Katie Couric mistakes Rick Reilly for creator of the easy bake oven

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I'll spare you the pain of reading the rest of Rick Reilly's new column (people mistook him for Rick Rhoden, he knows Herm Edwards, he hates some blogger) and just skip to the funny part. The story is about how people mistake people in the Sports World and Reilly decided to share his meeting with Katie Couric during his book tour....

The capper, though, was Katie Couric, late of the Today show. I was in the green room, waiting to go on and plug a book, when she came running up to me like a long-lost sister, 1,000-watt smile and open arms.

"I am SO happy to meet you!" she cooed, giving me a big hug.
"Oh, well, me, too!" I said, flummoxed.
"I'm really looking forward to our segment!" she said. "I loved it as a kid! Do you have the recipe?"
"Yes! No. What?"
"The recipe! Which recipe will we be making?"
"Uh, no. I'm a sportswriter. I really don't do, uh, recipes."
"You're not the Easy-Bake oven guy?"
"No, sorry."

And with that, she spun on her five-inch heels and left me behind like a roadside San-o-let.
Man, those are one of the things I would have loved to have seen in person. Great story but Reilly just officially replaced Simmons as "#1 Name Dropper" over at the "Leader". If Reilly manages to bring up Jimmy Kimmel, I think the world will implode.
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