Could this be Why STJ Can't Get Any Top Flight Recruits?? - OJ Mayo Situation

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Excerpt from Pat Forde article on ESPN - Norm is under pressure to not cut corners or play the games that others play

You have to assume USC simply didn't want to know. Didn't want to know the extent to which runners already had set their hooks into their highest-profile basketball recruit ever. The Trojans knew they were in this deal for one year before Mayo turned pro, and they probably just averted their gaze, hoping nothing blew up and the victories would pile up.

It's a scenario playing out right now on many other campuses nationwide, guaranteed. Agents and their runners are identifying who can play as early as college scouts are, and they're commencing the jockeying for position. And we all know what wins most of those turf wars: money and favors. Most topflight young basketball players have at least been offered plenty before college, even if they haven't accepted it.

It's a problem the NCAA desperately needs to get a grip on if college basketball is going to maintain even a hint of a legitimate relationship to higher education. The sport's repeatedly pilloried reputation took another big hit with this revelation, but perhaps it will spur other Louis Johnsons to tell the truth about what's going on in college hoops and youth basketball.

This is 60% of the reason
Attack basketball, pressure defense, 40 minutes of hell ... Early on it might be 30 minutes of hell, then 10 minutes of what the hell are you doing?"


isn't this more about agents then the school paying?

the NCAA is absolutely embarrassing when it comes to regulating this stuff.  i'd venture to say 75% of teams pay for at least one player. 

isn't this more about agents then the school paying?

the NCAA is absolutely embarrassing when it comes to regulating this stuff.  i'd venture to say 75% of teams pay for at least one player. 

Yeah the article focuses more on the agent player relationship but I remember reading an article featuring Norm and he stated how he would not do anything to embrass the Univ. Norm can't play the same games that others play.

If Abe Keita can get paid then image what a real baller could be getting indirectly from a "third party". I just scratch my head with some off these commitments and think these kids could be getting playing time right off the bat but would rather go to another school and sit the bench and wait there turn if they have too. It's going to take one or two studs to commit to STJ with the belief that they can turn things around.


The year was 1993. One day, the location was a park in Harlem. The next, a playground in Brooklyn or Queens. The subject was always basketball players and how easy it was for shady characters to funnel dollars to them behind the proverbial back of the NCAA.

I was covering high school sports in New York back then. At a time when the only O.J. who mattered was Simpson, everybody knew an O.J. Mayo. There have been O.J. Mayos all over this country for decades. Some of them we became aware of — Marcus Camby, Chris Webber, Keith Lee — but the vast majority we did not.

The topic of players getting handouts — particularly players from economically disadvantaged families, whose idea of prosperity is survival — is as old as sport itself. With so-called amateur basketball, we're talking about a system that evolved before any of us were born and will remain long after our days have expired.

So what exactly is the big deal, folks? We in the media especially need to stop insulting the rest of America's intelligence with all the rhetoric about another kid gone bad. When so many people willingly participate in something that is supposedly wrong, and everyone knows they are doing so, it's disingenuous and cheap — not to mention patently unfair — to single out any one player.

In New York, and later in Philadelphia, I learned how the game works: Sports agents, aspiring to gain influence over a big-time player, tell their "runners" to find the right spot and squeeze. The runners cozy up to a family member or a friend of the player, then open a bank account in his or her name. Or maybe, in the fashion of the day, they start a charitable foundation. The goal is to set up access to cash. The money can be used to buy sneakers for the player one day, lease a car the next. The kid needs to supplement his wardrobe or pay a relative's rent? Done. Over time, it's easy for a college athlete to accumulate loot worth well into six figures. The dollars, devoid of diligent investigation, are presumably untraceable.


The player gets paid. The runner gets paid so the player can be paid. The agent gets paid if, indeed, he snags the client. And all the various professional entities know they will eventually be paid, as soon as the athlete starts to generate revenue for them.

College basketball, like college football, is a billion-dollar business. Money pours into athletic departments, coaches' pockets, sneaker companies, hotels, airlines, restaurants, souvenir merchants, networks, newspapers and, yes, magazine columnists. Meanwhile, the laborers who are most in need are expected to watch everyone else pad their wallets?


Let's say it's true that some West Coast event promoter was used as a runner by the BDA Sports agency to funnel money to Mayo while he was in high school and at USC. Would anybody be surprised?

Thank you!

"Of course there are players getting perks under the table," one prominent Division I coach told me recently. "But it's almost never through the university. It starts early, with unsavory influences in their lives long before they even get to campus."

You may think a college scholarship is compensation enough. And in a perfect world, it might be. But a scholarship is not a guarantee of anything, least of all spendable green. I'm reminded of Don King's philosophy: "I could have a $1 million check in my hand to give to someone off the streets. They'll say, 'To hell with that. Give me $10,000 in cash.'"

Years ago, I was talking shop with an East Coast runner. "We're not going anywhere," the guy told me. "Know why? Because there will never be an end to athletes who have friends who want to profit off their talents. And there will never be an end to athletes who will let us in because they know everyone around them is getting paid."

I'll never forget those words. As long as today's kids know they're working for a multibillion-dollar industry for free, they're not about to fail to ask, "Where's mine?"

So tell me: What, exactly, is wrong with that?

Give Stephen A. a piece of your mind. E-mail But keep it clean!

problem is we pay bad players to play(Abe Keita) and get caught doing it
Follow Johnny Jungle on Twitter at @Johnny_Jungle

problem is we pay bad players to play(Abe Keita) and get caught doing it

LOL!!!! Ain't that a b_tch. Yeah Abe Keita!! Crazy man!

problem is we pay bad players to play(Abe Keita) and get caught doing it
It'd be naive to think that only Abe Keita was getting money.

problem is we pay bad players to play(Abe Keita) and get caught doing it
It'd be naive to think that only Abe Keita was getting money.

Good point.....that's very true.

great article, peekskill...

i remember when long distance runners were paid under the table.  then the governing bodies got wise and put it out in the open.

the olympics uses pro athletes.

there's no reason college ball can't get with the program...other than the ncaa makes so much money and it doesn't want to share.

great article, peekskill...

i remember when long distance runners were paid under the table.  then the governing bodies got wise and put it out in the open.

the olympics uses pro athletes.

there's no reason college ball can't get with the program...other than the ncaa makes so much money and it doesn't want to share.

Long distance runners!!!???!! Really??? Wow never knew that. I should not be surprised college sports is a huge business.