What has Norm done well?

  • 57 replies
Re: What has Norm done well?
« Reply #20 on: December 30, 2008, 11:26:32 AM »
To add to what Choz said:

Took over a program whose talent level and recruiting relationships were an utter joke. Improved the talent every year.. which includes something we haven’t seen in a long time – individual kids (not all and not all at the same pace) are improving. The recruiting relationships are being rebuilt and improving every year. The school’s reputation, which was in the toilet, is unbelievably better.

Tailored his coaching to his talent. When it was nonexistent he played one way. Now, with some talent, we’re running. Often good plays and play out of time-outs and half-time.

Doing a very difficult job the right way. And before we hear Baylor! Ohio State! I’ve said for a long time that even Baylor was nowhere near in as bad shape as we were.

And by the way, News.. the assistant did his time. In your mind he still shouldn’t be hired?? And Malik, Justin, Omari are tokens??

First and most important..  if you think that the coaches in the city thinking Norm is a good guy means the "recruiting relationships" are repaired you are sorely mistaken. Multiple coaches in the CHSAA would never ever send a top player to Norm.

Baylor had a player on their team MURDER another player and the coach trying to blatantly cover up paying players. Do you really think the situation St. John's was worse than that.?

Malik has shown himself to NOT be a Big East player, Justin Burrell, while from the Bronx, is not a city player. He attended school on Long Island and in CT. Omari is a legit recruit but until he actually steps on the courtt for St. John's, he doesn't count.

Lastly, as a selfish fan, I hope Coach Young can get some players here. The reality of the situation is that Norm showed himself desperate to get some connection to recruit city players because he had failed miseribly since the day he started. He didn't hire some guy who was convicted of disorderly condcut or possesion of a little marajiuna. He hired a convicted DRUG DEALER who got caught with 96lbs of pot. Paid his time or not, this guy could not get a job teaching in any school system in America and his record would immediately disqualify him from mulitple professions.

Can you explain how you know about all the opinions of all the CHSAA coaches?

How has Malik shown he isn't a Big East player?

We praise other schools for their hirings of assistant coaches and administrative  assistants for their connections with certain recruits but when our coach does it we call him desperate. This is clearly what they call a double standard.

If you look at our roster, we have one kid from the CHSAA, Boothe, and many thought he was a reach to go to high major in the first place.  I like Boothe, but I think the situation was too good for his coach to not recommend St. John's. 

If I were a high school coach I would steer just about all of my players away from St. John's, but I would have seen a good fit for Malik with the chance to start four years and possibly play the last 2-3 with a new coach.

Why would you steer your kids away? Its comments like these that don't help our program. Kids read these boards. If you sent a few kids to the program then it could change and I think we all know how much potential St. John's yields.
Follow Johnny Jungle on Twitter at @Johnny_Jungle


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Re: What has Norm done well?
« Reply #21 on: December 30, 2008, 11:39:57 AM »
To add to what Choz said:

Took over a program whose talent level and recruiting relationships were an utter joke. Improved the talent every year.. which includes something we haven’t seen in a long time – individual kids (not all and not all at the same pace) are improving. The recruiting relationships are being rebuilt and improving every year. The school’s reputation, which was in the toilet, is unbelievably better.

Tailored his coaching to his talent. When it was nonexistent he played one way. Now, with some talent, we’re running. Often good plays and play out of time-outs and half-time.

Doing a very difficult job the right way. And before we hear Baylor! Ohio State! I’ve said for a long time that even Baylor was nowhere near in as bad shape as we were.

And by the way, News.. the assistant did his time. In your mind he still shouldn’t be hired?? And Malik, Justin, Omari are tokens??

First and most important..  if you think that the coaches in the city thinking Norm is a good guy means the "recruiting relationships" are repaired you are sorely mistaken. Multiple coaches in the CHSAA would never ever send a top player to Norm.

Baylor had a player on their team MURDER another player and the coach trying to blatantly cover up paying players. Do you really think the situation St. John's was worse than that.?

Malik has shown himself to NOT be a Big East player, Justin Burrell, while from the Bronx, is not a city player. He attended school on Long Island and in CT. Omari is a legit recruit but until he actually steps on the courtt for St. John's, he doesn't count.

Lastly, as a selfish fan, I hope Coach Young can get some players here. The reality of the situation is that Norm showed himself desperate to get some connection to recruit city players because he had failed miseribly since the day he started. He didn't hire some guy who was convicted of disorderly condcut or possesion of a little marajiuna. He hired a convicted DRUG DEALER who got caught with 96lbs of pot. Paid his time or not, this guy could not get a job teaching in any school system in America and his record would immediately disqualify him from mulitple professions.

Can you explain how you know about all the opinions of all the CHSAA coaches?

How has Malik shown he isn't a Big East player?

We praise other schools for their hirings of assistant coaches and administrative  assistants for their connections with certain recruits but when our coach does it we call him desperate. This is clearly what they call a double standard.

If you look at our roster, we have one kid from the CHSAA, Boothe, and many thought he was a reach to go to high major in the first place.  I like Boothe, but I think the situation was too good for his coach to not recommend St. John's. 

If I were a high school coach I would steer just about all of my players away from St. John's, but I would have seen a good fit for Malik with the chance to start four years and possibly play the last 2-3 with a new coach.

Also, I don't see a double-standard with PMG and other posters being mad about hiring a convicted drug felon on the staff when other programs don't have one.  To be a double-standard most variables have to be the same, which they clearly are not here. 

I have no problem hiring somebody who makes one mistake like that and does the time, but guys like PMG and Marco have been pretty consistent on issues like this for years irrespective of the situation or schools/teams involved.
Agreed that PMG is mostly consistent on such issues.  And I, as well, have no problem with the man being hired - the work he did with New Heights sounds pretty positive.  And he sounds like the kind of person that kids from some backgrounds can really relate to vs. some do-everything-right type.

I don't have much of a problem with Boothe on the high major level, if he has shooters around him.  He's a guy who will tend to the positive extreme in some skills - speed, passing - and will will tend to the negative extreme in shooting.  High major teams don't have to have do-everything players.  Look at ESPN announcer extraordinaire Doug Gottlieb.  That guy was one of the absolute worst shooters and foul shooters EVER to regularly start at point guard.  Doesn't mean he wasn't productive.  Levance Fields isn't a guy who's going to win any shooting contests.  Georgetown's Jonathan Wallace was smarter than he was quick.  Etc.


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Re: What has Norm done well?
« Reply #22 on: December 30, 2008, 11:46:16 AM »
To add to what Choz said:

Took over a program whose talent level and recruiting relationships were an utter joke. Improved the talent every year.. which includes something we haven’t seen in a long time – individual kids (not all and not all at the same pace) are improving. The recruiting relationships are being rebuilt and improving every year. The school’s reputation, which was in the toilet, is unbelievably better.

Tailored his coaching to his talent. When it was nonexistent he played one way. Now, with some talent, we’re running. Often good plays and play out of time-outs and half-time.

Doing a very difficult job the right way. And before we hear Baylor! Ohio State! I’ve said for a long time that even Baylor was nowhere near in as bad shape as we were.

And by the way, News.. the assistant did his time. In your mind he still shouldn’t be hired?? And Malik, Justin, Omari are tokens??

First and most important..  if you think that the coaches in the city thinking Norm is a good guy means the "recruiting relationships" are repaired you are sorely mistaken. Multiple coaches in the CHSAA would never ever send a top player to Norm.

Baylor had a player on their team MURDER another player and the coach trying to blatantly cover up paying players. Do you really think the situation St. John's was worse than that.?

Malik has shown himself to NOT be a Big East player, Justin Burrell, while from the Bronx, is not a city player. He attended school on Long Island and in CT. Omari is a legit recruit but until he actually steps on the courtt for St. John's, he doesn't count.

Lastly, as a selfish fan, I hope Coach Young can get some players here. The reality of the situation is that Norm showed himself desperate to get some connection to recruit city players because he had failed miseribly since the day he started. He didn't hire some guy who was convicted of disorderly condcut or possesion of a little marajiuna. He hired a convicted DRUG DEALER who got caught with 96lbs of pot. Paid his time or not, this guy could not get a job teaching in any school system in America and his record would immediately disqualify him from mulitple professions.

