Didn’t pretend to see every touch down or home run scored by San Diego state. I was just in a discussion about basketball. (This is a basketball forum) that is what most do.
I like most St. John’s players. I didn’t like any of the Europeans. I didn’t like Christian Jones. I didnt like Abe Keita. I didn’t like Mohamed diakite the player (he is a cool guy- had drinks with him a few times) i didn’t like Felix (even though he was such a good shooter)
Train ride over. Thanks again for the entainment. If anyone still at work. Leave. It’s getting bad outside.
No. What most people do is not say " he was a good player" and "he had a very good career" about someone they never saw play. You do that, because you're absurd.
Hopefully you stocked up on toilet paper, this seems to be a bit of an early season corker. They cancelled two races downstate and I have deer on my deck gnawing on the linoleum. I sent missus fun to the liquor store to stock up on Belevedere, hopefully she makes it back, otherwise I'll have to order another mail-order.
Stay safe out there.