Crazy Idea - GO to the last game!!

  • 12 replies

Tha Kid

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Crazy Idea - GO to the last game!!
« on: February 20, 2009, 01:08:06 PM »
I was thinking about the best way to let the administration know we are done, and have seen the comments about letters, not showing up, not posting, etc.

I have a crazy idea:

1. We all write letters like people has been suggesting. In the letters we announce our displeasure, and announce that we have not (for the majority of the posters here) been attending the games, but will be attending the Georgetown game that Tuesday night March 3rd to voice our displeasure (Seton Hall this weekend at CA would have worked better to look more full, but whatever). We tell them in the letters that with a new coach and a committment from the school to winning, these chants of displeasure against georgetown will be replaced as early as next year with butts in the seats and chants for the team.

2. Everyone who writes a letter GOES to the Georgetown game! Wear all Red so the Admin knows we're there...but bring signs, posters, whatever. Get some WE ARE ST JOHNS chants going. Get some LETS GO REDMEN chants going. And at appropriate times - perhaps not even DURING the game but maybe timeouts, get LONG chants of FIRE NORM - or WE MISS LOUIE. Honestly it doesn't even matter WHAT we chant as long as the letters are delivered because the Admin will see us and hear us and know we're there because of our desire to see the program win.

Maybe this is a crazy way to approach it, I don't know. But I think it's effective because we get our message across on paper and then we do it by showing we are a force and we care about our school and team.

What good does not showing up or not posting do? There are so few that go to games anyways, and if others post or show up no difference is really made. If everyone gets their buddies and fellow alums TO go to the game, a difference will be noticed. Root for the kids - show we support them, but make it known we want a change at the helm!

Maybe it's crazy, maybe it's too late to put into motion, but I think it'd work pretty well.
"I drink and I know things"

Re: Crazy Idea - GO to the last game!!
« Reply #1 on: February 20, 2009, 01:20:40 PM »
Love the enthusiasm Kid.  If we could only get about 10,000 more just like you this might work. :D
When you're a kid from New York and you do it in New York, that lasts forever!

Re: Crazy Idea - GO to the last game!!
« Reply #2 on: February 20, 2009, 01:51:14 PM »
Great idea, Tha Kid, it certainly would speak louder than 1500 daily Fire Norm-Norm sucks posts on these three boards. I’m not certain, but I don’t think FH reads BEB or JJ, although I have it on good information that he does have an account at

Kudos for trying to get the administration to acknowledge your position and hopefully do something positive about it.

APATHY doesn’t live at Union & Utopia!

Re: Crazy Idea - GO to the last game!!
« Reply #3 on: February 20, 2009, 01:55:07 PM »
of all the ideas to get rid of Norm this is the one that could work...but i can not see alot of people doing it...good luck though

Tha Kid

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Re: Crazy Idea - GO to the last game!!
« Reply #4 on: February 20, 2009, 02:53:46 PM »
of all the ideas to get rid of Norm this is the one that could work...but i can not see alot of people doing it...good luck though

I agree with you.  Everyone is big talk on the boards but too apathetic to go to the game and make themselves heard.
"I drink and I know things"

Re: Crazy Idea - GO to the last game!!
« Reply #5 on: February 20, 2009, 03:14:51 PM »
of all the ideas to get rid of Norm this is the one that could work...but i can not see alot of people doing it...good luck though

I agree with you.  Everyone is big talk on the boards but too apathetic to go to the game and make themselves heard.

An old wise man once said:
Many posters speak in volumes, but act in whispers.


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Re: Crazy Idea - GO to the last game!!
« Reply #6 on: February 20, 2009, 11:06:49 PM »
of all the ideas to get rid of Norm this is the one that could work...but i can not see alot of people doing it...good luck though

I agree with you.  Everyone is big talk on the boards but too apathetic to go to the game and make themselves heard.

I'd be willing to participate in something organized.  Maybe even a little rally before and/or after the game?