Can you explain how you know about all the opinions of all the CHSAA coaches?

How has Malik shown he isn't a Big East player?

We praise other schools for their hirings of assistant coaches and administrative  assistants for their connections with certain recruits but when our coach does it we call him desperate. This is clearly what they call a double standard.

If you look at our roster, we have one kid from the CHSAA, Boothe, and many thought he was a reach to go to high major in the first place.  I like Boothe, but I think the situation was too good for his coach to not recommend St. John's. 

If I were a high school coach I would steer just about all of my players away from St. John's, but I would have seen a good fit for Malik with the chance to start four years and possibly play the last 2-3 with a new coach.

Why would you steer your kids away? Its comments like these that don't help our program. Kids read these boards. If you sent a few kids to the program then it could change and I think we all know how much potential St. John's yields.

I would steer them away because St. John's is and has been a horrible situation for four years now--I might have sent some the first year. 

There are other schools that are maybe a step down conference wise like St. Joe's, Davidson, and maybe even a Siena that I would suggest ahead of St. John's. 

Would you want a kid that you care about to play under Norm Roberts?

Re: What has Norm done well?
« Reply #23 on: December 30, 2008, 11:50:17 AM »
To add to what Choz said:

Took over a program whose talent level and recruiting relationships were an utter joke. Improved the talent every year.. which includes something we haven’t seen in a long time – individual kids (not all and not all at the same pace) are improving. The recruiting relationships are being rebuilt and improving every year. The school’s reputation, which was in the toilet, is unbelievably better.

Tailored his coaching to his talent. When it was nonexistent he played one way. Now, with some talent, we’re running. Often good plays and play out of time-outs and half-time.

Doing a very difficult job the right way. And before we hear Baylor! Ohio State! I’ve said for a long time that even Baylor was nowhere near in as bad shape as we were.

And by the way, News.. the assistant did his time. In your mind he still shouldn’t be hired?? And Malik, Justin, Omari are tokens??

First and most important..  if you think that the coaches in the city thinking Norm is a good guy means the "recruiting relationships" are repaired you are sorely mistaken. Multiple coaches in the CHSAA would never ever send a top player to Norm.

Baylor had a player on their team MURDER another player and the coach trying to blatantly cover up paying players. Do you really think the situation St. John's was worse than that.?

Malik has shown himself to NOT be a Big East player, Justin Burrell, while from the Bronx, is not a city player. He attended school on Long Island and in CT. Omari is a legit recruit but until he actually steps on the courtt for St. John's, he doesn't count.

Lastly, as a selfish fan, I hope Coach Young can get some players here. The reality of the situation is that Norm showed himself desperate to get some connection to recruit city players because he had failed miseribly since the day he started. He didn't hire some guy who was convicted of disorderly condcut or possesion of a little marajiuna. He hired a convicted DRUG DEALER who got caught with 96lbs of pot. Paid his time or not, this guy could not get a job teaching in any school system in America and his record would immediately disqualify him from mulitple professions.

Can you explain how you know about all the opinions of all the CHSAA coaches?

How has Malik shown he isn't a Big East player?

We praise other schools for their hirings of assistant coaches and administrative  assistants for their connections with certain recruits but when our coach does it we call him desperate. This is clearly what they call a double standard.

If you look at our roster, we have one kid from the CHSAA, Boothe, and many thought he was a reach to go to high major in the first place.  I like Boothe, but I think the situation was too good for his coach to not recommend St. John's. 

If I were a high school coach I would steer just about all of my players away from St. John's, but I would have seen a good fit for Malik with the chance to start four years and possibly play the last 2-3 with a new coach.

Why would you steer your kids away? Its comments like these that don't help our program. Kids read these boards. If you sent a few kids to the program then it could change and I think we all know how much potential St. John's yields.

with all due respect, this notion that gets floated out there from time to time that negative posts will prevent kids from considering SJU is preposterous!

