Who is at the helm of this website? I ordered a gameday T shirt and NEVER got it

  • 163 replies
Almost calls for a Tale of the Tape...

BEB sued and now own the rights to the Tale of the Tape. Besides who would it be LINY89 against all posters over 30?
Make that all fat, XL sized, overweight, doughy, beer drinkin', no sports playin', arm chair QBin', over 40 (not 30), posters for a guaranteed victory! Yeah! Now that's a Tale of the Tape! To think most posters could just sit on him and win! #Winning #stjbb   

Internet never ceases to amaze me.

Anyone else need to get their inner 16 yr old anger out with some more fat/tough guy internet jokes?
Follow Johnny Jungle on Twitter at @Johnny_Jungle

Internet never ceases to amaze me.

Anyone else need to get their inner 16 yr old anger out with some more fat/tough guy internet jokes?
nah - this XL sized guy is full!  :angel:

What kind of a jackass uses the word "helm" in 2011?

Make one sound grownup!


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I'm sorry, but this thread is hysterical... :2funny:  btw, all those elmont/Franklin Square douches went to Carey and consumed 90% of LI's steroid supply as far as I can remember.  ;)

Sewanhaka was notorious, too, but the worst offenders were actually Valley Stream Central.


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Anyone who wears a medium should refrain from being an Internet tough guy.

I'm dying here LOLLOLOLOL  between this and WASJU's posts!!!!!  I can't wait to read the rest of these posts on this thread!!!!!


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LOLOLOL Finished reading this thread.  Wow this was great!!!!! 
We need to have a charity roast ASAP. 

First up LINY.  Second, of course, Marco Baldi!!!

The roasting panel:  LJSA, WASJU, Maher, Moose, bbball Purist, JumpinJohnny, and Baldi (when he's not in the hot seat)

The highlights of this thread:

(1) LINY using the word "helm" less than a week after national talk like a pirate day (good call out, MKras)
(2) Dave, pointing out that LINY ordered a medium for no other purpose than to indirectly point out how small he was (pure.gold.)
(3) WASJU's NCAA analogy
(4) Moose comment about Baldi being at the helm
(5) JumpinJohnny's reply that he only headed the complaint department LOLOL
(6) LJSA's medium internet tough guy post
(7) Everything that LINY posted LOLOL

FTR, I never did a cycle, WASJU.  Just a crapload of creatine!

Man, we may not be a BCS level school for long, but we have some funny arse posters.  Thread of the year!!!
« Last Edit: September 22, 2011, 08:58:52 PM by Marillac »


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FTR, I never did a cycle, WASJU.  Just a crapload of creatine!

Marillac is lying.  I witnessed another former Redmen.com poster inject Marillac in O'Connor Hall in the Winter of 2003 :)
Remember who broke the Slice news


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FTR, I never did a cycle, WASJU.  Just a crapload of creatine!

Marillac is lying.  I witnessed another former Redmen.com poster inject Marillac in O'Connor Hall in the Winter of 2003 :)

  That wasn't a needle........

Dave, got any 3X in stock?  Marillac needs a gift for his girl

Dave, as the administrator if you have any grip of reality, you will go back and read through the comments and see who really started shit talking. I have 40 year old men with beer guts and their sex lives far behind them coming after me for absolutely no reason. I love how there are calls for ME to be banned when all I have done is defend myself and fire back at the aggressors. I refuse to take garbage jabs from the Viagra Conference. This might be the only corner of earth where men glorify their beer guts and act tough towards a guy half their age that could run circles around them. I see you yelling at people on here for much lesser things like using 1 curse word. How about you actually act like an administrator and warn or ban the people who are actually being the aggressors for no reason? Now there's an idea.

Or, you can play favorites and try to be the "cool" administrator and join in with them. Doing that will basically prove that your boards are just a circus and a giant roasting room, not a real forum.

When you're a kid from New York and you do it in New York, that lasts forever!


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LOLOLOL Finished reading this thread.  Wow this was great!!!!! 
We need to have a charity roast ASAP. 

First up LINY.  Second, of course, Marco Baldi!!!

The roasting panel:  LJSA, WASJU, Maher, Moose, bbball Purist, JumpinJohnny, and Baldi (when he's not in the hot seat)

The highlights of this thread:

(1) LINY using the word "helm" less than a week after national talk like a pirate day (good call out, MKras)
(2) Dave, pointing out that LINY ordered a medium for no other purpose than to indirectly point out how small he was (pure.gold.)
(3) WASJU's NCAA analogy
(4) Moose comment about Baldi being at the helm
(5) JumpinJohnny's reply that he only headed the complaint department LOLOL
(6) LJSA's medium internet tough guy post
(7) Everything that LINY posted LOLOL

FTR, I never did a cycle, WASJU.  Just a crapload of creatine!

Man, we may not be a BCS level school for long, but we have some funny arse posters.  Thread of the year!!!

Aaah creatine.  That stuff dissolved in liquid almost as well as sand. 
« Last Edit: September 22, 2011, 11:28:11 PM by MCNPA »

You guys are getting some of the cheapest laughs I have ever seen. You sound like that typical high school kid trying to fit in so he fake laughs at everything the cool guys say even if it isn't even that funny. Apparently wit isn't a requirement in good humor anymore. HURR HURR! YOU HAVE A MEDIUM SIZED SHIRT HURR HURR! Something tells me none of you will be entering stand-up anytime soon, so please keep your day jobs.

You guys are getting some of the cheapest laughs I have ever seen. You sound like that typical high school kid trying to fit in so he fake laughs at everything the cool guys say even if it isn't even that funny. Apparently wit isn't a requirement in good humor anymore. HURR HURR! YOU HAVE A MEDIUM SIZED SHIRT HURR HURR! Something tells me none of you will be entering stand-up anytime soon, so please keep your day jobs.
If you didn't order a pink
You guys are getting some of the cheapest laughs I have ever seen. You sound like that typical high school kid trying to fit in so he fake laughs at everything the cool guys say even if it isn't even that funny. Apparently wit isn't a requirement in good humor anymore. HURR HURR! YOU HAVE A MEDIUM SIZED SHIRT HURR HURR! Something tells me none of you will be entering stand-up anytime soon, so please keep your day jobs.

LI (I'm trying not to bust on you ) but one day 20 years from now you are going to look in the jungle archive and see this thread that you started and your responses to all of us and say " Oh shit what was I thinking " at least I think you will say that.

How the #$%^ am I the instigator? I made a legitimate thread because I had no idea who ran this site and who to contact...there is no info about how to contact anyone. So I made a legitimate thread to ask. Then out of nowhere guys begin busting my balls for absolutely NO reason other than they're just a bunch of pricks with pot bellies. I write back defending myself and I'm labeled the instigator? I don't think I've known a more http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yMpsttlXye8&feature=relateded forum community in that case if that's what you guys think. The administrator will whine about little things here and there, yet when about 5 guys start ripping on me totally unwarranted, nothing is done because he doesn't want to seem like the buzz kill. Interesting. Do you guys all know each other in real life or something? It's kind of creepy how on each other's dicks you are.


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LI (I'm trying not to bust on you ) but one day 20 years from now you are going to look in the jungle archive and see this thread that you started and your responses to all of us and say " Oh shit what was I thinking " at least I think you will say that.

He actually seems like he'll be a tight ass 20 years from now, too.

After his last post I agree with you now