Georgetown Fans' Reaction

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Georgetown Fans' Reaction
« on: March 04, 2009, 01:53:23 AM »

Was that "A BLIP?" . The most embarrasing loss in Hoya History. That was worse than the Esh Era!
I knew I made the right plans to go to the beach the weekend of the first/second round.

Dear God, just bring this season to a merciful end
That was the biggest choke in Hoya history. The biggest, most monumental gag in Hoya history. I know they are kids so its nothing against them, but that was just unbelievable. I can't do anything right now, I'm so infuriated. I can't believe they gagged that away. And the EditedING REF DOESN'T KNOW THE EditedING RULE ON TIME OUTS
"Outcoached" -- coach's responsibility
"Outhearted" -- coach's responsibility when it's on a consistent basis team-wide
"Outplayed" -- also coach's responsibility when the overall play gets worse each game
"didnt play to strengths" -- coach's responsibility
"experimented with lineups" -- coach's responsibility
"What about this team looked like they had grown this year?" -- coach's responsibility
"Monroe was more tentative today then he was 4 months ago. " -- coach's responsibility
One more thing... I recall that Summers and Monroe have both been talked about as NBA lottery picks. That may be generous for both, certainly in the case of Da'Juan. But assume for the moment that NBA scouts spouting that stuff are right about both going high in the draft. That would mean that this Hoya team has TWO NBA lottery picks and NO NCAA tournament to show for it?!?!? Either the scouts are wrong, or this team was not well coached... or we are simply cursed.
right - one of the other refs should have come over and corrected the call - they changed one earlier in sju's favor. no excuse for how we played in the end but the game was probably taken away from us on an obvious call.
pretty bad performance.. would of had the game won if the ref didnt give them the time out when he was definatley in the air falling out of bounds.. i was waching on msg.. for those who didnt see that call ... it was TERRIBLE 
I've had it up to here with the officiating the past 2 weeks. I can't agree any more with KG. That killed us.

Does not excuse that meltdown but the timeout call was inexcusable. Not sure who that ref is but THEY CHANGED THE RULE YOU BLEEPING IDIOT. I mean that was not even close. Outrageous call.
Gonna be a long, long, long offseason. Wow.
Here's to the Princeton offense.
Maybe JTIII is actually brilliant and tanked the team so Monroe and Summers come back to win it all next year?
Stop with the REFS already! The refs didn't have a 15 point lead with 8 to play. Period. Good to see we went to Nikita and Julian with the season on the line!
In a year of disappointing results, this has to be the most disappointing, for any number of reasons.
I wish this season would just end already. I am starting feel bad for these guys. They simply repeat the same mistakes over and over. Everyone just needs a break from the game.
I'm pretty much in complete shock right now. How does a team blow that game?
this team sucks. to blow a 15 pt lead to a rotten team at this time of year is a disgrace. players and coaches have no clue how to react at the end of the game. just like the cincy and SH games, we have another game where we have a terrible last 6-7 minutes of the 2nd half and OT. horrible substitution patterns at the end of the game. missed ft's. terrible officiating. no effort defensively or on the boards at the end. summers and sapp are about as useless as it gets. two guys that should be leading this team come up small again. summers leaving would be addition by subtraction.
we are timid. that's just it. we're timid and there is no leadership by any of the players on this team. guys are all afraid to make a mistake. first hint of pressure and we wilt. no one looking to take it strong. too much passing it around hoping someone else will make a play. oh and our cuts are just bad this year - the footwork is just not there to get guys open on cuts. we get pushed off the ball way too easily.

A fitting end to this season where the team just can't seem to ever find its way. oh well. Spriggs needs to terrify this team in the offseason.

Painful as that was, I definitely feel bad for Jessie - a horrid loss in his hometown that ended our NCAA hopes, and now NO ONE will be at Verizon Center on Saturday for his last home game.

Bad as he was this season, he deserves better than that ending to what has been a great 4-year career on the Hilltop.

And I am in no way agreeing with the Princeton offense haters, but much of our failure this season has to be placed at the feet of our head coach. I still think JT3 can be one of the greats in the college game, but this season has been a disaster. Sure, the players are young, but this team is demonstrably worse in March than it was in December - and his lineup changes, timeout calls, end-game strategies have all been very questionable this season. On this season's evidence, he's a rotten coach, and this is a rotten team.

One thing's for sure: EVERYONE will have a lot to prove next season. Let's just pray the transfer bug doesn't hit us again.

Oh, and where the hell was Freeman tonight (besides sitting on the bench)?
I am legitimitly speechless over what this team just cost themselves in the last 8 minutes of this game. Notre Dame and Cinci just knocked themselves off the bubble this week and we just did too. What in the world does this team do to themselves in the last eight minutes of EVERY GAME!! I am honestly speechless at this point.
This will likely kill the recruiting. If you were a stellar player would you want to be trapped into an Ivy League offense and an Ivy League mentality?