So a kid would put more credence in some chucklehead's gripes about the program than say:terrible won loss record, awful style of play and bad coaching? Imagine being a recruit and showing up at the Maryland game two years ago? Or the Georgetown game? The bottom line is we will not be successful in any meaningful way as long as Norm Roberts is associated with the basketball team!

And if some kid is swayed by something negative We are SJU or PMG has posted on a message board, well than that kid probably should not be attending a school of higher learning anyway!


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Re: What has Norm done well?
« Reply #24 on: December 30, 2008, 11:56:07 AM »
WASJU, what are you saying about the quality of your (and PMG's) posts?!!

But I do think that kids can be influenced by negativity and vitriol, especially if it confirms common scuttlebutt about a program.  One advantage of St. John's, by the way, is that the papers still cover the team in a limited way (and will do so again).  In Chicago, you can't find information about DePaul at all.  That's a sad program.

Re: What has Norm done well?
« Reply #25 on: December 30, 2008, 11:58:55 AM »
Perhaps you don't understand the power of the messageboard. Maybe you don't know all the main stream journalists who lurk these boards(I know you're out there but the secret is safe). KOB's "DAMN" post was like the shot heard around the world and created a media frenzy of what happened?

One person says something, another repeats it, and next thing you know there are a lot of people hearing the same thing and it creates a negative perception.

Watch if I said Lance was reportedly going to China next thing you know there's chatter at the next Lincoln game about China, then it gets put in a blog about the buzz around the gym, then in the paper, and bam you have a full fledged rumor
Follow Johnny Jungle on Twitter at @Johnny_Jungle

Re: What has Norm done well?
« Reply #26 on: December 30, 2008, 12:00:01 PM »
WASJU, what are you saying about the quality of your (and PMG's) posts?!!

But I do think that kids can be influenced by negativity and vitriol, especially if it confirms common scuttlebutt about a program.  One advantage of St. John's, by the way, is that the papers still cover the team in a limited way (and will do so again).  In Chicago, you can't find information about DePaul at all.  That's a sad program.

So if you were a big recruit, you would be swayed by something I posted? As opposed to showing up at a game at the Garden where 850 fans quietly watch us struggle to score 60 points as we lose by 40?
If you think I can sway smeone with my posts, what is Norm's coaching doing?


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Re: What has Norm done well?
« Reply #27 on: December 30, 2008, 12:10:29 PM »
WASJU, what are you saying about the quality of your (and PMG's) posts?!!

But I do think that kids can be influenced by negativity and vitriol, especially if it confirms common scuttlebutt about a program.  One advantage of St. John's, by the way, is that the papers still cover the team in a limited way (and will do so again).  In Chicago, you can't find information about DePaul at all.  That's a sad program.

So if you were a big recruit, you would be swayed by something I posted? As opposed to showing up at a game at the Garden where 850 fans quietly watch us struggle to score 60 points as we lose by 40?
If you think I can sway smeone with my posts, what is Norm's coaching doing?
Influenced.  Not completely swayed one way or another.  If you didn't write to influence other people's thoughts, then why would you post?  Isn't that the reason for message boards, to commiserate, to argue, to agree, to posit your line of thinking? 

The message board is a voice for the fans.  A good coach can work right on through that; and a good coach can bring in talent no matter what is said about them. 

But there are insiders on here, and longtime fans, and these folks paint a picture to the world at large of the state of the program that's deeper than what one reads in the Daily News.  I have no problem with it, and I'm not saying anything about people only posting hearts and flowers.

And if this many people are pissed off, and there are no defenders of the program and coach, it's the coach that has a serious problem. 

Re: What has Norm done well?
« Reply #28 on: December 30, 2008, 12:23:28 PM »
Look y'all.... if Mike Ros or Craig Ech wudn't swayed or influence by the filth Rutger fans wrote when Lance Thomas turn them down fo Duke, then message board really dont got the effect y'all may think.
« Last Edit: December 30, 2008, 12:24:00 PM by Choz4Life »
Parking only for NYCHA permit holders.

Re: What has Norm done well?
« Reply #29 on: December 30, 2008, 12:32:21 PM »
WASJU, what are you saying about the quality of your (and PMG's) posts?!!

