Some good excerpts:
MF: How'd the idea for Vitaminwater come about?
MR: I'm an avid basketball player—
my dream growing up was to coach the St. John's basketball team. My business partner plays tennis. We were looking for something that met our needs. Vitaminwater is something new—water with nutrients. It's not a sports drink, it's not a water; it's a lifestyle brand. You drink what your body needs.
MF: Does loving sports make you a better manager?
MR: I don't like the word manager. I like the word coach. I always tell my team, “Don't manage—coach.†The goal of a coach is to make your players or employees better at what they do. Really, what's the difference between a major com- pany and a sports franchise? In both cases, the team with the best players usually wins.
MF: Describe your dream employee.
MR: When I hire people, I look for individuals who have passion and are competitive. The most competitive often have played high school or college sports, run marathons, or somehow made working out intensively part of their lives. During job interviews, I always ask people if they are a sore loser. If they say yes, they are more likely to get the job, because to love to win you have to have passion and competitiveness.
I never did get to coach St. John's, but I tell myself I did get the head coaching job at Glacéau.