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« on: February 25, 2008, 10:00:37 PM »
Which coach out there would come?  But here is something that I never understood w/SJU.  SJU being in NYC, financial and business capital of U.S., heavy sports enthusiasts although more for the pro level, entertainment beyond expectations 24 hours a day, NYS is full of our graduated lawyers, Wall St. has our graduates, so much damn potential being in NYC area, etc, etc...why can't we recruit more national bluechippers?  Or better yet keep NYC's bluechipper.  Is Syracuse, Durham, Chapel Hill, Bloomington or anywhere else in this country except for maybe Chicago a better place to be in when you are young?  And I am not saying to the age of 22 only.  The business world recruits the best talent to Wall Street.  Broadway recruits the best stage actors/actresses.  If I had a chance to play for a major college which sometimes plays at Madison Square Garden in the capital of the world and be exposed to a life in NYC, the movers and shakers of our society I would drop all of those aformentioned towns like lead weight and come here!  I just don't understand.  Maybe its my SJU education that doesn't let me see other things.  I think that SJU & NYC is a terrific combo!  Maybe I am biased since I was borned and raised in NY.  But I have been to other parts of the USA and sorry, nice place to visit but...