Rebranding to Consider Red Men/Indian if We Rise Again

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Re: Rebranding to Consider Red Men/Indian if We Rise Again
« Reply #60 on: February 21, 2019, 10:32:33 PM »
Born - NY
Elementary School - NY
Middle School - NY
High School - NY
College - NY
Grad School - NY
Bar Exam Passed - NY
Apartment - NY

Nickname from Poison - Florida

*Apartment inherited from family


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Re: Rebranding to Consider Red Men/Indian if We Rise Again
« Reply #61 on: February 22, 2019, 12:04:24 AM »
Right. Asking a jew - even newly minted - if he's a self hating jew who denies the holocaust is repulsive and and antisemitic. I'm glad we could agree on that.

I don't know if you can't read or are just dumb and uneducated; I'm guessin all three. Genocide is an intentional action taken to destroy a group of people. Columbus and his euto trash cohort did not set out to destroy the native population; on the contrary, they sought to enslave and exploit it and destroyed it by accident. Hitler on the other hand set out to destroy the Jewish people. Not a subtle difference and yet it seems to have gone flying over your head.

The "greatest Mass genocide"? As opposed to what? The tiniest insignificant genocide? If you can't be interesting at least write tight.

And anyway you're wrong. Stalin killed 30 million people, and Mao about the same. Leopold killed about 15 million Congolese. If the US government had murdered every Indian in existence in 1776 it would barely have added up to a million corpses; that's not even Pol Pot territory.


I wouldn't think there was a subject you knew less about than basketball, but it turns out I underestimated your ignorance. The African slave trade was perpetrated mostly by mainly the Portuguese and the Spanish, and after them by the French, Germans, Dutch, and English. Of the 10 million ish slaves transported from Africa, seven million landed in Brazil and 2 million in Cuba. About half a million landed in the United States. Which means most of the trans atlantic slave trade was Africans selling Africans to Iberians as a source of cheap labor on Latin American plantations.

Are you drunk or is English your second language? Because this is gibberish.

Argumentum ad verecundiam.

It's impossible to be consciously stupid, stupid. If you're going to attempt insult at least put some effort into it.

you continue to quote these bigoted resources in support of your position. I guess since there are numerous resources which state the Jewish holocaust was a hoax that too must be true. Glad we see eye to eye
« Last Edit: February 22, 2019, 01:06:43 AM by SJUFAN »

Re: Rebranding to Consider Red Men/Indian if We Rise Again
« Reply #62 on: February 22, 2019, 01:46:09 AM »
Elizabeth Warren could be our cheerleading coach


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Re: Rebranding to Consider Red Men/Indian if We Rise Again
« Reply #63 on: February 22, 2019, 08:32:23 AM »
you continue to quote these bigoted resources in support of your position. I guess since there are numerous resources which state the Jewish holocaust was a hoax that too must be true. Glad we see eye to eye

He has literally one quote and it’s from you. 🤔

Do you question the # of people Mao and Stalin killed?


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Re: Rebranding to Consider Red Men/Indian if We Rise Again
« Reply #64 on: February 22, 2019, 10:03:50 AM »
As a student of history I can assure you that the information provided by foad is reasonably accurate. What makes you think they are in anyway bigoted. Does it not support your worldview. Do you favor rewriting history to support your idea of political correctness. If so, you are showing yourself to be incredibly ignorant. Rewriting history is the Provence of left and right wing dictatorships and, sadly, of our academia at times.  Andbefore you label me a conservative I assure you that I am left of center.
« Last Edit: February 22, 2019, 10:05:19 AM by cjfish »


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Re: Rebranding to Consider Red Men/Indian if We Rise Again
« Reply #65 on: February 22, 2019, 10:55:15 AM »
Right. Asking a jew - even newly minted - if he's a self hating jew who denies the holocaust is repulsive and and antisemitic. I'm glad we could agree on that.

I don't know if you can't read or are just dumb and uneducated; I'm guessin all three. Genocide is an intentional action taken to destroy a group of people. Columbus and his euto trash cohort did not set out to destroy the native population; on the contrary, they sought to enslave and exploit it and destroyed it by accident. Hitler on the other hand set out to destroy the Jewish people. Not a subtle difference and yet it seems to have gone flying over your head.

The "greatest Mass genocide"? As opposed to what? The tiniest insignificant genocide? If you can't be interesting at least write tight.

And anyway you're wrong. Stalin killed 30 million people, and Mao about the same. Leopold killed about 15 million Congolese. If the US government had murdered every Indian in existence in 1776 it would barely have added up to a million corpses; that's not even Pol Pot territory.


I wouldn't think there was a subject you knew less about than basketball, but it turns out I underestimated your ignorance. The African slave trade was perpetrated mostly by mainly the Portuguese and the Spanish, and after them by the French, Germans, Dutch, and English. Of the 10 million ish slaves transported from Africa, seven million landed in Brazil and 2 million in Cuba. About half a million landed in the United States. Which means most of the trans atlantic slave trade was Africans selling Africans to Iberians as a source of cheap labor on Latin American plantations.

Are you drunk or is English your second language? Because this is gibberish.

Argumentum ad verecundiam.

It's impossible to be consciously stupid, stupid. If you're going to attempt insult at least put some effort into it.

I thought the number of African slaves that actually landed in (the now) US territory was even less, at say 300,000 ... and it was more the Jimmy the Greek pronouncements after that ...


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Re: Rebranding to Consider Red Men/Indian if We Rise Again
« Reply #66 on: February 22, 2019, 11:29:58 AM »
He has literally one quote and it’s from you. 🤔

Do you question the # of people Mao and Stalin killed?

I question the low ball number attributed to the natives and their eradication being simply “bad luck”.


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Re: Rebranding to Consider Red Men/Indian if We Rise Again
« Reply #67 on: February 22, 2019, 12:22:54 PM »
As a student of history I can assure you that the information provided by foad is reasonably accurate. What makes you think they are in anyway bigoted. Does it not support your worldview. Do you favor rewriting history to support your idea of political correctness. If so, you are showing yourself to be incredibly ignorant. Rewriting history is the Provence of left and right wing dictatorships and, sadly, of our academia at times.  Andbefore you label me a conservative I assure you that I am left of center.

Reasonably accurate? I’m ignorant? So in the 1600’s there were over 100 million people in Africa, over 300 million in Asia, and 100 million in Europe, yet the America’s only had a few million inhabitants?

Even foad stated there are estimates of 5-15 million indigenous inhabitants. A standard deviation of 200% means they don’t have a f’n clue. So for the sake of this argument let’s split the baby and say 10 million. So their population dropped to a couple 100 thousand due to poverty and disease? They lived off the land, there was no poverty. My focus isn’t on who murdered them all, my point is it occurred and due to the US involvement, cause they did play a role, there is an attempt to “white wash” it from history.

Look at foad logic in determining the number of indigenous deaths during the Indian war. Thats the most idiotic arbitrary calculation I’ve seen, yet somehow you believe it to be reasonable accurate. That’s what the “Man” would call mission accomplished.

Same thing regarding African slavery. The point isn’t the majority didn’t come to North America you imbeciles, the point is it happened and the US played a role and again the figures are systematically being downplayed. I’ve seen low ball estimates of Africans being sold into slavery around 12-13 million and of those 1-2 million died being captured or during transportation. News flash...they all died as slaves, again there using a distinction to skew the numbers. If a Jew in a concentration camp died of natural causes, are they not still counted among the victims? Why isn’t this same rational not applied to African slaves?

From 1600-1800 the Asia population doubled from over 300 million to over 600 million, yet the African population went down slightly from over 100 million in that same period. After the abolishment of the transatlantic slave trade in the early 1800’s, the African population doubled to over 200 million over the next 150 years. 10’s of millions of Africans died due to the slave trade and that’s not including those who were born and died while in captivity. The numbers are staggering. According to David Stannard author of American Holocaust (1992), he estimates that as many as 60 million Africans died while being enslaved.

Re: Rebranding to Consider Red Men/Indian if We Rise Again
« Reply #68 on: February 22, 2019, 02:59:27 PM »
Since this has sparked such healthy debate, I'll come clean on my end.

When I wrote "slaughtered millions of them" I was just typing fast in loose in the Gonzo journalistic style that I seek to emulate.  I had done little (ok no) research into the quanties of Native American deaths. Frankly I just wrote that because it sounded dramatic.


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Re: Rebranding to Consider Red Men/Indian if We Rise Again
« Reply #69 on: February 22, 2019, 04:06:30 PM »
So their population dropped to a couple 100 thousand due to poverty and disease?