But I do think that kids can be influenced by negativity and vitriol, especially if it confirms common scuttlebutt about a program.  One advantage of St. John's, by the way, is that the papers still cover the team in a limited way (and will do so again).  In Chicago, you can't find information about DePaul at all.  That's a sad program.

So if you were a big recruit, you would be swayed by something I posted? As opposed to showing up at a game at the Garden where 850 fans quietly watch us struggle to score 60 points as we lose by 40?
If you think I can sway smeone with my posts, what is Norm's coaching doing?
Influenced.  Not completely swayed one way or another.  If you didn't write to influence other people's thoughts, then why would you post?  Isn't that the reason for message boards, to commiserate, to argue, to agree, to posit your line of thinking? 

The message board is a voice for the fans.  A good coach can work right on through that; and a good coach can bring in talent no matter what is said about them. 

But there are insiders on here, and longtime fans, and these folks paint a picture to the world at large of the state of the program that's deeper than what one reads in the Daily News.  I have no problem with it, and I'm not saying anything about people only posting hearts and flowers.

And if this many people are pissed off, and there are no defenders of the program and coach, it's the coach that has a serious problem.

My friends and family got tired of hearing me complain and I was going through 2-3 remote controls a year, venting this way seemed better!


Re: What has Norm done well?
« Reply #30 on: December 30, 2008, 12:42:15 PM »
what people say on message boards don't matter at all.  so what if a potential recruit reads somebody wouldn't send their guy here, or if a mainstream journalist sees people hate norm?

the only enemy for st john's success is norm roberts and father harrington, that's it.  not the passionate fans who post on the boards, who can "sway a decision" in recruiting.  if norm was a half-decent coach, then no one would be making those comments anyway.  don't make it seem like norm has been under the radar


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Re: What has Norm done well?
« Reply #31 on: December 30, 2008, 01:05:34 PM »
what people say on message boards don't matter at all.  so what if a potential recruit reads somebody wouldn't send their guy here, or if a mainstream journalist sees people hate norm?

the only enemy for st john's success is norm roberts and father harrington, that's it.  not the passionate fans who post on the boards, who can "sway a decision" in recruiting.  if norm was a half-decent coach, then no one would be making those comments anyway.  don't make it seem like norm has been under the radar
I disagree.  I don't think it matters that much.  But wouldn't you rather hear a little love for your name rather than "who?  THAT GUY? He sucks!" And haven't we all heard DeVoe Joseph and [the guy who transferred to Rutgers, I forget his name] say they're not certain about the situation/ whether Norm will be coaching?  Where did they get that?  Not from the school, not from the coach.  That has to come from other message boards and/ or other coaches.  Didn't Redmen post some rumor that Dick Weiss later posted as truth, only to find out it was false? 

So don't say that what is said on message boards "don't matter at all".  That's simplistic, and if they didn't matter, none of you would be posting around the clock. 

A good and convincing coach can overcome that.  Never said Norm was under the radar. 


Re: What has Norm done well?
« Reply #32 on: December 30, 2008, 01:09:07 PM »
i don't post to indirectly communicate to other people.  i post to read breaking news and talk about my favorite team.  MB's aren't that serious though.

i mean come on.  if norm was a good coach, nearly everything on a message board posted (unless it's a false rumor. not something like "i woudn't send my kid there") wouldn't matter at all. 

and that doesn't have to come from the other message boards.  it probably came from other coaches, and NEWS STORIES REPORTING HE'S ON THE HOT SEAT.  are you going to now say "where did CBS come up with norm being on the hot seat?" 

a good coach = good success in college bball.  it's as simple as that.  we have a horrible coach, and that's why we are horrible.

Re: What has Norm done well?
« Reply #33 on: December 30, 2008, 01:11:24 PM »
what people say on message boards don't matter at all.  so what if a potential recruit reads somebody wouldn't send their guy here, or if a mainstream journalist sees people hate norm?

the only enemy for st john's success is norm roberts and father harrington, that's it.  not the passionate fans who post on the boards, who can "sway a decision" in recruiting.  if norm was a half-decent coach, then no one would be making those comments anyway.  don't make it seem like norm has been under the radar
I disagree.  I don't think it matters that much.  But wouldn't you rather hear a little love for your name rather than "who?  THAT GUY? He sucks!" And haven't we all heard DeVoe Joseph and [the guy who transferred to Rutgers, I forget his name] say they're not certain about the situation/ whether Norm will be coaching?  Where did they get that?  Not from the school, not from the coach.  That has to come from other message boards and/ or other coaches.  Didn't Redmen post some rumor that Dick Weiss later posted as truth, only to find out it was false? 

