New York Post Blast

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Re: New York Post Blast
« Reply #40 on: January 22, 2014, 09:57:20 PM »
I once said something personally disparaging about one of our players when he transferred (very early in Norm's regime).  I felt bad about it afterwards.  I realized that no matter what is going on with the team or a player, I should not attack personally.  It bothers me when posters lodge personal attacks at the players and coaches, rather than objectively criticizing their work.  It is especially bad and uncalled for coming from a reporter.


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Re: New York Post Blast
« Reply #41 on: January 22, 2014, 10:01:42 PM »
I once said something personally disparaging about one of our players when he transferred (very early in Norm's regime).  I felt bad about it afterwards.  I realized that no matter what is going on with the team or a player, I should not attack personally.  It bothers me when posters lodge personal attacks at the players and coaches, rather than objectively criticizing their work.  It is especially bad and uncalled for coming from a reporter.

His job is not to objectively weigh things, that's a judge.   He's just going to pass along what he hears.  And, maybe occasionally, throw in his own opinion.
That's reporting.  Some people think coach Lavin is getting lazy in his recruiting, that's news whether we want to hear it or not.   It doesn't have to be true.   
He's not saying it's a fact that Lavin is lazy, but that other people think that and have told him that.     

Re: New York Post Blast
« Reply #42 on: January 22, 2014, 10:10:39 PM »
I once said something personally disparaging about one of our players when he transferred (very early in Norm's regime).  I felt bad about it afterwards.  I realized that no matter what is going on with the team or a player, I should not attack personally.  It bothers me when posters lodge personal attacks at the players and coaches, rather than objectively criticizing their work.  It is especially bad and uncalled for coming from a reporter.

His job is not to objectively weigh things, that's a judge.   He's just going to pass along what he hears.  And, maybe occasionally, throw in his own opinion.
That's reporting.  Some people think coach Lavin is getting lazy in his recruiting, that's news whether we want to hear it or not.   It doesn't have to be true.   
He's not saying it's a fact that Lavin is lazy, but that other people think that and have told him that.     

It doesn't have to be true?  I'm not a journalist but that doesn't sound right to me.


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Re: New York Post Blast
« Reply #43 on: January 22, 2014, 10:22:14 PM »
I once said something personally disparaging about one of our players when he transferred (very early in Norm's regime).  I felt bad about it afterwards.  I realized that no matter what is going on with the team or a player, I should not attack personally.  It bothers me when posters lodge personal attacks at the players and coaches, rather than objectively criticizing their work.  It is especially bad and uncalled for coming from a reporter.

His job is not to objectively weigh things, that's a judge.   He's just going to pass along what he hears.  And, maybe occasionally, throw in his own opinion.
That's reporting.  Some people think coach Lavin is getting lazy in his recruiting, that's news whether we want to hear it or not.   It doesn't have to be true.   
He's not saying it's a fact that Lavin is lazy, but that other people think that and have told him that.     

It doesn't have to be true?  I'm not a journalist but that doesn't sound right to me.

No, because he's reporting that people think Lavin has gotten lazy.   
Half the reporters in town are writing stories about how people in my neighborhood think debasio purposefully screwed us and sent extra plows to Staten Island.   Does that make it true ?
They're just reporting on the perception of people on the UES.

Listen , I understand what you're saying - and in some contexts it's obviously a good virtue.  Actually I'm going to try to remember that for my own posts on here.  But in terms of what's written in the paper, if sources are telling zach that...then that's the story.   And it's not dirty, it's just a story.   

The better question for us on here is probably why are sources telling reporters that our coach is lazy?   Is it spiteful coaches who were passed over?   Or is it observers who never see him around anymore?   Just because the allegations haven't been proven doesn't mean they're false.


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Re: New York Post Blast
« Reply #44 on: January 22, 2014, 10:52:20 PM »
So why did he feel the need to rescind his insinuations about Tony Chiles?

Because he was referring to Lavin in the article not Chiles, and he realized he should've made that clear.   

I found it to be crystal clear upon first read. I thought the disclaimer was completely unnecessary, and took away from the impact of the article.

Re: New York Post Blast
« Reply #45 on: January 22, 2014, 11:21:33 PM »
So why did he feel the need to rescind his insinuations about Tony Chiles?

He didn't rescind anything.  In fact I didn't even think he needed to clarify what he said in the first place.  IMO tt was clear what he meant but it looked like some people thought he pointed at Chiles as being lazy.  He clarified.
"When excuses become your reason for losing then it is time to find the nearest mirror." -Mike Dunlap


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Re: New York Post Blast
« Reply #46 on: January 23, 2014, 08:05:36 AM »
So why did he feel the need to rescind his insinuations about Tony Chiles?

Because someone accused him of being racist for calling the black guy lazy. What comes after lazy: shiftless. Did you just call the black guy lazy (and shiftless) Mr Racist Sport writer? No no, let me clarify I didn't mean that, I meant the white guy is lazy and I apologize to Mr Chiles, he's not lazy at all, in fact he's quite energetic, as are many of his people, some of whom are my best friends.

Unless ZB is black, then I got nothing.


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Re: New York Post Blast
« Reply #47 on: January 23, 2014, 08:12:41 AM »
So why did he feel the need to rescind his insinuations about Tony Chiles?

Because he was referring to Lavin in the article not Chiles, and he realized he should've made that clear.   

I found it to be crystal clear upon first read. I thought the disclaimer was completely unnecessary, and took away from the impact of the article.

I agree with that. It was unnecessary.
« Last Edit: January 23, 2014, 08:14:23 AM by paultzman »


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Re: New York Post Blast
« Reply #48 on: January 24, 2014, 05:01:10 PM »
@NYPost_Brazille: @howiekussoy thinks Manhattan @gojaspers is the best team in the area, and I agree. His local hoops rankings: