St. John's comments on Executive Order on Immigration

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Re: St. John's comments on Executive Order on Immigration
« Reply #80 on: February 01, 2017, 01:00:53 PM »
The 3 month ban is only the beginning.  Domestic oppression will inevitably lead to an increase in domestic terroristic acts.  Right now there are Muslims in Brooklyn taking ISIS more seriously and thinking that to support ISIS by committing acts of terror is a viable action.  They have relatives, friends and associates who are affected. I hope the NYPD has ears on Atlantic Ave.  Obama's sound policies have resulted in minimal terrorist activity over the last 8 years but, I promise you, Trumps policies will ratchet up terror.  And it will be blamed on Obama.

First of all it's not domestic oppression. The people already legally here aren't going anywhere. Second, you do realize that saying that moderate Muslims could be radicalized into committing terroristic acts because of this common sense procedure is the most Islamophobic thing you could say, right? If this causes Muslims to commit terrorist actions then they were never moderate to begin with. We can't prevent ourselves from making laws because terrorists may not like them. Weird how I never remember people saying we should outlaw abortion or else Christians would start blowing things up

Oklahoma City
« Last Edit: February 01, 2017, 01:01:08 PM by Poison »


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Re: St. John's comments on Executive Order on Immigration
« Reply #81 on: February 01, 2017, 01:07:56 PM »
There are plenty of dangerous of people that shouldn't be allowed in. There are also plenty of people, such as Bannon that don't deserve to be here. If we are going to change our policy significantly on who is allowed in, maybe we should also change our policy on who is allowed to stay. White people included. I know, hysterical, right? We have way too many, lazy useless white people. We could stand to do without the unemployed factory worker who has refused to adapt and is now addicted to meth, or something worse.

If you think your going to shock a misanthrope like myself by disdaining the common man you're going to be disappointed. I agree: there's too many people, of all shapes, colors, sizes and flavors. That's why I don't live in Scarsdale and take the Metro North. That's why I'd rather live in Topeka than Jamaica. Because people suck and there's too many of them and most of them smell bad and have poor hygiene and disgusting personal habits. So I live where they ain't.

As to who's dangerous and who isn't, why don't we ask Khalid Sheikh Mohammed. Let me know what you think:

"It would be nice," [KSM] said, if al Qaeda or like-minded Islamists could bring America to its knees with catastrophic attacks, but that was unlikely to happen; "not practical" is the wording he used. From his perspective, the long war for Islamic domination wasn't going to be won in the streets with bombs and bullets and bloodshed. No, it would be won in the minds of the American people.

He said the terror attacks were good, but the "practical" way to defeat America was through immigration and by outbreeding non-Muslims. He said jihadi-minded brothers would immigrate into the United States, taking advantage of the welfare system to support themselves while they spread their jihadi message. They will wrap themselves in America's rights and laws for protection, ratchet up acceptance of Sharia law, and then, only when they were strong enough, rise up and violently impose Sharia from within. He said the brothers would relentlessly continue their attacks and the American people eventually would become so tired, so frightened, and so weary of war that they would just want it to end.

"Eventually," KSM said, "America will expose her neck to us for slaughter."

Immigration isn't a problem. Your post is pointless. You should be more scared of nuts like Bannon, Sessions, oh and F*ckstick Von Cownstick. That's your guy? Captain Golden Showers. RIP America. Why worry about KSM when Trump has significantly more power? Who will the world consider to be the more dangerous terrorist in 6 months? What Trump will not be able to handle is that world leaders, not all of them, aren't the least bit afraid of him. Trump will push, and for the first time in his gold plated, silver spoon penthouse life, they will push back. I just hope they push back hard enough.

Jesus go lie down on the divan with some smelling salts, you sound like you're going to faint. Donald Trump is a game show host. He's as likely to commit a terrorist act as Wink Martindale.

He's already committing them. Look at these protests. The people aren't going to faint. They are angry. They are going to revolt.

They're already revolting.

Have you seen the people at Trump rallies?

You mean those salt of the earth patriots who love God and country? What about them?