No, not just poverty and disease. The other factor in depopulation was the birth rate. Allow me to quote David Stannard, author of American Holocaust, the expert you cite. He disagrees with you:

"on tribute rolls married couples were frequently entered as having no children at all or only one [...] in even the most healthful of environments birth rates of this level will mean zero population growth at first, and then increasingly precipitous decline [...] birth rates this low were a blueprint for extinction. And that is precisely what happened"

They lived off the land, there was no poverty.

David Stannard, author of American Holocaust, disagrees with you. Here's what he had to say about "the Spanish gifts of plague and famine": 

"in the New World as in the Old, massive epidemics brought starvation in their wake, because the reduced and debilitated populations were unable to tend their crops."

"There were various ways in which the mission Indians died. The most common causes were the European-introduced diseases [...] and malnutrition."

"The resulting severe malnutrition, of course, made the natives all the more susceptible to the bacterial and viral infections."

My focus isn’t on who murdered them all, my point is it occurred

No one murdered them all. Again I'll cite David Stannard, author of American Holocaust, who disagrees with you.

"the native population of Florida was reduced by more than 95 percent, primarily by Spanish-introduced diseases"

"Spanish-introduced diseases ran wild: measles, smallpox, typhoid, and influenza epidemics occurred and re-occurred, while syphilis and tuberculosis became, as Sherburne F. Cook once said, "totalitarian" diseases: virtually all the Indians were afflicted by them."

"the imported pathogens moved among the native people with a relentlessness that nothing ever had in all their history. "So many Indians died that they could not be counted," wrote Gonzalo Fernandez de Oviedo, adding that "all through the land the Indians lay dead everywhere. The stench was very great and pestiferous."

and due to the US involvement, cause they did play a role, there is an attempt to “white wash” it from history.

As to assigning blame for the precipitous decline of the native population in the wake of the invasion of the new world, allow me to cite David Stannard, author of American Holocaust, who disagrees with you:

"in central Mexico the population fell by almost 95 percent within seventyfive years following the Europeans' first appearance-from more than 25,000,000 people in 1519 to barely 1,300,000 in 1595."

"Peru and Chile, home of the Incas and one of the wealthiest and largest empires anywhere, covering virtually the entire western coast of the South American continent, had contained at least 9,000,000 people only a few years before the Europeans arrived [...] as elsewhere, the conquistadors' diseases preceded them-smallpox, and probably other epidemics swept down through Mexico and across the Andes in the early 1520s [...] even before Pizarro's first foray into the region [...] barely 1,000,000 Peruvians remained alive. A few years more and that fragment was halved again. At least 94 percent of the population was gone"

"For Andean society [...] Within a century following their first encounter with the Spanish, 94 to 96 percent of their once-enormous population had been exterminated; along their 2000 miles of coastline, where once 6,500,000 people had lived, everyone was dead."

"in 1520 the number of Timucuan people in the area totaled over 720,000; following a century of European contact they numbered barely 36,000."

All of these things happened before the United States was a gleam in Thomas Jefferson's eyes.

Look at foad logic in determining the number of indigenous deaths during the Indian war. Thats the most idiotic arbitrary calculation I’ve seen, yet somehow you believe it to be reasonable accurate. That’s what the “Man” would call mission accomplished.

According to David Stannard, author of American Holocaust, who disagrees with you, ""by [1769] only about one-third of one percent of America's population - 250,000 out of 76,000,000 people - were natives." Weird huh, that's the exact figure I cited. And according to the 1900 US census the native population was 100,000. 250K minus 100K, you do the math. Remember to carry the one.

Same thing regarding African slavery. The point isn’t the majority didn’t come to North America you imbeciles, the point is it happened

Thanks Dan Rather, but I don't think anyone's disputing that slavery "happened." 

and the US played a role and again the figures are systematically being downplayed.

No. The US played a role and you're overstating it by a factor of 800.

I’ve seen low ball estimates of Africans being sold into slavery around 12-13 million and of those 1-2 million died being captured or during transportation. News flash...they all died as slaves, again there using a distinction to skew the numbers. If a Jew in a concentration camp

I'm sorry, did you say if a Jew? A jew in a concentration camp? Thanks Herr Goebbels.

in a concentration camp died of natural causes, are they not still counted among the victims? Why isn’t this same rational not applied to African slaves?

