Civil Disobedience

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Civil Disobedience
« on: February 08, 2008, 11:39:28 AM »
I have been reading a lot about fan treatment at the Garden and I am completely pissed off about it. The great thing about college sports is that the fans play a crucial part during the game. Sometimes during the beginning of Duke games at Cameron, the visiting team has to call its first timeout 45 seconds into play just because they cannot handle the crowd noise. The games are for the students first, alumni second. I can't believe that the Garden prohibits people getting involved with the games. The university caterers to the alumni more when in reality, the students determine the greatness. Now as a Virginia resident, I cannot join you in these protests but I agree with JJ that we need to stand up to the man. In the spirit of Ghandi and Martin Luther King, STAND UP AND SCREAM YOUR FREAKING HEADS off during play, when the man (ushers) tell you to sit down, you reply NEVER! I remember that when I attended St. John's games, I would always go crazy. In fact, I even did it during road games. Two examples, first during the 2001-2002 season, I went on a school sponsored bus to UCONN. I was going crazy during that game even though most of the St. John's fans sat on their hands and said nothing (in fact one student mocked me) the critical point was a UCONN fan came into our section and taunted us and the St. John's students gave weak replies until I made a good comeback. Then we got into this heated exchange for 45 seconds which silenced the UCONN student section and even distracted some of the bench players for St. John's (the players told me it was the greatest thing they saw when I walked by them the next day in Marillac). The end result was that the UCONN fan backed down and two minutes later, a cop was put in out section. Sorry to ramble on this point but I am just giving proof of my passion, my second point has real proof. As a birthday present from my uncle, I was given court side seats to the Villanova game at the Ski Lodge. This was a crucial game for the Redmen because if they won, they would get a bye in the Big East tournament. The whole game I was screaming at the top of my lungs and some of the snooty fake Philadelphians which we call "Main Line Residents" were telling me to be quiet. I continued my yelling. I also added to my cheering when St. John's briefly took the lead in the second half. I stood up and started to chant for a little bit before my brother who attended the game with me pushed me back down and told me to shut up (I don't why my brother was at that game, he hates college basketball and he attended St. Joseph's University). Overall, as long as physical contact is not made, STAND UP TO THE MAN! We will get noticed and after a while, it will look embarrassing and we will get our way and I would like to end on the final words written in the book callled "THE JUNGLE" written by Upton Sinclair (JJ, it has nothing to do with the prophecy of this website but it talks about poor meat packing conditions and how capitalism is failing in Chicago and how socialism is the answer). We will stand up and scream, when they tell us down, we reply "NEVER", when they kick us out, we come back the next time and we do it again, after a while they will get tired and when the y do, THE GARDEN WILL BE OURS, repeat, THE GARDEN WILL BE OURS. (I know I am not a student but  I am writing this to inspired the students.) 

Re: Civil Disobedience
« Reply #1 on: February 08, 2008, 12:55:04 PM »
I agree with you about standing up to the man and standing up for our right to stand and cheer but i think you also bring up another good point about the lack of support from our fans.  As I stated in a different topic I wasn't in attendance for the Georgetown game when students were being tossed but I was at the Pitt the week before.  My friends and I were seated in the student section behind the basket near the Pittsburgh bench I spent most of my time heckling Lavance Fields (who I believe was homegrown talent who had originally had given us his verbal before switching to Pitt) since he was on the bench with injury.  Anyway, every time I would scream at Fields or yell in support of our johnnies other students seated infront of us would turn around and stair at me like i was crazy for cheering for my team.  Every time I watch college basketball and see the real student sections going bonkers for their teams I weep for what could (and should) be for us.