Pelle, Sampson, Garrett Ruled Ineligible for Fall

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Re: Pelle, Sampson, Garrett Ruled Ineligible for Fall
« Reply #120 on: September 16, 2011, 11:34:30 AM »
Actually all this is Norm's fault.  If that incompetant, poor excuse for a hoops coach didn't put the coaching staff in such a position where they had to bring in so many kids, perhaps they would have been more select with regards to their academic standing.

I don't think Lavin takes the job if he had to work with new Norm players for four years, so I'm glad our former coach had no clue about balancing scholarships.

Then again, Lavin getting last year's guys as juniors would have been great.

Re: Pelle, Sampson, Garrett Ruled Ineligible for Fall
« Reply #121 on: September 16, 2011, 11:38:43 AM »
This is a pretty good, level headed article from Goodman. Everyone needs to take a chill pill.


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Re: Pelle, Sampson, Garrett Ruled Ineligible for Fall
« Reply #122 on: September 16, 2011, 11:54:36 AM »
HAd heard rumblings that this was a possibility but I really had no idea. Pelle and Garrett are doing their due diligence and trying to understand how the process of them becoming eligiable in Dec would work, obviously Sampson has decided on preping. As for Anderson is sure looks like UCLA but speaking with my guy Wed he still seemed confident in SJU although he had not spoken with the family since this news hit so I honestly have no idea if it will affect him or not.


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Re: Pelle, Sampson, Garrett Ruled Ineligible for Fall
« Reply #123 on: September 16, 2011, 11:59:03 AM »
HAd heard rumblings that this was a possibility but I really had no idea. Pelle and Garrett are doing their due diligence and trying to understand how the process of them becoming eligiable in Dec would work, obviously Sampson has decided on preping. As for Anderson is sure looks like UCLA but speaking with my guy Wed he still seemed confident in SJU although he had not spoken with the family since this news hit so I honestly have no idea if it will affect him or not.

Thanks SJU79.  The news about Pelle and Garrett is encouraging.  Fingers crossed that K Anderson is not negatively influenced by this news. 

Re: Pelle, Sampson, Garrett Ruled Ineligible for Fall
« Reply #124 on: September 16, 2011, 11:59:27 AM »
Here's a funny quote by a BB poster to lighten things up a bit:

"Coach Lavin actually had the players take their own tests?  nice person"

     ~ Coach Calipari
Wonder if Lenny poked Norm under the sheets to get some input into his Post article. As for Ncaa not accepting
 the summer courses the 3 guys took then it appears to be a blunder by the University not to have gotten assurance that these courses would get them eligible. That is if any courses would INDEED have insured their eligibility.
Quite frankly, all the HS guidance/admin offices need to reach out, or have the 2A help them, analyze the potential tight squeeze athletes by Spoh year, and guide them through what they need.  I'm thinking the Prep schools usually watch by the time the guys get there, but the early detection can avoid a lot of these headaches. 

This is not rocket science.  The 2A lays everything out.  Somehow, they wield the bigger stick with their interpretation of courses the students take - seems to leave room for bias in that particular area.

And btw, JaKarr's AAU coach has already backed off his lovely stream of consciousness "re-open recruitment" comment:
« Last Edit: September 16, 2011, 12:01:24 PM by bball purist »


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Re: Pelle, Sampson, Garrett Ruled Ineligible for Fall
« Reply #125 on: September 16, 2011, 12:05:44 PM »
Here's a funny quote by a BB poster to lighten things up a bit:

"Coach Lavin actually had the players take their own tests?  nice person"

     ~ Coach Calipari
Wonder if Lenny poked Norm under the sheets to get some input into his Post article. As for Ncaa not accepting
 the summer courses the 3 guys took then it appears to be a blunder by the University not to have gotten assurance that these courses would get them eligible. That is if any courses would INDEED have insured their eligibility.

1) NCAA doesn't offer assurances on anything.  NCAA hadn't had a problem with Rise classes before from players.
2). Glad to hear that Amir and Pelle intend to get eligible.  I know Amir's all-in but hope Pelle commits to it and gets it done too.  Seems like Jakarr wouldn't be an option til at least next year.


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Re: Pelle, Sampson, Garrett Ruled Ineligible for Fall
« Reply #126 on: September 16, 2011, 12:07:18 PM »
@SJU79, what changed during the past four days, since you were hearing 100% SJU, and now saying it looks like UCLA?


