If Ncaa qualifying seasons suck, you either need a new team or a time machine transport to the Lapchick era.
If Brooklyn tech hired a new immigrant who spoke 0 English to teach biology. And 100 percent of those students passed the regents exam. That doesn’t mean the teacher was competent and did a good job.
If your boy would have even done a half assed job (hiring someone better the St. Jean to coach for him) his lazy ass would probably still be here.
This is a silly argument. You went to the games. You saw what happened. Lie to yourself.
Going through the motions, position less basketball, game plan that doesn’t include offensive rebounding, 0 adjustments (besides go fxck yourself), pathetic lazy assistant coaches, transfer u, trust the process, getting embrassed in the big east tournament, bad shots, no box outs, lazy defense, and constantly making excuses and blaming things like shoe companies, cupboards, and facilities for losing is finally over!
I would hate this man a little less. If he just would have apologized. Instead he is proud of his less then half assed approach to coaching here. This losing never had to happen. This school isn’t cursed. The new coach doesn’t need or want a pass. His motto isn’t “get good players”. Lazy ass lost with terrible players. Lazy ass lost with great players.