TV deal vs. expansion

  • 2 replies
TV deal vs. expansion
« on: September 06, 2011, 03:01:49 PM »
I know there's another thread out there on expansion.  But it just seems to me that expansion and the new tv deal are inherently linked.  A monster deal will help keep schools in the BE, and even attract new ones.  But the BE must keep its current schools, and the markets that they represent, in order to negotiate a monster deal.  I also can't help but feel that the increased revenues will result in a dramatic upgrade in the quality of football teams in the BE.  I know the situation is currently very fluid.  If anybody can contribute with the latest information and time lines on either topic, I would greatly appreciate it. 

Re: TV deal vs. expansion
« Reply #1 on: September 06, 2011, 03:30:25 PM »
This conference is becomin like the old Metro more and more: no collective unity, no distinct mission, all over the place geographically.

-Rivalries are erodin.
-Top-heavy, middle-lousy bball
-Still suckin at fball.
-All the while still feelin like its gonna teeter right into the ocean.

This here is what the glory of mediocre fball gets you.
Parking only for NYCHA permit holders.


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Re: TV deal vs. expansion
« Reply #2 on: September 06, 2011, 06:52:41 PM »
I dont believe the BE is top heavy in BB. Midlevel teams are great, look at UCONN last year. Still has many excellent rivalries. Of course if some football schools leave,like Syracuse that will change.