New Post Game Writer and Site Information. ...please read

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New Post Game Writer and Site Information. ...please read
« on: February 10, 2008, 02:25:36 AM »
I'd like to introduce you to Dan Bart, a freshman, at St. John's with a long blood line of St. John's alumni. Bart's Breakdown is making its debut for the Providence game. The format of this will change a bit next game where we will combine his writing with the boxscore, charts, and graphs you've seen in the AP report page I've been doing past two games. Also next game he will breakdown the Keys of Victory in Calm Before the Storm and Prediction to see how well CBTS was done.

In addition to this for the Calm Before the Storm we will pick 2 players each game to be "Game Breakers" on who Garrett or I think will be forces in making a difference in the game to turn the favor for the other team. Dan will also recap this in the post game as well. So you really get an exclusive personal report on each and every game from the experts on St. John's hoops.

We've also added a more in depth recruiting page as this was another criticism of the site and being that the recruiting page is the second most visited page besides the main page, I knew I needed to step it up and Dylan Kitts has been a great addition to the team. He reports on high school hoops getting player and coaches interviews while going to games giving us scouting reports and video clips of recruits. I also added what I'd like to think of the best recruiting bio page than you will find anywhere. Offering more information, video, biography info, and interviews than rivals or scout does so there is no need for any of you to spend membership over there.

I also added my own blog onto the site where I cover some different issues and I've been trying to improve this into a more broad area of topics and not just St. John's stuff. The Jungle Chronicle has featured a look into the transfers, report card, msg usher issues, bobby knight to sju rumor that i started, and we'll be taking a look into student sections across the country next. This is still a work in progress as I'm not a writer nor am I aspiring to be one but its something I'm trying to get better at and if you can tell something about me is that I learn fast(I didn't know anything about making a website 5 months ago).

The Radio page has been slow lately and thats largely in part to me not visiting NY as much as I did in the fall because I was taking a Journalism class at St. John's. So Matt and I have unfortunately been separated but I somehow hope to get this going again every week and improve that as well. I know Theo said he would be a guest on the show and I was going to get a few other guests mostly sports writers to give you something to put on your ipod. So keep your eyes peeled for more things on the horizon with that and if you are lazy just subscribe to the feed and once I update then it will automatically download into your itunes anyways.

In closing I would just like to say that I have been very happy with the analysis given on Johnny Jungle so far as I think we've been on the money in a lot of things published here. I know in the beginning a lot of people thought Johnny Jungle was going to be a "Pom Pom" and "Rosey" site and I don't think we've been anything of the sorts. We give the good as well as the bad each and every time being fair in our criticisms as well as compliments with no agendas besides giving the best factual information possible to make everyone better educated fans.
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