Who is at the helm of this website? I ordered a gameday T shirt and NEVER got it

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It's kind of creepy how on each other's dicks you are.

The only one who has mentioned dick here is you, and you've done it at least twice. Just come out of the closet and you'll be a lot less bitter.

Clearly this forum is just full of paper bags who have nothing better to do than get cheap laughs and surround newer members for no reason and haze them. Turn to the moderators, and they will join in with the bullshit instead of stopping it. The administrator is nowhere to be seen. #$%^ this forum full of old pigs. Good luck getting any young fans in here seeing how you treat them. This is just a forum for over the hill old men who replace the time they used to have sex with harassing new members and talking shit when they are the last ones in position to. It's like a guy driving a 1988 Jeep Grand Cherokee relentlessly making fun of the guy driving a 2009 Corvette pretending he can win in a race. Just shut up already Peter Griffin.

Thin skin? Now that's the last thing I can be accused of. I'm a Mets and Jets fan and my father passed away suddenly when I was 14 years old. My skin is damn thick. If anyone's skin is thin it's all the people on here who are starting with me for nothing complaining that I used curse words, that my posts are stupid when you never knew the situation in the first place, that just because I'm a fit 22 year old in my prime I should be made fun of by chubby 40 year old lards with beer guts. You started and I'm answering. It's not being an internet tough guy, when you refuse to take crap from over the hill Kevin James lookalikes. You are pathetic. I never started a thing. I ordered a shirt on here over a month ago, never got it. No email, nothing. What is so wrong about what I did? The internet is full of scams. Now go sit back on the couch drinking a beer thinking to yourself how bad you let yourself go after all these years.

Your 22 yo and in your prime in what? This I gotta hear.

LINY89 let's go back in time to your 1st post on this thread and let me show you the error in your ways ( and before you call me an overweight sexstarved bastard I'm 6.4 202 pounds and have a spanish girlfriend. And never been married which means I can't be sex starved lol

Anyway back to your opening blunder

"Wtf? I ordered it like a month ago and I live on Long Island.."

Why not say " Hey I ordered medium tee shirt and haven't gotten it yet. Can anyone help me with this ? "

But see you attacked Dave and even if people might not agree with his plugging his site everywhere from here to the jersey shore he is still one of us and if he gets attacked we all get attacked so we circle the wagons and defend.

But you've brought me great humor on this thread so that I appreciate and since I don't have a daughter I guess I don't have to worry about a Chris Hansen moment with you.

But seriously though if you ordered a shirt from TeeShirt Dave then you must be a fan so relax.

We all get along here for the most part but we will all attack the new guy for pleasure if he deserves it and trust me you might be the best guy in the world but based on how this thread started you deserved it


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Looks like Marillac might have to be the third to get roasted.  Boo3, moose, and Baldi that was hysterical.  LINY lighten up brother.  I have to stop reading this thread in public because I am dying.  The medium shirt thing and the way Dave brought it up is killing me. I haven't seen a medium since middle school!

Looks like Marillac might have to be the third to get roasted.  Boo3, moose, and Baldi that was hysterical.  LINY lighten up brother.  I have to stop reading this thread in public because I am dying.  The medium shirt thing and the way Dave brought it up is killing me. I haven't seen a medium since middle school!
And the special request color for the shirt

So basically the only real thing that was offensive that I said was "wtf"? Really? Grow a pair of balls and some hair ontop of it. Is this a men's forum, or is it one for mothers to yell at their 7 year old sons using "bad" language? I still don't even understand the medium sized shirt joke. I like my shirts on the snug side, not baggy or loose. Therefore, I get medium usually. There are still plenty of occasions where I will get a large...I'm 200 lbs and broad. I don't have a beer gut. Therefore I wear a medium. It's like you guys are saying HAHA OMG HE'S ACTUALLY IN SHAPE?! LMAO! WHAT AN IDIOT! Do you even realize how the attempt at the joke backfires on you? Then again you guys come from the generation where you could sleep through school with no standards, so it isn't that shocking. Have some damn respect for a current St. John's graduate student...why would you try to trash an ally? By the way, if my first post asking who runs the site where I said "wtf" offended any of you, I have my cell ready to call the wahhmbulance. Never saw a forum where a fan of the team in which this forum was created for is attacked. Does anyone have the balls to admit this is completely excessive and that you started this?

