And u thought i was OPTOMISTIC.. lol

  • 24 replies
Re: And u thought i was OPTOMISTIC.. lol
« Reply #20 on: July 25, 2008, 05:15:53 AM »
"krusty/newsie is just another disgruntled ex-SJU employee(see htgs/marillac/etc) who knows NOTHING about the game of basketball & continues to bash the school in every one of his posts.."

wrong again...i was never employed by st john's at any capacity. i filed news reports from there back in the day...that's the extent of "my working at st john's".

i may know nothing about basketball...but i know enough not to bet on a horrendously coached team to win 18 games..then welch on friends after they fall seven games short.     

Re: And u thought i was OPTOMISTIC.. lol
« Reply #21 on: July 25, 2008, 07:08:05 AM »
impressive acquisitions??? can they suit up first?  no one ever heard of these guys before we signed them.

the team has matured?  i've really matured and i suck at basketball even worse than i did when i was immature.  getting older doesn't mean getting better.

here we go again with being number one with no signatures on paper.  can we get some loi's before we creem in our pants.

there are alot of "if"'s if i rescue a damsel in distress i just happen to run across like selma hayak and she realizes i'm really a great catch...she'll fall head over heels for me...i'll let you imagine the rest.

FYI - Roberts originally committed to Miami(acc) & was recruited by numerous "major" schools. Edmondson by all accounts was the best player for his kentucky h.s. team down the stretch, a team that included 5 star recruit scotty hopson. He was also being recruited by a few "majors" at the time of his signing. Phil Wait is 7'2 240 lb & is an athletic big that can run the floor. He played a year in Europe & was also being recruited by a host of "majors" after this season. U may not have heard of these kids but people who actually know something about basketball did..  ;D

If u don't think kids like Burrell & Kennedy aren't going to mature & get better u know nothing about college hoops. Which become more & more apparent each time u post.

No one is "creaming in their pants here krusty"... accept of course Maurice.. :D

There are alot of IF's for EVERY team this time of year... that'a why they call them "pre-season predictions". They don't mean jack-sh*t but that doesn't mean u can't be OPTOMISTIC about your team's upcoming season.... Either we are going to surpass everyone's expectations this season & sign a few NYC kids with balls to take us to the next level the following season. Or we fall flat on our face & fail to sign either one of these kids... If we do the latter Norm is history... At this point i'm rooting for the first scenario & anyone who isn't is not really a fan of this program. ... peace!

and you always cry to JJ that you only got after people when they attack you..

You wish you were half the person Krusty/newsman13 is...

Edited: Jumpinjohnny...personal attack

The only one "crying/whinning" are u & the various "super-fans"(lol) on here that can't deal with the fact Norm is still our coach & is going to be for a LONG time if things fall into place(on & off the court) this season..  ;D

krusty/newsie is just another disgruntled ex-SJU employee(see htgs/marillac/etc) who knows NOTHING about the game of basketball & continues to bash the school in every one of his posts..  ::)

wah, wah, wah... blah, blah, blah.

His outlook might not be the same as yours however I don't think he bashes the school every time he gets. I've seen him post good stuff as well as bad. Just because someone doesn't agree with you oldred doesn't mean they are on the "wrong" side of the argument.
Follow Johnny Jungle on Twitter at @Johnny_Jungle

Re: And u thought i was OPTOMISTIC.. lol
« Reply #22 on: July 26, 2008, 11:48:59 AM »
"I've seen him post good stuff as well as bad."

all my stuff is good stuff.

Re: And u thought i was OPTOMISTIC.. lol
« Reply #23 on: July 26, 2008, 01:13:15 PM »
"I've seen him post good stuff as well as bad."

all my stuff is good stuff.

ummm ::) haha

Follow Johnny Jungle on Twitter at @Johnny_Jungle

Re: And u thought i was OPTOMISTIC.. lol
« Reply #24 on: July 26, 2008, 04:25:48 PM »
Can you post a link to the "good stuff"?  ;)