Here We Go Again

  • 3 replies
Here We Go Again
« on: January 20, 2014, 09:10:15 PM »
I read this in an article today.  This guy has such a huge ego he will never tell you the obvious he thinks he can out talk everybody.  Here's his latest pile of b.s.

“We made dramatic progress from the Georgetown game and very easily could have been 3-0"

Really what progress?  This is honestly an embarrassing quote from him.  They have looked terrible since the Georgetown game like a lost, beaten down group.

“But I thought we played really well against Villanova and didn’t close them out. We were down seven at DePaul and played well to get a four-point lead. We just lost a heartbreaker. The other night was a double-overtime, high-level game against Providence, which waxed Georgetown.

Blah, blah, blah.  The Villanova game they got totally bullied over the last 7 minutes when it mattered most.  DePaul is the joke of the league and when the team was desperate for a win they scored 1 point over the last 5 minutes.  Providence the team came out inspired only to fall down 18-4 early and have to battle back all night only to choke away multiple leads because this team has proven they don't know how to win against good team.  And don't forget Providence is a great team because they waxed Georgetown.  Stevie will always spin everything to make himself look better.  This is the worst Georgetown team in years and Stevie has set them as the bar for how to judge other teams.

“I really have seen some individual progress, and as a group, we were doing some good things."

LOL no comment. 0-5 in league. 10 straight league losses yet they are making progress.

“To me the breakthrough happened the week after Georgetown in practice. Even though we’ve had losses, we’ve played really well.”

Man have the expectations around here hit a new low.  So we are to believe St John's has been playing really well and they are just unlucky and that's why they are 1-8 against all the real teams they have played on this

This guy really needs to go. We need to get the stench out of our program and hope we can get somebody with a little credibility in here.

Re: Here We Go Again
« Reply #1 on: January 20, 2014, 09:38:20 PM »
I know a lot of people here want him to be fired tomorrow but I think he should ride out the year even if they are something like 2-12 in conference.  It wouldn't be fair to bring another coach into this mess midseason as you can tell there is dissension on this team and more problems than we are aware of so I am thinking more like the day after the season ends.  Last year the NIT was acceptable but not this year as the NIT lost its luster 3 years ago when the NCAA tourney expanded to 68.  It watered down the NIT by taking those 4 teams out of it and now the tournament blows.  St John's got totally drilled anyways last year so was there really any extra satisfaction to play that extra week?  If you have a real coach any extra practice time with any group would be useful but we all know not much is being coached from August thru March so what does an extra week matter?
« Last Edit: January 20, 2014, 09:40:33 PM by Needs2go »

Re: Here We Go Again
« Reply #2 on: January 20, 2014, 09:57:15 PM »
They beat St Joe's then lost at UVA. In case you forgot its on the home page of this site still as if it were a week ago.
« Last Edit: January 20, 2014, 09:58:23 PM by erickthered »

Re: Here We Go Again
« Reply #3 on: January 20, 2014, 10:57:42 PM »
Out of your 47 posts, has there been a single one where you didnt talk about how terrible Lavin was, or some other type of negative comments about the program?

I'm probably giving you a little bit of credence just by replying, but give it a rest dude.