Good day

  • 11 replies
Good day
« on: February 09, 2008, 09:25:34 PM »
I tell y'all why:

FIRST, I wuz at CA wit the biddies all the way up near the PC fans. They was cool. But shout out to St. John fo makin that happen wit the ticks. You know who you is. Much respct.

SECOND, I was doggin this team fo doggin it a few weeks back. Well they fought like tru red of old. Evrybdy contribute from Geno who been hearin it awful something and then stick the dagger to Seans Evans who went hard to the hole like he was tryin to break through an O-line to Larry who show he mo than just a shooter to Malik who run the team like he aint a frosh no mo.

THIRD, My man winnin Nebraska and Washington. Next up t'night... a lil southern cookin down in Louisiana. Yes we can.
« Last Edit: February 09, 2008, 09:27:27 PM by Choz4Life »
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Re: Good day
« Reply #1 on: February 09, 2008, 10:24:28 PM »
and he only lost new mexico by 2%. 

obama's the real deal.


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Re: Good day
« Reply #2 on: February 10, 2008, 09:10:37 AM »

THIRD, My man winnin Nebraska and Washington. Next up t'night... a lil southern cookin down in Louisiana. Yes we can.

Choz..  you keep bringing up "your man" Obama...

What makes you think he has the experience to be the leasder of the free world..? He has never governed anything in his life...   and he has no military experience...     in time that the country is at war don't you think we need someone with either experience leading troops or at the very least experience governing a state..

While I am Republican I don't feel any of the candidates, in either party, has the experience to be president and none of then are doing anything presidential in their respective quests  for the highest office...

This election truly makes me worry about hte future of our country...

Re: Good day
« Reply #3 on: February 10, 2008, 10:42:51 AM »
PMG, the experience card is a canard. The president is not a ceo of a small company with his hands on everything (like I am). His job is to set priorities, set a tone, and make the tough decisions after (unlike the clown that's been there) bringing in the best and the brightest and listening to their advice.

Obama is brilliant and not arrogant (again, the exact opposite of the clown that's been there). He's also a different kind of politician than I've ever seen on the national stage (besides his skin color :) ). Can he change significantly change the way Washington does business? Unlikely, but maybe. And he's the only one running who offers that possibility.

Worried for our future? Only if someone get in who continues, in any part, the policies of the worst president and the worst administration, by far, that this country has ever seen.

Allow yourself some hope. Even Hillary would be a huge step for the better. Obama offers a lot more than that.

Re: Good day
« Reply #4 on: February 10, 2008, 12:20:38 PM »
While I don't come on here to discuss politics, that is an excellent post, Jacstorm.

Re: Good day
« Reply #5 on: February 10, 2008, 01:46:44 PM »

THIRD, My man winnin Nebraska and Washington. Next up t'night... a lil southern cookin down in Louisiana. Yes we can.

Choz..  you keep bringing up "your man" Obama...

What makes you think he has the experience to be the leasder of the free world..? He has never governed anything in his life...   and he has no military experience...     in time that the country is at war don't you think we need someone with either experience leading troops or at the very least experience governing a state..

While I am Republican I don't feel any of the candidates, in either party, has the experience to be president and none of then are doing anything presidential in their respective quests  for the highest office...

This election truly makes me worry about hte future of our country...

I couldn't have said it better PMG as I echo the same thoughts
Follow Johnny Jungle on Twitter at @Johnny_Jungle


Re: Good day
« Reply #6 on: February 10, 2008, 09:04:08 PM »
obama is now leading the delegate count.

Re: Good day
« Reply #7 on: February 10, 2008, 11:15:18 PM »
First off I got respct fo John McCain cause he had the backbone to stand up not only to the shinwa back in the Cong but also to the dirty politics that eminate itself from the present White House. But he 71. That just a few heart skips away from the VP gettin the head. And if he choose Mike Huckabee as VP, I dont want any part of that. Im a God-fearin brother of the first order, but I believe a relationship between a man and his God ought to be a private, sacred thing.

Bill Clinton do a lot fo this country and fo the brothas and sistas from my community. Much respct. And maybe Hillary bring that back. But I use this as my litmus. Would I trust her wit the keys to my coup de ville? Wit a lil package of benjies on the dash? Wit my fly sharper image GPS all out in the open? Hells no.

And now to y'all dire concerns.
What makes you think he has the experience to be the leasder of the free world..?

Same thing that Lincoln musta had. Or FDR. Or JFK. Or anybody who had less a resume than they opponent. Aint the resume that bring leadership. That come from within. Spend 45 minute with the brother and y'all will see that. America need a diffnt way of doin bizness whether it rightin the economy or patchin up what is left of our world allies. We need leadership and lord knows we aint had any in a long time.

He has never governed anything in his life...   

You say that like it a bad thing.

and he has no military experience...     

Last two prezs wuz draft dodgers. Only one led us into a unnecessary war, tho. For the record y'all. For the record. 

in time that the country is at war don't you think we need someone with either experience leading troops or at the very least experience governing a state..

1. Got mad respct fo those who serve, but only one candidate left got that and y'all got my opine on McCain. And he aint even lead troops, for the record.
2. No. Knowin how to give out no-bid contracts to y'all campaign contributors and makin sure the e-chair is warm evry night dont really prepare y'all fo the war on terror, now do it? 

So Ill leave y'all this in the immortal words of a man better than I.

There was times when I thought I couldnt last fo long
But now I think Im able to carry on
It's been a loooong, a long time comin
But I know a change gonna come, oh yes it will

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Re: Good day
« Reply #8 on: February 10, 2008, 11:23:20 PM »
i'm hearing that he is gonna get endorsements from gore and edwards.  that can be big.


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Re: Good day
« Reply #9 on: February 10, 2008, 11:25:35 PM »
Great post Choz !

Re: Good day
« Reply #10 on: February 10, 2008, 11:38:38 PM »
To all them St. John fan wonderin what we doin here talkin bout this stuff... my apology. Just meant to tack a lil sumtin to the end of my post and now it get a lil carried away. But if JJ cool wit it bein here than thats that.

Peace out!


And I love y'all even if we disagree on the politics! Just be kind and just and we all will be blessed. Make your house a better place. And then your block. Then find a righteous brother to do the same on the next block and soon we findin some peace in our midst. Stay tru.
Parking only for NYCHA permit holders.


Re: Good day
« Reply #11 on: February 10, 2008, 11:48:46 PM »
maybe we should have a political thread on the off topic board?  i find it a intresting topic.