They might get mad when they realize that their factories ain't coming back. Suckers. They fell for it. We should feel badly for them, but many won't because they helped create this. What will happen in a year when they realize that this nut just Tweets all day, and Cletus ain't never going back to that there Factory because there still ain't a factory and maybe just maybe therl never be one.
« Last Edit: February 01, 2017, 01:10:20 PM by Poison »


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Re: St. John's comments on Executive Order on Immigration
« Reply #82 on: February 01, 2017, 01:11:40 PM »
The 3 month ban is only the beginning.  Domestic oppression will inevitably lead to an increase in domestic terroristic acts.  Right now there are Muslims in Brooklyn taking ISIS more seriously and thinking that to support ISIS by committing acts of terror is a viable action.  They have relatives, friends and associates who are affected. I hope the NYPD has ears on Atlantic Ave.  Obama's sound policies have resulted in minimal terrorist activity over the last 8 years but, I promise you, Trumps policies will ratchet up terror.  And it will be blamed on Obama.

First of all it's not domestic oppression. The people already legally here aren't going anywhere. Second, you do realize that saying that moderate Muslims could be radicalized into committing terroristic acts because of this common sense procedure is the most Islamophobic thing you could say, right? If this causes Muslims to commit terrorist actions then they were never moderate to begin with. We can't prevent ourselves from making laws because terrorists may not like them. Weird how I never remember people saying we should outlaw abortion or else Christians would start blowing things up

Oklahoma City

Oklahoma City had nothing to do with abortion and that's not the point anyway. The point is we don't and shouldn't make or repeal laws just because they may lead to people who disagree with them to act out violently
« Last Edit: February 01, 2017, 01:17:18 PM by goredmen »

Re: St. John's comments on Executive Order on Immigration
« Reply #83 on: February 02, 2017, 08:08:34 AM »
I for one have no problem with this current ban until things are sorted out. If you don't like drive your dumb ass to JFK and hold a sign in protest.


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Re: St. John's comments on Executive Order on Immigration
« Reply #84 on: February 02, 2017, 10:43:46 AM »
I for one have no problem with this current ban until things are sorted out. If you don't like drive your dumb ass to JFK and hold a sign in protest.

Not everyone is smart like Donald Trump and Betsy DeVos. You've got a lot of confidence in your reality television star to "sort things out".
« Last Edit: February 02, 2017, 10:51:54 AM by Poison »


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Re: St. John's comments on Executive Order on Immigration
« Reply #85 on: February 02, 2017, 11:03:38 AM »
The 3 month ban is only the beginning.  Domestic oppression will inevitably lead to an increase in domestic terroristic acts.  Right now there are Muslims in Brooklyn taking ISIS more seriously and thinking that to support ISIS by committing acts of terror is a viable action.  They have relatives, friends and associates who are affected. I hope the NYPD has ears on Atlantic Ave.  Obama's sound policies have resulted in minimal terrorist activity over the last 8 years but, I promise you, Trumps policies will ratchet up terror.  And it will be blamed on Obama.

First of all it's not domestic oppression. The people already legally here aren't going anywhere. Second, you do realize that saying that moderate Muslims could be radicalized into committing terroristic acts because of this common sense procedure is the most Islamophobic thing you could say, right? If this causes Muslims to commit terrorist actions then they were never moderate to begin with. We can't prevent ourselves from making laws because terrorists may not like them. Weird how I never remember people saying we should outlaw abortion or else Christians would start blowing things up

Oklahoma City

Oklahoma City had nothing to do with abortion and that's not the point anyway. The point is we don't and shouldn't make or repeal laws just because they may lead to people who disagree with them to act out violently

Maybe we should make laws that treat all terrorists the way we treat the dark skinned ones? I'm fine with not allowing anyone from ISIS into our country, ever. I saw the 60 minutes on them that really lets you into their lives and shows you how they do things, and I still don't like them. They can't live here. We agree, yes? And with that, our new agreement to not let terrorists live in our country, its high time we gather up our white terrorists as well, and remove them. We have the KKK, the Arian nation, this Richard Spencer nut, and they're rights are protected only because they're white.

And to be clear, I'm not so much opposed to tightening our borders, as long as we are equally careful and objective in judging people from anywhere in the world should they want to live here. Stopping immigration from just 7 countries is showing your hand.

Our great negotiator is pretty bad at this.

Re: St. John's comments on Executive Order on Immigration
« Reply #86 on: February 02, 2017, 01:18:14 PM »
The 3 month ban is only the beginning.  Domestic oppression will inevitably lead to an increase in domestic terroristic acts.  Right now there are Muslims in Brooklyn taking ISIS more seriously and thinking that to support ISIS by committing acts of terror is a viable action.  They have relatives, friends and associates who are affected. I hope the NYPD has ears on Atlantic Ave.  Obama's sound policies have resulted in minimal terrorist activity over the last 8 years but, I promise you, Trumps policies will ratchet up terror.  And it will be blamed on Obama.