Let's leave aside absurd idea of anyone dying of "natural causes" in Auschwitz. Nobody's disputing that slavery was icky and nobody's disputing that an obscene number of slaves - five million is a number I'm comfortable with but I'm not going to quibble - were murdered during the disapora. What I'm disputing is who the culprits are. Survey says: Eurotrash, number one answer. Slavery existed in half the United Stated for 75 years and slave owners comprised a quarter of citizens in southern states. Those are facts. You want to blame those folk for the diaspora - some of whom were Jews black - for the murder of X number of millions of people , knock yourself out. But you'd be wrong. As you usually are.


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Re: Rebranding to Consider Red Men/Indian if We Rise Again
« Reply #70 on: February 22, 2019, 04:54:25 PM »
Reasonably accurate? I’m ignorant? So in the 1600’s there were over 100 million people in Africa, over 300 million in Asia, and 100 million in Europe, yet the America’s only had a few million inhabitants?

Even foad stated there are estimates of 5-15 million indigenous inhabitants. A standard deviation of 200% means they don’t have a f’n clue. So for the sake of this argument let’s split the baby and say 10 million. So their population dropped to a couple 100 thousand due to poverty and disease? They lived off the land, there was no poverty. My focus isn’t on who murdered them all, my point is it occurred and due to the US involvement, cause they did play a role, there is an attempt to “white wash” it from history.

Look at foad logic in determining the number of indigenous deaths during the Indian war. Thats the most idiotic arbitrary calculation I’ve seen, yet somehow you believe it to be reasonable accurate. That’s what the “Man” would call mission accomplished.

Same thing regarding African slavery. The point isn’t the majority didn’t come to North America you imbeciles, the point is it happened and the US played a role and again the figures are systematically being downplayed. I’ve seen low ball estimates of Africans being sold into slavery around 12-13 million and of those 1-2 million died being captured or during transportation. News flash...they all died as slaves, again there using a distinction to skew the numbers. If a Jew in a concentration camp died of natural causes, are they not still counted among the victims? Why isn’t this same rational not applied to African slaves?

From 1600-1800 the Asia population doubled from over 300 million to over 600 million, yet the African population went down slightly from over 100 million in that same period.

After the abolishment of the transatlantic slave trade in the early 1800’s, the African population doubled to over 200 million over the next 150 years. 10’s of millions of Africans died due to the slave trade and that’s not including those who were born and died while in captivity. The numbers are staggering. According to David Stannard author of American Holocaust (1992), he estimates that as many as 60 million Africans died while being enslaved.

Where do I start?  I never said there were only a few million native Americans.  And it is a fact that disease was the overwhelming factor in nearly wiping out the population 

As for slavery it was primarily the result of the African slave culture supported for a millennia by the slave culture of Islam. Europeans provided a market starting in the 17th century which Africa supplied.  Do you believe Europeans went inland to get slaves? They merely went to slave ports on the coast and were supplied by the winners in the tribal warfare game. There is enough blame to go around but without African cooperation there would have been a minor trade at best.

Europeans were largely responsible for the trade and kept it alive. In the early 18th century colonial legislators attempted to end the trade, alarmed, as 18th century racists would be, by a rapidly evolving racial imbalance. The royal governors, at the behest of the crown, vetoed these attempts. Once again cruel empire building England rears it’s ugly head.

So to sum up.  Disease, bad people everywhere, despicable English and rewriting facts to suit your views is ignorant.


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Re: Rebranding to Consider Red Men/Indian if We Rise Again
« Reply #71 on: February 22, 2019, 05:02:04 PM »
Also you said reasonably accurate?  Yeah, that is the best anyone can do unless your ancestors were keeping records we lovers of history would like to see.


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Re: Rebranding to Consider Red Men/Indian if We Rise Again
« Reply #72 on: February 22, 2019, 05:49:44 PM »
No, not just poverty and disease. The other factor in depopulation was the birth rate. Allow me to quote David Stannard, author of American Holocaust, the expert you cite. He disagrees with you:

"on tribute rolls married couples were frequently entered as having no children at all or only one [...] in even the most healthful of environments birth rates of this level will mean zero population growth at first, and then increasingly precipitous decline [...] birth rates this low were a blueprint for extinction. And that is precisely what happened"

David Stannard, author of American Holocaust, disagrees with you. Here's what he had to say about "the Spanish gifts of plague and famine": 

"in the New World as in the Old, massive epidemics brought starvation in their wake, because the reduced and debilitated populations were unable to tend their crops."

"There were various ways in which the mission Indians died. The most common causes were the European-introduced diseases [...] and malnutrition."

