Kyle Anderson - F - St. Anthony's - Paterson, NJ - UCLA

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Re: Kyle Anderson - F - St. Anthony's - Paterson, NJ
« Reply #1440 on: September 08, 2011, 01:40:03 PM »
Ms Anderson said that they were impressed with Coach Lavin and the relationships he has built at St, John's in such a short time and the fact that he spoke highly of Kyle's other 4 choices; Seton Hall, Georgetown, UCLA and Florida.

The fact that Ms. Anderson made it a point to say that Lavin spoke "highly" of KA's other choices shows two things:

1) Lavin has class and
2) He is confident enough in his own ability to recruit a kid on the positives he and his staff and SJU bring to the table that he does not need to invent reasons NOT to go to other schools.  So relax on the "get the student body going to KA's games" type of stuff.  He knows what he is doing. 

Re: Kyle Anderson - F - St. Anthony's - Paterson, NJ
« Reply #1441 on: September 08, 2011, 01:42:45 PM »
Word has it that he is going St. Francis down in Brooklyn.  This thread is getting out of control.

Every board I've been to says that he is down to their school and another.

Everyone is giving him mad love and that is not going to matter one way or another.

Re: Kyle Anderson - F - St. Anthony's - Paterson, NJ
« Reply #1442 on: September 08, 2011, 01:47:55 PM »
but SH is still in our weight divisoin within the BE.

Um, no.
Not even close yo.

Actually you are right SH has been much better than us the last 10 years SH record is 158-146. SJU is 149-158.

This fan base is hysterical. For the Norm years half the fan base wanted to give Norm 50 years to turn things around and the other half had to be talked off a bridge. Now the thought of a HS kid picking SH over us is being derided by most of you.

Perception wise you are not even close.

Based on the coach, recruiting class and last season. I get that. My only issue is people looking down or acting as if him choosing SH over us would be some sort of sacriligous event. I am very happy where we are, just not forgetting where we came from. And for the record I think we will be fine whether we get him or not. I am just not at the stage where I am looking down on any other BE program. 
« Last Edit: September 08, 2011, 01:49:36 PM by we are sju »


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Re: Kyle Anderson - F - St. Anthony's - Paterson, NJ
« Reply #1443 on: September 08, 2011, 01:50:44 PM »
He loved his visit, more importantly his mom loved everything about what she saw and heard. I have heard nothing new other than that this morning. Yes he and Shabazz are close,but Shabazz is  no UCLA lock. As for SH as down as they have been and as much as people here like to bash them it is still a good program with a personable HC who has left a really good impression on him and his family. As for the students showing up, yes thats an ego boost but if you think Pops(whos no dummy btw) is going to let that in any way influence where is son, a future pro is going to hone his skills, your crazy. From people that would 100% know he is still coming here. Way stranger things have happened then him not coming but I would be VERY VERY surprised if hes doesnt sign with SJU. VERY SURPRISED!

Re: Kyle Anderson - F - St. Anthony's - Paterson, NJ
« Reply #1444 on: September 08, 2011, 01:55:00 PM »
but SH is still in our weight divisoin within the BE.

Um, no.
Not even close yo.

Actually you are right SH has been much better than us the last 10 years SH record is 158-146. SJU is 149-158.

Bre, you talkin the past. Im talkin now.
What program has the juice now and what program dont?
What program got itself a world class coachin staff?
What program got itself the No. 2 class in the nation?
What program just sign a Top 30 prospect?
What program was all over the national media last year?
What program has a HOF-candidate on its bench as its fifth coach?
What program was in the Tourney last year?
What program is playin Arizona, Kentucky, Duke and UCLA this year?

3...Wait fo it... 2....Here it come.... 1........ C'MON NOW!

Thanks for the current events update. I am not arguing which program is in better shape. And I would love it if KA comes here. MY only point is we are coming off one good season after 8 horrendous ones. I really don't think we should be in any type of hurry to kick sand in any other BE schools face. Let Lavin keep doing what he is doing and maybe we can one day hope to become obnoxious UCONN like fans.


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Re: Kyle Anderson - F - St. Anthony's - Paterson, NJ
« Reply #1445 on: September 08, 2011, 01:55:24 PM »
but SH is still in our weight divisoin within the BE.

Um, no.
Not even close yo.

Actually you are right SH has been much better than us the last 10 years SH record is 158-146. SJU is 149-158.

This fan base is hysterical. For the Norm years half the fan base wanted to give Norm 50 years to turn things around and the other half had to be talked off a bridge. Now the thought of a HS kid picking SH over us is being derided by most of you.

Perception wise you are not even close.

Based on the coach, recruiting class and last season. I get that. My only issue is people looking down or acting as if him choosing SH over us would be some sort of sacriligous event. I am very happy where we are, just not forgetting where we came from. And for the record I think we will be fine whether we get him or not. I am just not at the stage where I am looking down on any other BE program.

I kinda agree. No doubt SJU would be a much better choice than SHU right now, but let us not forget that just a few short years ago we were a bottom feeder in this conference. So until we string together multiple good years and get some consistency going I think it's premature to start belittling other schools in the conference who are where we were a short time ago.