First of all it's not domestic oppression. The people already legally here aren't going anywhere. Second, you do realize that saying that moderate Muslims could be radicalized into committing terroristic acts because of this common sense procedure is the most Islamophobic thing you could say, right? If this causes Muslims to commit terrorist actions then they were never moderate to begin with. We can't prevent ourselves from making laws because terrorists may not like them. Weird how I never remember people saying we should outlaw abortion or else Christians would start blowing things up

Oklahoma City

Oklahoma City had nothing to do with abortion and that's not the point anyway. The point is we don't and shouldn't make or repeal laws just because they may lead to people who disagree with them to act out violently

Maybe we should make laws that treat all terrorists the way we treat the dark skinned ones? I'm fine with not allowing anyone from ISIS into our country, ever. I saw the 60 minutes on them that really lets you into their lives and shows you how they do things, and I still don't like them. They can't live here. We agree, yes? And with that, our new agreement to not let terrorists live in our country, its high time we gather up our white terrorists as well, and remove them. We have the KKK, the Arian nation, this Richard Spencer nut, and they're rights are protected only because they're white.

And to be clear, I'm not so much opposed to tightening our borders, as long as we are equally careful and objective in judging people from anywhere in the world should they want to live here. Stopping immigration from just 7 countries is showing your hand.

Our great negotiator is pretty bad at this.

You sound pretty radicalized. Should we be worried about you? Has the FBI been to your house lately? Is St. John's fandom just a front for your real agenda?


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Re: St. John's comments on Executive Order on Immigration
« Reply #87 on: February 02, 2017, 02:15:49 PM »
Maybe we should make laws that treat all terrorists the way we treat the dark skinned ones? I'm fine with not allowing anyone from ISIS into our country, ever. I saw the 60 minutes on them that really lets you into their lives and shows you how they do things, and I still don't like them. They can't live here. We agree, yes? And with that, our new agreement to not let terrorists live in our country, its high time we gather up our white terrorists as well, and remove them. We have the KKK, the Arian nation, this Richard Spencer nut, and they're rights are protected only because they're white.

The KKK has rights because they're US citizens entitled to the full protections of the US Constitution. The constitution doesn't apply to Syrians.

And to be clear, I'm not so much opposed to tightening our borders, as long as we are equally careful and objective in judging people from anywhere in the world should they want to live here. Stopping immigration from just 7 countries is showing your hand.

There are one and half billion muslims in the world. Nine of the ten countries with the largest Muslim population comprising one billion Muslims - Indonesia, India, Pockiston, Bangladesh, Nigeria, Egypt, Turkey, Algeria, and Morocco - are not on the list. The only country in the top ten that is on the list is Iran, you know, the death to Satan country where they were handing out candy and dancing in the streets on 9-11.  If Trump was trying to stop Muslims qua Muslims from entering the country he certainly chose an odd way to go about it.


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Re: St. John's comments on Executive Order on Immigration
« Reply #88 on: February 02, 2017, 02:26:09 PM »
The 3 month ban is only the beginning.  Domestic oppression will inevitably lead to an increase in domestic terroristic acts.  Right now there are Muslims in Brooklyn taking ISIS more seriously and thinking that to support ISIS by committing acts of terror is a viable action.  They have relatives, friends and associates who are affected. I hope the NYPD has ears on Atlantic Ave.  Obama's sound policies have resulted in minimal terrorist activity over the last 8 years but, I promise you, Trumps policies will ratchet up terror.  And it will be blamed on Obama.

First of all it's not domestic oppression. The people already legally here aren't going anywhere. Second, you do realize that saying that moderate Muslims could be radicalized into committing terroristic acts because of this common sense procedure is the most Islamophobic thing you could say, right? If this causes Muslims to commit terrorist actions then they were never moderate to begin with. We can't prevent ourselves from making laws because terrorists may not like them. Weird how I never remember people saying we should outlaw abortion or else Christians would start blowing things up

Oklahoma City

Oklahoma City had nothing to do with abortion and that's not the point anyway. The point is we don't and shouldn't make or repeal laws just because they may lead to people who disagree with them to act out violently

Maybe we should make laws that treat all terrorists the way we treat the dark skinned ones? I'm fine with not allowing anyone from ISIS into our country, ever. I saw the 60 minutes on them that really lets you into their lives and shows you how they do things, and I still don't like them. They can't live here. We agree, yes? And with that, our new agreement to not let terrorists live in our country, its high time we gather up our white terrorists as well, and remove them. We have the KKK, the Arian nation, this Richard Spencer nut, and they're rights are protected only because they're white.

