he's fast. nice agility for his height.
I'm ready to see some of his games where he gets more burn. Not sure why he only played a few minutes in this one.
Pro City is four 12 minute quarters. So he played 40% of the game. Its summer ball and the teams are pretty deep. With a lot of older more experienced players as well. 40% of the game is fine IMO.
That team plays at Pro City all summer. Its free and a great time. I went last night and had an awesome time. How many times can you go for free and see Kyrie Irving, Charlie V, Yadda Gaines, Burrell, Horne and then some old names that might ring a bell like Delroy James (URI), Vern Goodridge, Gary Ervin, Will Harris all in one game. Plus Kiki Clark in the first game absolutely light it up like he was at St. Peter's all over again. And Devin Ebanks.