How to fix this team?

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Re: How to fix this team?
« Reply #60 on: December 20, 2016, 09:24:27 AM »
Our problem is primarily defense.  Rebounding isn't hot either.  I know we had a run last game where we didn't score for a good stretch, but that stretch was more about our awful defense than it was anything else.  Our offense overall is light years ahead, even if we don't have much interior scoring.  Only thing we need to do is get our defense in gear and we can win games.   Not sure why it isn't happeneing yet, and with some urgency.


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Re: How to fix this team?
« Reply #61 on: December 20, 2016, 11:18:33 AM »
Our problem is primarily defense.  Rebounding isn't hot either.  I know we had a run last game where we didn't score for a good stretch, but that stretch was more about our awful defense than it was anything else.  Our offense overall is light years ahead, even if we don't have much interior scoring.  Only thing we need to do is get our defense in gear and we can win games.   Not sure why it isn't happeneing yet, and with some urgency.

Our problems are all over.

Re: How to fix this team?
« Reply #62 on: December 20, 2016, 07:16:12 PM »
Our problem is primarily defense.  Rebounding isn't hot either.  I know we had a run last game where we didn't score for a good stretch, but that stretch was more about our awful defense than it was anything else.  Our offense overall is light years ahead, even if we don't have much interior scoring.  Only thing we need to do is get our defense in gear and we can win games.   Not sure why it isn't happeneing yet, and with some urgency.

Our problems are all over.
Unfortunately I think they will continue.  ;)

Re: How to fix this team?
« Reply #63 on: January 07, 2017, 10:32:30 PM »
I want to bump this thread.

Not that I think we should be beating Creighton and Xavier but still there are things that concern me in the present and moving forward. Want to hear your guys thoughts
Follow Johnny Jungle on Twitter at @Johnny_Jungle

Re: How to fix this team?
« Reply #64 on: January 07, 2017, 10:39:59 PM »
I want to bump this thread.

Not that I think we should be beating Creighton and Xavier but still there are things that concern me in the present and moving forward. Want to hear your guys thoughts

Defense and carte' blanche for too many players on the offensive side of the ball.

Overall style of play isn't sustainable for success, unless you have NBA-level talent across the board.

Will we ever change up our defense?

Re: How to fix this team?
« Reply #65 on: January 07, 2017, 10:50:33 PM »
cant have a complete zero offensively on the floor with the starters. it allows yakwe's player to slough off him and double our guards knowing that he wont make them pay. Constant going to blocks leave us out of position on rebounds. And can we ever screen correctly.

Re: How to fix this team?
« Reply #66 on: January 07, 2017, 10:51:43 PM »
Defense.  But frankly I don't know what the answer is for this year.  Is it because our roster as currently constituted has small guards and lacks beef at the 4/5 (Williams aside)?  Is it a combination of a first year roster and inexperience?  Not sure.

Offensively, I think our entire game plan and style would be different if we had at least one interior player who could score in the post/paint.  Aside from Williams in a few games, we haven't had that option.  Thus, I think the best way to play is to spread teams out and let our guards/wings penetrate, pull up and kick.  I don't have much of a problem with how our offense plays because I think it is tailored to the players we have.  We are best when the guards/wings are driving and either making plays themselves or kicking out to shooters. 


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Re: How to fix this team?
« Reply #67 on: January 07, 2017, 11:01:46 PM »
Not much has changed in my mind over the past month. We still have very serious personnel and coaching issues.

We need a tough, bruising big man. Today's game against Xavier made that more evident than ever. Owens is a nice player, but he's too soft to be the only true big man on the court against a team like X that has guys that are both aggressive and strong. Yakwe has regressed more than any player I have ever seen. He's been a huge liability on both ends of the court lately.

Going to be really difficult to be a consistent team when we don't run any offensive sets against man to man and we sometimes play with chickens without heads on D. Lovett, Ponds and Ahmed have to create everything on their own. They have still yet to run anything to help Ahmed play to his strengths. Some sort of pindown or curl to help him catch the ball while already moving towards the basket would be nice.

We also need to establish our offensive gameplan early. Yakwe took 2 of our first 3 shots today. That can't happen.

Too many funky lineups. Can't have two of Freudenberg, Mussini and Amar on the court at the same time and expect to play even in that stretch.

Need more defensive intensity and try to mix up defenses a little bit.

Owens, Yakwe and Williams seem to have been watching tape of Obekpa lately as they have been frequently attempting to block shots that they have no chance of getting, giving up their rebounding position which leads to easy offensive rebounds and putbacks for the opposition.

A couple things have improved slightly over the past month or two. I feel like the team understands offensive spacing better now than they did before. There also have been no more avoidable poor matchups on the defensive end lately. Seems the staff learned from having Mussini and Ponds guard Amir Coffey for 3 straight possessions back in November.

Re: How to fix this team?
« Reply #68 on: January 07, 2017, 11:09:36 PM »
1 thing that I've noticed last few games is the lack of effort Ponds puts in on defense.

Re: How to fix this team?
« Reply #69 on: January 07, 2017, 11:42:51 PM »
I don't think it is lack of effort.  Ponds just isn't as advanced this point defensively as he is offensively, like many HS kids who come up through the AAU circuit, etc.  He isn't big or developed physically yet.  And the kid plays with a calm demeanor all the time, which I think plays into the perception.

