both also. But Clinton is too corrupt for me and I will be voting for Trump.


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Re: Who are you voting for..?
« Reply #94 on: November 04, 2016, 05:03:08 PM »
Again, Muslim is not a race. As for Mexicans, why should we care what they think? Do Americans vote in Mexican elections? I will vote for what's best for America, not what's best for everyone else

We do believe in freedom of religion in this country.  Perhaps you were unaware.   

I'm very aware. As a white, heterosexual catholic, I'm not allowed to speak my mind without being called a bigot, racist or homophobic. Some religions are more accepting than others., some chop your head off and throw you off of a roof.

Again, Muslim is a religion not a race. Same as illegal immigrants, not a race

We have white terrorists in this country who routinely walk into churches and shopping malls with machine guns and murder people. Why hasn't Trump spoken out against them? Could it be because he's a racist?

And what religion are the majority of those terrorists?

Why is their religion of significance?

Killing in the name of

Trump will never critique anything to do with the 2nd amendment (the only amendment that is truly dated)  and the mass murdering psychos can only do what they do because of the progun people.   The right fringe, whether KKK or 2nd amendment people are his boys.  I have a hunter, NRA friend who intelligently stated that anyone who needs a clip with more than 3 shots doesn't know what he is doing and shouldn't have a gun.     

Strict anti-gun laws sure are working in Chicago


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Re: Who are you voting for..?
« Reply #95 on: November 04, 2016, 05:06:13 PM »
Actual Trump Tweet: Robert Pattinson should not take back Kristen Stewart. She cheated on him like a dog & will do it again--just watch. He can do much better!

A President? He's a narsisistic, emotionally disturbed little kid. I'll take the nasty woman who when she should be in the hospital on an IV, works 15-18 hour days. Nasty. That's what that is. What the hell has Trump ever done for anyone but himself? Where are the people that we respect who know him and why don't they tell us about all of the wonderful things that he's done in his life?

He is a narcissist but Hillary is a sociopath and a subhuman. Pick your poison, Poison.
Exactly. Like me, you live in Fl. Where your vote counts. NY is a lost cause, vote Trump . IMO the e mail scandal is nothing compared to what the Clinton foundation investigation will show if the DOJ doesn't  try to block a grand jury.


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Re: Who are you voting for..?
« Reply #96 on: November 04, 2016, 05:10:30 PM »
The middle east problems started with Bush taking out Saddam..... Read some history brother.   

Read some history, lol, good one. The mideast problem started with Cain taking out Abel. Probably Bush was responsible for the Crusades huh. If it weren't for Bush there wouldn't have been any Mamelukes. Read some history, you people are a riot.


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Re: Who are you voting for..?
« Reply #97 on: November 04, 2016, 05:10:46 PM »
I voted for Bernie in the primary. Now all of these WikiLeaks emails are coming out saying Hillary and the DNC conspired to rig the primary. I can't vote for blatant corruption.

Hillary is the epitome of what is wrong with our government
Trump is the epitome of what is wrong with our culture

Choose wisely. Or choose someone else.


I am a registered democrat,
Again, Muslim is not a race. As for Mexicans, why should we care what they think? Do Americans vote in Mexican elections? I will vote for what's best for America, not what's best for everyone else

We do believe in freedom of religion in this country.  Perhaps you were unaware.   

I'm very aware. As a white, heterosexual catholic, I'm not allowed to speak my mind without being called a bigot, racist or homophobic. Some religions are more accepting than others., some chop your head off and throw you off of a roof.

Again, Muslim is a religion not a race. Same as illegal immigrants, not a race

We have white terrorists in this country who routinely walk into churches and shopping malls with machine guns and murder people. Why hasn't Trump spoken out against them? Could it be because he's a racist?

And what religion are the majority of those terrorists?

Why is their religion of significance?

Killing in the name of

Trump will never critique anything to do with the 2nd amendment (the only amendment that is truly dated)  and the mass murdering psychos can only do what they do because of the progun people.   The right fringe, whether KKK or 2nd amendment people are his boys.  I have a hunter, NRA friend who intelligently stated that anyone who needs a clip with more than 3 shots doesn't know what he is doing and shouldn't have a gun.     

Strict anti-gun laws sure are working in Chicago
I voted for Bernie in the primary. Now all of these WikiLeaks emails are coming out saying Hillary and the DNC conspired to rig the primary. I can't vote for blatant corruption.

Hillary is the epitome of what is wrong with our government
Trump is the epitome of what is wrong with our culture

Choose wisely. Or choose someone else.


I am a registered democrat, but the left has become a cesspool of sackless betas and femanazis with no tolerance any differing opinions.

You just pretty much hit it on the head...


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Re: Who are you voting for..?
« Reply #98 on: November 04, 2016, 05:13:05 PM »
Hillary is the epitome of what is wrong with our government
Trump is the epitome of what is wrong with our culture

Choose wisely. Or choose someone else.

Well said. Trump is stupid and a boor, Hillary is evil  I'd say we deserve better but we don't.


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Re: Who are you voting for..?
« Reply #99 on: November 04, 2016, 05:16:08 PM »
The middle east problems started with Bush taking out Saddam..... Read some history brother.   

Read some history, lol, good one. The mideast problem started with Cain taking out Abel. Probably Bush was responsible for the Crusades huh. If it weren't for Bush there wouldn't have been any Mamelukes. Read some history, you people are a riot.

Cain and Abel? We're talking about modern times, Socrates lol

Like we said, Bush opened the floodgates with the idiotic Iraq invasion and now this country is full of these thug Islam terrorists.