And to be clear, I'm not so much opposed to tightening our borders, as long as we are equally careful and objective in judging people from anywhere in the world should they want to live here. Stopping immigration from just 7 countries is showing your hand.

Our great negotiator is pretty bad at this.

As Foad mentioned in the post above, the reason the rights of groups like the KKK and other crazy white supremacy groups are protected is because they are US citizens, as would be the case for any "dark skinned" (as you put it not me) terrorists that are US citizens. Refugees coming into this country are not provided with those rights because they are not US citizens.


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Re: St. John's comments on Executive Order on Immigration
« Reply #89 on: February 02, 2017, 02:32:18 PM »
Maybe we should make laws that treat all terrorists the way we treat the dark skinned ones? I'm fine with not allowing anyone from ISIS into our country, ever. I saw the 60 minutes on them that really lets you into their lives and shows you how they do things, and I still don't like them. They can't live here. We agree, yes? And with that, our new agreement to not let terrorists live in our country, its high time we gather up our white terrorists as well, and remove them. We have the KKK, the Arian nation, this Richard Spencer nut, and they're rights are protected only because they're white.

The KKK has rights because they're US citizens entitled to the full protections of the US Constitution. The constitution doesn't apply to Syrians.

And to be clear, I'm not so much opposed to tightening our borders, as long as we are equally careful and objective in judging people from anywhere in the world should they want to live here. Stopping immigration from just 7 countries is showing your hand.

There are one and half billion muslims in the world. Nine of the ten countries with the largest Muslim population comprising one billion Muslims - Indonesia, India, Pockiston, Bangladesh, Nigeria, Egypt, Turkey, Algeria, and Morocco - are not on the list. The only country in the top ten that is on the list is Iran, you know, the death to Satan country where they were handing out candy and dancing in the streets on 9-11.  If Trump was trying to stop Muslims qua Muslims from entering the country he certainly chose an odd way to go about it.

The constitution. Hysterical.


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Re: St. John's comments on Executive Order on Immigration
« Reply #90 on: February 02, 2017, 02:37:58 PM »
Maybe we should make laws that treat all terrorists the way we treat the dark skinned ones? I'm fine with not allowing anyone from ISIS into our country, ever. I saw the 60 minutes on them that really lets you into their lives and shows you how they do things, and I still don't like them. They can't live here. We agree, yes? And with that, our new agreement to not let terrorists live in our country, its high time we gather up our white terrorists as well, and remove them. We have the KKK, the Arian nation, this Richard Spencer nut, and they're rights are protected only because they're white.

The KKK has rights because they're US citizens entitled to the full protections of the US Constitution. The constitution doesn't apply to Syrians.

And to be clear, I'm not so much opposed to tightening our borders, as long as we are equally careful and objective in judging people from anywhere in the world should they want to live here. Stopping immigration from just 7 countries is showing your hand.

There are one and half billion muslims in the world. Nine of the ten countries with the largest Muslim population comprising one billion Muslims - Indonesia, India, Pockiston, Bangladesh, Nigeria, Egypt, Turkey, Algeria, and Morocco - are not on the list. The only country in the top ten that is on the list is Iran, you know, the death to Satan country where they were handing out candy and dancing in the streets on 9-11.  If Trump was trying to stop Muslims qua Muslims from entering the country he certainly chose an odd way to go about it.

The constitution. Hysterical.

Yes, nice to have a President that believes in it after the last 8 years, right

Re: St. John's comments on Executive Order on Immigration
« Reply #91 on: February 02, 2017, 02:51:43 PM »
Maybe we should make laws that treat all terrorists the way we treat the dark skinned ones? I'm fine with not allowing anyone from ISIS into our country, ever. I saw the 60 minutes on them that really lets you into their lives and shows you how they do things, and I still don't like them. They can't live here. We agree, yes? And with that, our new agreement to not let terrorists live in our country, its high time we gather up our white terrorists as well, and remove them. We have the KKK, the Arian nation, this Richard Spencer nut, and they're rights are protected only because they're white.

