Norm Gives Rutgers Credit

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Norm Gives Rutgers Credit
« on: February 02, 2010, 10:59:37 PM »
Game thoughts:
“I give Rutgers a lot of credit they made a lot of shots.  Mike Rosario played great.  We didn’t do a really good job of guarding him.  We knew that he was coming off of a good game and we let him get too comfortable.  We then got spread out defensively which allowed Dane Miller to get off a couple open looks and allowed Hamady Ndiaye to do work on the inside.”
“We’re disappointed, that’s life when you don’t do what you think you’re capable of doing.  Rutgers made some plays and we didn’t make them.”

On making changes within the team:
“We may have to look at changing the line up and the rotation.  But no matter what, whom ever we have out there on the floor they’re all capable of doing really good things, we just need to make sure that we do them.  We didn’t guard the ball screen right and that hurt us.  When we didn’t guard the staggers right they hurt us again.  Rutgers made some good passes and finished plays.”
On the one thing tonight that created the most disappointment:
“We didn’t take away their strengths, we knew that Rosario was a guy that was going to jump up and shoot it so we knew that we had to crowd him.  We didn’t crowd him enough to make him put it on the floor rather than let him pull up and shot jumpers.”
“When we needed to get stops at the end of the shot clock we didn’t do it. Our guards allowed their guards to get in the lane deep then shoot over the top of us.  We have to do a much better job on one on one defense and not letting those plays happen.”

Re: Norm Gives Rutgers Credit
« Reply #1 on: February 02, 2010, 11:01:58 PM »
I'm so sick and tired of this fraud, it's never our fault with this clown, it's always the other team that is good.  Own up to your teams performance Norm.  You are a joke!

Re: Norm Gives Rutgers Credit
« Reply #2 on: February 02, 2010, 11:15:41 PM »
Seriously Norm MAN UP! Stop making excuses and sounding like a damn politician spinning everything in sight. All of a sudden Mike Rosario is some superhero. Sure he's a good player but we got beat by Jonathan Mitchell and Ndiaye not Rosario. How do you let Ndiaye go off for 19 points? Where was Dele Coker when we showed ZERO defensive awareness?

You know what say we stunk it up and you're very unhappy about it. Why? Because you damn well should be very unhappy about it. Screw this "disappointed" crap that we've been hearing for far too long. Grow a pair and have some damn accountability.

It's not rocket science to see we're getting jack out of our PG play for the entire season yet he continues to show no sign of change.
Follow Johnny Jungle on Twitter at @Johnny_Jungle


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Re: Norm Gives Rutgers Credit
« Reply #3 on: February 02, 2010, 11:19:11 PM »
  Besides Norm being a horrific coach this is this stuff that really pisses me off. be a man. Admit YOU stunk, take some responsibility.  I can't think of another program that would not can this loser at the end of the year. 

Re: Norm Gives Rutgers Credit
« Reply #4 on: February 02, 2010, 11:23:37 PM »
This is one of the problems with our team.  Everyone is complacent.  Norm never holds anybody on this team accountable for anything.  If we get outplayed, its because the other team made "some good passes and finished plays"  Newsflash Norm, this is the Big East, every team makes good passes and finishes plays, well everyone except for us.

Re: Norm Gives Rutgers Credit
« Reply #5 on: February 02, 2010, 11:34:11 PM »
Another thing is I'm sick of hearing is how this is the Big East and you have to have short memory we forget our wins and our losses blah blah blah. How about stop forgetting and start remember what the hell you've done poorly from game to game and fix it. Admit this game was big. This loss has put us back 2 years in recruiting. "They can't even beat Rutgers" is going to come out of any and every coach's mouth.
Follow Johnny Jungle on Twitter at @Johnny_Jungle


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Re: Norm Gives Rutgers Credit
« Reply #6 on: February 02, 2010, 11:44:06 PM »
Won't put us back in recruiting if Norm is booted at the end of the year.


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Re: Norm Gives Rutgers Credit
« Reply #7 on: February 02, 2010, 11:49:13 PM »
he is pissing me OFF


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Re: Norm Gives Rutgers Credit
« Reply #8 on: February 03, 2010, 12:41:07 AM »
Hey, maybe we will help keep Fred Hill in a job.  That way, the next St. John's coach will have a W all set up for him.