There was two reporters on espn disrespecting new york because of the Kobe MVP chant at the garden. They saying new York was soft it would only happen here. Dave I'm sorry about the language but what the #$%^ get the pussy ass people out of the garden. Where are the real fans this is ridiculas . When did we become bandwagon I'm 26 years old I never heard my father or brother or uncles and cousins having something like this happen during there time it's soft and it's sickening. How are they coming on our turf rooting for the opposing team. How come a fellow new York didn't throw a beer or hot dog at them. That's what a real born and raised new York city wise guy would have done. This is sickening. It has hit us also everyone wanting lance to commit some where else the kids wanting to leave. They are so #$%^ing soft no balls at all. My GOD new York is dead.