"The resulting severe malnutrition, of course, made the natives all the more susceptible to the bacterial and viral infections."


No one murdered them all. Again I'll cite David Stannard, author of American Holocaust, who disagrees with you.

"the native population of Florida was reduced by more than 95 percent, primarily by Spanish-introduced diseases"

"Spanish-introduced diseases ran wild: measles, smallpox, typhoid, and influenza epidemics occurred and re-occurred, while syphilis and tuberculosis became, as Sherburne F. Cook once said, "totalitarian" diseases: virtually all the Indians were afflicted by them."

"the imported pathogens moved among the native people with a relentlessness that nothing ever had in all their history. "So many Indians died that they could not be counted," wrote Gonzalo Fernandez de Oviedo, adding that "all through the land the Indians lay dead everywhere. The stench was very great and pestiferous."


As to assigning blame for the precipitous decline of the native population in the wake of the invasion of the new world, allow me to cite David Stannard, author of American Holocaust, who disagrees with you:

"in central Mexico the population fell by almost 95 percent within seventyfive years following the Europeans' first appearance-from more than 25,000,000 people in 1519 to barely 1,300,000 in 1595."

"Peru and Chile, home of the Incas and one of the wealthiest and largest empires anywhere, covering virtually the entire western coast of the South American continent, had contained at least 9,000,000 people only a few years before the Europeans arrived [...] as elsewhere, the conquistadors' diseases preceded them-smallpox, and probably other epidemics swept down through Mexico and across the Andes in the early 1520s [...] even before Pizarro's first foray into the region [...] barely 1,000,000 Peruvians remained alive. A few years more and that fragment was halved again. At least 94 percent of the population was gone"

"For Andean society [...] Within a century following their first encounter with the Spanish, 94 to 96 percent of their once-enormous population had been exterminated; along their 2000 miles of coastline, where once 6,500,000 people had lived, everyone was dead."

"in 1520 the number of Timucuan people in the area totaled over 720,000; following a century of European contact they numbered barely 36,000."

All of these things happened before the United States was a gleam in Thomas Jefferson's eyes.


According to David Stannard, author of American Holocaust, who disagrees with you, ""by [1769] only about one-third of one percent of America's population - 250,000 out of 76,000,000 people - were natives." Weird huh, that's the exact figure I cited. And according to the 1900 US census the native population was 100,000. 250K minus 100K, you do the math. Remember to carry the one.

Thanks Dan Rather, but I don't think anyone's disputing that slavery "happened." 

No. The US played a role and you're overstating it by a factor of 800.

I'm sorry, did you say if a Jew? A jew in a concentration camp? Thanks Herr Goebbels.

Let's leave aside absurd idea of anyone dying of "natural causes" in Auschwitz. Nobody's disputing that slavery was icky and nobody's disputing that an obscene number of slaves - five million is a number I'm comfortable with but I'm not going to quibble - were murdered during the disapora. What I'm disputing is who the culprits are. Survey says: Eurotrash, number one answer. Slavery existed in half the United Stated for 75 years and slave owners comprised a quarter of citizens in southern states. Those are facts. You want to blame those folk for the diaspora - some of whom were Jews black - for the murder of X number of millions of people , knock yourself out. But you'd be wrong. As you usually are.

I am a skeptic. What occurs and what is reported to have occurred can be to different things. Who was responsible for recording the cause of deaths of these communities? How can you be certain disease was the main cause of the demise? Having spoke with people who are descendants of native North and South America, some may have a different take as to what lead to their deaths and it wasn’t disease.

It’s odd how things are reported. We hear more of Moses parting the Red Sea than him leading the Israelites in murdering entire communities. Which most likely happened?

If a col. has an entire community murdered how would that most likely be reported? That they died by the soldiers boots, because why waste bullets on the soft skulls of children/babies, or that they all died of disease? Talk about bad PR.

If you look at the Slave trade from an economic perspective. If you consider and studied the business behind Slavery, and noticed the amount of ships that were made (10’s of thousands) for the use of transporting slaves. Over the course of 2 centuries, to think the number was as little as 5 million is lunacy. This was a big business.
« Last Edit: February 22, 2019, 06:02:54 PM by SJUFAN »


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Re: Rebranding to Consider Red Men/Indian if We Rise Again
« Reply #73 on: February 22, 2019, 06:14:27 PM »
I am a skeptic. What occurs and what is reported to have occurred can be to different things. Who was responsible for recording the cause of deaths of these communities? How can you be certain disease was the main cause of the demise? Having spoke with people who are descendants of native North and South America, some may have a different take as to what lead to their deaths and it wasn’t disease.

