Video of my call into Mike Francesa today about SJU

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"When excuses become your reason for losing then it is time to find the nearest mirror." -Mike Dunlap


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Re: Video of my call into Mike Francesa today about SJU
« Reply #2 on: February 25, 2010, 03:41:29 PM »
Im glad he let you talk at all, what a jerk. You made good points and he didnt want to hear any of it. Its guys like Francesa that will be too blame if Norm is back.

Re: Video of my call into Mike Francesa today about SJU
« Reply #3 on: February 25, 2010, 03:58:02 PM »
i dont agree with Francesa. i would much rather take a chance on taking 3 steps back if it means that we actually have a coach that can make headway within the next few year.

because lets face it. by keeping norm were not taking any steps forward, all we are doing is taking steps to the side.
« Last Edit: February 25, 2010, 03:59:26 PM by theoffspring447 »

Re: Video of my call into Mike Francesa today about SJU
« Reply #4 on: February 25, 2010, 04:05:14 PM »
I paused it at the 1:26 mark when Francesa said, "He (Norm Roberts) is making strides."  He's either clueless; a friend of Norm's or both. 

This is Norm's 6th season and he's "making strides," when he's currently in 13th place (in a league of 15), with a week left in the season?!  Give me a break!


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Re: Video of my call into Mike Francesa today about SJU
« Reply #5 on: February 25, 2010, 04:09:42 PM »
 Nice job Theo.  Francessa looked dumb. his arguement against firing Norm is there are no coaches out there?  Really? Like he would know.
  He tried to stump you with the recruits question. Notice he didn't follow up on that one after you threw a couple names at him. 


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Re: Video of my call into Mike Francesa today about SJU
« Reply #6 on: February 25, 2010, 04:15:04 PM »
i dont agree with Francesa. i would much rather take a chance on taking 3 steps back if it means that we actually have a coach that can make headway within the next few year.

because lets face it. by keeping norm were not taking any steps forward, all we are doing is taking steps to the side.

We couldn't take 3 steps back. There isn't any room.


Re: Video of my call into Mike Francesa today about SJU
« Reply #7 on: February 25, 2010, 04:51:17 PM »
guys, i have been called a program basher at points saying how much i hate norm as a coach and want him gone, but he did make valid points, and no offense to theo, he probably didnt expect the call to be that intense, but if anyone looked stupid it was him...frans right, unless you got an upgrade, the its a downgrade for next season...after next season, we have everyone that matters gone, so you might just bring if a no name, but i think hes completely right with the "dont just make a change for changes sake"...regardless of the fact that he will most likely fail again next season, a new coach coming in with a new system (yea haha norm has no system, all good and fun to joke) and having to make all the strides building relationships, will be failure probably anyway...even if the guy is a better coach than norm, he most likely would only reproduce what norm would have done anyway considering all the factors...that being said, if theres a clear upgrade, go for it with everything u got bc i dont want norm here either...and come on guys, if your gonna go after this fat a rear of a donkey on the air, then know your shit, so he cant just make u seem like a fool and not answer questions


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Re: Video of my call into Mike Francesa today about SJU
« Reply #8 on: February 25, 2010, 04:57:08 PM »
waitasecondwaitasecond - Francesca.  Glad I never listen to this guy.  Wow, I like how Mr. I Know Everyone Well browbeats you.

Who is going to swallow an "out of towner"?  How are Norm's contacts doing in getting him talent?  And after 6 years, how is "a terrible job" and "improving... marginally" a reason to keep a guy?  Theo, I do think you should have mentioned that there are a long list of midmajor coaches who would come in for another 500K.  Or talk about the lack of development. 

Something "really special" indeed.  Kevin Willard, then.  McCaffery has some players from the NY area.  Get him - or any assistant coach - someone with some ins.  Or keep on Oz Cross, he knows some people in the area, correct?  That's why he's on staff, right?

He is not right with the change for change's sake (and I think Theo sounded pretty ok there).  here is why you change: who in NYC who has players to send to a school has any confidence that Norm will build them into a winner?  That Norm will even be the head coach in 2-3 years?  get a different coach with a 4 year contract, everyone knows he'll be around.  That coach has games to refer players to watch.  The team - if they play as hard for the new coach - may be better, because that new coach will be a new voice.  It would be hard to be a lot worse.  It really would.

Re: Video of my call into Mike Francesa today about SJU
« Reply #9 on: February 25, 2010, 05:18:17 PM »
SJD,  he "got" me because i didnt mention the dayton coach (gregory) and the cornell coach (donohue) by name.  i shouldve called both of them by name so francesa cudnt throw that at me, BUT i highly doubt HE knows them by name, and i DEFINITELY doubt he can even name 5 of our SJU players by name.

as far as your (and his) "upgrade" point.  please remember that most successful coaches at high-major programs in the country started at mid-majors.  calhoun at northeastern, pitino at BU, huggins at akron just to name a few in our own conference.

so whose to tell mike francesa who would be "the guy" to breakthrough here.  all we DO know is that norm roberts is not "the guy" and its time to give another guy a shot. 

would i love to be able to bring in a rick pitino or billy donovan?? of course, but whose to say that brian gregory or donohue cant be the next rick pitino or billy donovan????
"When excuses become your reason for losing then it is time to find the nearest mirror." -Mike Dunlap

Re: Video of my call into Mike Francesa today about SJU
« Reply #10 on: February 25, 2010, 05:31:24 PM »
My first question when he asked "are you prepared to donate money" I would have responded, "are you?"
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Re: Video of my call into Mike Francesa today about SJU
« Reply #11 on: February 25, 2010, 06:32:29 PM »
Bringing in a new coach doesn't have to be about money.
Norm is about the worst there is.

Hire Bobby Hurley. At least he can coach.

Re: Video of my call into Mike Francesa today about SJU
« Reply #12 on: February 25, 2010, 07:43:33 PM »
My first question when he asked "are you prepared to donate money" I would have responded, "are you?"


Im suprised he let Theo talk a bit. Theo could have totally owned tank if he remembered the Dayton and Cornell coaches names. Either way, good job outta Rabinowitz


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Re: Video of my call into Mike Francesa today about SJU
« Reply #13 on: February 25, 2010, 07:55:05 PM »
I hate Francesa!! He is such a loud mouth xss hole! For once he made some points

Re: Video of my call into Mike Francesa today about SJU
« Reply #14 on: February 25, 2010, 08:46:05 PM »
Nice job Theo.  Francessa looked dumb. his arguement against firing Norm is there are no coaches out there?  Really? Like he would know.
  He tried to stump you with the recruits question. Notice he didn't follow up on that one after you threw a couple names at him.

Exactly.  A great answer to a question that Francesa thought wasn't going to be answered at all.  It was all "abort mission" once (Ron) Roberts and Grace were mentioned.

Re: Video of my call into Mike Francesa today about SJU
« Reply #15 on: February 26, 2010, 02:15:35 AM »
i like that you are trying to open a dialog about stjohns, but to come in so hostel really set you back.

but seriously if you bring in a nobody coach with no connections to nyc what calibar of player are we missing out on? boothe, rob thomas, and jb. i love all three kids but its not like they are coveted or hard to find someone similar. i dont see how we could take a step back.


Re: Video of my call into Mike Francesa today about SJU
« Reply #16 on: February 26, 2010, 04:11:24 AM »
theo, all i mean, and we've all been agreeing on this for years, our next coach has to be a lock...bringing in a mid major guy with some success can work, and prob will have to work, bc we arent the draw we used to be, and prob wont get a huge name...and all i meant about the call was he was able to be a jackoff and avoid the real questions bc you didnt know the names...he obviously didnt wanna be talking about st johns basketball

Re: Video of my call into Mike Francesa today about SJU
« Reply #17 on: February 26, 2010, 05:08:10 AM »
i think theo did a great job under the circumstances.  the big problem is you may as well have been talking about the cuban hurling team for all francessa knows about st john's.

i had no idea how out of touch francessa is about st john's.

he was clearly winging it...trying to dominate the conversation about a subject he knows very very little about.

Re: Video of my call into Mike Francesa today about SJU
« Reply #18 on: February 26, 2010, 11:13:00 AM »
So is Francesa saying that St. John’s should sit back and let Norm run this program further into the ground until there is a big name coach that is dying to coach here for not a lot of money since St. John’s can’t afford to pay that much? By that reasoning, we are going to be stuck with Norm forever.

I would rather take my chances with a mid-major coach now and see what happens in the next 5 years than wait 5 more years with Norm in hopes that a big name coach is going to walk in here asking for a job.

Re: Video of my call into Mike Francesa today about SJU
« Reply #19 on: February 26, 2010, 11:13:15 AM »
great job theo. mike was on the ropes and actually agreed norm is not doing a good job. thats the best your getting out of him.