Just Returned from Bay Area...Thoughts...

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Just Returned from Bay Area...Thoughts...
« on: November 17, 2010, 01:16:44 PM »
Sorry most have moved onto the game tonight, but I just got back and thought I'd share some thoughts I posted on another site as well. Sory if any repeated on these boards, as I've been away...

First, I was confused as to why the only tickets SMC sent to SJU for the visiting fans to purchase were the upper level $20 General Admission seats. Don't most places offer tickets in the section right behind the visiting team's bench? Oh well, I decided to opt for buying my tix. on-line and got a GREAT seat 6 rows up directly behind the SJU bench. So, I got to witness the Lavin era kick-off up close and personal. I also thought the SMC gym was smaller than I even anticipated, but a real good environment for their school. The campus was beautiful and the area around this place reminded me of something out of one of the horror films back in the day - quiet, secluded, wooded area all around (in a sense it was a house of horrors for SJU).

1. Still dumbfounded as to why we continued to stay in our zone when they're nailing shot after shot and essentially killing us from long-range and that being the difference. I thought our athleticism would be an advantage in man-to-man or at least tried to get out of the zone before 4-plus minutes remained and game out of reach. Our zone left way too many holes for their shooters and that's definitely a shooter's gymnasium. (The dagger was the possession where we clamped down on D and they threw up a desperation 3 at shot clock buzzer that somehow went in and put 'em up 10).

2. That floor was awful!!! You would have thought a hockey game was played on it earlier in the day or soemthing. There were stoppages seemingly every minute. It was soooo bad, even after play moved down to the other end, their workers hurried to come out and push the brooms around on each possession. You could tell this began to creep into some of our players heads in 2nd half and guys complaining about spots on the floor all game.

3. No go-to guy when needed some offense. I also wanted to see Kennedy or some senior player step up and take the initiative. But nothing happened! Too long of offensive draught to begin 2nd half. I thought Burrell showed the most Sr. leadership and you could tell he wanted the ball on the block, but give credit to SMC defense for frustrating him. Couldn't get rolling or find a rhythm.

4. Along same lines of no offensive leader, we still have same problems that have haunted us for last few years - NO SHOOTER. (2011 class can't get here soon enough to fill this void).

5. No physical presence! We did get pushed around and I'm afraid to see what will happen when we enter the rough Big East slate and the style of play that always presents.

6. The freshman Polee showed the most killer instinct and was the one looking for his shot (SEE POSITIVES AS WELL). But, this shouldn't have been coming from the frosh.

POSITIVES:1. The freshman Polee!!! It didn't take long to realize how special this kid is going to be, He showed no jitters (1st game and on the road), and didn't back down. While he did take a bad 3 at a crucial time and Burrell and Coach let him hear about it (he then saw the bench for a long stretch, but came back), he showed why is hyped and rightfully so. After some years in the weight room and some solid coaching at SJU, I definitely see him in the League some day!

2. I liked what Boothe brought to the floor. He pushed the issue on the court, showed great speed with the ball, and made the right decisions at the hoop (finished or dumped off to open teammate). Need to play better defense to get on fast break more often. SMC guards couldn't stay in front of him.

3. Did I mention my seat? Great seat and luckily even had another SJU fan join me behind the bench who now lives in the area (What up, Kent?!?) And a few rows behind Lavin's wife ;)

4. I liked the intensity Lavin brought and how he handled the players and used every second as a teaching moment! It looks like he has a good relationship with the players and they listen to him. From the starters to last guy on the bench, they all are "in the game" and involved in the huddle during TOs. Glad to see it didn't take long to get comfortable back on the sideline with the 1st half Tech. He did good job of sticking up for his player!

5. They didn't quit and played to the final buzzer. This goes along with #4, as Lavin used entire 40 minutes to teach and chalk up as a great tool for later in the year. While the final 2-3 minutes seemed to last an hour, I didn't mind as it was my 1st game in 5 yrs after living in San Diego now.

6. TEAM free-throw shooting! Haven't looked at the numbers, but as a whole, we stayed in the game by our night from the charity stripe. I was definitely pleased with our FT shooting - wish it would have rubbed off on our outside shooting though.

7. A Gene Keady sighting! I thought he couldn't sit on the bench or coach, per NCAA regulations due to his title (special asst...?) and our staff being filled...? Oh well, it was GREAT to see him moving around with a clipboard in his hands repping SJU!

Overall, I'm glad I decided to make the trip up and look forward to seeing them out West again vs. UCLA in February. Our lack of offense, draught in the 2nd half, and inability to guard their shooters did us in. SMC was a solid team, well-coached, didn't turn the ball over and hit 3s, which was too much to overcome on the road in 1st game of season. On bright side, we have opportunity for a short turnaround and rebound tonight. I look forward to witnessing the re-birth of SJU basketball and all the excitement to come in the years ahead...


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Re: Just Returned from Bay Area...Thoughts...
« Reply #1 on: November 17, 2010, 01:32:13 PM »
Thanks for the notes!  I thought staying in the zone through the drought was interesting, as well, but I wonder if Lavin is trying to get the team comfortable with making the zone work and covering the open spaces, rather than letting them fall back on their man-to-man that they've played for years.  This team needs to learn and get comfortable with zone D; and it was much better than those zones the previous staff used once in a while. Those zones were so useless the team would be back in man in no time.  Also, those St. Mary's guards are REALLY good at getting open using screens.