The KKK has rights because they're US citizens entitled to the full protections of the US Constitution. The constitution doesn't apply to Syrians.

And to be clear, I'm not so much opposed to tightening our borders, as long as we are equally careful and objective in judging people from anywhere in the world should they want to live here. Stopping immigration from just 7 countries is showing your hand.

There are one and half billion muslims in the world. Nine of the ten countries with the largest Muslim population comprising one billion Muslims - Indonesia, India, Pockiston, Bangladesh, Nigeria, Egypt, Turkey, Algeria, and Morocco - are not on the list. The only country in the top ten that is on the list is Iran, you know, the death to Satan country where they were handing out candy and dancing in the streets on 9-11.  If Trump was trying to stop Muslims qua Muslims from entering the country he certainly chose an odd way to go about it.

The constitution. Hysterical.

Yes, nice to have a President that believes in it after the last 8 years, right

Yeah I love the section in the Constitution about censoring the media and other agencies.

Re: St. John's comments on Executive Order on Immigration
« Reply #92 on: February 02, 2017, 03:02:44 PM »
Maybe we should make laws that treat all terrorists the way we treat the dark skinned ones? I'm fine with not allowing anyone from ISIS into our country, ever. I saw the 60 minutes on them that really lets you into their lives and shows you how they do things, and I still don't like them. They can't live here. We agree, yes? And with that, our new agreement to not let terrorists live in our country, its high time we gather up our white terrorists as well, and remove them. We have the KKK, the Arian nation, this Richard Spencer nut, and they're rights are protected only because they're white.

The KKK has rights because they're US citizens entitled to the full protections of the US Constitution. The constitution doesn't apply to Syrians.

And to be clear, I'm not so much opposed to tightening our borders, as long as we are equally careful and objective in judging people from anywhere in the world should they want to live here. Stopping immigration from just 7 countries is showing your hand.

There are one and half billion muslims in the world. Nine of the ten countries with the largest Muslim population comprising one billion Muslims - Indonesia, India, Pockiston, Bangladesh, Nigeria, Egypt, Turkey, Algeria, and Morocco - are not on the list. The only country in the top ten that is on the list is Iran, you know, the death to Satan country where they were handing out candy and dancing in the streets on 9-11.  If Trump was trying to stop Muslims qua Muslims from entering the country he certainly chose an odd way to go about it.

The constitution. Hysterical.

Yes, nice to have a President that believes in it after the last 8 years, right

Yeah I love the section in the Constitution about censoring the media and other agencies.
it's right next to the part where corporations are people and the constitution only applies to citizens


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Re: St. John's comments on Executive Order on Immigration
« Reply #93 on: February 02, 2017, 03:20:34 PM »
Maybe we should make laws that treat all terrorists the way we treat the dark skinned ones? I'm fine with not allowing anyone from ISIS into our country, ever. I saw the 60 minutes on them that really lets you into their lives and shows you how they do things, and I still don't like them. They can't live here. We agree, yes? And with that, our new agreement to not let terrorists live in our country, its high time we gather up our white terrorists as well, and remove them. We have the KKK, the Arian nation, this Richard Spencer nut, and they're rights are protected only because they're white.

The KKK has rights because they're US citizens entitled to the full protections of the US Constitution. The constitution doesn't apply to Syrians.

And to be clear, I'm not so much opposed to tightening our borders, as long as we are equally careful and objective in judging people from anywhere in the world should they want to live here. Stopping immigration from just 7 countries is showing your hand.

There are one and half billion muslims in the world. Nine of the ten countries with the largest Muslim population comprising one billion Muslims - Indonesia, India, Pockiston, Bangladesh, Nigeria, Egypt, Turkey, Algeria, and Morocco - are not on the list. The only country in the top ten that is on the list is Iran, you know, the death to Satan country where they were handing out candy and dancing in the streets on 9-11.  If Trump was trying to stop Muslims qua Muslims from entering the country he certainly chose an odd way to go about it.

The constitution. Hysterical.

Yeah I know that as incipient fascists liberals don't care about rights and liberties, but I do.


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Re: St. John's comments on Executive Order on Immigration
« Reply #94 on: February 02, 2017, 03:21:35 PM »
Maybe we should make laws that treat all terrorists the way we treat the dark skinned ones? I'm fine with not allowing anyone from ISIS into our country, ever. I saw the 60 minutes on them that really lets you into their lives and shows you how they do things, and I still don't like them. They can't live here. We agree, yes? And with that, our new agreement to not let terrorists live in our country, its high time we gather up our white terrorists as well, and remove them. We have the KKK, the Arian nation, this Richard Spencer nut, and they're rights are protected only because they're white.

