Student tickets and MSG student section

  • 1 replies
Student tickets and MSG student section
« on: November 11, 2009, 01:07:16 PM »
I've seen a bunch of talk in a few different threads about these topics so I figured I'd just start a thread about it.

This year, CA tickets are $5 for students, down from $10 (i still think they should be free at CA but whatever). I don't remember where I read it, but I'm almost positive i saw that tickets at MSG will be $10 for students if purchased prior to the game, and $15 for students if you buy them day of game at the ticket office.

I'm being told that there will finally be a student section at MSG. Instead of having the students spread out on both sides, all the students will be on one side. Because of MSG rules, the tickets can't say "general admission" but when you pick up your season tickets for CA, theres a note saying we can request who we wanna sit next to at MSG, even though it'll be a student section. Also, it's been rumored that you'll now need to show your stormcard to get into the student section at MSG.

One problem, however, is that student season tickets are way down from last year.  I'm not sure that's a problem though because we had 600 student season tickets sold last year, and I'm not sure we had that many students at any game, aside from the seton hall game.

There's always more work to be done, but it's nice to finally see the school try to fix these problems.

Re: Student tickets and MSG student section
« Reply #1 on: November 11, 2009, 04:03:03 PM »
the school has come up with some nice, reasonable ticket packages.

i'll give them credit.