Next thing will be you guys making fun of me for having a bigger dick. Your logic confuses me.


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Your 22 yo and in your prime in what? This I gotta hear.

The very first thing I thought of when I read that was Al Bundy talking about scoring four touchdowns for the Polk Panthers in the city championship.

So basically the only real thing that was offensive that I said was "wtf"? Really? Grow a pair of balls and some hair ontop of it. Is this a men's forum, or is it one for mothers to yell at their 7 year old sons using "bad" language? I still don't even understand the medium sized shirt joke. I like my shirts on the snug side, not baggy or loose. Therefore, I get medium usually. There are still plenty of occasions where I will get a large...I'm 200 lbs and broad. I don't have a beer gut. Therefore I wear a medium. It's like you guys are saying HAHA OMG HE'S ACTUALLY IN SHAPE?! LMAO! WHAT AN IDIOT! Do you even realize how the attempt at the joke backfires on you? Then again you guys come from the generation where you could sleep through school with no standards, so it isn't that shocking. Have some damn respect for a current St. John's graduate student...why would you try to trash an ally? By the way, if my first post asking who runs the site where I said "wtf" offended any of you, I have my cell ready to call the wahhmbulance. Never saw a forum where a fan of the team in which this forum was created for is attacked. Does anyone have the balls to admit this is completely excessive and that you started this?

May God Have Mercy On Your Soul

Of course none of you are mature enough to say "I guess we went a little over the top, just next time message Dave instead of making a post"...that's ALL you have to say.

Yeah, I'm pretty sure I'd say it to your face, too, you whiny little -- sorry, medium-sized -- shit. But not before I laughed at your girlish figure in your petite T-shirt.

If being broad with a decent build is girlish, then yeah laugh all you want.

If you guys are really that obsessed over my size, I will post a picture to prove I'm probably more built than at least 90% of you if not more. Let me know so I can shut you up for good. I'll be waiting.


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First, this isn't Eharmomy don't post your picture and stop talking about the size of your dick. Second, this thread would have died awhile ago if you didn't constantly respond to them.  Third, although I am only 23 and don't have a  "potbelly" most of these posts have been hilarious other than Marillac using "lol" more than a 14 year old girl .
« Last Edit: September 23, 2011, 09:00:06 AM by kjd01067 »

If you guys are really that obsessed over my size, I will post a picture to prove I'm probably more built than at least 90% of you if not more. Let me know so I can shut you up for good. I'll be waiting.

If you keep mentioning the size of your member and threatening to post glamour shots of yourself I can pretty much guarantee that Baldi is going to try to friend you on facebook.


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I'm 200 lbs and broad. I don't have a beer gut. Therefore I wear a medium.

200lbs and BROAD and you wear a medium..? You must be 5'8 and if you are taller than 6ft, you play for the other team (not that there is anything wrong with that).

Yeah, I'm pretty sure I'd say it to your face, too, you whiny little -- sorry, medium-sized -- shit. But not before I laughed at your girlish figure in your petite T-shirt.

If being broad with a decent build is girlish, then yeah laugh all you want.
I like broads with decent builds... :2funny:

Somehow, this reminds me of "kill the carrier" and there's always one more guy to pile on. Guess who has the ball, liny89?  :tickedoff:
« Last Edit: September 23, 2011, 10:07:06 AM by bball purist »


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On behalf of the under 30 group in this forum, I would like to state that Liny's attitude in no way reflects on the behavior of the rest of us youngins.  It's kinda sad that I felt I had to say that, but that's how immature this guy is.  On a related note, please keep this thread going, it is hilarious.   :laugh:

Next thing will be you guys making fun of me for having a bigger dick. Your logic confuses me.
No shot of that happening. We have already figured out who the biggest dick is...


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First, this isn't Eharmomy don't post your picture and stop talking about the size of your dick.

"Hi, I'm just a broad Long Island guy in the prime of my life looking for underage girls who share my hatred for pot bellies and shirts that fit. Humorless girls a plus! Hit me up for some dick pics!"