Who is at the helm of this website? I ordered a gameday T shirt and NEVER got it

  • 163 replies
Wtf? I ordered it like a month ago and I live on Long Island... :tickedoff:

Want My 2 Dollars

Anyone who wears a medium should refrain from being an Internet tough guy.

Any idiot can wear an XL. Who is the real internet tough guy here? Implying wearing medium means you are weak? I bet I'm in better shape than 90% of this entire board. Probably more.

You ordered a medium. I emailed you and told you the size is back ordered. No one is scamming you for $10 T-Shirts

Never got your email. At least I know now. Thanks.

Iceman I wouldn't laugh...you wear an XL and not in the impressive way. 38 years old so closing in on being middle age and it looks like you ate one too many hostess cupcakes in your time. Go figure that it's the middle-aged out of shape chubbers on here making fun of the 22 year old. That's a change. I guess when your prime years are well behind you...well, you get quite bitter!  :2funny:

This thread is great we should have a roast section on this form
Attack basketball, pressure defense, 40 minutes of hell ... Early on it might be 30 minutes of hell, then 10 minutes of what the hell are you doing?"

This thread is great we should have a roast section on this form

haha, this thread did make me laugh.

This thread is great we should have a roast section on this form

haha, this thread did make me laugh.
at a size medium 22 y.o. w/ no sense of humor - and thin skin  :tickedoff: - go figure  :2funny:

Thin skin? Now that's the last thing I can be accused of. I'm a Mets and Jets fan and my father passed away suddenly when I was 14 years old. My skin is damn thick. If anyone's skin is thin it's all the people on here who are starting with me for nothing complaining that I used curse words, that my posts are stupid when you never knew the situation in the first place, that just because I'm a fit 22 year old in my prime I should be made fun of by chubby 40 year old lards with beer guts. You started and I'm answering. It's not being an internet tough guy, when you refuse to take crap from over the hill Kevin James lookalikes. You are pathetic. I never started a thing. I ordered a shirt on here over a month ago, never got it. No email, nothing. What is so wrong about what I did? The internet is full of scams. Now go sit back on the couch drinking a beer thinking to yourself how bad you let yourself go after all these years.


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Let me guess ... Elmont? Franklin Square? You sound just like the guys I grew up with. They were douche bags, too.

Haha I would love to see you saying all these things to my face in person. Really. I thought starting crap over the internet was a kid thing. Guess not. Get off my dick grandpa.


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Yeah, I'm pretty sure I'd say it to your face, too, you whiny little -- sorry, medium-sized -- shit. But not before I laughed at your girlish figure in your petite T-shirt.


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I'm sorry, but this thread is hysterical... :2funny:  btw, all those elmont/Franklin Square douches went to Carey and consumed 90% of LI's steroid supply as far as I can remember.  ;)

I Would enjoy this thread alot more if it was'nt in the middle of the most pivitol time in our hoops history. I check in every hour or so for some news (hoping for good) re: our beloved basketball team.

Let me meet your daughter and she can tell you how big I am herself  ;D

Dave, can you ban this guy?

Dave, can you ban this guy?

Why? This guy is awesome! Bringing back memoies of the BEB days. Good stuff!

BTW on a related note I am so glad the internet wasn't around when I was 22. Any time spent on that might have taken away from all the sex, drinking  and sports ;)

Almost calls for a Tale of the Tape...

Almost calls for a Tale of the Tape...

BEB sued and now own the rights to the Tale of the Tape. Besides who would it be LINY89 against all posters over 30?


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What kind of a jackass uses the word "helm" in 2011?


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Sounds like David Berkowitz now has computer privileges.