This would be Lavin's second such investigation after he was seen sitting just s few chairs away from Jim Harrick at most of Harrick's public appearances for an entire season.
But correct me if I'm wrong but Harrick was fired over a pretty small minor paying for dinner offense? You can google Lavin and NCAA violations and your coming up empty. I did that right when we hired him.
You actually invited me to correct you?
Harrick wasn't fired over the "minor dinner offense" - which was falsifying his expense report to show two coaches wives were at attendance at the dinner, instead of the 2 roster players not allowed at a recruiting dinner (Harrick was entertaining hischool players Jaron and Jason Collins). He was fired for submitting the falsified document, lying to the University investigator about it when questioned, Lying to the NCAA investigator about it, coercing his assistant coach Michael Holton to lie to the NCAA, attempting to coerce Holton's WIFE to lie to the NCAA, and counselling the two roster players involved (one of the them the Jungle oft-tweet quoted Kris Johnson) to lie to the NCAA. Holton's wilfe was a budding attorney, and he finally grew a set and fessed up when he realized what her perjuring herself in the NCAA investigation might mean to HER career...
The NCAA report on the matter specifically states that UCLA was spared SIGNIFICANT penalties due to their quick and decisive action in firing Harrick - UCLA was already under an "institutional control" probaton over "Tanya-Gate" - the basic hiring of Austrailian softball star Tanya Harding (not skater Tonya Harding) - who pitched UCLA to the Softball world series while never attending a class, and departing home for Austrailia as soon as the Series was over - the school was on the cusp of crippling sanctions.