So don't say that what is said on message boards "don't matter at all".  That's simplistic, and if they didn't matter, none of you would be posting around the clock. 

A good and convincing coach can overcome that.  Never said Norm was under the radar.

the guy's career coaching record is 81-154! He has made ONE BE tourney and lost. No postseason berths and we averaged under 60 points a game last year! If Norm had ANY other job he would have been fired already! If he was a waiter and got someone's order wrong 154 times, how long would he last?
If he was a mechanic and screwed up 154 cars? Just becuase the SJU admin does not think he should have been in jeopardy does not mean that any sane person with two good eyes would not!

Re: What has Norm done well?
« Reply #34 on: December 30, 2008, 01:21:20 PM »
I hate the double posts but I will give the same response.

I know something Norm does well. He doesnt pay his players well, thats something every other coach at St Johns succeeded in

The stipend was legal --- what proof do you have that any other payments were made?  Jarvis paid Keita, yes.  Please detail how Fraschilla, Mahoney, and Looie broke NCAA violations by paying players illegally or stop with this ridiculous accusation.

I will refrain from revealing how I know this, but tha kid are you that naive to think that a scrub backup center like Keita was the only kid to get paid?


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Re: What has Norm done well?
« Reply #35 on: December 30, 2008, 01:23:18 PM »
To add to what Choz said:

Took over a program whose talent level and recruiting relationships were an utter joke. Improved the talent every year.. which includes something we haven’t seen in a long time – individual kids (not all and not all at the same pace) are improving. The recruiting relationships are being rebuilt and improving every year. The school’s reputation, which was in the toilet, is unbelievably better.

Tailored his coaching to his talent. When it was nonexistent he played one way. Now, with some talent, we’re running. Often good plays and play out of time-outs and half-time.

Doing a very difficult job the right way. And before we hear Baylor! Ohio State! I’ve said for a long time that even Baylor was nowhere near in as bad shape as we were.

And by the way, News.. the assistant did his time. In your mind he still shouldn’t be hired?? And Malik, Justin, Omari are tokens??

First and most important..  if you think that the coaches in the city thinking Norm is a good guy means the "recruiting relationships" are repaired you are sorely mistaken. Multiple coaches in the CHSAA would never ever send a top player to Norm.

Baylor had a player on their team MURDER another player and the coach trying to blatantly cover up paying players. Do you really think the situation St. John's was worse than that.?

Malik has shown himself to NOT be a Big East player, Justin Burrell, while from the Bronx, is not a city player. He attended school on Long Island and in CT. Omari is a legit recruit but until he actually steps on the courtt for St. John's, he doesn't count.

Lastly, as a selfish fan, I hope Coach Young can get some players here. The reality of the situation is that Norm showed himself desperate to get some connection to recruit city players because he had failed miseribly since the day he started. He didn't hire some guy who was convicted of disorderly condcut or possesion of a little marajiuna. He hired a convicted DRUG DEALER who got caught with 96lbs of pot. Paid his time or not, this guy could not get a job teaching in any school system in America and his record would immediately disqualify him from mulitple professions.

Can you explain how you know about all the opinions of all the CHSAA coaches?

How has Malik shown he isn't a Big East player?

We praise other schools for their hirings of assistant coaches and administrative  assistants for their connections with certain recruits but when our coach does it we call him desperate. This is clearly what they call a double standard.

I used to coach (Freshman & Varsity Assistant) in the league and still talk to a lot of the coaches on a regular basis because I have maintained those friendships through the years and I have known a lot of them through my family and various basketball connections.

Please tell me another Big East or another major conference school that has hired a convicted drug dealer as an assistant coach.