Re: Crazy Idea - GO to the last game!!
« Reply #7 on: February 20, 2009, 11:15:17 PM »
of all the ideas to get rid of Norm this is the one that could work...but i can not see alot of people doing it...good luck though

I agree with you.  Everyone is big talk on the boards but too apathetic to go to the game and make themselves heard.

I'd be willing to participate in something organized.  Maybe even a little rally before and/or after the game?

Im calling everyones bluff. None of this happens, as a matter of fact I'll guarantee you guys do absolutely nothing


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Re: Crazy Idea - GO to the last game!!
« Reply #8 on: February 21, 2009, 04:39:03 PM »
of all the ideas to get rid of Norm this is the one that could work...but i can not see alot of people doing it...good luck though

I agree with you.  Everyone is big talk on the boards but too apathetic to go to the game and make themselves heard.

Who wants to be the one guy booing Roberts at a game?
So Garden security will threaten to eject you?

The are small potatoes to the SJU administration. If they aren't embarrassed by being 16th in the big east in fan support, how will a few drunk idiots change their mind?

The only ones who will look bad will be the guys chanting.
Mainly because there won't be enough of them.

Donors aren't changing minds. No one will.

Tha Kid

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Re: Crazy Idea - GO to the last game!!
« Reply #9 on: February 22, 2009, 08:31:28 AM »
Marco I already bought my tix to the game.  I can't control what others do.
"I drink and I know things"

Re: Crazy Idea - GO to the last game!!
« Reply #10 on: February 22, 2009, 10:31:07 AM »
of all the ideas to get rid of Norm this is the one that could work...but i can not see alot of people doing it...good luck though

I agree with you.  Everyone is big talk on the boards but too apathetic to go to the game and make themselves heard.

Who wants to be the one guy booing Roberts at a game?
So Garden security will threaten to eject you?

The are small potatoes to the SJU administration. If they aren't embarrassed by being 16th in the big east in fan support, how will a few drunk idiots change their mind?

The only ones who will look bad will be the guys chanting.
Mainly because there won't be enough of them.

Donors aren't changing minds. No one will.

This just about sums it up.  I've been thinking about the situation quite a bit this weekend and have come to the conclusion that nothing is going to change this school's narrow perspective except for the school itself.  I mean, we're dealing with people who have let the school slip into third tier status (according to US News).  We're dealing with officials who have let the law school drop roughly 25 ranking spots in the last few years.  And we're dealing with people who have truly shown themselves not to care about the basketball situation at hand.

I keep reading about the tough circumstances the coach came into when he first came to SJU.  Excuse me, but how much different were the situations at Ohio State or Minnesota?  Or Baylor, where one teammate actually killed the other one?  Last time I checked, the people in charge made in a priority to bring in competent people who could take charge of the situation and fix it.  But if SJU really doesn't feel that way, then so be it.  If they really see progress where there is no progress to be found, then I don't know what to tell you.  Let the program fall further into irrelevancy.  That's just what it comes down to.  The only thing that I ask is for the people in charge not to refer the program as the best in the tri-state area because it hasn't been that in quite a long time.  The fact that they've been too afraid to face off against Hofstra and Manhattan should contradict that claim completely.  Maybe the Marco Baldi's of the world have been right all along ... maybe the program is already dead.

Re: Crazy Idea - GO to the last game!!
« Reply #11 on: February 22, 2009, 09:29:34 PM »
Marco I already bought my tix to the game.  I can't control what others do.

Kid, I wasnt questioning your statements, I just think their are too many on the boards that wont follow up with their promises and or threats!  ;)  Alot of talk, no action-let the others do it!

Re: Crazy Idea - GO to the last game!!
« Reply #12 on: February 23, 2009, 08:24:50 AM »
It appears any effort that was made (if any) did not impress Fr. Harrington.

From Newsday:
"I'm very happy with Norm and he's going to be here a long time," Rev. Donald J. Harrington, the St. John's school president, said at halftime. "At least, that's my hope."
When you're a kid from New York and you do it in New York, that lasts forever!