The KKK has rights because they're US citizens entitled to the full protections of the US Constitution. The constitution doesn't apply to Syrians.

And to be clear, I'm not so much opposed to tightening our borders, as long as we are equally careful and objective in judging people from anywhere in the world should they want to live here. Stopping immigration from just 7 countries is showing your hand.

There are one and half billion muslims in the world. Nine of the ten countries with the largest Muslim population comprising one billion Muslims - Indonesia, India, Pockiston, Bangladesh, Nigeria, Egypt, Turkey, Algeria, and Morocco - are not on the list. The only country in the top ten that is on the list is Iran, you know, the death to Satan country where they were handing out candy and dancing in the streets on 9-11.  If Trump was trying to stop Muslims qua Muslims from entering the country he certainly chose an odd way to go about it.

The constitution. Hysterical.

Yes, nice to have a President that believes in it after the last 8 years, right

Yeah I love the section in the Constitution about censoring the media and other agencies.

Name a couple of instances of censorship that have taken place in the last ten days. I'll wait.


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Re: St. John's comments on Executive Order on Immigration
« Reply #95 on: February 02, 2017, 03:25:16 PM »
Maybe we should make laws that treat all terrorists the way we treat the dark skinned ones? I'm fine with not allowing anyone from ISIS into our country, ever. I saw the 60 minutes on them that really lets you into their lives and shows you how they do things, and I still don't like them. They can't live here. We agree, yes? And with that, our new agreement to not let terrorists live in our country, its high time we gather up our white terrorists as well, and remove them. We have the KKK, the Arian nation, this Richard Spencer nut, and they're rights are protected only because they're white.

The KKK has rights because they're US citizens entitled to the full protections of the US Constitution. The constitution doesn't apply to Syrians.

And to be clear, I'm not so much opposed to tightening our borders, as long as we are equally careful and objective in judging people from anywhere in the world should they want to live here. Stopping immigration from just 7 countries is showing your hand.

There are one and half billion muslims in the world. Nine of the ten countries with the largest Muslim population comprising one billion Muslims - Indonesia, India, Pockiston, Bangladesh, Nigeria, Egypt, Turkey, Algeria, and Morocco - are not on the list. The only country in the top ten that is on the list is Iran, you know, the death to Satan country where they were handing out candy and dancing in the streets on 9-11.  If Trump was trying to stop Muslims qua Muslims from entering the country he certainly chose an odd way to go about it.

The constitution. Hysterical.

Yes, nice to have a President that believes in it after the last 8 years, right

Yeah I love the section in the Constitution about censoring the media and other agencies.
it's right next to the part where corporations are people and the constitution only applies to citizens

Do you think people in Syrian citizens living in Syria have rights under the US constitution? Because I'm pretty sure they don't.

Re: St. John's comments on Executive Order on Immigration
« Reply #96 on: February 02, 2017, 04:24:07 PM »
Maybe we should make laws that treat all terrorists the way we treat the dark skinned ones? I'm fine with not allowing anyone from ISIS into our country, ever. I saw the 60 minutes on them that really lets you into their lives and shows you how they do things, and I still don't like them. They can't live here. We agree, yes? And with that, our new agreement to not let terrorists live in our country, its high time we gather up our white terrorists as well, and remove them. We have the KKK, the Arian nation, this Richard Spencer nut, and they're rights are protected only because they're white.

The KKK has rights because they're US citizens entitled to the full protections of the US Constitution. The constitution doesn't apply to Syrians.

And to be clear, I'm not so much opposed to tightening our borders, as long as we are equally careful and objective in judging people from anywhere in the world should they want to live here. Stopping immigration from just 7 countries is showing your hand.

There are one and half billion muslims in the world. Nine of the ten countries with the largest Muslim population comprising one billion Muslims - Indonesia, India, Pockiston, Bangladesh, Nigeria, Egypt, Turkey, Algeria, and Morocco - are not on the list. The only country in the top ten that is on the list is Iran, you know, the death to Satan country where they were handing out candy and dancing in the streets on 9-11.  If Trump was trying to stop Muslims qua Muslims from entering the country he certainly chose an odd way to go about it.

