Felix Balamou - SG - Our Savior New American - Centerreach, NY - ST. JOHN'S

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Finally some reinforcements for my boy Felix, super underrated and my favorite get thus far. Kid can score and play defense how can't you love him?

Lots of potential from what I have seen look forward to him working with the staff. You really like getting Felix more then getting Jakarr?
I give the edge to felix because he was such a steal.

Im actually glad we got both Balamou and Wood.  I think Balamou will be a monstrous defender off the bat and on the press.  I think Wood can give us instant offense.  Both should benefit from each other and both underrated players at their positions.  Wood is cusp of top 100 and Balamou sounds like he should be there himself.  Very happy to have both kids and glad that Balamou isn't he just for Obekpa, although Id love to add Obekpa too.

Looks to me like Balamou has a ways to go to be a college ready defender, but he certainly has what it takes to shut it down.  He seems like the perfect kid to head up the full-court pressure and also head up the zone.

Saw Felix twice yesterday.  Very interesting player.  I will say up front that the 2 teams he played he blew out, so I want to see him against better competition.

Felix is definitely a wing-guard and I spoke to his coach who said St. John's will use him as a "2 or a 3".  Not going to be used at the point.

His best attribute is definitely his body control.  He's a phenomenal athlete who hangs in the air and is a great finisher because of his ability to hang in the air and his exceptional body control.  Once he gets to within a step or his jumpstop from the basket, its a wrap. He's scoring.  He also knocked down the bulk of the jump shots he attempted over the course of bulk games.  His shot is definitely a work in progress as it has a small hitch in it at times.  As for his defense, I want to see him in a higher-level competitive game before I judge that.  Looks like he has the tools to be a good defender.

Now, does this mean that he's going to play much next year?? I don't know.  Is he taking minutes from D'Angelo or Phil?? No.  Is he better than Darrick Wood if he qualifies?? Haven't seen Darrick, but from what I've heard from people that have seen both players play, no. I think Felix will have a tough time seeing the floor much next year but if he's PATIENT (something that a lot of players aren't, as you can see from the 400+ D1 transfers this year), he can see the floor in future years. 

He's better than I expected/heard about him.  He's certainly not the "guard version of Dwight Meikle".  He has D1 tools that can be developed into him being a contributor in future years.
« Last Edit: May 07, 2012, 01:15:39 PM by TRabinowitz »
"When excuses become your reason for losing then it is time to find the nearest mirror." -Mike Dunlap


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Finally some reinforcements for my boy Felix, super underrated and my favorite get thus far. Kid can score and play defense how can't you love him?

Lots of potential from what I have seen look forward to him working with the staff. You really like getting Felix more then getting Jakarr?
I give the edge to felix because he was such a steal.

Im actually glad we got both Balamou and Wood.  I think Balamou will be a monstrous defender off the bat and on the press.  I think Wood can give us instant offense.  Both should benefit from each other and both underrated players at their positions.  Wood is cusp of top 100 and Balamou sounds like he should be there himself.  Very happy to have both kids and glad that Balamou isn't he just for Obekpa, although Id love to add Obekpa too.

Looks to me like Balamou has a ways to go to be a college ready defender, but he certainly has what it takes to shut it down.  He seems like the perfect kid to head up the full-court pressure and also head up the zone.

Almost no players out of hs are ready to be college level defenders.  They aren't taught defense in AAU ball nor do they really commit to it for the most part.  He has great lateral quickness and good instincts.  He plays too high right now on D, but with college coaching I think can be fantastic.


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They aren't taught defense in AAU ball nor do they really commit to it for the most part.

In general such a true statement and yet it is the AAU circut where these kids today are mostly closely evaluated.


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They aren't taught defense in AAU ball nor do they really commit to it for the most part.

In general such a true statement and yet it is the AAU circut where these kids today are mostly closely evaluated.

