Rebranding to Consider Red Men/Indian if We Rise Again

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Re: Rebranding to Consider Red Men/Indian if We Rise Again
« Reply #20 on: February 20, 2019, 08:12:28 AM »
Ever notice who complains about how easily offended other people can be?

Sure do.

In this case however, the University responded to pressure from some decent white people, myself included, and also the people they were mocking - even if many at the University didn’t recognize it on their own.

Just an idea, stop missing the NCAA tournament and no one will give a shit how dumb your name is.


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Re: Rebranding to Consider Red Men/Indian if We Rise Again
« Reply #21 on: February 20, 2019, 08:12:43 AM »
We stole their country

Which they stole from someone else.

gave them smallpox infected blankets

Myth. There's one documented case of weaponized small pox, by a Brit, long before there was a United States.

John Wayne movies, killed all the buffalo, broke treaties,

List of things CA finds equally offensive: germ warfare, genocide and John Wayne movies. Good list man.

slaughtered millions of them,

Completely false and ridiculous. Did you learn American history by watching F Troop?

and stripped Jim Thorpe's Olympic medals.

We being evidently the Swiss, who stripped the medals and have since restored them.

Now they have to endure team names that are derogatory references to their skin color and offensive cartoon caricature mascots?

The reason sports team have various forms of Indians as mascots is because Indians were commonly thought of as brave and fierce. If you think calling someone an Indian is derogatory, that's your problem. Still, I bet Native Americans are happy to have you to explain for them why they should be offended by this and that, hashtag white privilege. That said, Redmen would be a public relations disaster. Which is why I like Red Tide.


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Re: Rebranding to Consider Red Men/Indian if We Rise Again
« Reply #22 on: February 20, 2019, 10:14:37 AM »
You sound like you should be rooting for some redneck school in the deep south.

People aren’t offended there. But don’t forget I’m talking about chickens who campaigned for the cournal.

A Redmen is a scalped Indian. If you’re not offended by that, you’re pretty thick to say the least.

Wow you’re stupid! “cournal”?! Are you trying to write colonel? Holy sh*t.

And redskins refer to the tone of a Native American’s skin. They self-identified as red before Columbus.

Asians are described as yellow, Europeans as white, sub-Saharan Africans as black, and several groups near the equator as brown. The purported scalped head meaning is an after-the-fact hit job by liberals.

And St. John’s became known as the Redmen because they had red uniforms. The Indian mascot was added later.


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Re: Rebranding to Consider Red Men/Indian if We Rise Again
« Reply #23 on: February 20, 2019, 10:43:17 AM »
Sure do.

In this case however, the University responded to pressure from some decent white people, myself included, and also the people they were mocking - even if many at the University didn’t recognize it on their own.

Just an idea, stop missing the NCAA tournament and no one will give a shit how dumb your name is.

The fact that you think you had a say as white person is one of the most racist things ever posted. The overwhelming majority of groups depicted by mascots are in favor of them.

You don’t get a say. That is entirely up to Native Americans just like the protesting the Fighting Irish mascots are up to Irish people. Other groups don’t have the right to be outraged.

Where is your outrage for the Ragin Cajuns, Flying Dutchmen, Celtics, Crusaders, or Huguenots right in Westchester?

No easy virtue sticking up for those honkies, right?

Re: Rebranding to Consider Red Men/Indian if We Rise Again
« Reply #24 on: February 20, 2019, 10:47:33 AM »
Go with the Johnnies...that's what most people call them anyway.


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Re: Rebranding to Consider Red Men/Indian if We Rise Again
« Reply #25 on: February 20, 2019, 11:48:39 AM »
Go with the Johnnies...that's what most people call them anyway.

New mascot

Re: Rebranding to Consider Red Men/Indian if We Rise Again
« Reply #26 on: February 20, 2019, 02:28:50 PM »

Re: Rebranding to Consider Red Men/Indian if We Rise Again
« Reply #27 on: February 20, 2019, 02:29:41 PM »
Which they stole from someone else.

Myth. There's one documented case of weaponized small pox, by a Brit, long before there was a United States.

List of things CA finds equally offensive: germ warfare, genocide and John Wayne movies. Good list man.

Completely false and ridiculous. Did you learn American history by watching F Troop?

We being evidently the Swiss, who stripped the medals and have since restored them.

The reason sports team have various forms of Indians as mascots is because Indians were commonly thought of as brave and fierce. If you think calling someone an Indian is derogatory, that's your problem. Still, I bet Native Americans are happy to have you to explain for them why they should be offended by this and that, hashtag white privilege. That said, Redmen would be a public relations disaster. Which is why I like Red Tide.


I forgot Thanksgiving.

Re: Rebranding to Consider Red Men/Indian if We Rise Again
« Reply #28 on: February 20, 2019, 02:46:17 PM »
Did you learn American history by watching F Troop?

Mostly. The rest by reading Howard Zinn.
« Last Edit: February 20, 2019, 02:47:28 PM by carmineabbatiello »

Re: Rebranding to Consider Red Men/Indian if We Rise Again
« Reply #29 on: February 20, 2019, 03:03:02 PM »
Mostly. The rest by reading Howard Zinn.

Now there, is your mistake. Howard Zinn has damaged our educational institutions.

But even so as a previous poster discussed earlier- an Indian symbol so to speak is not a mascot that's goal is to make fun of. Its to show courage, motivation and something to get behind with your school spirit as is many others in sports (ie Warriors, Blackhawks, Cavaliers etc.).