The constitution. Hysterical.

Yes, nice to have a President that believes in it after the last 8 years, right

Yeah I love the section in the Constitution about censoring the media and other agencies.
it's right next to the part where corporations are people and the constitution only applies to citizens

Do you think people in Syrian citizens living in Syria have rights under the US constitution? Because I'm pretty sure they don't.
loaded question, fetuses are not people


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Re: St. John's comments on Executive Order on Immigration
« Reply #97 on: February 02, 2017, 04:39:44 PM »
Maybe we should make laws that treat all terrorists the way we treat the dark skinned ones? I'm fine with not allowing anyone from ISIS into our country, ever. I saw the 60 minutes on them that really lets you into their lives and shows you how they do things, and I still don't like them. They can't live here. We agree, yes? And with that, our new agreement to not let terrorists live in our country, its high time we gather up our white terrorists as well, and remove them. We have the KKK, the Arian nation, this Richard Spencer nut, and they're rights are protected only because they're white.

The KKK has rights because they're US citizens entitled to the full protections of the US Constitution. The constitution doesn't apply to Syrians.

And to be clear, I'm not so much opposed to tightening our borders, as long as we are equally careful and objective in judging people from anywhere in the world should they want to live here. Stopping immigration from just 7 countries is showing your hand.

There are one and half billion muslims in the world. Nine of the ten countries with the largest Muslim population comprising one billion Muslims - Indonesia, India, Pockiston, Bangladesh, Nigeria, Egypt, Turkey, Algeria, and Morocco - are not on the list. The only country in the top ten that is on the list is Iran, you know, the death to Satan country where they were handing out candy and dancing in the streets on 9-11.  If Trump was trying to stop Muslims qua Muslims from entering the country he certainly chose an odd way to go about it.

The constitution. Hysterical.

Yes, nice to have a President that believes in it after the last 8 years, right

Yeah I love the section in the Constitution about censoring the media and other agencies.
it's right next to the part where corporations are people and the constitution only applies to citizens

Do you think people in Syrian citizens living in Syria have rights under the US constitution? Because I'm pretty sure they don't.

What do you think, if any, is the responsibility of the American government in terms of cleaning a mess that they've made? We kill thousands of people because of a WMD threat, and it turns out that we're wrong. Is an oops gonna cut it?

We've gone from relying on some in Iraq to risk their lives helping us fight a war that had no business starting to now telling all of them you're dead to me.

Re: St. John's comments on Executive Order on Immigration
« Reply #98 on: February 02, 2017, 04:41:02 PM »
There are so many straw men being tortured in this thread that all over America scarecrows are dying.


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Re: St. John's comments on Executive Order on Immigration
« Reply #99 on: February 02, 2017, 04:41:39 PM »
Maybe we should make laws that treat all terrorists the way we treat the dark skinned ones? I'm fine with not allowing anyone from ISIS into our country, ever. I saw the 60 minutes on them that really lets you into their lives and shows you how they do things, and I still don't like them. They can't live here. We agree, yes? And with that, our new agreement to not let terrorists live in our country, its high time we gather up our white terrorists as well, and remove them. We have the KKK, the Arian nation, this Richard Spencer nut, and they're rights are protected only because they're white.

The KKK has rights because they're US citizens entitled to the full protections of the US Constitution. The constitution doesn't apply to Syrians.

And to be clear, I'm not so much opposed to tightening our borders, as long as we are equally careful and objective in judging people from anywhere in the world should they want to live here. Stopping immigration from just 7 countries is showing your hand.

There are one and half billion muslims in the world. Nine of the ten countries with the largest Muslim population comprising one billion Muslims - Indonesia, India, Pockiston, Bangladesh, Nigeria, Egypt, Turkey, Algeria, and Morocco - are not on the list. The only country in the top ten that is on the list is Iran, you know, the death to Satan country where they were handing out candy and dancing in the streets on 9-11.  If Trump was trying to stop Muslims qua Muslims from entering the country he certainly chose an odd way to go about it.

The constitution. Hysterical.

Yes, nice to have a President that believes in it after the last 8 years, right

Yeah I love the section in the Constitution about censoring the media and other agencies.

Name a couple of instances of censorship that have taken place in the last ten days. I'll wait.

No reason to believe that Trump will not censor journalists because he said he would.
« Last Edit: February 02, 2017, 04:42:05 PM by Poison »