Mike & The Mad Dog

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Re: Mike & The Mad Dog
« Reply #20 on: February 20, 2008, 02:28:07 PM »
     Mike is pissed at the SJU administration because years ago [before Jarvis] he brokered a deal to have Majarus coach and the admin. pulled the rug out from under him at the last minute. This caused Francessa [and Majarus] a lot of public embarassment [within media and b ball circles]. Basically, Fr. Harrington blew Mike off and told him to butt out. Since that time, Mike has not attended a game [ I used to see him at every Garden game] and has told the school to screw off.  That's why he will not give the team any positive PR and couldn't care less about the program now.
      As I posted before, the admin. no longer wants to make the necessary investment into a big time program. As long as you suckers continue to support the team by attending games, there will never be improvement. Take it from an oldtimer[class of 68], if the Garden and CA were empty and there was no media/TV coverage ,major changes would be made. The adm. is still living in the 80's when a coach would sign a one year contract for peanuts. Notice how fewer and fewer games are being played at the Garden. This is because more of a profit is made when games are at CA. As long as the program breaks even or makes some profit [most of the $ coming from being a member of the Big East], the adm. is happy. This strategy was planned years ago after Lou retired and is similar to how some of the other Catholic schools in the Big East now run their programs [ie. Seton Hall, Prov., Depaul].

I am not disputing the story about Coach Majerus...

But Francesa was asked for and gave his input to St. John's during the previous coaching search...    if that is what you want to call it...