Re: How to fix this team?
« Reply #70 on: January 07, 2017, 11:45:17 PM »
Unfortunately the best way to fix this team is for them to get older and stronger, both are not going to happen this year. We have a lot to build on, but we desperately need big bodied guys down low.  Until these kids understand how to play defense and stay in front of the ball, our bigs are going to be put in a terrible position where they are forced to go for the block.  Many times this has left their man open down low for a easy basket.  I dont think today was any indication that Mullin does not know how to master his lineups yet.  Foul Trouble and bad defense, he was forced to make adjustments with a roster that is not deep yet. 

One thing I would like to see from our coaches is better in game adjustments when coaches throw different looks at us on defense.  Also when we have a slower lineup in, we can't just keep playing man, maybe switch to a zone, but unfortunately these kids still have not learned the fundamentals of D which is hurting everyones progress on the defensive side of ball.


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Re: How to fix this team?
« Reply #71 on: January 08, 2017, 10:25:33 AM »
 We have 6 big east players. Williams who can have a role but shouldn't play that much. And the Europeans. Mussini has to play a little, but he has to know he isn't curry. And he can't shoot whenever he gets an inch. Amar absolutely kills us. He should never play. (Unless restrictions were put on him- ) the German should only play in blowouts. At no time can 2 or more Europeans play at the same time.
If you have 6.5 players- you need to play slower and keep guys out of foul trouble. We also need to trust guys and let them play in foul trouble. We will lose if players foul out . But we can't win playing our bench. They are terrible.


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Re: How to fix this team?
« Reply #72 on: January 08, 2017, 10:33:17 AM »
-More teaching of the fundamentals on D. Hands up.

-Taking better care of the ball.

-Working on drive and dish more in practice.

-Learning how to step in and take a charge (never seen a team take less charges)

-Hours at the free throw line during and after practice (with Mullin's background, their FT shooting should be tops in BE)

-2 big bulls - inside space eaters - 6'9 and up next year.

Re: How to fix this team?
« Reply #73 on: January 08, 2017, 11:14:13 AM »
For a team that blocks a good amount of shots, the lane is like a wide open freeway.  There have been too many times where opposing guards drive the lane unmolested and get layups or dunks.  Transition defense is also poor.

As much as they need a couple of big guys to help with inside defense, post offense and rebounding, they need better one-on-one defenders, in the line of a Sir Dom or Postell to make the largest improvement.

Re: How to fix this team?
« Reply #74 on: January 08, 2017, 11:25:20 AM »
Send a direct link of this thread to the the entire coaching staff, players & AD.

« Last Edit: January 08, 2017, 11:29:26 AM by RedStormNC »

Re: How to fix this team?
« Reply #75 on: January 08, 2017, 11:29:35 AM »
We are not going to win any games with our defense.

 In order to win, Bashir has to emerge as a reliable 3rd scorer.  He's one of only three guys on our team who can get his own shot, something we sorely need to end our prolonged scoring droughts.  When he was playing under control and contributing offensively, we looked like a far better team.  He's had two bad games vs. Creighton and Xavier, top notch competition, and we've been far easier to defend.

We're also going to have to get something out of Owens, Yakwe, and Williams.  Defenses are overplaying our guards, allowing them to drive and dish, but our front court has to catch the ball (Yakwe) and then score it or draw fouls.

Mussini can only play when he's hitting outside shots, and Amar shouldn't be playing at all. We seriously need to shorten our rotations.  The 10 guys on this team are not equal.  Play your best guys major minutes and let the bench players watch.


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Re: How to fix this team?
« Reply #76 on: January 08, 2017, 11:42:50 AM »
Ahmed needs some help getting open. The better coached teams are guarding him better.

Re: How to fix this team?
« Reply #77 on: January 08, 2017, 12:55:22 PM »
Our team is hollow this year. If we shoot well and our bigs play just adequate we can compete with anyone. If we don't shoot well and our bigs play like they did vs xavier -- miss chippies, drop passes, fly for unconscionable block attempts -- then we can get blown out by just about anybody. 

Yea CM can absolutely improve on things but bottom line is we need better players, especially an inside presence.

In the meantime I say we wish and pray that cuse bottoms out, Tyler Lydon decides to transfer, and he becomes the perfect fit for a Mullin big man.
*wipes ketchup from his eyes* - I guess Heinz sight isn’t 20/20.

Re: How to fix this team?
« Reply #78 on: January 08, 2017, 02:11:34 PM »
I don't think it is lack of effort.  Ponds just isn't as advanced this point defensively as he is offensively, like many HS kids who come up through the AAU circuit, etc.  He isn't big or developed physically yet.  And the kid plays with a calm demeanor all the time, which I think plays into the perception.
Plus I think his defensive lapses have mostly been off the ball (just my perception).

Re: How to fix this team?
« Reply #79 on: January 09, 2017, 01:05:00 AM »
When he was playing under control and contributing offensively, we looked like a far better team.  He's had two bad games vs. Creighton and Xavier, top notch competition, and we've been far easier to defend.

"Far easier to defend"?  In our two Be victories our average score was 77.5 points per game.  In our two losses we averaged 77 points per game.  The perception is just not the reality.

The reality is that this is one of the most talented offensive squads of recent, and maybe not so recent, history.

Our problems do not lie on that end.  The problem is when we get down to the other end of the court.