Norm Roberts, and I know this for fact, had ample opportunity in the last three years to bring in guys that could help get him players. He said NO NO NO because of his blind loyalty to Glenn Braccia & Chris Casey. This past Spring he turned down another chance to bring in a TOP recruiter and it was only then that he made the move to go get Oz Cross & Coach Kimami Young. He was desperate.
« Last Edit: December 30, 2008, 01:29:52 PM by pmg911 »

Re: What has Norm done well?
« Reply #36 on: December 30, 2008, 01:25:43 PM »
Curious, is this top recruiter a college assistant or a HS coach?  Can you name names?


Re: What has Norm done well?
« Reply #37 on: December 30, 2008, 01:25:54 PM »
just look at rice hs.  when's the last time STJ got a player from there?  it used to be one of our greatest assets, while now we have no chance with anybody there...

Re: What has Norm done well?
« Reply #38 on: December 30, 2008, 01:28:38 PM »
To add to what Choz said:

Took over a program whose talent level and recruiting relationships were an utter joke. Improved the talent every year.. which includes something we haven’t seen in a long time – individual kids (not all and not all at the same pace) are improving. The recruiting relationships are being rebuilt and improving every year. The school’s reputation, which was in the toilet, is unbelievably better.

Tailored his coaching to his talent. When it was nonexistent he played one way. Now, with some talent, we’re running. Often good plays and play out of time-outs and half-time.

Doing a very difficult job the right way. And before we hear Baylor! Ohio State! I’ve said for a long time that even Baylor was nowhere near in as bad shape as we were.

And by the way, News.. the assistant did his time. In your mind he still shouldn’t be hired?? And Malik, Justin, Omari are tokens??

First and most important..  if you think that the coaches in the city thinking Norm is a good guy means the "recruiting relationships" are repaired you are sorely mistaken. Multiple coaches in the CHSAA would never ever send a top player to Norm.

Baylor had a player on their team MURDER another player and the coach trying to blatantly cover up paying players. Do you really think the situation St. John's was worse than that.?

Malik has shown himself to NOT be a Big East player, Justin Burrell, while from the Bronx, is not a city player. He attended school on Long Island and in CT. Omari is a legit recruit but until he actually steps on the courtt for St. John's, he doesn't count.

Lastly, as a selfish fan, I hope Coach Young can get some players here. The reality of the situation is that Norm showed himself desperate to get some connection to recruit city players because he had failed miseribly since the day he started. He didn't hire some guy who was convicted of disorderly condcut or possesion of a little marajiuna. He hired a convicted DRUG DEALER who got caught with 96lbs of pot. Paid his time or not, this guy could not get a job teaching in any school system in America and his record would immediately disqualify him from mulitple professions.

Can you explain how you know about all the opinions of all the CHSAA coaches?

How has Malik shown he isn't a Big East player?

We praise other schools for their hirings of assistant coaches and administrative  assistants for their connections with certain recruits but when our coach does it we call him desperate. This is clearly what they call a double standard.

I used to coach (Freshman & Varsity Assistant) in the league and still talk to a lot of the coaches on a regular basis because I have maintained those friendships through the years and I have known a lot of them through my family and various basketball connections. An example.. 

Please tell me another Big East or another major conference school that has hired a convicted drug dealer as an assistant coach.

Norm Roberts, and I know this for fact, had ample opportunity in the last three years to bring in guys that could help get him players. He said NO NO NO because of his blind loyalty to Glenn Braccia & Chris Casey. This past Spring he turned down another chance to bring in a TOP recruiter and it was only then that he made the move to go get Oz Cross & Coach Kimami Young. He was desperate.

Why do you continue to exclude Quartelbaum? Wasnt he supposed to be a great recruiting assistant?


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Re: What has Norm done well?
« Reply #39 on: December 30, 2008, 01:32:09 PM »
Quote from: Marco Baldi

Why do you continue to exclude Quartelbaum? Wasnt he supposed to be a great recruiting assistant?

Because Coach Q has worked at various programs and proven that when working with the right head coach can help get players.

What haas Glenn Braccia or Chris Casey every accomplished in the world of college basketbal to have earned the high level assistants job.