Yeah, it's a conundrum.  Offense is still what kids are pushed to do.  Some kids play defense.  I still believe that defense is more a function of athleticism, speed and will.  Truly great defenders take pride in it.  Most defensive evaluation is based on players willingness to play.  As far as Balamou goes, like I said before, I love his lateral quickness and long arms.  He really moves effortlessly around the court.  He doesn't always play the best D now from the games I've seen, but Dunlap can turn his physical prowess into something special.  He's the exact type of prospect that our defenses are calling for.  Open court speed as well. 

I watched some of his game vs st joes metuchen online and saw some decent offense as well.  Agree there is a little hitch on his jumper where he catapults it a bit at times, but it's better than I thought.  He'll help us a lot depth-wise even this season.  We will run more waves of players at teams as we get our younger guys involved and integrated.  Lavin and Dunlap do a great job getting the team integrated over the course of the season and playing their best ball as the season progresses. 

i don't know.  i think barring injury or foul trouble, harrison needs to be on the court 35 minutes a game.  ultimately, pt is awarded based upon competition.  but, as of this moment, how much pt, if any, do you really see for this kid next year.  especially when branch comes on board.  felix would have to compete with green and wood for precious few minutes.  having said that, i hope this kid works his ass off and earns his share.


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They aren't taught defense in AAU ball nor do they really commit to it for the most part.

In general such a true statement and yet it is the AAU circut where these kids today are mostly closely evaluated.

Part of the major change in recruiting the past 40 years.  Was a time kids were evaled and offered based on their skills and what they'd ACCOMPLISHED in high school.   Nowadays, it's all about the almighty "potential" and "athleticism".  How fast can a kid run up and down the court, how fast can he change direction, how high can he jump for a dunk.  Hey, we can PROJECT how he can be defensively down the road, after he's "coached up".

To me it's one of the conundrums of college hoops.  I mean, it makes sense to me for the pros (basing decisions on potential), where you can almost literally have 1 on 1 coaching 24 hours  day.   But with the limited time the NCAA actually allows for coaching of kids in college, you'd think there would be a higher premium on kids who arrive in already KNOWING how to play defense, who already have high skill levels - even if their "potential" down the road isn't as high as it is for some high-flying Manolete....


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They aren't taught defense in AAU ball nor do they really commit to it for the most part.

In general such a true statement and yet it is the AAU circut where these kids today are mostly closely evaluated.

Part of the major change in recruiting the past 40 years.  Was a time kids were evaled and offered based on their skills and what they'd ACCOMPLISHED in high school.   Nowadays, it's all about the almighty "potential" and "athleticism".  How fast can a kid run up and down the court, how fast can he change direction, how high can he jump for a dunk.  Hey, we can PROJECT how he can be defensively down the road, after he's "coached up".

To me it's one of the conundrums of college hoops.  I mean, it makes sense to me for the pros (basing decisions on potential), where you can almost literally have 1 on 1 coaching 24 hours  day.   But with the limited time the NCAA actually allows for coaching of kids in college, you'd think there would be a higher premium on kids who arrive in already KNOWING how to play defense, who already have high skill levels - even if their "potential" down the road isn't as high as it is for some high-flying Manolete....

I agree with you that too often nowadays we're evaluating an athlete based on his vertical, his 40 time, etc  rather than on sport-specific abilities. 
But if you can accept why the NBA would use those factors, why wouldn't that apply to the HS-college transition ?   If anything, I think a kid would develop or learn more skills, be it from coaching or just experience, from HS-College more so than from college to the nba.   But that's just my perception.  I think going to college forces kids to develop skills.   Whether they have 24/7 coaching or not.   Who needs to play defense, or have legit post-up moves when, if you're 6'6, you have a distinct height advantage over most of your opponents in HS.

Then you show up as a freshmen and realize everybody is as big as you, or bigger.  I'm sure it happens in AAU as well, but I just think the transition from HS-college forces kids to learn skills; a left hand, a post up move, a soft floater  ... I  think kids get by without some skills until necessity forces them to learn them.   So, in some regards it makes sense to say, "this is what a guy will look like when he learns to play defense".   For example. 

Heres full video one of the Felix/Obekpa games I saw last week. You might as well just watch the first half but you get to see each of their strengths:

"When excuses become your reason for losing then it is time to find the nearest mirror." -Mike Dunlap

Which number is Felix? Obekpa?