It’s odd how things are reported. We hear more of Moses parting the Red Sea than him leading the Israelites in murdering entire communities. Which most likely happened?

If a col. has an entire community murdered how would that most likely be reported? That they died by the soldiers boots, because why waste bullets on the soft skulls of children/babies, or that they all died of disease?

If you look at the Slave trade from an economic perspective. If you consider and studied the business behind Slavery, and noticed the amount of ships that were made (10’s of thousands) for the use of transporting slaves. Over the course of 2 centuries, to think the number was as little as 5 million is lunacy. This was a big business.

The origins of the Latin American slave trade result directly from the large scale disease depopulation in only a few generations of the indigenous peoples. Labor was needed and the slave trade provided it. 

You can be as skeptical as you like but the Spanish monks did keep good records and the more liberal among them were horrified at the death around them. They were there for coverts not plagues 

Again, try not to argue with history or change it like that great history adjuster, Josef Stalin.


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Re: Rebranding to Consider Red Men/Indian if We Rise Again
« Reply #74 on: February 22, 2019, 06:58:39 PM »
I am a skeptic. What occurs and what is reported to have occurred can be to different things. Who was responsible for recording the cause of deaths of these communities? How can you be certain disease was the main cause of the demise?

I originally cited historical statistics and conclusions I found credible, on the basis of which statistics and conclusions you concluded I'm a racist consciously stupid nimrod. Because evidently you're not enough of a skeptic to believe that things you don't think are true are true; your skepticism extends only far enough to believe that things you don't find true are false. You went on to allegedly refute those conclusions and statistics by recourse to an alleged expert, who you cited by name. In my next post I cited as an expert the very same expert you cited by name as an expert whose expertise refuted the conclusions you postulated and now you're asking how anyone would possibly believe the expert you cited, because you're such a skeptic that even you don't even believe the expertise of the expert you cited except to the extent that his expertise supports the conclusions you unquestionably believe.

Let's recap. I say A is true, you say A is not true because B says A is not true, I show that B says A is true and now B you don't believe B because he says A is true. It's hard to argue with logic like that. And by hard I mean pointless.


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Re: Rebranding to Consider Red Men/Indian if We Rise Again
« Reply #75 on: February 22, 2019, 07:30:02 PM »
What a stupid #$%^ing original post and a stupid #$%^ing resulting thread. 

Re: Rebranding to Consider Red Men/Indian if We Rise Again
« Reply #76 on: February 22, 2019, 07:35:47 PM »
In my next post I cited as an expert the very same expert you cited by name as an expert whose expertise refuted the conclusions you postulated and now you're asking how anyone would possibly believe the expert you cited, because you're such a skeptic that even you don't even believe the expertise of the expert you cited except to the extent that his expertise supports the conclusions you unquestionably believe.

You should be proud of this sentence.


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Re: Rebranding to Consider Red Men/Indian if We Rise Again
« Reply #77 on: February 22, 2019, 07:59:40 PM »
You should be proud of this sentence.

Nice runon sentence. Hemingway would frown, Joyce would smile


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Re: Rebranding to Consider Red Men/Indian if We Rise Again
« Reply #78 on: February 22, 2019, 08:06:57 PM »
What a stupid #$%^ing original post and a stupid #$%^ing resulting thread.

The thread was a thing of beauty


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Re: Rebranding to Consider Red Men/Indian if We Rise Again
« Reply #79 on: February 22, 2019, 08:59:59 PM »
Nice runon sentence. Hemingway would frown, Joyce would smile

I can do Hemingway

The pig walked in the hot sun. The pig was fat. So fat that even the pig's fat had fat. Beside the pig walked an old man. The old man was not as fat as the pig, nor the pig as old as the old man, but the sun was hot, and the old man and the pig were hot. Sometimes the old man stopped and mopped the sweat from his brow with the straw hat he wore to keep the hot sun from beating upon his head. When the old man stopped the pig stopped as well. The pig had no hat to mop the sweat from his brow, but sometimes the pig licked the sweat from his balls. When this happened, the old man watched the pig enviously. He hadn't been able to lick his balls since that terrible night at the bullfights, before the war.

but I choose not to.