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Re: Pelle, Sampson, Garrett Ruled Ineligible for Fall
« Reply #127 on: September 16, 2011, 12:09:19 PM »
from Jeff Borzello on Jakarr

jeffborzello Jeff Borzello
Jakarr Sampson is in a holding pattern:
Recently-ineligible freshman hasn't opened recruitment or decided on next move.
25 minutes ago

Re: Pelle, Sampson, Garrett Ruled Ineligible for Fall
« Reply #128 on: September 16, 2011, 12:10:27 PM »
Here's a funny quote by a BB poster to lighten things up a bit:

"Coach Lavin actually had the players take their own tests?  nice person"

     ~ Coach Calipari
Wonder if Lenny poked Norm under the sheets to get some input into his Post article. As for Ncaa not accepting
 the summer courses the 3 guys took then it appears to be a blunder by the University not to have gotten assurance that these courses would get them eligible. That is if any courses would INDEED have insured their eligibility.

1) NCAA doesn't offer assurances on anything.  NCAA hadn't had a problem with Rise classes before from players.
2). Glad to hear that Amir and Pelle intend to get eligible.  I know Amir's all-in but hope Pelle commits to it and gets it done too.  Seems like Jakarr wouldn't be an option til at least next year.
1) "Never had a problem before" - that's where I have a problem with the 2A. All of a sudden they come out with a new wrinkle.  That needs to be addressed much earlier - I did not know they are hands off and do not give their "blessing" on remedial/add'l coursework.
2) I'm guessing Norvel will try to get everything he needs done.  He' seems in good spirits in the few comments he's made. Here's hoping Amir and Norvel both get it ready for Spring semester.


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Re: Pelle, Sampson, Garrett Ruled Ineligible for Fall
« Reply #129 on: September 16, 2011, 12:15:08 PM »
Just heard it wasnt even really a debatable issue, and one of them isnt even close

Can you identify the criminal  youu spoke to - you know, the guy  breaking the law on student cofidentiality by discussing grades with an outsider?   Or is this one of those "I was in the mens room and heard two guys talking in the next  urinal" deals?

The clearinghouse took till two weeks into the school year to decide.    If it wasn't close the decision would have been announced immediately.


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Re: Pelle, Sampson, Garrett Ruled Ineligible for Fall
« Reply #130 on: September 16, 2011, 12:25:44 PM »
Just heard it wasnt even really a debatable issue, and one of them isnt even close

Can you identify the criminal  youu spoke to - you know, the guy  breaking the law on student cofidentiality by discussing grades with an outsider?   Or is this one of those "I was in the mens room and heard two guys talking in the next  urinal" deals?

The clearinghouse took till two weeks into the school year to decide.    If it wasn't close the decision would have been announced immediately.

I appreciate the info '79 provides.  Posts like this echo what he mentioned the other day about fans reaching out to him about Kyle.  Not neccessary IMO.
Remember who broke the Slice news


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Re: Pelle, Sampson, Garrett Ruled Ineligible for Fall
« Reply #131 on: September 16, 2011, 12:49:11 PM »
If it it were up to me, and if it were possible, I would cut all ties and communication with these kids, kindly show them the door, and never welcome them back.  I don't know all the details of their ineligibility, but if they don't have the smarts or discipline to make themselves eligible, I don't want them associated with this university at all.  It's absolutely embarrassing.
this post is absolutely embarassing.  really, really embarassing.

Sorry but I can't have a pity party for a group of men who can't seem to get their sh*t together.....thousands and thousands, if not millions, of college students have no trouble making themselves eligible every year, why couldn't these kids?

NCAA has certain core requirements for classes that must be taken and how many in particular subjects.  You can graduate from H.S. and be accepted into college without meeting these core requirements.  If it is indeed one particular class they needed to make up their core requirements for eligibility, it did not keep them from being able to be accepted as students here or possibly other schools.

So is it kind of like the Matt Leinart situation his senior year at USC, when he took a ballroom dancing class?   For example, say these kids needed 30 credits their senior year to graduate, but like 3 of them were for classes that didn't matter or count for anything with the NCAA (aka ballroom dancing)??

Not the same thing.  NCAA requires in-coming freshmen to have taken, completed and passed the following  16 core courses in order to be eligible to participate in DI:

4 years of English.
3 years of mathematics (Algebra I or higher).
2 years of natural/physical science (1 year of lab if offered by high school).
1 year of additional English, mathematics or natural/physical science.
2 years of social science.
4 years of additional courses (from any area above, foreign language or nondoctrinal religion/philosophy).