A c-minus to the coaches for'09.
This is all I will say on the subject:
1) It never shoudl've been close we should've stepped on their throats wwhile up 15.
2) You cant' call a Edited time out falling out of bounds! They get that call right we have the ball with 15 seconds to go. How was this call not overturned! Is there any way to appeal that call and throw this travesty of a game out.
3) Make your damn freethrows!
4) Jessie got thrown by the st john's player who scored the winning basket.
5) How does a 54% free throw shoot make all his free throws!
6) how does a team that goes 0-14 to start the half suddenly get so hot that they barely miss the rest of the way!
Again, I totally agree. I think you have to put a lot of this on III. I am not a basher at all. But, young teams are supposed to develop, and by all accounts, we got worse and worse, and never hit a comfort level.

Its funny to think that people want us to be appreciably better than SJU, such that we should have blown the doors off them. We are 15-13! We aint that good. 
Honestly, I put the blame on the coaches and feel bad for the players. These guys are obviously better players than this and it is the coach's job to get them to play that way consistently. They had things going tonight and then started following the instruction to slow it down and come out of the game. Most of these players have had a very harsh initiation into BE basketball this year. The coaches have simply failed to make them better.
Not going to fault the refs one iota for this choke. If our guys had played with half the spirit that the Johnnies brought tonight, we'd have pounded them by 20. The defining play of the game was Rob Thomas ripping the ball out of Greg Monroe's hands like he was an eight-year old girl. Oh, drilling six straight FTs despite his 53% record on the season helped too. What a mensch!
Has anyone ever forfieted the BET tourny, because I honestly think it would be best for everyone involved to end the season after DePaul. We kill our confidence more and more every game, and we aren't going to fix the under 8 minute play anytime soon. The sooner this season ends the better.
Others have wondered why Greg is immune to criticism for the most part on this board: well I'm not giving him a pass today. Missed FTs. An unwillingness to take inferior players to the hole and finish. The guy has all-world talent, but his basketball IQ (aside from a nice mid-range jumper along the baseline in the 1st half) has dropped severely during the 2nd half of BE play.
The problem is with the overall team, and that is the coach's responsibility. The team was awesome at the beginning of the year because we had talent. We're crap now because the coaching didn't develop that talent. I never thought I would say this, but I would bet a million bucks that if you had this same team coached by Coach K, they would be much better off than where they are today.
I agree to an extent, but tonight was the culmination. We were outcoached, outhearted, outplayed by a far inferior, less talented team. We didnt play to strengths, we figured we could just wait out a bad shooting team, we experimented with lineups, we folded down the stretch, we didnt our foot on their throats. What about this team looked like they had grown this year? Monroe was more tentative today then he was 4 months ago.
I'm mad as hell, and can't take it anymore.

Just returned to my hotel from MSG, the steam is coming out of my ears.

The final eight minutes of regulation could have been the worst coaching I have EVER seen.

Chalk this loss to JTIII. I have been saying it for months, this group and the modified Princeton O just don't work. What JTIII does not understand is that you don't mold your talent to your offensive scheme, but rather, you build an offensive scheme to the strengths of your talent.

We have now gone from an NCAA bubble team to a NIT bubble team.

Forget SOS, RPI, we lost to St. Johns. I have seen, in person, the Red Storm play 5 times this year. They are not a very good basketball team, but somehow, we can find a way to let inferior teams make a game of it. Good teams and good coaching don't let that happen. Up by double digits with eight minutes to play, this game should have been an easy win. Instead, we take the air out of the ball, pass around the perimeter until there are single digits on the 35 second clock, and before you know it, a double digit lead evaporates.

JTIII, take your offensive scheme and stick it


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Re: Georgetown Fans' Reaction
« Reply #1 on: March 04, 2009, 05:02:57 AM »
Yo why didn't freeman play. I just realized that


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Re: Georgetown Fans' Reaction
« Reply #2 on: March 04, 2009, 07:19:57 AM »
Silly Georgetown fans. This wasn't the worst loss in Georgetown history.
That would be in 03-04 when Darryl Hill, Phil Missere, Kyle Cuffe, Curtis Johnson and Tyler Jones all played the best games of their lives at MSG.


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Re: Georgetown Fans' Reaction
« Reply #3 on: March 04, 2009, 10:01:51 AM »
Freeman was injured - got a hip pointer in practice, according to the guys at Hoya Prospectus.

Re: Georgetown Fans' Reaction
« Reply #4 on: March 04, 2009, 11:16:22 AM »
Silly Georgetown fans. This wasn't the worst loss in Georgetown history.
That would be in 03-04 when Darryl Hill, Phil Missere, Kyle Cuffe, Curtis Johnson and Tyler Jones all played the best games of their lives at MSG.

I think Andre Stanley was a big part of that win too.  I could be wrong.


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Re: Georgetown Fans' Reaction
« Reply #5 on: March 04, 2009, 11:36:19 AM »
Silly Georgetown fans. This wasn't the worst loss in Georgetown history.
That would be in 03-04 when Darryl Hill, Phil Missere, Kyle Cuffe, Curtis Johnson and Tyler Jones all played the best games of their lives at MSG.

I think Andre Stanley was a big part of that win too.  I could be wrong.

ur right my friend.