Typical St. John's ---Redzone

  • 6 replies
Typical St. John's ---Redzone
« on: April 26, 2008, 12:21:50 PM »
I went on facebook today to add more people to the Johnny Jungle friend list and I came across Redzone, the school sanctioned committee of "school spirit"

First I'm a little disappointed Johnny Jungle wasn't invited to the lax game. Secondly the title of the invitation reads, "LAX and PIZZA" What a hook, line, and sinker there  ::)

I was quoted in the Torch a month ago to the day and I lashed out a bit at the poor job I thought the school did to entice the students to coming to the game. From the Torch.....

And yet interest remains low.

"How many times are they going to offer a free St. John's t-shirt and/or pizza for coming to a game," Krupinski said. "There isn't enough done by the school to embrace the students and make them want to be a part of everything, and it's a shame because you have teams like the women's basketball team who deserves the credit and support."


So anyways I continued to read the description for the Lax game on facebook. "it's time for LACROSSE AND FREE PIZZA this Saturday. Grab a slice before you head into the game, and cheer on the team in your new FREE T-SHIRT!"

I rest my case! Seriously there is no thought process put into this. Its always free pizza and tshirt which I have about 2 drawers at home filled with free red t-shirts and I've donated about 3-4 garbage bags filled with red st. john's tshirts to the poor. Its a saturday afternoon game chances are students were out partying the night before and are severely hung over and dehydrated so why not try a gatorade taste testing and each student gets to sample different flavors of gatorade and bring a powder pack to bring back to their dorms. This is actually something useful to the students and might get them to come out. At least its different and I just thought of this in the midst of typing this message.

So I further went on to check out the Redzone and what they were about. So they have a list of their staff and what their roles are in the Redzone.

John Kelly (St. Johns)

Mike Yurik (St. Johns)

Sharla Elcock (St. Johns)
Vice President, Trinidadian Flavor and Liaison to the "Real Football" World

Alex Shalan (St. Johns)
Vice President, Redzone Creativity Committee

Jonathan Crisol (St. Johns)
Vice President, Orientation and Freshman Relations, and Cheer Creation

Samantha Rose Lavoie (St. Johns)
Director, Face Paint Operations, Redzone Creativity Committee

Matthew Schoenstein (St. Johns)
Vice President for Morale and Red Storm Integrity

Ben Liss (St. Johns)
Vice President, Logistics and Maximization

Shelly Garcia
Chair Emeritus

Ilana Ciccone (St. Johns)
Vice President, Cinematographic Adventures

Pedro Gomez (St. Johns)
Vice President, Strategic Planning and Auxilary Services

Dwayne Punnette (St. Johns)
Vice President for Orientation Relations and Location of Lost Persons.

Kiran Suryadevara (St. Johns)
Vice President, Concierge Operations

Ben Blum (St. Johns)
Administrative Vice President, COO, Advisor, Mentor, and Liaison to Provost

Michael Gaudio (St. Johns)
Chair, Women's Basketball Superfans and Director of Transportation

So you're telling me it took 15 people to come up with Free Pizza and Tshirt idea? This really resembles the St. John's administration here everyone has a flashy title but no one gets anything done. So lets try and bounce some ideas around here for the almighty redzone braintrust and maybe we can actually lend a helping hand.
Follow Johnny Jungle on Twitter at @Johnny_Jungle

Re: Typical St. John's ---Redzone
« Reply #1 on: April 26, 2008, 09:31:32 PM »
If SJU would grow a pair and have a free beer and pizza party the stands would be packed, energetic, (buzzed) and there would be no need to get ultra creative because a good idea can be repeated....I go to a catholic school in Miami and there are plenty of get boozy events, so the holy excuse is BS...also catholics are traditionally fond of the booze so why are we pretending to be something we are not?

Re: Typical St. John's ---Redzone
« Reply #2 on: April 29, 2008, 12:21:33 AM »
the problem with the staff of the redzone is there not sports fans. While they seem to genuinly care about the sports program and what not there just not sports fans. There much better at non-sports events but they seem over there head within the sports program. Oh, and I dont think these particular students factor hangovers into their plans

Re: Typical St. John's ---Redzone
« Reply #3 on: April 29, 2008, 01:26:14 PM »
giveaways are giveaways and it's one way to generate interest.  there are other ways, but why trash free pizza and a shirt?

generally, these people are lazy.  we all get it that that's the main problem. 

Re: Typical St. John's ---Redzone
« Reply #4 on: May 01, 2008, 02:20:09 PM »
So this week they are inviting people to come to the baseball game against WVU.

Our LAST FREE STUDENT BBQ of the year will be this FRIDAY at 5 PM before the 6PM game. This is all part of PACK THE JACK weekend against WVU.

We need help with the BBQ, so please shoot an e-mail to redzone@stjohns.edu or send me a facebook message.

Here are the details...

Friday, May 2nd
Free Student Barbeque at 5PM
St. John's vs. West Virginia University @ 6 PM

* The first 50 fans to enter the stadium will get a St. John's Aeropostale t-shirt and the there will also be a prize awarded to the best dressed Red Storm fan.

* One lucky fan will win a "Friday Night Out" package that includes transportation, shopping and dinner for four at the ESPN Zone.

* All St. John's students can also enjoy a FREE BBQ courtesy of Student Life.

So this may seem like an upgrade but what is failed to mention is they offer the same hotdogs and hamburgers that are served in the school cafeteria which opens at the same time. I'd say 99.9% of students who live on campus which is the majority of the students who would attend this game have a meal plan and could get this food for free anyways. Why not do Baby Back Ribs at the BBQ then students would want to go to the game over the cafeteria.(or some other type of food not ordinarily eaten by an on campus college student) POOR Job once again and Johnny Jungle was snubbed of an invitation again.
Follow Johnny Jungle on Twitter at @Johnny_Jungle

Re: Typical St. John's ---Redzone
« Reply #5 on: May 01, 2008, 07:51:27 PM »
I disagree. I think that promo is appealing. Baby back ribs...cmon...come down off your high horse. Besides dogs at a ballgame is the 3rd requirement of baseball. 1. bat 2. ball  (sidenote: JJ I recorded an impressive mandunk this morning, you would be proud.)

Re: Typical St. John's ---Redzone
« Reply #6 on: May 03, 2008, 10:07:29 AM »
How about throw in some Cracker Jacks or free popcorn through out the game? C'Mon hot dogs and burgers when we can get real grub at Montgoris in our meal plan?