Re: Kyle Anderson - F - St. Anthony's - Paterson, NJ
« Reply #1446 on: September 08, 2011, 01:55:24 PM »
thank you SJU79. Thank you!
*wipes ketchup from his eyes* - I guess Heinz sight isn’t 20/20.

Re: Kyle Anderson - F - St. Anthony's - Paterson, NJ
« Reply #1447 on: September 08, 2011, 01:57:32 PM »
but SH is still in our weight divisoin within the BE.

Um, no.
Not even close yo.

Actually you are right SH has been much better than us the last 10 years SH record is 158-146. SJU is 149-158.

This fan base is hysterical. For the Norm years half the fan base wanted to give Norm 50 years to turn things around and the other half had to be talked off a bridge. Now the thought of a HS kid picking SH over us is being derided by most of you.

Perception wise you are not even close.

Based on the coach, recruiting class and last season. I get that. My only issue is people looking down or acting as if him choosing SH over us would be some sort of sacriligous event. I am very happy where we are, just not forgetting where we came from. And for the record I think we will be fine whether we get him or not. I am just not at the stage where I am looking down on any other BE program.

I agree on the characterization of KA picking SHU over others.  I think it is a stretch mind you simply because it is clear where SJU is vs where SHU is.

In terms of perception of what is the better job, SJU is the better job.  Period.  Anybody in the industry will tell you that.  Anybody.

Re: Kyle Anderson - F - St. Anthony's - Paterson, NJ
« Reply #1448 on: September 08, 2011, 01:57:45 PM »
Word has it that he is going St. Francis down in Brooklyn.  This thread is getting out of control.

Every board I've been to says that he is down to their school and another.

Everyone is giving him mad love and that is not going to matter one way or another.

IMO, I don't see where this thread is getting out of control.  I see, for the most part, some good discussion and dialogue going on.  I guess I would consider, getting out of control would be folks ripping one another; begging the recruit to come here; or, typing/spamming the thread with nonsense.  Again, just my opinion. 

Re: Kyle Anderson - F - St. Anthony's - Paterson, NJ
« Reply #1449 on: September 08, 2011, 02:00:50 PM »
Thanks for the current events update.

I aim to educate.
Parking only for NYCHA permit holders.

Re: Kyle Anderson - F - St. Anthony's - Paterson, NJ
« Reply #1450 on: September 08, 2011, 02:01:05 PM »
He loved his visit, more importantly his mom loved everything about what she saw and heard. I have heard nothing new other than that this morning. Yes he and Shabazz are close,but Shabazz is  no UCLA lock. As for SH as down as they have been and as much as people here like to bash them it is still a good program with a personable HC who has left a really good impression on him and his family. As for the students showing up, yes thats an ego boost but if you think Pops(whos no dummy btw) is going to let that in any way influence where is son, a future pro is going to hone his skills, your crazy. From people that would 100% know he is still coming here. Way stranger things have happened then him not coming but I would be VERY VERY surprised if hes doesnt sign with SJU. VERY SURPRISED!

3 things to follow up with 79 on:

1) We should acknowledge the job Willard has done in selling SHU at this point to KA.  Kudos.

2) Absolutely correct on the nonsense of a bunch of kids at a game influencing specifically this kid on where he wants to go.  They are too good of a family to let that stuff impact them.

3) There is little doubt that SJU is still in GREAT shape with him.

Re: Kyle Anderson - F - St. Anthony's - Paterson, NJ
« Reply #1451 on: September 08, 2011, 02:07:03 PM »
Thanks for the current events update. I am not arguing which program is in better shape. And I would love it if KA comes here. MY only point is we are coming off one good season after 8 horrendous ones. I really don't think we should be in any type of hurry to kick sand in any other BE schools face. Let Lavin keep doing what he is doing and maybe we can one day hope to become obnoxious UCONN like fans.

Most of the fans on this board and Redmen are pretty even-keeled.  Of course, you're gonna have a few over-the-top or obnoxious fans from most fan bases.  In some cases, you're gonna have more than usual or less than usual.  That is par for the course.

Quite frankly, perception wise St. John's has certainly raised the bar with their program.  St. John's is looked at in a better light than the Hall at the moment.  You know, in many cases, perception is reality.

Re: Kyle Anderson - F - St. Anthony's - Paterson, NJ
« Reply #1452 on: September 08, 2011, 02:12:05 PM »
3) There is little doubt that SJU is still in GREAT shape with him.

I endorse this post.
Parking only for NYCHA permit holders.

Re: Kyle Anderson - F - St. Anthony's - Paterson, NJ
« Reply #1453 on: September 08, 2011, 02:17:43 PM »
3) There is little doubt that SJU is still in GREAT shape with him.

I endorse this post.

You do aim to educate Choz!!!!  LOL!!