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Which number is Felix? Obekpa?

Felix is 10 on black.
And the Cincy bound center is 12.

Well maybe Cincy bar fighting might change things one can hope.
Remember who broke the Slice news


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Which number is Felix? Obekpa?

Felix is 10 on black.
And the Cincy bound center is 12.

Well maybe Cincy bar fighting might change things one can hope.

What bar fight?


  • *****
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Which number is Felix? Obekpa?

Felix is 10 on black.
And the Cincy bound center is 12.

Well maybe Cincy bar fighting might change things one can hope.

Cronin is taking a hard line on the bar fight, suggesting bouncers receive a life time ban and Bearcats involved do an hour of community service at a brewery!


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Which number is Felix? Obekpa?

Felix is 10 on black.
And the Cincy bound center is 12.

Well maybe Cincy bar fighting might change things one can hope.

What bar fight?

Check the college sports forum.
Remember who broke the Slice news


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Obekpa looks like a shot blocking virtuoso in this video.   He didn't seem to attack the boards that much for rebounds, but I guess that can be coached up.   Felix looked really explosive going to the rim.  If he improves his jump shot, sky's the limit!

Obekpa looks like a shot blocking virtuoso in this video.   He didn't seem to attack the boards that much for rebounds, but I guess that can be coached up.   Felix looked really explosive going to the rim.  If he improves his jump shot, sky's the limit!

Yea as I said about Obekpa in my write-up, the fact that he goes all out for the block so much (and is successful at getting a shot block/altered a high percentage of the time) can sometimes leave him out of position for a rebound.  I also saw him drop a few balls that day.
"When excuses become your reason for losing then it is time to find the nearest mirror." -Mike Dunlap


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Obekpa looks like a shot blocking virtuoso in this video.   He didn't seem to attack the boards that much for rebounds, but I guess that can be coached up.   Felix looked really explosive going to the rim.  If he improves his jump shot, sky's the limit!

Yea as I said about Obekpa in my write-up, the fact that he goes all out for the block so much (and is successful at getting a shot block/altered a high percentage of the time) can sometimes leave him out of position for a rebound.  I also saw him drop a few balls that day.

BTW, thanks for the video link and the analysis!  Always great to see real game footage, as opposed to a highlight video, to gain a sense of a player's strenghts and weaknesses.


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Obekpa looks like a shot blocking virtuoso in this video.   He didn't seem to attack the boards that much for rebounds, but I guess that can be coached up.   Felix looked really explosive going to the rim.  If he improves his jump shot, sky's the limit!

Yea as I said about Obekpa in my write-up, the fact that he goes all out for the block so much (and is successful at getting a shot block/altered a high percentage of the time) can sometimes leave him out of position for a rebound.  I also saw him drop a few balls that day.

BTW, thanks for the video link and the analysis!  Always great to see real game footage, as opposed to a highlight video, to gain a sense of a player's strenghts and weaknesses.

Basketball Diary who provides all of these on YouTube is awesome.  A must follow.
Remember who broke the Slice news


  • *****
  • 1648
Obekpa looks like a shot blocking virtuoso in this video.   He didn't seem to attack the boards that much for rebounds, but I guess that can be coached up.   Felix looked really explosive going to the rim.  If he improves his jump shot, sky's the limit!

Yea as I said about Obekpa in my write-up, the fact that he goes all out for the block so much (and is successful at getting a shot block/altered a high percentage of the time) can sometimes leave him out of position for a rebound.  I also saw him drop a few balls that day.

BTW, thanks for the video link and the analysis!  Always great to see real game footage, as opposed to a highlight video, to gain a sense of a player's strenghts and weaknesses.

Basketball Diary who provides all of these on YouTube is awesome.  A must follow.

Great site! Thanks Moose.

Felix will be our best athlete. And that is really saying something. Opekba looked better in that video from what I saw. Didn't look like the stiffest comp however.
*wipes ketchup from his eyes* - I guess Heinz sight isn’t 20/20.