Imagine someone of English descent saying-  "hey you know- my ancestors were round-heads in the English revolution, the fact that Cleveland has Cavaliers as a mascot insults my heritage." The argument works if you are mocking, but this is simply just presenting as a mascot of a school or a team, nothing more nothing less.

But still in all- going back to original point of thread- I think it would be nice if we found a way to rebrand in some form if the program keeps going in right direction.

Re: Rebranding to Consider Red Men/Indian if We Rise Again
« Reply #30 on: February 20, 2019, 03:28:06 PM »

The reason sports team have various forms of Indians as mascots is because Indians were commonly thought of as brave and fierce. If you think calling someone an Indian is derogatory, that's your problem. Still, I bet Native Americans are happy to have you to explain for them why they should be offended by this and that, hashtag white privilege. That said, Redmen would be a public relations disaster. Which is why I like Red Tide.

As a SEAMAN I find it offensive you suggest Red Tide. Yearly Red Tides ruin the livelihoods of my brethren in the southern US.


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Re: Rebranding to Consider Red Men/Indian if We Rise Again
« Reply #31 on: February 20, 2019, 04:42:48 PM »
Mostly. The rest by reading Howard Zinn.

Exactly stupid. Zinn was a communist agent on Stalin's payroll and as such an apologist for most repressive murderous regime of the of the 20th century. That he duped you is not surprising, as the most unsurprising thing about you is how stupid you are.


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Re: Rebranding to Consider Red Men/Indian if We Rise Again
« Reply #32 on: February 20, 2019, 04:51:22 PM »
But even so as a previous poster discussed earlier- an Indian symbol so to speak is not a mascot that's goal is to make fun of. Its to show courage, motivation and something to get behind with your school spirit as is many others in sports (ie Warriors, Blackhawks, Cavaliers etc.).

Imagine someone of English descent saying-  "hey you know- my ancestors were round-heads in the English revolution, the fact that Cleveland has Cavaliers as a mascot insults my heritage." The argument works if you are mocking, but this is simply just presenting as a mascot of a school or a team, nothing more nothing less.

Regarding which I quote this excellent writer:

"Iona’s sports team are called the Gaels, Gael being a reference to fierce medieval blue faced Scottish warriors of the sort portrayed by Mel Gibson in Braveheart, which in this case have morphed into belligerent Hibernians spoiling for a drunken St Patrick’s Day fight.

The great Gaels of Ireland
the men that God made mad
all their wars are merry
all their songs are sad

which is almost a Dennis Leary song but not quite (it’s GK Chesterton), if for no other reason that it’s not stolen from Bill Hicks. In these politically correct times it’s a perverse sort of white privilege that allows for pejorative references to primitive Caucasian savages – Fighting Irish, Gaels, Vikings, Hilltoppers, Cornhuskers – to pass unremarked upon, whereas references to primitive non white savages requires cultural flagellation and government intrusion. I suppose they’ll come a day when all men are judged by the content of their character rather than the color of their skin, when put upon micks and sheep shaggers and frogs and wogs and lint heads are accorded the same respect as are Warriors, Braves, Indians, and Blackhawks. Until then remember: white lives matter."


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Re: Rebranding to Consider Red Men/Indian if We Rise Again
« Reply #33 on: February 20, 2019, 05:01:55 PM »
Speaking of Irishmen, as one I find Syracuse's nickname HIGHLY offensive. The Orangemen have trod all over Irish Catholics for years.

Re: Rebranding to Consider Red Men/Indian if We Rise Again
« Reply #34 on: February 20, 2019, 05:40:59 PM »
Speaking of Irishmen, as one I find Syracuse's nickname HIGHLY offensive. The Orangemen have trod all over Irish Catholics for years.

They have just been the Orange for a while now.
*wipes ketchup from his eyes* - I guess Heinz sight isn’t 20/20.

Re: Rebranding to Consider Red Men/Indian if We Rise Again
« Reply #35 on: February 20, 2019, 06:08:22 PM »
Exactly stupid. Zinn was a communist agent on Stalin's payroll and as such an apologist for most repressive murderous regime of the of the 20th century. That he duped you is not surprising, as the most unsurprising thing about you is how stupid you are.

Why must you call me names and hurt my feelings?

Granted I have a below average IQ but I'm trying to work the best I can with the hand I've been dealt and have done you nor yours no harm.

I once saw a picture of your home, and mailbox, and it looked like an idyllic, pastoral setting straight out of a Rockwell painting.  We all know that the long suffering Mrs. Fun is quite the looker and that you have an unopened case of Kettle One waiting in the pantry.

Why such vitriol and anger?

Re: Rebranding to Consider Red Men/Indian if We Rise Again
« Reply #36 on: February 20, 2019, 06:14:00 PM »
Plus that was a very typical Carmine attempt at humor that only he finds funny.

Truth is in addition to obviously F troop (Wrangler Jane was shamefully overlooked for Emmy nominations), I learned a lot of my history from comic books and the film "How the West Was Won".
« Last Edit: February 21, 2019, 01:03:53 PM by carmineabbatiello »

Re: Rebranding to Consider Red Men/Indian if We Rise Again
« Reply #37 on: February 20, 2019, 06:19:22 PM »
Blazing Saddles...Clint Eastwood westerns...

Re: Rebranding to Consider Red Men/Indian if We Rise Again
« Reply #38 on: February 21, 2019, 02:31:14 AM »
an Indian symbol so to speak is not a mascot that's goal is to make fun of.

Re: Rebranding to Consider Red Men/Indian if We Rise Again
« Reply #39 on: February 21, 2019, 09:43:49 AM »
New mascot

This team has been in the shitter for years now...  Johnnies is totally appropriate..