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Re: Kyle Anderson - F - St. Anthony's - Paterson, NJ
« Reply #1454 on: September 08, 2011, 02:33:01 PM »
MY only point is we are coming off one good season after 8 horrendous ones. I really don't think we should be in any type of hurry to kick sand in any other BE schools face. Let Lavin keep doing what he is doing and maybe we can one day hope to become obnoxious UCONN like fans

Best post on this site in a long time.

People act like like it is add water and St. John's is an elite level program. You would think that the Norm Roberts Error would keep us humble and truly aprpeciate the great things Coach Lavin and staff have gotten going. We have a very challenging year ahead of us with 10 (hopefully) new players that will be competeing in the best college basketball league in the country.

Lets be grateful fan base base and stop becoming an arrogant one.

Re: Kyle Anderson - F - St. Anthony's - Paterson, NJ
« Reply #1455 on: September 08, 2011, 02:42:20 PM »
St. John's is an Elite program. It's top 10 in wins all time, in a major conference, in the media capital in the world. Because of a few bad seasons or a few good ones that shouldn't change.

If you're looking at recent history the amount of talent on this roster is certainly something to be very excited about. The coaching staff on this team is one of the best top to bottom in the country.

You can not say the same things for Seton Hall at all. However there is a lot things they are doing very well in recruiting KA that have and could make a difference.

No need to hit a panic button. Just relax. In 2 weeks you'll all be very excited or you'll be super super excited. It's a great time to be a St. John's fan.
Follow Johnny Jungle on Twitter at @Johnny_Jungle

Re: Kyle Anderson - F - St. Anthony's - Paterson, NJ
« Reply #1456 on: September 08, 2011, 02:54:22 PM »
but SH is still in our weight divisoin within the BE.

Um, no.
Not even close yo.

Actually you are right SH has been much better than us the last 10 years SH record is 158-146. SJU is 149-158.

This fan base is hysterical. For the Norm years half the fan base wanted to give Norm 50 years to turn things around and the other half had to be talked off a bridge. Now the thought of a HS kid picking SH over us is being derided by most of you.
"In a NY minute" - things and opinions change so fast in good ol' NYC ... a little bit like that down here in the DMV ... The Oasis has been found and fans' thirst has not been quenched yet.  FF or Bust!

Re: Kyle Anderson - F - St. Anthony's - Paterson, NJ
« Reply #1457 on: September 08, 2011, 02:57:16 PM »
but SH is still in our weight divisoin within the BE.

Um, no.
Not even close yo.

Actually you are right SH has been much better than us the last 10 years SH record is 158-146. SJU is 149-158.

This fan base is hysterical. For the Norm years half the fan base wanted to give Norm 50 years to turn things around and the other half had to be talked off a bridge. Now the thought of a HS kid picking SH over us is being derided by most of you.

Perception wise you are not even close.

Based on the coach, recruiting class and last season. I get that. My only issue is people looking down or acting as if him choosing SH over us would be some sort of sacriligous event. I am very happy where we are, just not forgetting where we came from. And for the record I think we will be fine whether we get him or not. I am just not at the stage where I am looking down on any other BE program.
I look down on UConn more than SHU  ;D

Re: Kyle Anderson - F - St. Anthony's - Paterson, NJ
« Reply #1458 on: September 08, 2011, 02:58:28 PM »
He loved his visit, more importantly his mom loved everything about what she saw and heard. I have heard nothing new other than that this morning. Yes he and Shabazz are close,but Shabazz is  no UCLA lock. As for SH as down as they have been and as much as people here like to bash them it is still a good program with a personable HC who has left a really good impression on him and his family. As for the students showing up, yes thats an ego boost but if you think Pops(whos no dummy btw) is going to let that in any way influence where is son, a future pro is going to hone his skills, your crazy. From people that would 100% know he is still coming here. Way stranger things have happened then him not coming but I would be VERY VERY surprised if hes doesnt sign with SJU. VERY SURPRISED!
Shabazz is going to UA.  Ben will get *Millered*

Re: Kyle Anderson - F - St. Anthony's - Paterson, NJ
« Reply #1459 on: September 08, 2011, 02:59:57 PM »
but SH is still in our weight divisoin within the BE.

Um, no.
Not even close yo.

Actually you are right SH has been much better than us the last 10 years SH record is 158-146. SJU is 149-158.

Bre, you talkin the past. Im talkin now.
What program has the juice now and what program dont?
What program got itself a world class coachin staff?
What program got itself the No. 2 class in the nation?
What program just sign a Top 30 prospect?
What program was all over the national media last year?
What program has a HOF-candidate on its bench as its fifth coach?
What program was in the Tourney last year?
What program is playin Arizona, Kentucky, Duke and UCLA this year?

3...Wait fo it... 2....Here it come.... 1........ C'MON NOW!

Thanks for the current events update. I am not arguing which program is in better shape. And I would love it if KA comes here. MY only point is we are coming off one good season after 8 horrendous ones. I really don't think we should be in any type of hurry to kick sand in any other BE schools face. Let Lavin keep doing what he is doing and maybe we can one day hope to become obnoxious UCONN like fans.
maybe we can one day hope to become obnoxious UCONN like fans - but no cheating