I have been told that the problems sometimes arise in the 4th item, students take the bear minimum and miss the 1 year additional for either English, math or science.  Or they take a course that the NCAA determines does not fit the criteria.  I don't know what the situation here is.

As for Leinhart, I believe he had completed his degree requirements and took an elective so he could play (and took a presumely easy one at that).


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Re: Pelle, Sampson, Garrett Ruled Ineligible for Fall
« Reply #132 on: September 16, 2011, 01:02:24 PM »
Quite frankly, all the HS guidance/admin offices need to reach out, or have the 2A help them, analyze the potential tight squeeze athletes by Spoh year, and guide them through what they need.  I'm thinking the Prep schools usually watch by the time the guys get there, but the early detection can avoid a lot of these headaches.  This is not rocket science.  The 2A lays everything out.  Somehow, they wield the bigger stick with their interpretation of courses the students take - seems to leave room for bias in that particular area.[/quote]

I agree.  I know we have gotten letters with the NCAA requirements from my kid's high school each year.  I don't know if it is sent to all students or just those who either played a sport in school the previous year and those incoming freshman who signed up for their summer camps. 

Re: Pelle, Sampson, Garrett Ruled Ineligible for Fall
« Reply #133 on: September 16, 2011, 01:07:48 PM »
@SJU79, what changed during the past four days, since you were hearing 100% SJU, and now saying it looks like UCLA?
you'll have to accept the wealth of misinformation that comes from these sites.  just like the "one isn't even close" quote.  since all three presumably passed all three of their courses with straight A's...which ONE isn't close.  jakarr's coach says his recruitment is opened he says it isn't.  a lot of posters are trying to get scoops from fringe sources. 

take it all with a grain the size of the great salt lake.

Re: Pelle, Sampson, Garrett Ruled Ineligible for Fall
« Reply #134 on: September 16, 2011, 01:20:35 PM »
Here's a funny quote by a BB poster to lighten things up a bit:

"Coach Lavin actually had the players take their own tests?  nice person"

     ~ Coach Calipari

Seriously, this is me being bitter but how is it possible Kentucky's monster classes never have this problem but we do?

Re: Pelle, Sampson, Garrett Ruled Ineligible for Fall
« Reply #135 on: September 16, 2011, 02:07:19 PM »
Jakarr just retweeted this comment from Dickie V on Twitter:

Dick Vitale
News @ ST john's that 3 potential Diaper Dandies r ineligible is causing many of their fans to panic - RELAX as they can be elig, 2nd sem.

Hopefully that means he's committed to doing what he has to do to be ready in December and still wants to be at St. john's.


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Re: Pelle, Sampson, Garrett Ruled Ineligible for Fall
« Reply #136 on: September 16, 2011, 02:20:25 PM »
Here's a funny quote by a BB poster to lighten things up a bit:

"Coach Lavin actually had the players take their own tests?  nice person"

     ~ Coach Calipari

Seriously, this is me being bitter but how is it possible Kentucky's monster classes never have this problem but we do?

Just give it some time ... Coach C has left a long trail of garbage behind him (allegedly).  A leopard can't change its stripes :)
« Last Edit: September 16, 2011, 02:20:54 PM by dR3w »


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Re: Pelle, Sampson, Garrett Ruled Ineligible for Fall
« Reply #137 on: September 16, 2011, 02:23:30 PM »
It’s unfortunate that this has happened but the fact that it’s a NCAA clearing house issue bolds well for us. If it is only 3 classes at most for these kids to qualify, nothing in the program’s environment has changed that would suggest they would want to go elsewhere. Second semester is only 3-4 months away, if however, they need to reclassify to 2012, then I would be a little worried about that. Let’s take it easy on these young men folks; they are after all young men, who by the way committed to restoring pride back to our basketball program. That should count for something.


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Re: Pelle, Sampson, Garrett Ruled Ineligible for Fall
« Reply #138 on: September 16, 2011, 02:32:43 PM »
I dont understand how that school in Phily could give all A"s out to all three students who had academic problems. No wonder a red flag was waived. .I wonder what would have happened if they all got C"S.


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Re: Pelle, Sampson, Garrett Ruled Ineligible for Fall
« Reply #139 on: September 16, 2011, 02:39:16 PM »
I dont understand how that school in Phily could give all A"s out to all three students who had academic problems. No wonder a red flag was waived. .I wonder what would have happened if they all got C"S.

They probably needed more than a C.
Remember who broke the Slice news