Norm is a fine coach

  • 24 replies
Re: Norm is a fine coach
« Reply #20 on: March 23, 2009, 02:56:28 PM »
Y'all are funny

Cool to kob, cold to choz and pmg  ;D

I could write about Norm being less than "nice" to a few people I know well but then in 2 weeks you will find a away to use it to take a few jabs at me...

You keep thinking that Norm will right the St. John's ship and I will keep thinking he will continue to sink it.

Look at this way..   if you failed at your job for 4 consectutive years like Norm, would you still be employed..?

Less than nice how? By not hiring them?  I hope Norm does right the ship, but with all the angst  on these boards daily isnt helping the situation. Ive now soon a couple of websites saying the same things, kids and their handlers read boards to get the pulse of the program. So posters can keep firing away at Norm and the players, you are your own worst enemy. I wouldnt want to play for fans like St Johns has nor would I want to send my kid to a play for the worst fans on the planet.
« Last Edit: March 23, 2009, 02:59:25 PM by Marco Baldi »

Re: Norm is a fine coach
« Reply #21 on: March 23, 2009, 03:06:20 PM »
st john's fans are the best fans because they want the program to succeed...and they know it won't under the present coach.

we could bring in five five star players a year and norm still couldn't coach them.  that's reality.

the people who want norm to stay aren't fans...they're groupies.


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Re: Norm is a fine coach
« Reply #22 on: March 23, 2009, 03:13:10 PM »
Y'all are funny

Cool to kob, cold to choz and pmg  ;D

I could write about Norm being less than "nice" to a few people I know well but then in 2 weeks you will find a away to use it to take a few jabs at me...

You keep thinking that Norm will right the St. John's ship and I will keep thinking he will continue to sink it.

Look at this way..   if you failed at your job for 4 consectutive years like Norm, would you still be employed..?

Less than nice how? By not hiring them?  I hope Norm does right the ship, but with all the angst  on these boards daily isnt helping the situation. Ive now soon a couple of websites saying the same things, kids and their handlers read boards to get the pulse of the program. So posters can keep firing away at Norm and the players, you are your own worst enemy. I wouldnt want to play for fans like St Johns has nor would I want to send my kid to a play for the worst fans on the planet.

So we should just sit back and say nothing. Be quiet about the ineptitude with which the basketball team we cheer for is being run.

We are the ones paying for tickets, are we not entitled to have a place to vent our frustration..?

If any kid or their parents  that are basing any decision they make about their own or their child's future about something they read on a message board where all of the posters are anonymous, is not exactly the sharpest knife in the drawer.

Re: Norm is a fine coach
« Reply #23 on: March 23, 2009, 03:25:07 PM »
Y'all are funny

Cool to kob, cold to choz and pmg  ;D

I could write about Norm being less than "nice" to a few people I know well but then in 2 weeks you will find a away to use it to take a few jabs at me...

You keep thinking that Norm will right the St. John's ship and I will keep thinking he will continue to sink it.

Look at this way..   if you failed at your job for 4 consectutive years like Norm, would you still be employed..?

Less than nice how? By not hiring them?  I hope Norm does right the ship, but with all the angst  on these boards daily isnt helping the situation. Ive now soon a couple of websites saying the same things, kids and their handlers read boards to get the pulse of the program. So posters can keep firing away at Norm and the players, you are your own worst enemy. I wouldnt want to play for fans like St Johns has nor would I want to send my kid to a play for the worst fans on the planet.

So we should just sit back and say nothing. Be quiet about the ineptitude with which the basketball team we cheer for is being run.

We are the ones paying for tickets, are we not entitled to have a place to vent our frustration..?

If any kid or their parents  that are basing any decision they make about their own or their child's future about something they read on a message board where all of the posters are anonymous, is not exactly the sharpest knife in the drawer.

These posters do nothing but bash the kids, forget about the coach,AD and PRIEST! On the 3 message boards, we have threads begging and pleading for star recruits to go elsewhere, thats being a good fan? Also, PMG you yourself started a thread ripping Malik Boothe not 10 minutes after a hard fought victory against Georgetown. Im sure the players and or recruits loved that. But hey, we deserve to rip apart 18,19 year old kids who most of the time do the best they can. Our very own posters praise other schools and their kids and will absolutely not give our own kids some sort of postive feedback


Re: Norm is a fine coach
« Reply #24 on: March 23, 2009, 03:39:33 PM »
Y'all are funny

Cool to kob, cold to choz and pmg  ;D

I could write about Norm being less than "nice" to a few people I know well but then in 2 weeks you will find a away to use it to take a few jabs at me...

You keep thinking that Norm will right the St. John's ship and I will keep thinking he will continue to sink it.

Look at this way..   if you failed at your job for 4 consectutive years like Norm, would you still be employed..?

Less than nice how? By not hiring them?  I hope Norm does right the ship, but with all the angst  on these boards daily isnt helping the situation. Ive now soon a couple of websites saying the same things, kids and their handlers read boards to get the pulse of the program. So posters can keep firing away at Norm and the players, you are your own worst enemy. I wouldnt want to play for fans like St Johns has nor would I want to send my kid to a play for the worst fans on the planet.

So we should just sit back and say nothing. Be quiet about the ineptitude with which the basketball team we cheer for is being run.

We are the ones paying for tickets, are we not entitled to have a place to vent our frustration..?

If any kid or their parents  that are basing any decision they make about their own or their child's future about something they read on a message board where all of the posters are anonymous, is not exactly the sharpest knife in the drawer.

These posters do nothing but bash the kids, forget about the coach,AD and PRIEST! On the 3 message boards, we have threads begging and pleading for star recruits to go elsewhere, thats being a good fan? Also, PMG you yourself started a thread ripping Malik Boothe not 10 minutes after a hard fought victory against Georgetown. Im sure the players and or recruits loved that. But hey, we deserve to rip apart 18,19 year old kids who most of the time do the best they can. Our very own posters praise other schools and their kids and will absolutely not give our own kids some sort of postive feedback
